POV: Zack

"So you were the one who saved me last night," She said as her voice quivered a bit.

"Yeah I was," I told her not willing to lie to her anymore.

I was ready for almost anything but what came next was something I didn't expect to happen. Before I could even try to process what was going on I felt a soft pair of lips on my cheek. The kiss was almost instantaneous, but it felt as though time itself stood still.

As she pulled back I could still feel the lingering effects of her kiss.

"Thank you" was all I heard from as I saw her leave. Her hood fell off reveling her long silver hair as she ran off. All I could do was just stand there and watch her leave with her beautiful hair flowing in the wind as she ran.

I wanted to go after her to ask her why she did what she did, but I was stopped by an announcement from the intercoms.

"Would Zack Noland please report to the principal's office immediately."

I quietly cursed as I heard my name on the announcement, 'I bet I know what it's about, so Mr. Arrogant had the guts to rat me out well then let's get it over with," I thought to myself, forgetting of the events that just occurred.

Arriving at the principal's office I saw Mr. Hobbes with a stern look on his face, "So I hear you beat the captain of the boxing team pretty bad. Care to enlighten me with details?"

"Yeah it was me," I said as I leaned back onto the chair already bored with this conversation. "But like I've said before if they start something I will finish it, and I did just that."

"So you've told me, but I also heard that you did it in order to help someone, is that right?" he asked with a puzzled look in his face.

"Yeah, so what? I wasn't going to stand by and see someone get hurt, and frankly the idiot had it coming to him," I retorted.

"I see, Jackie did mention you had noble heart but that you also tend to jump the gun most of the time without thinking about the consequences nor your own safety," Mr. Hobbes said with some muse. "Anyways after reviewing the details on the event I'm letting you with a warning and with that you can go back to class."

"Thanks Mr. Hobbes," I said as he guided me out his office.

The rest of the day went by and soon 6th period rolled in, but my mind was still on what the hell just happened not too long ago. I guess I was in such a trance that someone came in and pulled me out of my stupor.

"Hey, new kid are you ok," Said an unfamiliar voice.

"Oh… what… yeah I'm good dude."

"You've been spacing out the entire time, not to mention class was over 30 minutes ago and your still here."

I looked around me and I saw what he said was true, not even the teacher was in the classroom. "Damn I got too caught up in my thoughts," I said as I saw who was talking to me. As I took a good look at him I was surprised by his outward appearance. He was a Lucario-morph with a Pierce the Veil band shirt and black jeans, but that wasn't what surprised me. He had golden fur instead of blue and black fur color he had golden and dark blue fur color. Not to mention the usual red eyes Lucario is associated with was purple.

"Yeah I get that look a lot because of my fur," he said as he saw my surprised look.

"Sorry, but its rare to see a shiny Pokémon let alone a shiny morph," I replied. "My name is Zack, and thanks for letting me know that the bell rang."

"Don't mention it, the names Alex," he said. "But yeah my fur is almost always getting me into trouble. Speaking of trouble, you seem to have your fair share, I bet," he said with a curious tone.

"I'm guessing news of my actions already started to spread throughout the school," I said with a sad sigh.

"What did you expect you beat the the reigning boxing champion in our school like it was child's play. I bet there is no one at the school who hasn't heard of this," Alex mentioned with awe in his voice.

"Damn this day is getting better and better," I said sarcastically while groaning. "All I wanted was peace and quite, but this totally killed all those chances,"

"Sorry to hear that though, but in all honesty what you did was something great," he replied watching as I almost started to hit my head on the desk.

With a weird look I turned to him and said, "Please do enlighten me on how it seemed that way."

"Well from what I saw you did it to save that girl, seeing as Dan was being a complete asshole to her. Most people would just let it happened and walk away quickly, but you stood up for her and fought Dan off. I think that changed a lot of how people now act."

Hearing him talk about her made me think about what happened after the confrontation with Dan, but as I heard Alex mention that my actions caused such a great change in people surprised me. "Well if you put it that way then your probably right."

"Well it was great talking to you Zack and welcome to Lumiose High school. We should hangout sometime dude," he said as he made his way to the door.

"Thanks and yeah we should, troublemakers have to stick together," I said jokingly. Alone in the room I gathered all my stuff and began my journey home.

POV: Sophia

'I kissed him. Why did I do that?' I thought as I ran, not bothering to look where I was going, I just ran with a flustered face thinking what caused my sudden action and why. As I was pondering these questions I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I stopped dead on my tracks and I saw my best friend Karen running towards me.

"Hey are you ok I saw you running and why is your face red," she said with worry in her voice. I couldn't bring myself to tell her all that happened recently so I fell on my knees and began to cry.

"What's the matter Sophie, you know you can tell me anything right," she said as she knelt down next to me. I looked up with water streaks running down my face and nodded. "Good, now let me take you to the nurse's office and we'll talk there ok." Again all I could do was nod and cry, this whole day I've felt so vulnerable.

When we reached the nurse's office, Karen had me sit down on one of the beds and she pulled a chair in front of me and sat down. "So tell me what happened and don't leave anything out," she said with a caring tone. I tried to compose myself so that I can begin my story but every time I open my mouth all that came out was a small squeak. Suddenly I felt a warm hand grab me and I looked over at Karen as she gave me a small yet caring smile. With that small action I spilled everything to her from leaving the party, because Dan tried taking advantage of me, to the terrifying gang that tired to attack and how a pair of crimson red eyes saved me from harm and the attraction I felt toward him. I also told her about the recent events that unfolded where Dan tried forcing himself on me and how yet again the same pair of eyes saved me and how I knew it was the same person who saved me before, I told her how he made me feel as he took my hand and guided me to a lone tree where it was so peaceful and how I was bold enough to give him a kiss and then fled. I don't know for how long I talked but I talked more than I'd ever done before in life, and when I was done tears came running down again. A pair of arms pull me and embraced me into a hug.

"Its, ok Sophie I promise everything is going be fine," Karen said in a motherly tone. "Now on to the juicy details on how shy little Sophie overcame her shyness and kissed the guy who stole her heart." My face was red from embarrassment. I quickly turned my head away and to the floor.

"Don't be shy. You clearly weren't when you kissed him. I wonder how deep the kiss was?" Karen mused.

"It was a simply kiss on the cheek!" I corrected, growing redder from the embarrassment.

"Oh? So it wasn't one filled with passion, followed by screams of ecstasy, begging for them to go faster and harder, right before you cry his name to the heavens?" Karen continued. The information was too much for me to bare that I just passed out on the bed. "I guess I went a little overboard, but I wonder how this love story will play out," she said with a smile on her face, happy that her friend has finally found someone.