Disclaimer: Don't own the main characters

Summary: Could there be trouble in paradise for Calleigh and Horatio when a man from her past makes a surprise appearance? Plus, Natalia wants to tell Dan something, will she get a chance to? Eighth Story in the A Different Beginnings Series. A little A/U.

Title: Trouble in Paradise?
Genre: Family, Romance, Drama
Rating: T
Spoilers: None
Time-line: 4 years after One chapter ends, another begins
Warnings: Implied/Suggestive adult behavior (last Chapter only), mention of injury
Main Parings: Ducaine
Minor Parings: Natalia/Dan
Other Characters: The Caine kids, Eric, Alexx
Series Order: A Different Beginning, A life changing moment, First day of school, A Change of heart?, A new baby in the family, Leaving Miami, One chapter ends, another begins, Trouble in Paradise?

Trouble in Paradise?

Chapter 1: Starting their day

After Natalia rolls over and opens her eyes, she realizes her husband isn't next to her in bed so she removes her blankets, gets out of bed, walks to the bathroom door to grab her robe, puts it over her pajamas and walked out of the room before heading toward the kitchen.

She hears him talking on the phone as she got closer, then when she stepped in the doorway, he was finishing up the conversation.

After he hangs up, she asked. "What was that about?"

He sighed as he looked at the uncooked breakfast he was starting before he got the call, then looked at her and said. "I have to go in early, the higher-ups wants the case we've been working on to close today."

The case was so high-profile they've had to use an undercover cop from another department to help solve it, and when it does get solved, Dan's chances of getting promoted is very high.

Natalia nodded in understanding as she walked up to him, then cupped his cheek and said. "It's ok."

He sighed again and replied. "I was going to make you breakfast in bed."

She smiled. "And I would have loved that, but cases like this do come first, and I understand." She wraps her arms around his neck this time as she continued. "You just better come back to me."

He wraps his arms around her waist and replied with love in his eyes. "You better believe it babe, we're so not done making memories, Seven years of marriage to you is not enough."

She shakes her head as she chuckled little. "I can't believe it has been Seven years since we've been married, where has the time gone?"

This time he shakes his head with a chuckle. "I don't know, but it's been worth every minute." She was beaming at that, then after a kiss, which was a little longer than planned but they weren't complaining, they pulled back and he continued. "I really have to get ready and go."

Natalia nodded, and after another kiss, which was shorter this time, they removed their arms from one another before he started walking toward the doorway of the kitchen, but he stopped and turned around when she said his name. "I love you."

He smiled with love in his eyes again. "I love you too, Let's go out and have dinner after work, ok?"

"It's a date."

He winks. "Alright."

Then he turns and walks out of the room as she watched him with a smile, knowing tonight's dinner will be really special and not just because they will be together. She mentally shook her head and continued what he started with breakfast, she didn't have time to be daydreaming about her wonderful life right now.

Calleigh was sleeping away when she felt lips on her forehead, then when she felt his lips on her neck, she opened her eyes with a smile, which it got bigger when she looked into the eyes of her man. "Now that is better than an alarm clock."

He cups her cheek and said with love. "Always."

"Yes, even after 13 years of marriage."

They were 2 months shy of their 14th year of marriage and they couldn't be happier.

They smiled at each other, then he leans down and pecks her on the lips before pulling back and saying. "I'm going to start breakfast."

"Ok, thank you."

"No problem."

After one more kiss, he gets up off the bed and heads for the door to the room while Calleigh watches him with a smile, still loving her life with that wonderful man, then she took a breath before getting out of bed so she could take a shower while he's cooking.

When she was done with the shower and changed into her work clothes, she headed downstairs to join her family, and when she walked into the kitchen, she smiled and said. "Good morning kids."

Christy, Josh and Sarah-Elizabeth looked up from their plates and replied at the same time. "Good morning mom."

She walked to her normal spot at the table as Horatio walked toward her with a plate, and after he set it down in front of her, he kissed her head as she said thank you again while he goes back to get his plate.

