LbN: Written for JustforKicks403.

Dani and Santana lay in the dark, not talking, but in the most comfortable silence either of them had ever experienced. It was a comfortable silence that both of them were becoming accustomed to.

Santana kissed Dani's hip, and then up her side until she was snuggled against the younger girl's neck. "Hey you."

"Hey yourself."

That was all that was said for another few minutes. Santana began tracing the outlines of Dani's tattoos.

"I'm thinking of getting another one," Dani whispered.

"Yeah? What are you going to get?" Santana asked.

"No idea."

"I think I might want to get one too."

Dani sat up and leaned over Santana, giving her a big grin. "We should go together."

"If I agree, can I pick your tattoo?"

"Are you going to pick something ridiculous like a garden gnome weilding a chainsaw?"

"Of course not. I mean, if you were Rachel or Kurt, yeah…."

Dani laughed and poked her in the side. "You're impossible. You can pick mine if I can pick yours."


"It's perfect!"

James the Tattoo Guy stood there, smiling at the exchange taking place. "She could've picked what the last guy got," he grunted.

"What was that?" Dani asked, sitting backwards in the chair and putting her hair up.

"An octopus in an admiral's hat."

Santana's eyes lit up.

"NO!" Dani said. "I'll get the flaming paintbrush, thanks."

"So what's your lady in for today?" James asked after he'd transferred the print to Dani's left shoulder.

"I have the picture in my pocket," Dani said. "I'm not telling her."

"That's not fair," Santana whined. "I told you what you were getting."

"And I told you that yours will be something you adore."

"If you're having him tattoo a plate of breadsticks onto me…."

James let out a bark of laughter as he got his tools ready. "Don't worry. You get to look when I transfer the print, so you know what it is and if you like the placement."

Dani's tattoo didn't take too long, and before she knew it, Santana was in the chair. She was getting hers on her leg, and felt a huge sense of relief when James looked at her picture and gave a nod of approval. When she finally saw it, her face split into a grin.

"Good?" James asked.

"Badass! Let's do it!"

Rachel and Kurt got back from their spa day to find Dani and Santana lounging on the couch. Santana had her legs up in Dani's lap. Rachel was first to notice the new edition.

"Is that real?" she squeaked.

"Yep!" Santana said proudly.

Kurt tilted his head for a better look. "How… HOW did you figure out how to spell SNIXX with a bar of music notes?