"Swan!" Killian yelled, arriving at the gated road that led up to the house. Up the road, the manor's lights flashed violently from within. "Swan…" She was in that old house, about to walk into the Gold's trap. Not if he could help it. He'd make it in time. He had to.

"Watch you step, Captain, the terrain's a little rough 'round here," said an all too familiar voice. Rumpelstiltskin emerged from the shadows, a quiet smile on his face as if he was enjoying a midnight stroll. Killian growled, his suspicions confirmed, and stalked toward the deal maker.

"Get out of my way, Crocodile." Killian snarled dangerously, raising his hook. "I'll die fighting before I let you use that bloody hat on Emma." He knew he'd never win in a fair fight with the Dark One, if such a thing even existed, but Emma needed him. He was not going to let her down. Not again.

Killian was flying through the air before he even realized Gold had flicked his hand. Crashing hard into the metal gate, he felt his mortal body crumple forward in pain and he gasped for the air lost from his lungs. Though the back of his head was pounding, he pushed himself up, his will and love for Emma driving him to go on. But the courageous effort was stopped when something metal slunk around his waist.

Looking down, he watched in horror as the Dark One's magic bent the metal gate rungs around his waist and arms, and hook, binding him fast. No, this couldn't be happening. Not again. The old memory of his first love threatened to rise, him being tied to the mast and forced to watch her die. He shook his pounding head, clearing the swirling black dots and thoughts. Roughly pulling against the metal bonds, he looked up at Gold in confusion and hate.

"Your death can wait, pirate," Gold cooed, gently placing his deadly hands in front of himself. "How about, before you depart, I treat you to a front row seat and we can watch Emma use that hat on herself."

"No!" Killian yelled, struggling harder, trying to rip his good hand free. He always knew Gold was a malicious, corrupted, power hungry villain, but he couldn't understand why the croc was doing this. Why would he want to hurt Emma? It was his worst fear come true.

"Oh, and in case you were counting on Emma getting you message, don't." Gold added with a sardonic smile, pulling out Swan's talking phone from his coat. "I'm not one for loose ends." In a puff of dark red smoke, the talking phone vanished into the night air.

"No." Killian breathed helplessly, having no idea what to do. He solved all of his problems by fighting, but now that he was restrained he was completely useless. Frustration peaking, he began fighting against the irons harder, feeling more pathetic and weak with each lunge and pull. There was nothing he could do. He had failed, like always, and this time Emma would pay the price. But he could try to warn her. It was all he had left. "Swan!" He yelled repeatedly at the top of his lungs, "Swan!"

Rumpelstiltskin smiled hungrily, lazily striding forward. "She can't hear you, dearie. Hear all that noise she's making? But soon all of that will be gone, along with our little blonde savior. But don't worry, you'll get over her. Just like you got over Milah."

Killian ceased his struggling at the sound of his old love's name. Panting heavily, he shot a poison filled look at the Crocodile, leaning away and bearing his teeth.

"How many centuries did that take?" Gold mused. "Oh, it matters not. This might even add a little fuel to your fire." He then lowered his voice and, with the tilt of his head, added, "Don't tell me you haven't missed the taste of vengeance."

Killian fought the urge to violently lash out. He needed to use his wits, to beg if need be. This wasn't about him or his pride or his lifetime feud with the Crocodile. This is about saving Emma. "She's mother to your grandson, Gold!" Killian finally spat in disgust. "Don't do this!" He hoped with his entire being that he was wrong about the croc, that there was a little humanity still left inside him.

"I wish I didn't have to, but I need Miss Swan," Gold said with feigned regret. Killian felt his heart sink as his shred of false hope dissipated. The hungry smile returned to the croc's face as he added with a stab, "Surely you understand that?"

Killian felt something inside him snap. Lunging forward with a maddened scream, he fatuously tried to attack the Dark One. The man who killed his Milah, the man who was now trying to kill his Swan. But just as it was all the years ago, his efforts were useless. Though his shoulders strained and popped unnaturally as he tried to break free, he was not going to give up. He would not wait idly for his and Emma's deaths to come. He would die fighting for her.

