Hi, everyone! This is my first Teen Wolf fanfic that I've officially published on here! I've seen a lot of fanfiction with Scott and Stiles and even Derek and Isaac as the main character, so I wanted to try Liam. He's a new beta and I figured why not? Hope you all enjoy!

EDIT: As for the premiere of Creatures of the Night, I've decided that the official pairings are: Liam/Hayden, Liam/OC (One-sided), Scott/Kira, Scott/Allison (Flashbacks), Stiles/Lydia, Stiles/Malia (Past relationship), Isaac/Cora, Derek/Braeden, Melissa/Sheriff, and Lydia/Parrish (past relationship).

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf. All rights go to MTV and writer Jeff Davis. Also any pop culture references belong to their respective owners.

All That We're Living For

Chapter I

We All Live (And) We All Die


"It's not what it seems,

Not what you think,

No, I must be dreaming,

It's only in my mind,

Not in real life,

No, I must be dreaming . . ."

"Bleed" - Evanescence


It was the same girl.

Lying on the grass, in her white dress, as she stared up at the full moon.

The same dream, happening for quite a few days now and Liam wanted it to stop.

He watched the girl sit up as she heard a sound, but then dismissed it as she laid back down.

Then he was the force that yanked her down with his bare teeth as he dragged her in the woods, teeth sinking farther into her ankle as she screamed with terror

. . .

for her life.


Liam woke up, sweat dripping down his face, blue eyes opening. Fumbling for his phone, he searched for it underneath his pillow and grabbed it when his fingers connected with it. He found a familiar number and dialed it. "Scott? It's Liam. I had it again."

"Liam. It's just a dream. Lydia says there has been no more deaths since . . ."

"Yeah, I know. But . . . what if I did something that I didn't know about, when I turned?"

"Liam, are your eyes blue?" Scott asked.

Liam thought for a moment and went to his bathroom mirror as he watched his eyes turn gold. "Blue means you killed an innocent," he whispered to himself, then told Scott, "No, they're still gold."

"Good. Like remember when we were practicing the other day? Remember what your anchor is."

"Right," Liam exhaled. The sun, the moon, and the truth.

"Go back to bed, Liam. We can talk about this in the morning."

Liam set his phone down on the bathroom counter, staring at his reflection in the mirror, at his golden eyes. Fading back to his normal blue color, he forced himself to go back into his bed.

Liam didn't sleep the rest of the night.


"Dude, did you sleep at all?" Mason, his best - and openly gay - friend asked Liam when he got off the bus.

"Nope," Liam admitted. He still wasn't pleased by the fact that his friend still had the hots for his rival, Brett.

"What's happening to you, Liam? One day, you have a broken ankle and the next you don't. Then you're back and forth between me and those two senior guys you hang out with. Are you guys in a gang or something?"

"Something like that," Liam told him.

Mason still didn't know about werewolves living in Beacon Hills and if he did, he was doing a pretty good job of hiding it, after the whole Beserker incident when Mason and Lydia had both been trapped in the school. Whether that was the case or not, Liam hated still having to make excuses about the days he was struggling with controlling his wolf side or hence any other supernatural/werewolf incident. Liam had waited for Scott to show up but he never did. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Stiles or Lydia around either. Just then, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and knows he'd received a text.

FROM: Scott McCall

Come 2 hospital. Urgent.

"Uh, I gotta go," Liam blurted. "I'll see you later, man. Uh, you know, gang stuff."

"Be careful, Liam. I don't know what you're in, but just come back alive. You're the only one I have left after . . ." Liam knew Mason was thinking about Garrett and Violet, two friends of his who turned out to be assassins.

"I'll be okay," Liam promised. When Mason left for class, Liam turned, running all the way to the hospital, thoughts drifting in and out of his head.

Did one of the Pack get hurt?

Did Scott find something?

Was it Stiles having another panic attack?

Lydia foreshadowing another death?

Whatever it was, Liam had arrived at the hospital and followed Scott's scent, leading him to the morgue.

