A/N:...I'm sorry I'm dying from school. (passes out) Thank you for reading my story and the mistakes along with it. I appreciate it.

Disclaimer: Big hero 6 and power of OC not mine and others...




A clearly annoyed-tone voice said out loud and continued speaking.

"Would one of you speak already? You two were shouting at each other so loud I thought I needed my headphones set to max just to hear you guys normally just a couple minutes ago. This silence is unnatural and uncomfortable for all of us here."

Hiro, Tadashi, and Hollow were sitting down on one of the luxury tables in the park with the air being very tense and suffocating like they were in a swamp gasping for air.

Well that's what Hiro felt at least.

Hiro was directly across from Tadashi, who was looking down with a troubled expression. Hiro shifted nervously.

Hiro looked down, he had taken off his armor and all and returned back to his normal clothing, hoping it would calm Tadashi down a bit.

Tadashi had his arms folded, his eyes still hold anger, but at the same he was processing something in his head.

Hollow on the other hand looked very calm as he kept glancing between the two with one eye closed and one eye opened with one arm on the table while his face was leaning on his knuckle. He slowly took small bites of a pocky he kept in his mouth.

Baymax stood next to Hiro. The "invisible robot" was somewhere near them though they couldn't see it.

The rest of the nerds were standing behind Hiro, they had never seen Tadashi this furious. All of them had never seen the nice guy face become furious in anger on that scale.

How did it became like this?


"What the hell is all of this Hiro!?" Tadashi held up blue prints of the powered-suits.

Hiro gasped, he felt his stomach dropping in an abyss upon seeing the papers.

"Where did you find that!?"

"I found it in the lab in a box that said powered-suits. Did you guys seriously became a group of vigilante!?"

"Shit!" Hiro suddenly had memories about a box that contained prototypes and schematics of the team's powered-suits he left around in the lab. He meant to make sure to put it away, but because of the emergency he forgot about it. Tadashi immediately pointed his finger at Hiro.

"Language Hiro! Explain now!"

"Uh..." Hiro tried to do an innocent smile but Tadashi's hostile stare made him do a nervous laugh. The innocent smile was starting to break. "N-no Tadashi, you see I was really inspire with their design, so I replicated it and-"

"Hiro, look at what you're wearing! You don't lie to me- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!?" Tadashi shouted, he looked closely at the surroundings. There were signs of ice, jelly substances, flame scorches, cuts of flora, and a pile of burnt microbots all over the park. It was the result of the battle. Hiro realized that most of the mess were their fault and also noticed that the "invisible bot" actually made no noticeable damages or markings to the park, everything else was their fault.

Hiro cringed, he could have explain that he even mimic their powers, but that would not be convincing at all.

"I tried to make the damage minimum, but you guys sure made a chaotic mess... does this city even mind the collateral damages?" Hollow pointed out, but Tadashi didn't even notice Hollow's presence as his focus was completely, entirely on Hiro. He didn't even notice the rest of the nerds were there as well.

"Hello Tadashi," Baymax voiced upon seeing Tadashi.

"Baymax!? What are you wearing!? And why are you floating!?" Baymax was still hung in the air by the "invisible robot."

"A powered-up suit Hiro made for me in order to help his emotional state and fight villains to help people."

Now Tadashi was shocked beyond belief, and soon that became anger once more.

"HIRO! You made Baymax fight!?"

"Oh great! Thanks a lot Baymax!"

"You're welcome, Hiro."

"I was being sarcastic!"

Long story short, they shouted each other with Tadashi arguing that it was dangerous and stupid what Hiro was doing, and Hiro was arguing that he's helping people. Then Tadashi was grabbing Hiro to come with him and talk about this somewhere else, where Hiro was struggling and yelling him to put him down. Tadashi then decided to spank his brother for doing something dangerous.

"OW! Tadashi, I'm too old for this! OW! OW!"

"You knucklehead! How could you be so stupid and risking your life like that!?"

Tadashi was giving slaps to Hiro's butt like how a doting parents does to their child.