"Hold now, dearie," Rumpelstiltskin said, a twinge of excitement in his voice. Procuring his gold capped cane from the air, he jabbed it hard into Killian's chest, pushing him back against the sharp fence. "You best behave yourself. I don't want my final memories of the Savior to be filled with your screams and tears, but I'll do what I must."

"You're a coward, Crocodile!" Killian spat, blue eyes sparking. "You hide behind your magic and your wife, skulking through others' lives to get what you want! You won't even risk fighting me fairly for fear of having your pride stained by a hook through your chest. Even with all your magic you're still an old, limping coward!"

Gold bared his yellow teeth and wacked the sharp edge of the cane against Killian's head. Killian grunted at the sharp blow which left a bloody sting in its wake. The black dots returned as he slumped against the fence, blinking hard and mouth agape.

Gold flicked the cane just under his chin, pushing uncomfortably against his throat. Gagging slightly, Killian let his animus eyes slide to the Crocodile's. Each heaving breath he took pushed painfully again the metal ribbings around his chest and the gold topper pressed harder into his neck. Do it, his eyes dared.

After a moment, Gold's sneer dissolved into a cold, mildly amused smile. "Now, now, dearie." He said coolly, leaning closer and forcing Killian's chin up. "Why so eager to die? Emma's going first. You've got to wait for your turn."

His head feebly dropped as Gold removed the cane, staring at the dark, wet ground, head pounding and mind swirling with subdued rage. He could do nothing but let Gold beat him or watch as Emma died do to self-fear. If she only saw what he saw when he looked at her, if she only knew how special she was, how strong and powerful. Damned Snow Queen. She was to one that caused Emma to lose control, to begin to fear herself. If he ever saw that witch again he'd be sure to put a silver hook into her frozen heart.

Gold gave him a small nod, as if they agreed he'd behave himself. He then turned away from Killian and walked a few paces towards the house, which was flashing even more violently within. Killian could make out sparks like lightening coming from the grandest window. Emma had to be in the room. She was still hadn't made up her mind.

His small flicker of hope returned at the thought. Maybe she wouldn't go through with it. He knew hurting Henry had caused her resolve to break, but maybe she was reconsidering. She had to be if it was taking this long. She was the Savior and she was needed in this town. That had to mean something to her. He prayed she would learn to love every part of herself as much as he did. If she survived this ordeal, he would die in peace.

Suddenly, the flickering and shaking of the manor stops and he felt his breath catch, not sure what such a sign could mean. His eyes wavered from window to window, searching for any indication that she was in there, that she didn't do it. "Please, Emma…" he breathed to himself.

His eyes burned as a sudden psychedelic light roared through the windows, its colorful waves washing the dark grounds in warmth. He sighed with relief, a giant smile spreading across his face. He knew the second the true love wave washed over his bruised body. Emma learned to love herself the way she was. She was still alive.

Gold had grown rigid; Killian saw the pull and tightening of his shoulders under that pretentious suit. He laughed with reprieve for her safety and the Dark One's failure.

"No…" Gold breathed, backing up slightly. After a few moments he turned toward Killian and his relieved laughs, his teeth bared and eyes hungry.

"Guess she didn't go through with it!" Killian laughed joyously, unfazed by Gold's murderous contempt. His tired body sagged against the bonds, but he couldn't help himself from celebrating. "Oh, I'm sorry," he continued, cocky smile overpowering his previously grief stricken face, "But I do love the look of a loss on your face." He tasted the victorious air, savoring the last of his life. If this was the way he was to go, in an angry lash of the Crocodile's failure, he was okay with that.

"I may not have the savior, pirate, but I assure you today won't be a complete loss." Gold said, hungry eyes intensifying and jaw clenched. "I need to fill that hat with power, yes, but that was only part of the equation. Because I need something else. The secret ingredient. One I didn't know about until an associate clued me in." A dramatic pause. "A heart."

"Well if you need my help in procuring it," Killian responded defiantly, steel creeping into his voice, "know the only help I'll give you is with your demise." He gave a futile tug on the metal binds, cold blue eyes locked on the wicked man.

"Oh you're going to help me alright." Gold growled quietly taking a dominating step forward. Killian's sarcastic smile grew wider as the man approaches, breathy laughter escaping and mouthed an 'o really'. The Crocodile had nothing over him anymore. He told Emma the truth once today and he'd gladly tell her again. He was free from the blackmail and lies.

