A/N: Decided to write another story that's kinda out of my comfort zone. I apologize in advance to those who may become disturbed by the stuff they read in this story.

Disclaimer: This is my story! My plot! XD. However, I don't own Naruto or any of the characters. And I'm not making any profits for writing this.

Warning: Dialect is kinda southern and very vulgar at times. Story Contains: rape, graphic violence, child labor, abusive behavior, MPreg, yaoi (boy x boy lovin), self harm, Crude language, and other stuff.

Also not BETA'D! I honestly need one XD

Still not scared? Well, Read at your own risk.

Title: 59 Nights

Rating: Rated M

Summary: Konoha is segrogated between two conflicting social groups. The Ukes and Semes. Children are labeled at birth according to societal status. Uke's are forced into submission by their superior counterparts, and any idea challenging government rule results in execution. "Stay in your lane!" But what happens when a certain blonde haired uke decides to make a change? MPreg. AU



59 Nights.




Imagine a life where you can't think for yourself; a life where someone is constantly hounding you to do this and that. You have no one to help you; no one willing to fight for your rights. But how can someone save you, when they can't fathom the strength they possess to save themselves?

The rumbling carriage rocked violently over the dirt road, hauling about 7 of us towards the Uchiha Mansion. Fuck, if I'd ever get out of this place. The gloomy sky illuminated over us, and the cumulus clouds overhead promised pouring rain. A musty odor of confined men/boys bombarded many nostrils. The back of the cart where we all were held, had been covered with a waterproof tent. Days like this made me wish I was never born. Last birthday, mama had to let me go, but I honestly can't say I'm angry with her. I was captured by the ANBU, and ripped from her arms to a place I'd never seen. Shit, never even heard of Uchiha Mansion—probably full of a bunch of stupid fuckas anyway. The guy next to me kept his head bowed, and I could hear the occasional sniffles; or I found myself simply watching his taut shoulders shake in small convulsions.

He was definitely an Uke. I allowed myself to ease drop on his little pity party, until the man across from me grabbed my once undivided attention. He growled in annoyance, making me jerk my head upward towards his dark scolding eyes. His brunette hair had been tied back in a high ponytail, and a disfigured scar adorned the bridge of his nose. His slender face and muscular forearms didn't seem fitting for his title of Uke. The man looked strong (strong enough to handle any Seme in Konoha), but I guess when he's thrown in bed with one, the bitch will come outta 'em. I couldn't help but stare awkwardly at his nose, and to be frankly honest, I had my own share of pain when they [ANBU] came barging in on my 17th birthday.

Poor sucka. By the looks of it, he took a hell of a beatin' when ANBU came to get him too.

His dark eyes narrowed languidly at the sight of me staring at him; almost as if calculating my intentions. But hell, I couldn't do much if my hands were chained to the bottom of the cart. Quirking up an eyebrow, I sized the man up slowly. Taking in account his white polo shirt and khaki shorts. "...Staring at me, isn't going to help you escape kid." I stiffened at the sound of his gruff voice. It sounded painfully hoarse, and the forced smirk upon his face made me quirk up my right eyebrow even further. To be frank, escaping had been the last thing on my mind. I'm lying, but I knew not to speak of it. I didn't trust this guy, just because he decided to speak to me—I knew the government had Ukes working undercover for them, I wasn't dumb. It's best I keep my mouth shut, or at least until I can advise a plan that garantees a safe escape. The man across from me chuckled; daring to crack a faint smile once I glared at him.

"What's so damn funny?"

"You, young buck. I can practically see the wheels turning in that head of yours." I pursed my lips, to keep from saying something I'd later regret. "...The names', Iruka. Iruka Umino." I watched the brunette reach his hand forward, but I refused to shake his hand. His outstretched palm stayed still for a few minutes, until he realized I wasn't in the cordial mood and quickly withdrew it. "Hm, I guess that's to be suspected from an Uke-"

"-The hell that's suppose to mean?!"Iruka scoffed, but kept his eyes trained on me.

"Gettin' mad and lashin' out isn't going to help you outta here. I heard them Uchihas like feisty bitches." I tensed at the thought. Being Uke didn't make me weak, and I sure as hell wasn't 'bout to be anyone's bitch.

"Hn. I'll be outta there in a week—two weeks top." The guy named Iruka laughed, eliciting my head to rumble a bit because of his annoyance. The crack of fallen twigs under the cart, and the consistent click-clack of the horse's shoes made me want to rip my hair out. Before you go complaining about Iruka's polo and shorts; or pondering on the question of: why we're in a carriage but can manage to wear designer clothes...

Semes are good to those they treasure. But we Ukes, aren't allowed to ride in cars unless accompanied by our Seme. To them, we're an infestation that only supplies the Seme population with sexual gratification; and if they luck up and get an Uke like me, babies can be conceived through intercourse. But, damn my luck right? Finding a male Uke with the rare ability to conceive is like striking a gold mine after 100 years of searching. Apparently there were only 10 cases in the entire world where this happened (I'm written down as case number 9), and they call us Jinchuriki to be fancy about it. Hopefully, these bastards at this place don't know of my condition. I mentally cringe at how hot in the pants they'd get when they find out.

Just fuck my life.