In truth Tadashi was seriously angry. But he wouldn't resort to punching or smacking Hiro unless he was extremely angry (he is very angry, but not at that point). Hiro resisted back trying to stop his older brother inflicting pains (and embarrassment) to him.

Hollow looked honestly dumbfounded as he stared at the scene.

"You are seriously giving your brother a spanking.. Wow, you really are a..." Hollow stopped himself from speaking anymore, upon realizing what he was about to say.

As the brothers kept shouting at each other, Hollow decided not to watch any longer.

"Perhaps the restrictions doesn't apply if you guys are fighting in a family matter, so I'm just gonna go now..." Hollow took a couple steps away from the brothers and turned around. He put on his black hood and attempted to leave this delicate situation alone.

However, Hiro noticed Hollow's attempt to flee.

He broke away from Tadashi's hold and ran towards to him.

"Oh hell no! You're not getting away that easily! If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me idiot!"

Hiro charged forward and tackled down Hollow behind his back.


They both crashed to the grassy ground. Hollow groaned a bit realizing that the little genius pushed him and was clutching him around the stomach showing any signs of letting go.

"H-hey! Get off me, little hero!" Hollow attempted to get the little genius off of him as he put his hand on the messy locks of hair, but Hiro kept his grip tight, not releasing the boy who had a strange power to control people's minds.


"I'm sure you have a more pressing matters right now than me!"

"No! I'm screwed, I mean I'm REALLY screwed! He's going to kill me! Y-you're also going take some of the wrath of Tadashi too! Okay, you become a sacrifice as well, great!"

"Wh-what the hell you little-! This is your own fault for not telling him about the whole hero thing you and your friends are doing. I'm not going take his fury because of your own actions! Don't you know the nice ones are the most scary ones when angry!?"

"Come on dude, take some of the blame! I might not take as much if he calms him down! I could have tricked him saying that I just admired their designs and wanted to copy them. But I can't because he sees all of this!" Hiro was referring the damaged around the park area with all the chopped and burnt flora, and also the destroyed microbots.

"You're the one who accepted the challenge and most of the damage."

"I didn't expect Tadashi to show up and finding my schematics! But you created it and also because you are a stubborn jerk for not telling me what happened to Tadashi!"

"Oh let that go. In the end you having nothing but yourself to blame for your carelessness. Now let me go."

"No and at least I did a better job than you when you put Tadashi back and got caught by Baymax!" Hiro snorted. In response, Hollow grinds his teeth at that mistake.

"Tch. Dammit, that mistake of mine is seriously biting me in the ass right now. Alright, perhaps I did get careless on that, but right now you are facing yours. You had to known taking the role of a hero, which by the way seems stupid to me, would lead to this eventually."

"I did it to help people like my brother!"

"Well that was your mistake in the first place!. Who would seriously take an idiotic role like that!?"

"How is helping people being idiotic unless you're an evil heartless villain!"

"For crying out-!... I got no time for this. Tadashi will deal with that. Here is a piece of advice: Next time you have secrets, try to hide it in a lot better place than having it laying around open for everyone to look at. You aren't apparently very good at it. Also just do some puppy-face or some sibling thing to distract him."

"Oh absolutely~, the next time I become another hero of justice in another city, I'll try hide my secret a lot better from my brother, whom by the way I thought was dead months ago with memory loss and who was brought by this cryptic, annoying jerk who has a cheating, yet awesome invisible robot and has power to manipulate people with orange-eyes like some wannabe cosplayer nerd!" Hiro spoke with obvious sarcasm in his long sentence. It made Hollow make an irritating, twitching smile before losing his composure one more time.

"...I will praise your sass, little hero. Now then. You're going down now, you little cocky brat!"

"Nuh-uh! Bring it on, you creepy ass jerk!"

The two started their bickering once more (this time with pulling each others hair and grabbing each others cheeks like little kids) just like they did earlier in their little insult war with each other. However that ended in less than 5 seconds because…


Hiro flinched and sees an impatient, furious Tadashi wanting answers. He felt his face turning grim just by looking at the older brother's fury. He shakes his head rapidly to Hollow as he started to speak with clear signs of fear in it.

