The dragon heard footsteps behind him, scuffing the dirt, and he turned towards the sound slowly, staring at the intruder.

Astrid stood there, something black held in her arms with a bit of paper poking out of it. He really didn't care what it was, it wasn't important. Unless it was Hiccup, but he doubted that

He was about to turn back around to stare at the water again when the teacher cleared her throat, gaining the dragon's attention once again. He turned towards her, hoping she would get the memo he wanted to be alone.

The woman stepped forward, slowly holding out the black object. He watched it impassively, a little curious. He slowly turned, getting up from his sitting position. Approaching it warily, he sniffed at it, trying to figure out what it was and why it was so important.

He detected the smell of leather, a hint of iron, and the smell of-


"It's a tail." Astrid explained quietly, obviously not very comfortable, "He made it so you could fly again."

Toothless didn't know what to think of that, and Astrid slowly approached him, going towards his tail.

He didn't move, he didn't want to. Hiccup had made this for him so he could gain his freedom again. He had heard of it, and it was real.

He had killed himself making it, the dragon caused his death, it must have been it. He wasn't excited anymore. He just wanted his rider back.

Before he knew it, Astrid had slipped the tail on, the straps tightening around his tail. She moved forward with the rest, and with a few simple instructions it was on.

He stared at the tail, not sure what to think. He could fly again, but what would be the point if it was without Hiccup. It was black like his scales, blending in almost perfectly. If he tried he could imagine it was the real one.

He turned to Astrid, not sure what to express, but she was already distracted by the paper. When she saw his look, she showed him the paper. It had all the different leg positions for the tail, and he tried to pay attention, but he couldn't. It may have been from his ri- old rider, but it only reminded him more of the loss. He looked away from it as the lady turned it over.

"Not your fault." She read out loud.

Toothless perked up at this, staring at the paper like it was the answer to life the universe and everything. Hiccup knew. Somehow Hiccup knew that they would feel it would somehow be their faults. He knew them well enough to make that guess and be right on the mark.

Toothless smiled slightly at his rider, and then the frown returned. He knew this was going to kill him, didn't he. He probably didn't know when, but he knew that Astrid was right, but he continued on for him.

With a deep breath, the dragon returned his gaze to the horizon, and wondered when he'd be able to meet the man again.


Toothless lived the rest of his days in relative peace. He wasn't given another rider, which he was happy about. He didn't want another one, he already had the best and they could only go so far down from that.

He would watch the academy, the stars, the moons, the clouds. He almost sometimes felt like he was drifting away from this place, to where Hiccup is.

Of course he wasn't, but he could hope.

He didn't mind the slowness of his life anymore, taking it into appreciation, along with Astrid. They got through Hiccup's death together, so they would stick together.

Sometimes, he would think about flying, staring at the tail still strapped to him. But then the will immediately dropped, and he would find himself staring at the ocean again.

Astrid tried to get him to fly, but he refused. He couldn't bring himself to do it. He would open his wings, stare at the sky, and then slowly close them again. It still hurt too much, like a reopened scab being picked at constantly.

And the Night Fury never flew again.

A/N: Thank you for reading.