Description: Tony gets something unexpected when two gods show up at his door, demanding to have their way with him.

A/N: First I disclaim that I do not own loki thor or tony or marvel and make no profits from this. If I did, why would I be bringing you only written smut? Second, this came from a head cannon I read on tumblr and just had to try and write it out so I hope you like it!

"You want what?" Tony was nearly in hysterics as he sipped on his scotch in the laboratory of his mansion. Just five minutes earlier, Thor and Loki had showed up in his home unannounced. Tony had had no idea they had let Loki loose though how Thor explained it, he couldn't go anywhere alone and someone had to always be with him as part of his release. Thor seemed to be the one who was always with his brother.

"We would like you, man of iron in our bed." Thor said again, serious as he had thought Tony hadn't heard right. This made Tony howl again as Loki was looking more and more pissed off at him. "In your bed eh, big boy? You know who I am yes? The biggest playboy of all of New York and here you are wanting me to sleep with men?" Tony didn't bring up the fact in college, while high on many things he had had some flings with men, but he was going to leave that little part out. Plus those flings he was on top and he somehow knew neither of these men bottomed.

Thor was looking a bit like sad, kicked puppy while Loki paced, hissing quietly under his breath. "You are attractive man of iron. Loki picked you out himself, and it is not uncommon for those of Jotunheim and Asgard to pick more than one lover. My father back in the day had a male lover before he died in glorious battle and made his way to Valhalla." Thor said with a shrug. Tony seemed to giggle nervously as he took another drink his eyes watching them both. "Reindeer picked me? Why me?" Before Thor could answer, Loki bellowed out, "ENOUGH!" He growled his green eyes seemed to be glowing as he pushed forward and picked up Tony, pressing him against the nearest wall.

"That big oaf has said multiple times that we want, you for us sake, we want you! Now you need to shut those lips and get to work." With that, Loki lip locked the now quite shocked Tony who didn't know what else to do but kiss the god back. Loki's lips were oddly cool and it was soothing. They were baby soft and he couldn't help but moan just slightly when he felt the tongue of Loki's snake into his mouth for a taste. Loki seemed to like the taste of the scotch because his breath hitched as he pressed the human closer to the wall.

Thor watched on, licking his lips gently. He was glad to see his brother take charge, and on top of that Tony seemed to be enjoying the kiss that Loki was forcing upon him. Though, he wouldn't really call what was happening force anymore. Slowly, the bigger of the three moved closer and slipped a hand in between the bodies causing Tony to push up when Thor brushed against his pants. Thor was delighted to see just how happy Tony was for this to be happening.

"Brother, maybe a bedroom would be better suited to continue this?" Loki seemed to visibly growl against Tony's lips, not wanting the contact to end but he pulled away, eliciting a soft moan for more out of Tony's lips. "Fine." Loki growled and quickly teleported Tony and himself to the bedroom, leaving Thor alone.

"W-was that a good idea?" Loki just chuckled as soon enough, Thor was bounding through the door, a grin on his face that made him seem childish and puppy-like, but all the more loveable in Tony's eyes. "He is big, but fast on his feet after all." Loki shrugged as he sat back on his knees, staring down at Tony as if he was some sort of meat that needed to be butchered. This made Tony shiver slightly at the judging, mean eyes of the trickster. He soon relaxed when he felt the bed dip and Thor was at his side, radiating nothing but love, and warmth.

It was strange having the cold and warm sides of them both. On top of that, it was like light and dark. Loki the dark side, and Thor the eternal light. Tony was in slight awe at both of them, especially when Thor leaned in and captured Loki into a deep kiss which made the god moan and press into Tony's thigh. Tony could feel that Loki was enjoying himself.

"Isn't this a bit…. Incestuous?" Tony asked incredulously. Loki pulled away his eyes shooting daggers at Tony, about to retort when Thor started to laugh loudly as he shook his head. "Maybe just a bit, we are brothers but not by blood. Jotuns are known for incest, especially since they are an all-male race. In our worlds, this isn't wrong at all but actually quite normal." Thor explained as Loki seemed to relax at his brother's words. "Father quite enjoys the idea of us together. It is a way to merge two worlds who are not on such good terms." Loki spat out father with such malice, that Tony couldn't tell if he was agreeing with the old man or mocking him. He had no time to really contemplate their little incestuous threesome when he felt Loki jump him, quick, cool tongue shoved right back within his lips. Tony moaned quite loudly as he arched up into Loki, a hand feeling for Thor.

