I didi update a few days ago but for some reason it didn't work so hopefully it will work this time

Enjoy :-)

Epilogue - 3 1/2 years later

Stiles POV

I wake up to the sun blaring through the blinds but I'm not use ally this cold in the mornings, I turn around to find that My heated werewolf isn't sleeping next to me. What is next to me is a piece of paper

Stiles' birthday todo list

Step one - bring him his favourite breakfast in bed
Step two - Gifts
Step Three - Watch all his favourite movies and eat his favourite snacks
Step Four - take him out for a fancy meal
Step Five - Tell him how much I love him

"What the hell?" I whispered before jumping out of bed and going downstairs. I find Derek in the kitchen covered in pancake mix, with his alpha eyes on full view.


"Morning, happy birthday sorry did I wake you up?"he asked worriedly

"No, the sun did, um what's this?" I asked showing him the piece of paper.

He took the paper before saying "This is your payback, I found your Christmas list a few years ago, now it's your turn" he smiled

"Okay so to your finally letting me get my revenge, awesome" I grinned before peaking him on the lips and going to get some coffee



"Did you even read the list?" He smirked giving the paper back

Step one - bring him his favourite breakfast in bed

"So stop trying to ruin it and get upstairs, your breakfast will be ready soon" he said smugly

"Okay, try not to make even more of a mess, I know what your like in the kitchen" I joked

He wrapped his arms around my weist and hugged me from behind " well you didn't seem to mind me making a mess last time" he whispered seductivly " in fact you were begging me to let you make a mess"

"Touché" I grinned at the memory

"And if your lucky, I'll let you make a mess in every room in the house tonight" he whispered seductivly


"I promise" he whispered before I took myself back upstairs and back into bed.

20 minutes later Derek came upstairs with blueberry pancakes with chocolate sauce and the blackest coffee you can ever make. Me and Derek demolished the pancakes and cuddled together under the covers.

"So what have I done to deserve all this?"

"Well, your 22 now and I figured its time for a little payback, plus if I can't spoil my mate who can i spoil" he grinned

"I totally agree" I joked before having a sip of coffee "so what's next on the list?"

Step two - Gifts

"From me and the pack" Derek said

I rubbed my hand over his abs "Well the birthday present I want I think should be given in privet"

"Well I would love too but I wouldn't considering the pack are at the door making noises of disgust" he grinned

I put his arms around his neck " well then let's give them a show" he smirked then I started kissing him passionately making as much noice as possible with dirty mones and grounds that I would only make in front of him. "Okay I think they've suffered enough"

"So Stiles how is the new job going?" Erica asks

"Brilliant, I have the best boss in the world, he's super nice, he makes my job very interesting and his body is amazing" I answered

"Yeah it must be nice to have Derek as your boss huh" she replied with a smirk

"Hey, I'm an English teacher in BHHS and Derek happens to be the head teacher, but oh my god you should have seen Harris' face when he found out that my boyfriend is his boss, it was priceless" I laughed

"Happy birthday buddy" Scott hugged me

"Thanks Scotty, so what's the plan for later?"

Derek went upstairs and retrieved the list and gave it to me

Step Three - Watch all his favourite movies and eat his favourite snacks

"Awesome, are we celebrating tonight?" I asked

"No but on Friday we are all going to jungle" Jackson suggested

Derek got a bunch of DVD's "So which one first?" He asked smugly

We watched four movies before the pack had to go, I asked if they wanted to go out for dinner with me and Derek tonight but they are all busy apparently. It doesn't matter there's always Friday.

Derek came down the stairs in black skinny jeans, a shirt and a blazer, I've never seen him dress so smart, he just gets hotter and hotter every day if thats possible.

"What's the occasion?" I joked

"To see you make that face" he grinned

"Very funny"

It was a very posh restaurant but it's also my favourite. It was perfect apart from the fact that Derek looked very paranoid and nervous which made me feel really nervous.

Why is he like this? Oh my god is he getting up the courage to break up with me? No he wouldn't do that. But what if he's getting bored of you? Oh shit now I'm paranoid.

"I've got to make a call, go ahead" he said. I jumped out of the car and entered the house to find candles lit everywhere.

"I love you so much" Derek whispered from behind before bringing me into a passionate kiss. "You have no idea how much I love you"

"I love you to so much, well done you competed your list" I replied

He looked confused " no I haven't"

"Yeah you have the last one was to tell me how much you loved me"

"No it wasn't that was the 5th one, I still haven't done the 6th one" he explained

"What 6th one?" I asked

"Go into the kitchen" I obeyed and saw that the candles were shaped in a heart and there was a piece of paper in the middle.

Step 6 - hope he says yes

I turned around to face Derek to see him on one knee with a ring in his hand

"Well?" He asked nervously, tears coming from his eyes.

I nodded before kissing him hard.

"Can I make a mess in every room in the house now?" I asked seductivly

"Well I did promise" he replied before kissing me again.

And he kept that promise.

Thanks so much for reading !