"...You brought him back, so you should take responsibility as well!"

"What does that even mean and have to do anything right now!?"

"I don't know and I don't care! End of this argument!"

"What the hell!?"

"Hiro we're not through yet! And who is this!?"


Hollow already released his mind control on the rest of the nerds and ordered his robot to let go of Baymax while Hiro told the truth to Tadashi what really happened the past few months since he supposedly died. Tadashi took a deep breath as he finally processed all the information he received from Hiro and the nerds. He was greatly disturbed by how Professor Callaghan try to have revenge on Alistair Krei and causing the fire. The reason Hollow stayed or why he released the others were still unknown, Hiro wondered what he meant by restrictions and cryptic stuff like that, but he had something else to worry about.

His brother.

"This is a lot to take in..." Tadashi started, "I can't believe Callaghan would do this..."

"Yeah, he took my microbots and tried to get revenge for his daughter," Hiro explained.

"And Baymax body was destroyed?"

"Yes Tadashi," Baymax said. "My original body was destroyed in the other dimension."

"I can't believe this. Hiro, what on earth were you thinking!? You were putting your life on risk!" Tadashi shouted at Hiro.

"I wanted to know what really happened about the fire and I couldn't Callaghan get away with this."

"Still, you couldn't leave it to the police?"

"I did! They didn't believe me! I couldn't forgive what Callaghan was doing, he even didn't care you were killed. And plus there we beat him before he killed Alistair and save Callaghan's daughter!"

"You could have stopped right there then! You didn't need to pursue yourself to something as dangerous as fighting criminals and bad guys. You could have gotten yourself killed!"

"I know Tadashi! But I'm helping people, we go beat up bad guys and save people!"

"Hiro we are nerds and robot builders, not superheroes! And plus how could you put Baymax for fighting! He was designed as a health care companion not a crime fighter bot!"

"I needed him to defeat Callaghan. I needed his help!"

"You broke his protocol and almost killed someone Hiro!"

Hiro bit his lips in guilt. It was true, Hiro was blinded by rage that he took Baymax's green chip so he could harm or possibly kill Callaghan. He would have taken a dark path if it wasn't for Baymax and his friends. "I-I know but-!"

The other nerds were silent because they didn't want to make the matters worse. But with the way it was going they couldn't keep quiet. They were about to intervene, but someone intervene first.

"Mind if I interrupt here?"

Everyone turned their attention to Hollow.

"And.." Tadashi's eyes turned to the boy known as Hollow. "Who exactly are you?"

"...I am reluctant to introduce myself," he responded.

"He's Hollow," Hiro explained to Tadashi. "He brought you back here Tadashi. He apparently was the one responsible healing and bring you back."

"What are you talking about Hiro?"

"Everything about your recovery in an another institution was a lie. Hollow here put all these lies with his strange powers. He was the one that actually brought you here."

"Great, you're bringing more trouble to me now, little hero..."

"What?" Tadashi's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "I don't understand..."

Hiro explained to Tadashi about Hollow.

"Mind control...? Hiro this better not be a joke."

"This isn't a joke Tadashi! He had the power to control people. There was a chance he could have controlled you when you were gone! That's why I agreed to fight him because I wanted to know what happened to you when we thought you were dead!" Hiro said.

Tadashi took a moment and looked at Hollow, "So you know what happened to me?"

Hollow lazily said, "Sorry can't you tell that. As I said to your brother, I merely just healed and transported you."

"Wait what did you mean you fought him...?" Tadashi asked Hiro who cringed.

"Uh... well..." Hiro nervously smiled with his adorable gap-teeth smile.

"..." Hollow turned silent.

"We sort of..." Wasabi began, but couldn't finish the sentence properly.

"We had a battle against Hollow and his robot partner," Baymax answered.

Tadashi face exploded now. "WHAT!?"

Both Hiro and Hollow face-palmed hard.

Hiro groaned, "Baymax!"

"Keep Marshmallow bot silent with a program or something. Like seriously," Hollow said with an exhausted tone.

"Shut up, I know that."

"You were fighting just now!?"

