So this is my first try at writing a fanfic for 'Arrow'... hopefully it will be an okay first chapter.

I don't remember much about the accident, it's all a little blurry. It's like my mind doesn't want to focus on all the little details, because now that its happened, it doesn't matter any more. All that matters is the result, not the cause. Nobody truly cares about how it happened, only about the results and how it would effect them. Everyone else is dead. And I am alone.

I don't know how I got into the camp. I remember being on a bit of the floating ship, I had grabbed it after falling into the water and making it the surface. I had watched at the boat, the Queens Gambit, had sunk below the water, calling for my mom. I was holding a water bottle, which I had before we began to sank. I don't know why I kept hold of it, or how. I was laying on the plastic, I had taken the last few drops of water into my mouth and I knew, this was probably it. After days of floating, only a few mouthfuls of water a day, I was going to die.

I passed out a few hours later, dehydration taking over. When I woke up, I was tucked up under a blanket, much warmer than I had been. Opening my eyes, I saw the roof of a dark green tent. I had pushed myself up, looking around me. There were only three other things in the room. A wooden crate beside the bed with a plate of food next to it and a glass of water. A piece of dried bread, two slices of cheese and an apple which was beginning to go soft all sat on the small, silver plate. As soon as I saw the food, it was in my hands and travelling into my stomach, the glass of water beside the plate soon gone too.

It was one of the most unpleasant meals I had eaten as far as I could remember at the time. But then, after days of starving, it also tasted like heaven. I don't know how it did that, tasting brilliant and disgusting all at once. I suppose it doesn't matter really. A starving girl should be grateful for what she was given, not make nasty comments about what she received.

As soon as the food and water was gone, I wanted more. I tried to climb from the camping bed, throwing the blanket back. When I stood up though, my legs wobbled slightly before I gained my footing properly. I groaned, setting myself back onto the little bed and rubbing my calves.

"That what happens when you haven't been walking in days" someone said, their distinct British accent ringing clear.

I look up at the blue eyed man as he walked into the tent. "Who are you?" I asked, my throat scratchy. "Where am I?"

"My name is Edward Fyers, my dear" he replied, walking closer. "And this is Lian Yu... Purgatory."

"But... Purgatory is where monsters go when they die... it's their hell" I said, confused.

"Yes, I know" Edward Fyers nods. "What's your name?"

"Anabelle. Anabelle Lincoln" I tell him.

"Was there anyone else with you Miss Lincoln, how did you get here?" he interrogated.

"I was on a boat...but there was a storm and it sank. I don't know what happened to the mom... I... I think my mom is dead..." I replied.

"Thank you Miss Lincoln, that's all I needed to know" Fyers said before looking over his shoulder. "Boys! Wintergreen!"

I sat confused at two people in black masks rushed in, moving to stand beside me. They each took a hold of my arms, one on each side, holding me still. It wasn't until another man, a bigger man, walked in that I understood. They're going to kill me. But if so, why feed me? Why give me water?

I looked at the man, hoping that if he saw that I was just a scared, fourteen year old girl, that he wouldn't hurt me. Even though his black and orange mask, the colors split right down the middle, was scary...his eyes were terrifying. There was no pity there or unwillingness. He was prepared to kill me, there would be no remorse.

Back at home, dad was always scared that something like this would happen to one of his 'precious angels'. We lived in a city of crime, where people were killed on the streets no matter their age. My sisters and I were enrolled into a small self-defence class when we were little. They taught us just enough so that we could fight them off and then run away.

I hadn't seen the point in going, thinking that I would never be put into a dangerous position. Dad had insisted on my attendance though and so I obliged. Looking at this man, Wintergreen, I'm glad my dad forced me to attend. I know my pathetic 'moves' would do no good but at least I could die saying I tried to survive. That would make dad proud, if he ever knew about this.

Wintergreen had weapons on his belt but he didn't reach for them. It seemed like he was going to kill me with his bare hands; strangulation or the breaking of my neck? I suppose it doesn't matter at the minute. Either way, he would kill me, who cares how I go out any more?

As he came closer, I tried to move backwards, away from him. The two soldiers held me in place though, keeping me ready for my death. Do they have no remorse either? They were just going to let this man kill a fourteen year old? Wow, the world really wasn't a very nice place any more. I was wrong about the sun shining everywhere.

I had to time it just right though. I wanted to at least give him a tingle of pain before I died. So when he was standing just in front of me, reaching for my neck, I threw my leg up between him, hitting his family jewels. I quickly pull my leg back, kicking into his abdomen while trying to pull my arms free.

The two soldiers seem to struggle a little with holding me but Wintergreen didn't seem to even move. He just stood there, ever after I kicked him where guys are meant to feel extreme pain. How could he not feel that, how could he not be on the ground and crying for his mama?

"Hold on, Wintergreen" Fyers said, just as Wintergreen reached out for me again. "It seems we have a fighter on our hands."
"Oh, just let me get to you. If I'm gonna die, I want you to feel some pain first!" I hissed.

"Hm" Fyers nodded. "You could be very entertaining. I have to admit, watching a girl try to fight is amusing, I think watching a child would be very entertaining."

Fyers moved to stand just behind Wintergreen, his eyes focused on me. I glared at him as he studied me. That was the first time I ever really glared at anyone before. He was worth my first glare though, he was defiantly worth it. He turned his head, tapping his chin in thought.

"We don't have much entertainment on this island, Miss Lincoln. Are you willing to provide entertainment in reward for staying alive?" Fyers asked.