He froze. If he was at the morgue . . . Liam knew what that meant: dead people. And if Scott and the others were in the morgue, that must mean another werewolf related problem - or at least Liam's hoping it wasn't his problem.

It's just a stupid dream, he reminded himself as he pushed the door open.

Everyone was there - well, except for Derek, Braeden, Chris and Peter. There was Scott McCall, a boy with dark brown hair and eyes, also known as a True Alpha and the one who bit Liam in order to save him from Sean, a Wendigo; "Stiles" Stilinski, a human who apparently had been possessed by an evil spirit - a Nogitsune - and had been Malia's ex-boyfriend up until the day he came (but that was another story); Lydia Martin, a girl who had strawberry-blonde hair and didn't look like much except for the fact that she was a Banshee, a harbinger of death and was still learning about her powers; Kira Yukimura, a pretty Asian girl with short black hair, who was a Kitsune (in other words: a fox) and was capable of using her katana whenever the situation called for it (well, at least most of the time) and was currently dating Scott McCall; Alan Deaton, who was the town's veterinarian (and former Druid/Emissary, as his younger sister, Marin Morrell); and Melissa McCall and Sheriff Stilinski (Scott's mother and Stiles' father), who were in no way anything supernatural but were human like Stiles, only having just recently learned of knowledge of the supernatural residing in Beacon Hills.

They were all standing around a stretcher, a white sheet framing the body underneath it. From the outline, Liam could guess it's a female.

"What's up?" Liam asked as he set his backpack down on the floor.

"Now that's everyone," Melissa began. "This body was transferred from Beacon County Hospital this morning. She's a Jane Doe. But anyway when I went to put her body away into the freezer, I noticed this." Melissa reached underneath the white sheet, revealing a small, pale, but most definitely female hand. But the thing that stood out the most were the dark claws that were forming from the fingernails.

"She's turning," Scott noticed as Melissa returned the deceased's hand back to its original place.

"Yes, but -"

"So, we'll wait until she wakes up and we'll help and teach her like we did with Liam," Scott continued.

"Yes, and I understand that but there's a slight problem that you don't understand, honey."

"What is it, Mom?"

Melissa hesitated. "This girl's been in a coma for over 73 years. She died this morning."

Disbelief spread through the room. "Has this ever happened before?" Scott asked Deaton.

"Not that I know of. But to be kept frozen for 73 years may have delayed the changing process. Melissa, were there any visible bite marks on our Jane Doe?"

Melissa shook her head. "Nothing. Not even a scratch. Her file says nothing. It says something about that she's presumed to have been attacked by an animal."

"Can I see?" Lydia asked and Melissa handed her the file. "Well, we'll have to assume if she's turning, she may have been bitten."

"Or was born a werewolf. Like Sourwolf," Stiles offered.

"Maybe all she needs a wake-up call. Scott, would you do the honors?" Deaton asked.

"Here?" Scott asked nervously. "But it's a hospital. Wouldn't everyone hear me?"

"Well, I don't think anybody here in this hospital really gives a crap after the Oni slaughtered people down one by one. And that was half of my doing."

"He's right," Kira stepped in. "We need someplace more . . . quieter."

"The woods," Liam cut in as all eyes turned to him, but he wasn't looking at them. He couldn't explain why the woods was the best place for this Jane Doe's wake up call but now he was staring down at the white sheet, slowly uncovering the face as he spoke and then just stared. "It's her," Liam mumbled. "The girl from my dream." His eyes wandered over the girl's pale face, her caramel-chocolate skin littered with tiny pieces of ice crystals, her dark thick eyebrows, her medium-sized lips, her long black curls framing her bare shoulders. Liam remembered from the dream that the girl's eyes were a light green.

Maybe that's why I had that dream. So we could find out who killed her . . . the person who turned her, Liam thought to himself.

"Will she ever wake up?" Liam asked the question out loud.

"It's hard to say," Deaton answered. "If she hasn't woken up the first time, it's quite possible she'll stay like this forever. Sometimes a bite or a change doesn't go the way you want it to."

"Like Paige," Stiles murmured softly.