As she started eating she couldn't help but look a her growing kids.

Christy was now 11, going on 12 in 4 months, at the end of the school year she would have completed her first year of middle school, she had a few close friends, including Mandy from Kindergarten, she actually loved school, which was no surprise because she got that from her older brother's, she's been learning how to play soccer, and if there was one parent she was still attached to, it would be her father, she still adored Horatio, but who could blame her.

Calleigh mentally smiled as her eyes took her to her third son.

Josh is 10 and when next fall comes, he'll be a 5th grader, he doesn't talk much but that is nothing new because he's always been their least outspoken child, his favorite part of school is going out to recess so he knows he has one more year of getting to do that, he liked learning well enough, but he hadn't really latched on to a favorite subject yet, which Calleigh and Horatio hopes his excitement for school will grow as he learns other subjects. He plays basketball every once in a while, but he didn't find love in the sport like C.J. did, so the parents were also hoping he'll find an activity that he'll like.

After taking a couple of bites of her food, Calleigh looked at the youngest Caine child.

Sarah-Elizabeth is now 5, going on 6 in 2 months, and in the fall she'll be starting 1st grade. She had a lot of interests, but has time to decide what she's most excited about, she can already take a run for Christy's money on who is more out-going, and she is starting to like softball more than any sport she's tried.

It almost seemed like they were all born yesterday, but now their last baby is almost done with kindergarten, which made Calleigh sniffle while thinking about that as she looked down at her food.

The family looks over at her with concern, and Horatio puts his hand on hers and asked. "You ok?"

She shook her head with a chuckle. "Yeah, I'm sorry, just watching the family eat."

They seemed to understand because Christy said. "And thinking how fast we've grown, right?"

They've been through this scene a lot in this family the last few years.

Calleigh chuckled again, then replied. "Alright, fine, sue me if you have too, but I love my family and I can spend all day thinking about how proud I am of all of you."

The kids smiled as Christy asked. "Even of Kyle and C.J.?"

Calleigh smiled bigger at the mention of the two members of their family that no longer live here, and that she missed dearly, then replied. "Yes, even those two."

Kyle is now 22 and still in the army, he calls and writes them letters when he can, and since he's been gone, they've only seen him in person a few times, but hearing from him in any way, they'll take it.

C.J. just turned 21 last month and enjoying his college education, including playing basketball, where he added another championship to his collection last year. He also surprised the family when he announced he wanted to be a doctor instead of going into the pros, which they could see him making a fine doctor, so they were really proud of his decision and dedication.

Her thoughts get interrupted when Horatio squeezed her hand. "Well if they want to sue you for doing that, then they'll have to take me down, because I do it too."

Calleigh and Horatio look into each other's eyes and still see the love that they have for this family, for two people who had been wanting a family like this growing up, they've gotten it and more than they've hoped.

Finally Calleigh cleared her throat after a few seconds and said. "Alright guys, let's finish eating so I can take you to school."

They nodded as they started eating, then Sarah-Elizabeth asked. "Daddy's not coming with us?"

Since their carpool has gotten smaller, the family had been using one vehicle more, but there were occasions when they had to use two, like today.

Horatio shook his head and replied to his youngest as he stood up. "I have to go to court today for a case and there is no telling how long it will be." She nodded in understanding, then giggled when Horatio kissed her on the head as he walked by, she was also attached to her father.

After the family got done with breakfast, they went upstairs to finish getting ready, then when they were all outside of the vehicles, the kids kissed their father goodbye and got in Calleigh's vehicle while their parents said goodbye.

Horatio cups Calleigh's cheek and asked. "You got shifted covered?"

"You got it, boss."

"Alright, be careful."

"I will. Love you."

They lean toward each other, and after a kiss, he replied. "I love you too, see you later."

She nodded as they released each other, then after a smile, she walks to the driver's side to her vehicle before getting in. He watched until she was out of the driveway before getting in his vehicle with a smile, this was a wonderful start of the day, and he hoped it will only get better.

AN: Interested in what's going on? Please review.