"Well sort of,- I mean really we weren't doing anything that dangerous!"

"Although Hiro did receive few minor scraps when he was blown away," Baymax stated.

"Baymax!" Hiro scolded the nurse bot he didn't want to add fuel to Tadashi.

"Are you okay!? Are there any wounds!?" Tadashi asked Hiro with concern, then he turned to Hollow, realizing who was the cause of this.

"You fought and hurt Hiro!?" Tadashi moved so fast that his chair fell to the ground as he grabbed Hollow by the collar of his shirt and hoodie and gave him a deathly stare so fast and so hard that there would have been marks on his skin. Hollow looked unfazed as if he expected it.

"Wait Tadashi!" Hiro shouted out reacting to his brother's sudden action, if Tadashi carelessly touched Hollow then-!

He heard a familiar mechanical sound.

It was Hollow's robot partner. It was about to attack.

Hiro had no idea what the machine was about to do, but remembering Hollow saying something about the machine being equivalent to a military army and having some main weapon, he immediately warned his brother.

"Stop Tadashi! His robot will hurt you!" Tadashi did not understand what Hiro meant, but he felt something was coming towards to him.

But before it would respond, Hollow looked towards to an empty direction and muttered under his breath, "Stand down. Do not interfere."

A loud screeching noise shrieked in the air. Nothing happen. It appears that the robot had stop whatever it was about to do. Relief washed over Hiro's heart.

Hollow stared a the furious Tadashi, "Basically we fought and I won. Hiro and his team lost. And he's not really hurt or anything. Plus he agreed to it."

"If you hurt Hiro again, I won't forgive you know," Tadashi growled in the threat. Hollow did not respond for a while as he stared at fury eyes.

He sighed.

"Fine...I apologize for starting a fight with you Hiro Hamada and I apologize for fighting with your brother, Tadashi."

There was no mockery or lie in that apology. It was a genuine apology. Everyone was taking aback by this.

"You're joking right... Just like that you apologize!?" Hiro asked flabbergasted.

Hollow looked aloof at Hiro's reaction. "Sure, why not. It's not like I wanted to hurt you or anything, it was simply for you to get off my back. Though I didn't expect you starting to cry from just losing..." Hollow said with a snicker as he couldn't help hold a bit of laughter.

"I wasn't, you jerk!"

"Sure you were..." Hollow scoffed with a sarcastic tone with a hint of mockery which ticked Hiro off.


Tadashi's fury started to dwindle as he watched his little brother and the orange-eye boy started bickering again. Something... was strange. He couldn't explain it but something about them arguing like that made him feel calm and...

Hollow made a little tired smile to Tadashi once Hiro was distracted, "Now would you put me down already? My partner here isn't exactly comfortable seeing me being in the air."

Tadashi froze. His eyes became wide. Something clicked in his head.

"Do we know each other…?" Tadashi asked.

Hollow looked a little surprise at those words before he shifted into a calm one.

"...!" Hollow slowly muttered, "And what do you mean? I'm pretty sure this is the first time you met me."

"But..." Tadashi began but decided to perish the thought.

"Hey Tadashi..." Hiro asked as a certain thought came across his mind. "How did you even know I was here?"

Tadashi twitched a little. He found Hiro through the GPS tracker he sowed in every one of Hiro's jackets.

But problem is that Hiro didn't have a freaking clue about the GPS devices. Hiro was a genius and Tadashi fully knew that, so he tried his best to cover them making sure Hiro wouldn't notice them at all. He assumed that Tadashi always tailed him every time he went out for bot fights or that he had some friends or people telling him about the bot fights. If Hiro found out about Tadashi's GPS trackers, it would upset Hiro a lot since he wanted Tadashi to give him privacy even though because of that he was saved a couple of times from Yama and his goons.

Tadashi didn't know what to say, he couldn't tell Hiro he had been stalking him with GPS devices. "Ah.."

"Whoops this will not turn out well if this continues. Have this serious discussion back at home Tadashi, not here. Just lie about how Baymax has an equipped GPS tracking device you just installed in him. This could turn very ugly if he finds out the method you been using to track him."