I slowly nod, hoping I wouldn't regret it.

"Good. Wintergreen will train you. In six weeks time, you'll have your first match" Fyers said. "I'll find you a suitable soldier to fight against, Miss Lincoln, don't worry. Though, as a reason to try hard, remember, the match is to the death. Come on boys, Wintergreen."

I was dropped to the floor as the four men left the tent, my eyes filled with horror following them. A fight to the death?! I couldn't even kick a guy in their lower zone properly! And I couldn't kill someone, I cried when my bunny died last autumn. I was a small, 5'3, 100lb girl. I had no chance against a fully grown, trained, solider.

I was still going to die... only I knew the date now, I had time to accept my death and prepare. I would be dead in six weeks time. I had that amount of time to figure out a way to escape.

I know the doctors and police are a little unsure of me. They've tried to get me to talk to them, tell them little things. Like my scars, my tattoos, my burns – how did I get them? The large cut on my hip which is healing, does it hurt? What about the date, you I know what year it may be? Do I know how the boat went missing? How did I survive?

My answers to the questions were simple. 'its none of your business, its my body', 'only a little, what do you expect?', 'I was gone five years, you do the Math', 'it sank' and 'I found some sea turtles and strapped them together using the hair on my back, sailing them to shore'. I know, it's not very mature of me but they shouldn't be asking all of these questions.

"I want Ollie" I say as a nurse comes in.

She looks up from her clipboard, looking at me for a moment. "He with his mother, Miss Lincoln..."

"But he's too far away" I tell her. "He needs to be closer."

The nurse looks at me for a moment longer before turning, leaving my hospital room.

Oliver understands everything, he knows the answers to all the questions asked by the police and doctors – the real answers. After five years on the same island together, in the same hell, we knew about each other's past experiences.

After spending years by Oliver's side, being away from him now is hard. We had slept curled together for warmth, we had hunted for food together, we had protected each other from anything that had means to harm us. But we had been separated as soon as we had entered the hospital, hours ago. I could tell the time on the island using the sun, but I can't do that now because of the bright city lights.

There's a knock on the door and I turn to look as it opens. A tall woman walks in, her dark blonde hair piled on top of her head in some sort of bun. She closes the door behind her before walking closer, her heels clicking along the floor. I study her for a moment. Green eyes, pale skin. She wears a dark pink business suit, smoothing her skirt as she sits in the visitor's seat.

"Aunt Valerie?" I ask. She smiles a little, nodding. "Where's dad? Where's Ollie? I asked for Ollie..."

"Oh, Anabelle, honey, your father...your father has gone away for a while" Aunt Valerie says, pausing at the mention of my dad.

I look at her eyes, tilting my head. Her eyes stay connected to mine for a second before shifting away. "He's dead. What about Amelia and Phoebe?"

"They live with me now" she nods.

"And where's Ollie? I haven't seen him yet" I tell her, beginning to feel stressed. "Is something wrong with him?"

"No, no, nothing is wrong with Mister Queen. He's just talking to his mother" she rushes to assure me. "I spoke to a nurse before I came in, she said you'll be able to see him soon. Supposedly he is also uncomfortable with your...separation..."

"I doesn't feel right" I agree.

"Anabelle...your father-" Valerie begins, moving to cover my hand with her own.

"It doesn't matter, he's dead" I draw my hand away. "nothing can be done, nothing should be worried over."

"It's okay to mourn, darling, you won't be judged for crying" she assures me.

"I have mourned. On that island, I mourned the loss of my family" I tell her.

I turn my head away from her, effectively ending the conversation. My dad is dead, probably had been for a while. I feel a little sad, but it really is just conformation. Coming back here, its like I expected all of my family to be gone. On the island, I had cried for weeks, I had never been away from home without a family member before; I didn't like sleepovers. Finally, I grew stronger, accepting the fact that I may never see them again.

I hope that Valerie, in some weird way, could understand what I said. I'm not trying to be cold about his death. It's not like I'm not going to miss him, that I'm just going to go on as if he never existed. It's just that I accepted long ago that I would never see my daddy again.

"Anabelle, I don't think it would be such a good idea for you to see Mister Queen again" Valerie says hesitantly. "Maybe you should spend some time apart."
"You don't understand, I need to know that he's okay" I shake my head.

"I'm telling you, he is fine" she tells me.

"People lie, Aunt Valerie, it's what people do. I will only accept it as the truth, when I see it with my own eyes" I tell her. "Ollie's room is next door, I'll go knock."
"Anabelle, no!" Aunt Valerie raises her voice.

When I stand up from bed, throwing the heavy blanket away, Aunt Valerie grabs my arm. Her touch is different, not what my body is used to and so my body acts on instinct. Using the arm that she has a hold off, I lift my arm and break her hold. While doing so, my left arm crosses over my body and grabs her by the waist, pulling her into a position similar to a dip in a ball room dance. Only this is the dance of death. I have to look slightly over my shoulder to look at her face, my hand is positioned on her back that with one right move, her back would break and she would die.

Looking over my shoulder slightly though, see that it is Aunt Valerie, terrified, shakes me out it. I'm not on the island any more. Valerie isn't trying to kill me, she doesn't know how to kill me. I blink for a moment before slowly letting her up, removing my hands from her waist.

"What happened to you on that island?!" Valerie asked, backing away from me with a horrified look.

"I died" I simply reply before turning and walking from the room.

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