"Or sometimes it does," Deaton finished.

"Like Kate," Lydia supplied.

"But either way, we'll just have to wait and see." The group exited the morgue while Liam watched Melissa put Jane Doe back inside the dark freezer, shutting the drawer door with a silent, but resounding (to Liam, anyways) boom.

"Come on, Liam." Melissa patted his shoulder in a motherly way. Together, the two walked out of the morgue and bumped into Lydia.

"Where you going?" he asked her.

"I forgot something," the strawberry-blonde girl replied.

Liam met up with the others outside in the parking lot while Melissa returned to her work.

"Where's Lydia?" Stiles asked.

"She went back to the morgue. She said that she forgot something."

Stiles frowned. "Lydia didn't bring anything with her but herself. Oh . . ." Scott and Stiles exchanged an knowing look. "We've got to get to Lydia now."

The Pack went back to the direction they had just came from. When they arrived at their destination, they found Lydia standing in front of Jane Doe's body, which laid on the cold metal slab, the frigid air drifting out from the now open door.

"Lydia?" Stiles asked, stepping closer to her. The strawberry-blonde girl only stared forward, tears pooling in her green eyes. Finally, in a soft shaky voice, she replied, "She keeps screaming. She won't stop. Make her stop."

Liam listened, hearing nothing else but the sound of their own breathing. He shared confused looks between the others: Scott, Kira, and Stiles. Without warning, Lydia threw her head back and let out her trademark Banshee scream. Liam covered his ears and waited until her wail faded away. He opened his eyes just in time to see Lydia collapsing back into Stiles' arms.

"What the hell was that?" Stiles grunted as Lydia stirred in his arms. He scooped her up into an carrying position, Lydia's head lolling back against his chest.

Liam and Scott shook their heads in answer. Banshees had no reason to scream unless there was a certain death about to unfold, Liam remembered. Banshees could only predict death. But they had been wrong before. Like the time when the Pack had rushed to save Scott and Kira in La Iglesia (meaning in Spanish: the Church) in Mexico, Derek had been the one that Lydia had screamed at but he did not die; instead, Derek had transformed into a wolf, which only a few rare could do.

"Scott. Stiles. Kira. Liam. You should all be in school right now. I'll write notes for all of your teachers," Melissa said.

"Thanks, Mom."

"What are you going to say? That we were helping you out with a dead girl who's not so dead and that she'll wake up any second?" Stiles asked with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Something along the lines of that," Melissa replied, smiling. "I'll figure something out."

Scott followed his mom upstairs while the others headed back outside for their cars. Stiles carefully placed Lydia into his Jeep, gently securing her seat-belt across her chest, then turned to Scott.

"I'll meet you guys soon. I just have to take Lydia home and wait until she wakes up. Maybe she'll know what happened."

"Can I catch a ride?" Liam asked. He was pretty sure Scott wanted to ride with Kira.


And with that, Stiles and Liam hopped into the Jeep, driving away.

"Why do you think she screamed?" Liam glanced at Lydia who still remained unconscious in the passenger seat as the Jeep edged closer and closer to Beacon Hills High School.

Stiles shrugged. "Beats me. Lydia's powers aren't really clear. Remember last time when we thought Derek would die? Maybe that's the same thing now. And now Derek's a freaking Pokemon."

The Jeep shuddered to a stop as Stiles threw the Jeep into park, turning around in his seat to face Liam. "You okay?"

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not, Liam. Trust me when I say that I've had experience with dreams. Now, stop lying to yourself because we both know you're not fine."

Liam sighed. He hesitated, considering on telling Stiles about the girl from his dreams, about the reason why she always wore a white dress. It had been bothering him for quite a while.

"I . . . The girl from my dream," he began slowly. "Right before I, you know, kill her, she's always wearing this white dress. Always white. Never any other color. Do you think it means something?"

Liam wasn't best-best friends with Stiles yet, like with Mason, but there was something between them that only the rest of the pack could understand. Because they've all been through something terrible.