...Tadashi blinked. No body spoke those words in reality.

Because it didn't come from someone's mouth.

It was coming from his head.


The elder brother yelped, surprising his brother and nerds. He recognized the voice belonging to Hollow, but the thing was that he was hearing it in his head and Hollow wasn't moving his lips at all. He stared at Hollow wide eyes, still watching his mouth that wasn't moving at all/


"T-Tadashi? What's wrong bro?" Hiro turned to Hollow. "What did you do to him!?"

"Stop blaming me for everything will ya."

Tadashi couldn't answer since his brain was in full blown confusion as the person named Hollow kept talking in his head somehow.

"Yes yes I'm sure your confused right now and all. I'm gonna make this short. You're not going crazy, this is just an application of my powers that your brother explained. But that's not important right now. What's important is for this argument not to spiral out of control, so just lie about the GPS thing."

"W-wait!? What the-! Are you talking in my mind!?" Tadashi said in his mind. He was perplexed as in someone was talking in his head, he thought perhaps he was hallucinating or something along those lines. He thought about the time he tried to make Baymax and how tired he was that he couldn't tell what was left and right from the exhaustion.

"Oh wait, I forgot. You don't like lying to your brother. What a pain. Change of plans. Also FYI you better tell him about those soon, so he won't be too angry about it if you told the truth later. I'm surprised he hadn't found about those things, I mean it's been months since you implanted-! Shit. Forget what I just said."

Before Tadashi could ask further, Hollow gently took Tadashi's hands to release them off of the collar of his shirt and hoodie.

"Enough. I had enough of this pointless conversation. I'm leaving," Hollow said tiredly, taking advantage of the confused Tadashi to simply leave. Hiro, on the other hand grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie faster than of the nerds to react.

"Hey, don't you start walking away-!"

"I have some business to attend to, sorry but take this soap opera brother drama of yours at home. I'm already done here. And if you think you can stop me, your delusional."

He placed a little round black metallic object on the table from his messenger bag. It had a little orange button protruding from the top. It's size was big enough to fit in someone's palm nicely.

He pressed the orange button and the button started flashing as it made a slow beeping sounds.

"What..." Hiro questioned as he had a sinking feeling about it.

"To be blunt: it's basically a stun grenade," Hollow said so bluntly yet so casual that it took a whole 5 seconds for the brothers to process what he said. The Hamada brothers immediately jerked away from the table.


"A stun grenade!?" Honey Lemon shrieked.

"A b-b-b-bomb!?" Wasabi yelled as he cowardly shield himself.

"N-not cool dude!" Fred exclaimed.

"Run guys!" Gogo yelled.

"Relax, unlike regular stun grenades these were design so the explosive concussive blast and the heat produced is contained within. Think of it like a weaker version of a stun grenade that is 100% safe," Hollow explained as he calmly observe the reactions of the brothers and the nerds.

The beeping sound started to beep rapidly indicating it was about to go off any second now.

"You might want to cover your eyes and ears though. Even if it a weaker version, it still hurts," he said as he was going to cover his ears and his eyes.

But before he did, he gave Hiro a little devious toothy smile with eyes that says payback written all over it.

"You jerk-!"

"By the way this is payback for tackling me from behind. See ya, little hero and Tadashi."


With that, a white blinding light and a intensely loud bang sound envelops the area around them. Tadashi immediately pulled Hiro into a tight hug to block the sound and light.

They're senses were temporarily disoriented for around 30 seconds or more and by the time their senses stabilized, Hollow was already gone. All that was left of Hollow was the metallic round object smoking in intense heat on the table and by it was a note and some sort of small bag. Tadashi was still regaining his senses since he didn't cover his ears.

"Tadashi are you okay!?"

"Yeah... my head is still ringing though..." Hiro nodded as he confirm his brother was okay though he still had his eyes closed and holding his head; Hiro took this chance to see what the bag and note was.

"He's gone..." Hiro looked closely at the bag and realized what it was.

"Gummy bears...?" he then remembered the item Hollow ordered from the vending machine was gummy bears. That... was odd. He looked at the note now.

