Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Assassin's creed in any way

He whispered his last words towards the figure running towards him before eternal darkness swallowed him up. "I'm sooo s-sorryyy, s-safety and p-peace, brother…."

Chapter 4

Malik POV

Malik didn't know why,but he felt bad, really bad, his gut churning and twisting. The moment Al Mualim's minions collapsed, he knew Altaïr had succeeded, but why didn't he feel victorious? He started running at top speed to where he thought Altaïr was. In the distance he heard screaming and saw a figure collapsing, his heart sunk when he recognized the voice. "ALTAÏR!"

When he wanted to start running again, he felt a throbbing pain in his stump. Confused he watched his stump growing. The pain became excruciating but eventually stopped. Shocked he looked where his stump was seconds ago. He felt his tears growing in his eyes, how was this possible?! Somehow his arm was back! He didn't know if he needed to sob like a little child or be scared shitless. Suddenly he remembered the scream. "Oh no! Altaïr!"

Just when he wanted to start running again he was blinded by a fierce light. "What is happening?! What's with all the interruptions?!"

Panting and sweating he arrived in the garden. He paled when the light faded. There...where the light grew to the size of a firefly stood his brother, Kadar! Next to...Altaïr?! "Brother!? Altaïr!" he yelled.

"Malik!" Kadar sobbed. Kadar was holding the bleeding body of Altaïr in his arms. His skin had grown translucent and lips had turned blue. "I-if!", Kadar choked, "if only I wasn't so useless in Solomon's Temple! Then this wouldn't have happened!" Malik choked on his words "YOU NOVICE! HOW?! What happened?!" he cried.


The apple long forgotten started to glow again. A woman appeared before them, "My children, his wish was to bring both your arm and brother back, do not be saddened my children for he now rest in peace."

Malik wanted to yell that he was saddened! Even though he got both brother and arm back, he just had lost his best friend.

"you novice! What did you do!?" Malik cried. "Altaïr wished for a painful death, which you once wished upon him." the woman said sadly. "
"He did what?!"Malik screamed. "His wish was to bring your arm and brother back, but in order to fullfill that, he wanted to sacrifice himself"

Malik desperately looked at her, "What I wished for?! *flashback* I WANT YOU TO DIE ALL ALONE AND IN PAIN JUST LIKE MY BROTHER.*end flashback*
No! I didn't mean any of that! Why would he..." Malik lowered his voice, "Did he suffer?"

"He had long lost the will to live. After remembering the deeds he had done in the past, he wished for a painful death."

"Bring him back!" cried Kadar. "I can only grant wishes for those whom have been chosen. You were never meant to even see me." Malik stared at Altaïr. Seeing Altair's bruised and bloody corps made the brothers cry. He never wished his friend to die like this! He took Altaïr's body from his brother's arms and gently laid him on the ground. "Look Kadar. Our brother has finally found happiness", he tearfully looked at the smile which was found on Altaïr's face.

Malik chuckled, "You really are a stubborn bastard, never leaving your pride and promises. Rest well novi—no…Eagle of Masyaf."

That day the apple had disappeared. No one knew where it had gone to or what secrets it held, but Malik knew it was for the best. He knew this was what Altair had planned all along.


—5 years later—

Malik had become the grandmaster of Masyaf and Kadar a master assassin. Together they had rebuilt the creed. It was hard work but he became used of it.

The war between the Templars and the assassin's had submitted. So he had to spend his time on other things, for the land which finally had found peace.

Meanwhile in the Grandmaster's room Malik was filing some documents, when he suddenly heard a tapping noise. He spun around, but didn't see anything. He slowly went to the window to open it. Finding nothing he went back to his desk, when suddenly the tapping was back again. His sixth sense told him there was no danger, but what the hell? Just as he was heading back to the window a huge bird flew inside and landed on his desk. A huge proud looking eagle looked at him with his fierce golden eyes. Both kept watching each other without uttering a sound or make move. Malik then noticed the crack at the right side of the eagle's beak and smirked, "It's you isn't it?"


Well that's all folks! Thanks for reading. I apologize for the grammatical & spelling mistakes in this fanfiction!