"You see this spell," Gold continued, "it's going to separate me from the dagger so it no longer holds power over me." Killian's smile faded. How was such a thing even possible? All magic came with a price, he knew that well enough by now, so there was no way the Dark One could be unbound from his one weakness. No Dark One ever had. The cycle would be broken and Gold…Rumpelstiltskin would be immortal. For good.

"But to cast it, I need someone special." Gold continued, a toothy smile manifesting on his aged face. "Someone who knew me before the dagger. Before I was the Dark One."

Killian's jaw set in as he registered what the Crocodile saying. "Unfortunately, everyone who fits that description is already dead, but one still lives."

"No." Killian breathed heavily, panic setting in. His heart rate quickened as he realized what was about to come. A death he'd seen, and aided in, numerous times. Struggling against the bonds harder, he looked away from the approaching villain, begging his good hand to come free, though not entirely sure what use it'd be to him. He glanced up, gauging his time. "NO!" The Crocodile was almost upon him.

"Oh yes," Gold chides in voice quite unlike his own, his yellowing teeth fully revealed in a smile so wide and wicked that Killian instinctually shrunk back. "And as luck would have it, dearie, you're my oldest friend!"

Hot, blinding pain erupted through Killian's body as the Dark One rammed his hand through his leather clad chest. He cried out and gasped as he felt the scaly fingers curl around his heart, cruelly squeezing and wrenching it forward. Killian heaved, sick to his stomach, and in so much pain his cries became empty. Empty. Not since is run with Cora had his heart been held. Immediately he felt the old sense of complete subjection and powerlessness wash over him, adding to his pain and fear. He dared to look.

The Dark One's hand glowed with a soft pink light as it clutched his heart. He seemed to stare at in confusion, as if he couldn't believe he'd finally gotten his prize. Fear spiking, Killian dropped his gaze. This was it.

Death. The word seemed foreign to him. After three-hundred years of life he began to think himself above the common lifespan, even mortality itself. He had told Emma he was a survivor not even two weeks ago, and here he was about to die at the hands of the true monster in Storybrooke. What truly worried him though was not his own demise, but how Emma would handle it. He knew she could do it. She was strong. But after locking her heart away for so many years, afraid to let anyone in for fear of losing them, this was going to destroy everything he'd worked for and everything they'd built together. And no one would ever know the truth. Well, maybe eventually they'd be able to trace the source of his murder back to the Dark One, but it'd be too late by then. He'd have already subjected them all to his power. Because Killian had failed, the world was doomed. No one could beat the Dark One…no one except…


"Calling out to your girlfriend, dearie?" Gold mused, flexing his hand and sending new pulses of pain throughout Killian's body. But the man was not crushing it.

"Get on with it then," Killian taunted, unable to bear the sight of his oldest enemy holding his soul. The Crocodile was enjoying this supremacy, and that made his plight all the worse. "Just do it!"

"Oh no," Gold says with false sympathy, "I promised you we would have some fun first. You're going to do everything I say, because you're my puppet now." He shook the hand holding the glowing heart, making Killian nod his head in understanding. The bars unwound from his arms and waist and he fell forward, hitting the cold, hard ground with an audible grunt, mud filling his mouth. He struggled to get up but some other forced willed him to stay down. So he did.

"You're going to find another way to fill that hat with the power it needs. And then," Gold dramatically paused, voice adapting a hungry, seething tone, "Then I'll kill you."

His shined boot pushed into Killian's side, turning him over. Spitting the grit from his moth, he watched the Crocodile with hate and swore, "I'll find some way to stop you. You may be able to end my life, but I'll make sure you never get separated from the dagger."

"No you won't," Gold said quickly, squeezing the heart and drawing it close to his face. "Now pick yourself up, greet your Savior, and get me my hat."

His body moved as soon as the words were spoken. He felt suspended from reality, as if he was watching someone else live his life the way he watched that TV with Emma. His legs trudged on, though he tried to resist, slowing his normal stride ever so slightly.

"Oh, and dearie," Gold called from behind, "Let's keep this between us. Two old friends."