He read the note carefully.

-Here as an apology for the fight I guess, sorry I almost made you cry (pfft). P.S. You still owe me a single favor since you lost-

Hiro grit his teeth in annoyance by the note's message informing him about the single favor he now owes to Hollow because of the battle and even writing him laughing about him about to cry. "That bastard...!"

"Hiro, are you okay?" Tadashi asked as he finally regained his senses. Hiro quickly shoved the two objects into his pocket before his brother could see it. He didn't want him to know about the favor.

"Yeah I am.." Hiro answered. "But he got away..."

"That doesn't matter Hiro," Tadashi began. "I still can't believe you would do something as dangerous as this! This is probably just as bad or worse when you went off bot-fighting in the alley! What would Mom and Dad think about this!?"

"But Tadashi-!"

"NO!" Tadashi yelled out without thinking, it was so loud it scared the little genius and everybody else. Realizing, he made his brother terrified, his face turn apologetic. He shook his head. "This is too much... Okay I'm going take you home, but I'm going have a serious talk with you when we get back home. We're going Hiro, now." Tadashi grabbed Hiro's wrist and started dragging him.


"Wait Tadashi!" Honey Lemon called out to the angry older brother, hoping it would calm him down.

"Guys I want talk about this later. Baymax return to the garage after you send everyone back home," Tadashi said. Without bothering to hear the other nerds opinion, he already made his way to the scooter bike. Hiro had no choice but to follow Tadashi to his scooter bike to head back home. Hiro winced a little, he felt Tadashi's grip on his wrist tightening as if his life depend on it. He was going to get an earful tonight.

"I will deliver everybody home." Baymax said to the rest of the nerds. They looked at each other nervously, wondering what will happen to Hiro.

"Ya think the little dude will be okay?" Fred asked.

"Not sure... I never seen Tadashi being this angry before..." Wasabi answered looking frightened.

"I hope he isn't too hard on Hiro..." Honey Lemon said worriedly.

"I'm sure they will work it out. Come on guys let's go back. Ugh that creep... that bomb was no joke.." Gogo winced a little as her head was still ringing a bit. They had no choice but to simply wait for the brothers to come back to the college tomorrow.

Four men were talking in an alley. A tough-looking man, a teenager punk, a man covered in tattoos, and a geeky freak.

"Dammit man! You were suppose to see if that dude was the one on that wanted list in the Rumor Blog!" a tough-looking man shouted at a teenager punk.

"S-sorry, it's just when we were following him, a bunch of people suddenly blocked our path. I mean there was this sweet old lady accidentally dropped her oranges to the ground and I slipped! Then these high school students started asking strange stereotypical questions! And there was this tough looking guy saying and-!" the teenager blabbered.

"No excuses! Shit, man why isn't that rumor have a name on him or something!?" the man covered in tattoos said.

"Hmm, if rumors like those are spreading around, than that will be bad if competition is involve right? Then what's the point?"

"Yeah, remember the Rumor Blog will only give out info if you pay a certain amount, but the reward for the guy is a lot higher than what the boss paid for the rumor even though it was just a picture. Whoever is searching for this guy would pay high amount, but they can't spread it to everyone," the geeky freak said.

"But didn't that guy died in some fire months ago?" the teenager punk questioned.

"That's probably why he's on the list," the man in tattoos responded.

"Hey if he was on the news months ago I bet we can find his name then, you remember what it was?" the tough-looking guy asked the teenager punk.

"Yeah I'm sure if we look it up a fire at some college, we'll find his name!" the teenager boy excitedly said with a disgusting smile.

"We sure are lucky that we got this fresh new wanted info first, aren't we?" the geek freak chuckled in delight as he drool the thought of the cash.

"Hmmm this might be good if you guys are the first one. So, would you mind tell me what this Rumor Blog is?"

"Oh come on, man. The boss already explained and- Wait. Wh-what the!?"

All of them realized a fifth person was involved in their conversation. They looked in the direction of the fifth voice which was a boy looking around 18-years old wearing a black hoodie with orange symbol lines. His eyes had unusual orange color. He was spinning a television remote control in his hand, he was making a mocking smile.

