I decided to do a DC universe version of civil war. I got the idea from seeing how Marvel civil war went. This one is not connected with the other comics. This is something I thought up; and I'm certain many people thought of it too. This is the prologue; this will tell you how this one started. I will work on other chapters as soon as possible. Also, i think you all know this by now: The names of any politicians I have in here are made up. Not connected with our politics.

On August 17, 2014, The government has been debating on a new bill: The Superhuman Registration Act. The events that caused this event were: The recent destruction caused by the Secret Society of villains. The Justice League managed to stop their plans of destroying the different monuments in Washington DC. However, many homes were destroyed by the fighting. The second catalyst was the assassination of Senator William Jones; he was one of the politicians that introduced the Superhuman Registration act. His assailant is unknown. Third, gangs started appearing around the world. These gangs were worshipers of the many heros around the world; however, they started killing criminals and causing property damage to many businesses and homes. And Finally, the Joker's last scheme. He placed a bomb in Gotham that was set to explode. The Outsiders caught wind of this and went to stop him. As soon as they arrived, the Joker had hostages with him. As valiant as the fought, the hostages were killed. The bomb that the Joker had was set off for some unknown reason. The explosion killed the Joker, Katana, Geo-Force, and Halo. The blast destroyed half of downtown Gotham.

After these events, the American people wanted the registration act to go through. The act was passed with the help of Senator James "HawkStorm" Fredericks, a retired general. He went to see Superman and get his support for this. Superman, reluctant at first, decided to side with him. Batman, on the other hand, went into hiding after the bill was passed. He announced that he and his allies were going to fight the registration movement. This split the superhero community in half, some sided with Superman, while other sided with Batman. Who's side are you on?