"One cup of coffee, two sugars and one cream, made piping hot for the young lady in red." Diggle grinned as he leaned down and placed it on Felicity's desk.

"Ohh, God, Digg, you're a life saver." The blonde let out a groan of delight as the drink slid down her throat. She smiled up at him before nodding over towards the office on her left. "You might want to be careful, Ms. Rochev was here earlier, and lemme tell you, she did not leave with Pleased Face on."

Digg glanced through glass walls and grimaced when he caught sight of Oliver's glower. "Well in that case," he reached over and swiped the coffee from under her nose, ignoring her whimper of protest, "it's a good thing you two drink the same type of coffee." He winked in reply to her look of outrage, before stepping towards Oliver's office, throwing a careless, "I'll get you a new one later, Felicity, cool your jets," over his shoulder.

Oliver glanced up at the sound of Digg's voice and accepted the proffered coffee cup with as much of a smile of gratitude that he could muster. "Thank you. What's Felicity up to now?" He took a sip, glad to find it made exactly the way he liked it.

Digg shook his head quickly. "Don't worry about it. I owe her a favor. You just drink your coffee and continue worrying about whatever it was that you did to Isabel and how that might affect the company."

"You really know how to cheer a guy up, Digg," Oliver replied, a wry edge to his voice.

"I've been told it's one of my finest qualities," the older man quipped in return. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a debt to repay."

Oliver nodded absently, raising the cup back to his lips as he went back to staring out the windows into the streets below. As he moved it, a flash of pink caught his eye and he pulled back, glancing down at the outline of a fuchsia-colored lip on the rim of the cup. He furrowed his brow and turned back to Digg. "Why is there a pink lipstick stain on my coffee cup?"

Digg smirked in response. "Why don't you ask Felicity?"

A/N: Eh, just thought I'd try it out. I know this fandom is chock-full of drabbles, but eh, I figure what the hey, right?

PS: I don't own the characters. I wish I did. God, I wish I did. But I don't. *Sighs*