"Would you mind explaining everything you know about the Rumor Blog, your boss, and this reward wanted list?"

"Who the fu-!"



The four men had vacant looks in their eyes and all of them collapsed to the ground.

Hollow stood in front of the thugs with his remote pointing to them while smirking evilly. They were under his control now.

"Not that any of you had a choice to begin with, this is payback for giving me more work. I guess I was correct though, those rumors are now becoming something. Your minds aren't dangerous, so I'll be taking a peek at the info in your head."

But before he click a button, his phone rang. He looked at the name and picked it up.

"Hm? Dead-Eyes? Did Raphaela and Sun Tzu restore the data already?"

He listened in for a few seconds.

"Alistair Krei…? Wasn't he involved with the whole dimension gate thing and the Hamada brothers?...I see, I see. Figured someone like him would be involve, I'll check it out. Send the rest of the data to me. Thanks for the info, Dead-Eyes."

Hollow was about to hang up but the one known as Dead-Eyes kept going.

"Idiot, you should know very well that my mental health, despite it's fragile stability, is currently fine since you can monitor it from over there. If there are any abnormalities in my mind, the auto self-defense system will correct it. So why are even questioning about that?"

Hollow made a little scowl as he listened further.

"Yeah, I met the little brother. Tch, what bad luck that was for him to see me, due to the conditions of the deal I made, I cannot dismiss or ignore him. He wouldn't let me go about Tadashi… yeah, yeah, I know I can't tell due to my promise to you…. Yes Tadashi showed up and- Hey shut it! Just because I accidentally met the little brother doesn't mean I'll lose the deal I made with Tadashi! And no I will not discuss what he said to me. Now shut it!"

He angrily closed the call.

"Sigh, that man really has a horrible personality... but then again I'm not any better… what a mess this is... Still, I wiped off his memory completely, so why...tch. I better finish this quickly as possible then. Now where should I start…?"

He pointed the remote at the thugs once more.

"Guess I should start here."

Orange-eyes glowed like sunlight amber as they gazed at the fallen bodies.


Hiro was clinging onto Tadashi's back as they drove through the streets on the scooter bike.

The ride was quiet. It was getting dark and the streets were getting busier with sounds of car motors increasing each passing minute.

Hiro couldn't take the tense silence, so he spoke.

"I'm sorry, Tadashi... I didn't mean-"

"It's okay, Hiro," Tadashi interrupted with a gentle tone. He sighed deeply, he was calming down as time passed. "I'm just... let's talk about this later. I'm not mad. Let's just check if there are any wounds on you, kay?"

"Mhm... Okay.." Hiro nodded.

Tadashi was still confused what Hollow did back there.

"He was talking to my mind just now... he knew about the GPS tracker and he actually distracted Hiro about it. He didn't look familiar, but... I can't help feel like I knew him very well..."

As the silent ride continued, Hiro was thinking back what happened with Hollow.

Hiro was a genius so he remembered and caught up something the way Hollow talked to Tadashi.

He clearly remembered Hollow was talking to Tadashi when Tadashi asked if they knew each other. He saw the surprised expression before it disappeared, it meant that Tadashi and Hollow knew each other and somehow Tadashi doesn't remember it.

What exactly is his relationship with Tadashi?

Hollow: Sigh so much trouble you give me you little bratty hero.

Hiro: Well why don't you just tell me what happen to Tadashi then?

Hollow: No.

Hiro: Creepy ass cosplayer jerk.

Hollow: You midget brat who will stay short forever.

Hiro: You idiot manipulative moron.

Hollow: You amateur sassy hero dork.

Hiro: You-!

Hollow: Oh wait, you're more like a dog.

Hiro: Huh? How!?

Hollow grabbed something from his bag. It was a pack of gummy bears.

Hollow: Fetch! *throws the pack of gummy bears across the room*

Hiro: Gummy bears! *runs after the treat*

Hollow: Gotta admit, that is kind of cute how you go after those gummy bears, little hero. You're fun to tease heh heh heh.