Stiles looked thoughtful. "White usually means innocence or purity. Maybe your dream symbolizes your fear of killing an innocent." Stiles was silent for a minute, before he flapped his lips, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. "Now, get going. You're gonna be late for History."

Liam opened the Jeep door, shouldering his backpack on one shoulder, then turned to face Stiles. "I never did thank you for helping me on the way to the Church - La Iglesia. So . . . uh, thank you."

Stiles nodded. "You're welcome, you little punk."

Watching as Stiles drove away, Liam headed into his Biology class. Heads whipped toward him when he entered through the door, like he just murdered someone, but Liam was used to it. People used to do that all the time back at Devenford Prep, after he'd destroyed his coach's car. Settling in his seat, he soon found himself feeling tired. He didn't mean to fall asleep, but he was just so, so tired from the nightmares. It was bad enough as it was, aside from the whole Berserker PTSD.

" . . . You and your friends try to protect everyone. How have you been doing this the whole time? I mean, how are you all still alive?"

"Not all of us are."

In his dream (vision or whatever), Liam was standing in a warehouse. There was water underneath his feet, soaking the bottom of his soles of his Converses. He looked up. A woman in her late-twenties with medium-length short dark brown hair and skin was in the middle of saying, "- or next time I'm killing all of you."

Harsh. But somewhere deep inside his mind, a voice supplied her name: Kali.

Liam tried to move, but it was like he was paralyzed. As if it wasn't his own body, Liam was forced to turn around.

"It's all okay, Derek." A teenage African-American boy was saying to the broken man in front of him. Realization hit Liam when he saw it was Derek that the boy was talking to.

"I'm - I'm sorry."

"The full moon. That feeling . . . that was worth it. There's a lunar eclipse. I always wondered what . . . what that felt like for one of us. For one of us . . ."

Suddenly, Liam was standing somewhere else. In front of him sat a teenage girl with curly blonde hair, wearing a black jacket, leaning her head back against the railing behind her. Liam wondered who she was and where they were. From what he could see, it looked like they were in an abandoned bank vault.

"Boyd, what do you think will happen to us on the lunar eclipse?" the girl asked. Boyd must've been the one Derek was holding. Perhaps this was one of his memories.

"They last for hours, you know," she continued, "Because it's just the Earth's shadow. I wonder what will happen to us. Maybe it'll make us stronger. I hope it will make us stronger." The girl rose to her feet, eyes glowing golden as she lunged toward Kali, the woman with the red eyes. And she fought. Erica Reyes fought hard and bravely. But in the end, it wasn't enough. The girl laid on the floor on her stomach, hand outstretched as if to touch somebody's - perhaps Boyd's - hand.

Erica grunted. "Boyd . . ." she whispered, while her hand softened, then her head met the cold, hard floor and she moved no more.

Liam felt a tugging sensation in his chest and suddenly, he was whipped forward, falling face down. He managed to catch himself, palms connecting with the gravel underneath him. Getting to his feet, Liam glanced to his right and saw Stiles. But it wasn't Stiles because Stiles had a look on his face that didn't suit him: pure evil. Liam figured that this must have been the time when Stiles had been possessed by the Nogitsune.

Looking in the direction that the Nogitsune was, Liam saw two figures in black, both holding katanas, slicing a teenage werewolf. When one of them is about to deliver the killing blow, a silver arrow appeared out of nowhere and impaled its target. The Oni dropped its medieval sword in surprise, exploding in a shower of yellow light and black dust. The ground around them rumbled like an earthquake was happening. Liam saw Nogitsune Stiles looking a little surprised - or a little scared. When the dark-haired werewolf's savior - a girl with black hair and fair skin - smiled in relief, she had no time to react to one of the Oni ramming his sword into her stomach. Apparently, Liam still had his werewolf hearing because he heard Lydia's voice screaming, "ALLISON!" The name carried on eerily as if she was in a tunnel.

Nogitsune Stiles smirked as he turned to leave; the figures in black vanished into black smoke as Kira ran to her mother as they both watched in shock when Scott came running out from behind a barred door to catch the fallen huntress.