"I don't think you'll ever get outta here." I jumped at the sudden words, before sending a glare towards that Iruka guy. He was acting like an annoying older brother rather than a stranger like I intended him to do. "We're all stuck here, kid. Uchiha Mansion is the last place any Uke would want to go." He licked his slightly chapped lips, while allowing his eyes to somber with mischief. "Fugaku Uchiha isn't one to let his Ukes get away so easily."

"His?...I ain't anybody's property-"

"-Here, you ain't got much of a choice, now do ya?" I pursed my lips and gave a stiff shake of my head. "Exactly kid. I heard he's married and has two sons that live with 'em. I bet four outta the seven of us gon' get picked, if not all." I gawked at Iruka, watching a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead.

Iruka was just as afraid as I was.


"Indeed. I guess this is the life of an Uke for ya. Maybe things would have been different, had I' ve been much stronger in my youth." Iruka lowered his eyes and sighed exasperatedly.

"Strength doesn't matter. It's the power your family name possesses. My mama always told me stories of my pa, but I ain't get to know him that well. He fought in one of the wars, but I can't remember which one-"

"-Did he die?" I looked down at Iruka, but he didn't return my gaze. From the way his body tensed during my story, I knew something had to have struck him; whether it be interest or pain.

"Nah, I don't presume that he's dead. I mean, mama told me stories of how he cared for me as a baby. But one day he just vanished."

"Probably got kidnapped by the ANBU." I scoffed at his stupid retort.

"I doubt that shit. Mama always said my pops was a fighta, so I don't believe he'd let the ANBU lay their pansy fingers on 'em at all." The carriage jolted to an abrupt stop, eliciting everyone to jerk sideways. My face hit the wooden back of the seat to my left, causing the driver to yell hot demands above my head.

"You better watch yo mouth boy! I'll have you burned on the stake for trash talkin' the government, that's kind enough to let you disgusting scoundrels live!"

"Sorry sir, it won't happen again." Iruka assured him politely as he watched over me. His dark brown orbs frantically darting here and there.

"I don't belong here...I don't belong here...God! Why have you brought this on me?!" The man chained next to me mused under his breath. Drowning out the threats sent to me by the fatso driving the carriage, I stared passively at the man next to my person. Iruka did the same, and by the look he had been giving the Uke, took all of me not to laugh. "They've gotten the wrong guy!-"

"-I doubt it." Iruka finally spoke up, eliciting the guy to snap his head upward revealing a young tear-stained face. "Crying only justifies your social status-"

"-You don't understand! My grandfather is one of the counselmen for this city!" Gawking at him, made the beading sweat upon my forehead trickle down my face.

Someone of high social status is classified as Uke? That's unheard of.

"I...I thought I was Seme. My grandfather assured me that I was labeled Seme at birth!" He slouched inwardly at the memory, convulsing in his seat while covering his face with shaking hands. We watched over him, allowing the kid to wallow in unexplainable adversity. Looking at him now, made me realize his small stature and child-like appearance; which shocked me to the upmost high to say the least. His feet barely touched the floor, while the roundness of his face and large eyes adorned him. Shaggy dark brown hair rested on the top of his head, and the gleam of fear in those eyes made me want to help the boy—but what could I do? I was trapped just like him.

"How...How old are you actually?" He hesitantly removed his face from behind his hands, sniffled, and rubbed his nose vigorously with his left hand. His shackles shook against the bottom of the cart, as if reassuring us all that we could no longer determine our own life.

"I'm...I'm 11-years-old." The air grew suffocating at the sudden epiphany.

So Semes prayed on little children now? Disgusting fuckas.

"Those bastards...they're using children for sexual gratifica—"

"—Semes aren't like that." The kid retorted. Iruka glared at him, but said nothing. He looked conflicted with emotions; debating whether he should lash out or just keep quiet about his own personal ideas. "Semes don't just use Ukes for sex! Ukes are our companions. We Semes, take care of what's ours, and sex isn't the only things on our minds! We love just like you all do; and we're just as human as y'll ar—"

"—How would you know?! You've been kept in the dark for 11 fuckin' years about what you really are, and you think you know what's right!" Iruka gawked at me. Scorching heat surged through my veins at the boy's abrupt statement. I had never intended to get so riled up over something this petty, but to think Semes would ever have a soft spot in their hearts was more than complete hogwash. All 7 of us jerked towards the left, as the carriage began to make way towards Uchiha Mansion. "As far as I'm concerned, you're just as clueless about their intentions as we are. You say you know them, but your own grandfather let you get taken away—"

"—Don't...Don't you dare talk to me like you understand my life. My grandfather has a plan, and I know he'll come for me." The kid mumbled the last bit of his sentence under his breath, shooting me a quick side glare before hiding his face behind his tiny hands once more.

"Young buck..." As if knowing—better yet accepting—the horrendous nickname, my eyes subconsciously found their way towards Iruka's stern visage. "...He's just a child. You shouldn't let him get you so upset." I snorted at the statement. I didn't need him telling me what to do, let alone allow a little kid try and change my thoughts of how Semes are. It was simple. Semes were power hungry nymphomaniacs that only wanted two things from anyone they met. Power and exotic sex. No one would ever convince me differently, and I damn every last one of them to an eternal hell. The carriage rocked to and fro; silence engulfed us which I became fond of.

No matter what, I'm gonna find a way outta this—even if it kills me.