Part-time Mafia Boss!

Summary: One day Vongola Decimo woke up to find himself in an extremely small budget apartment room. He then found himself without money and having to live normally as a part-timer! But things weren't actually 'normal' as it seemed. Parallel World. Adult!Vongola. Part-time!Vongola. Partial-AU. No pairings.

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR. It is owned by the great mangaka, Akira Amano!


He was blessed with any sorts of luxuries existing in this world.

He was the Don of the world's most powerful, most established and wealthiest mafia famiglia in Italy, the Vongola.

He not only obtained the unconditional reverence and absolute obedience from other key mafia families to the Italian president but also inherited a great fortune passed down from generations of his mafia don ancestors.

He had a main mansion that was ten times larger than the white house and more elaborately ornate than the Versailles, along with ten holiday resorts dotting across the country and all sorts of lodgings across the globe. He also had more than twenty lavish cars in his garage (most of which were for the family's common use, though). He had uncountable number of bodyguards and subordinates under him, including the most skilled assassins of the generation, his six 'guardians.' He had hundreds of servants, maids or butlers, as well as first-rate world-class chefs, constantly and dutifully waiting on him.

He had his own office bureau, which was as cavernous as a cinema room, with the world's most intact ebony writing table just before the giant panes of glass window draped by the priceless curtains woven by an experienced Florence artisan.

Likewise, his bedroom was probably one of the most extravagant among the incredibly prodigally furnished chambers of the colossal mansion. Defeated by his writing room only in terms of size and space, the bedroom, meticulously designed to be the sanctuary comfortable and relaxing after the boss's exhausting day full with duties (and paperwork) as well as befitting and showing off his glory and status as the boss of Italy's most influential mafia famiglia. All the furnishing was made of exotic and rare wood, such as ebony, timber and mahogany, delicately carved by veteran and renowned craftsmen. The canopy bed was probably too large for only his small Asian physique, but it signified his authority. The walls were decorated with the coveted and desperately sought-after paintings and art works of the world's famous artists, ranging from Van Gogh to the Pre-Raphaelite Rosetti brothers.

Indubitably, Sawada Tsunayoshi, the great don of the Vongola, was acquainted with these luxuries and the high-class environment.

So, he was more than surprised when he woke up only to find himself in an old, rusty, stale and moldy lowly apartment 'cell' with the claustrophobic size of 4 tatamis (1.653 square meters X 4)!

It was practically totally empty with the exception of the traditional space-efficient Japanese drawers and the small built-in kitchen compartment. No precious, designer furniture! No small writing table! No coffee table! Not even an en-suite bathroom!

And, worst of all, NO BED!

Yes, the great Sawada Tsunayoshi found himself on Japan's primitive invention for resting and sleeping, the cold, thin and pedestrian futon!

Why is he here in this dirt-poor living quarters? Yes, it may be true that he once imagined himself before meeting Reborn that he might as well end up leading his dame-dame life in this sort of desolate shelter. But, hey, he did meet Reborn and became the great mafia don, right?

Not to mention the fact that he was supposed to be in Italy. If he remembered rightly, he had plans to attend a meeting with all the allied families, then the guardians and finish as much of the hellish paperwork of doom as possible. Busy with the overflow of the never-ending duty and work of the boss, he had not been back to Japan for three years now. He did not even remember buying or arranging for a flight ticket back here.

Then, why is he here in Japan?

(Well, if you ask me, where else in the world could you find this kind of cheap tatami living quarters?) He thought…

What the heck just happened to me?

To be continued…