Scott cradled the girl called Allison in his arms, brushing her hair out of her face as her lips become speckled with her blood. Scott touched her hand as if concentrating on something hard as if his life depended on it. Liam wasn't sure what he was doing, but he made a mental note to ask about it later.

"I can't take your pain," Scott said, his voice rising in a panic.

"That's because it doesn't hurt," Allison replied back softly. "It's okay."

"No, Allison . . ."

"It's okay. It's perfect. I'm in the arms of my first love. The first person I ever loved. The person I'll always love. I love - I love you. Scott - Scott McCall." Allison gently touched Scott's lips with her fingers while Liam heard Lydia sobbing in the background. "You have to tell my dad. You have to tell my dad - Tell him . . ." Allison's breath quickened as she tried to form her last words, but her heartbeat was slowing down and then there was nothing but silence.

"Does it hurt you as much as it hurts me?"

Liam whirled around. It was night; a chill whispered in the dark and Liam saw that he was standing outside of his school, right in front of a tunnel. Two boys that looked to be identical twins (and brothers) were sitting on the cement. One of the boys seemed to look like he was Death's doorstep what with the bloody wound he had in his stomach, while Chris Argent stood behind them.

"Yeah," his brother replied.

"It's okay," Twin #1 chuckled softly. "Lydia never believed I was one of the good guys anyway."

"She'll believe me," Derek answered, who was on his knees besides the twins.

Twin #1 strained to breathe while his brother tried to soothe him. As he took his last breath, Liam heard the sound of running footsteps. He turned to see Lydia running out from behind the double doors. Seeing what had happened, Lydia then turned, running straight into Stiles' arms.

Liam closed his eyes. Why was his vision showing him things that had already happened in the past? Was there a point that needed to be heard? When Liam opened his eyes again, he could smell dirt, blood, and tears.

A teenage boy cradled a girl in his arms in front of gigantic entwined and tangled cluster of roots of a tree. For a second, Liam thought it was Scott again, but then realized it was Derek, in his younger days. The girl must have been Paige, his first love, whom Stiles had told Liam about.

"Right after I told you my name," Paige was saying. "I think I knew. I've seen things in this town before, things no one could really explain. And there's the way you talk - How you say things, like how you'd catch a scent. And I know you can hear things, things no one else can hear. I knew."

Dang. Liam didn't know anyone that caught on that quick. Well, except for Stiles. He wondered what would happen if he told Mason about him? About the fact that there were werewolves in Beacon Hills. Would his best friend run or stay?

"And you still liked me?" Young Derek asked.

"I loved you," was Paige's reply. Then she let out a cry of pain and Derek kissed her forehead in comfort. He touched her hand, appearing to do the same thing Scott had done with Allison. Liam realized that Derek was taking Paige's pain, just like when Scott had tried to take away Allison's.

"I'm going to die, aren't I?" Paige asked as then Derek nodded his head in reply. "I can't take it anymore," she begged. "Please."

"I'm sorry," Derek cried as he pulled Paige into an embrace, hugging her so hard that he broke her neck. The sound of Paige's bones breaking resounded in Liam's ears and he winced. Derek whispered, "I'm sorry."

The last thing Liam heard before the sudden ring of the school bell woke him was Peter Hale's voice.

"It didn't matter that she was young and strong. Some people just aren't made for this . . ."


I know it's not the best chapter so far, but I promise it'll get better as it goes along. I'm making sure it won't be so confusing unlike my other story, The Knife and the Mockingjay.

Also, I don't want to make our favorite Teen Wolf characters too OOC so if I make a mistake or you think I should change some things, please let me know via PM or leave a suggestion in the review box! I will be doing Question of the Day in which the first person that answers it will get a sneak peek of the next chapter via PM (but you must have an FF account.)

Question of the Day:

They were teacher and student, and lived around 300 B.C. in Greece. One was possibly the greatest soldier of ancient times, the other was possibly the greatest thinker. Who were they?

Fav or Follow if you liked this! I promise this will be worthwhile and you will enjoy this story.

- A