What Tony found surprised and scared him all at the same time. He had grabbed a hold of something, something large and hard and a small moan had escaped from Thor's lips. He knew exactly what that was. Tony had to pull away and ask, "What did you bring Mjolnir into the bedroom, Thor?" Thor looked at him a bit confused and shook his head, "No Anthony, Mjolnir is in the living room on the table. It would be most unwise to bring my weapon into the bedroom; it is made for battle not love." Thor sometimes really did seem dense. Loki had gotten the joke and was howling with laughter, his eyes shining with tears as he shook his head at his brother.

Thor was still slightly confused when Tony too started to laugh before he stopped, "Wait, did you call me Anthony? Please, don't call me that call me Tony." He said in amidst Loki's still howling laughter over that blunder of the thunder god. Thor nodded and then grabbed a fist full of dark, long, black hair and pulled Loki on top of him, silencing him with his lips as he bit and nibbled on them roughly. That made Loki moan and seem to relax completely. This pleased Tony slightly, seeing a slightly submissive Loki. Though, something in Thor's eyes jarred him. It was a look of pure unadulterated dominance. Something Tony knew could be there but had only seen when they were battling. The baby blues of Thor were normally warm and gentle in nature. This though, was all hunger and dominance.

Loki seemed to submit under that and pushed against his brother hungrily. Feeling braver, Tony sat up and moved towards them, slowly grabbing on Loki's butt and smirking when he pressed back for more. Oh yes, a submissive Loki? Now he was truly going to have some fun with this.

How submissive was yet to be seen when Thor growled a bit at Tony for touching Loki. Tony backed off and watched as Thor relaxed before he pushed Loki off. "Strip," the word wasn't a question but a command that Loki took seriously. He jumped and started to tear off his shirt when he heard yet another loud, low growl from Thor. "Slowly, give Anthony a show why don't you?" His voice was low, commanding and quite sexy to Tony. Tony coughed "Tony, please Thor Tony." He tried to empathize that but Thor seemed to ignore him. "Yes, just like that little brother." Thor purred. Though, to Tony that purr still sounded rough and dominanting.

Loki just whimpered as his shirt slid up and off of his lean, muscled body. Tony's mouth slightly opened. Loki was muscled, but on the sinewy side which was what Tony always wanted when he had his flings in college with men. Loki seemed to know how to move each muscle to get the ironman's attention. His attention was at full length in his pants and his eyes never left Loki as the trickster slipped from his tight pants and let them fall. What fell out made Tony feel dwarfed. Loki wore no underwear, and his cock was easily 3 inches longer than Tony's, yet still skinny. Tony wasn't some little guy down below either. He had an over the average size of dick and it was a nice width that ladies seemed to enjoy. Now, he was scared about how big the other brother could be.

Tony soon found this out when his eyes went back to Thor to see him devoid of any clothing by now. He too wore no underwear under his tight pants. "you know your place, Loki do it." Thor said in that ever calm, yet commanding tone. Loki quickly obeyed and plopped onto the bed. His hands were behind his back and his butt was as far up as his knees would allow him and his face was to the side on a pillow. Loki's eyes were shut tight as Thor took his belt and bound his wrists so Loki couldn't move. This made Loki whimper slightly and his cock bob, as precum oozed out slowly.

Tony gulped, about to ask when Thor looked at him and smirked. "We found out when he was imprisoned how much he enjoys being dominated. This is actually his favorite position." Tony couldn't speak as Thor seemed to lovingly caress his brother's arse before he grabbed it. "Bite a pillow, I am going in dry." He stated before giving one small rub so Loki knew and then thrusted into the hilt. Loki did bite a pillow and he screamed into it slightly. Tony was going to say something but the look on both of the god's faces, he knew better. Loki seemed to be enjoying the rough, dry sex and Thor was pounding at him like there was no tomorrow. Tony could only hope that Thor would be kinder to his own behind. 'Wait, what? No I am not a submissive! I will get a turn at Loki, right?' He asked himself, though was totally unsure of that, at this moment.

Thor looked over to Tony, never missing a beat as he smirked. "What do you think? Do you like seeing my brother in such a state? Look how hard he is, his cock is oozing and he's needing release. Maybe you should help and give him some of that relief what do you think man of iron?" He asked in a grunt. Tony gulped, and nodded before he moved under the bobbing trickster god. He wouldn't tell either of them but he had taken a few cocks in the day when he felt up to it, so he knew this wouldn't be too big of a deal. Slowly, he lapped the head of the cock and moaned at the oddly warm precum that was oozing out in gushes. He also was curious at his taste. Loki was quite sweet down there which was unheard of. Of course, both of the men were considered gods…

With one deep breath, Tony took Loki's whole cock down his gullet and he started to move in time with Thor's never relenting thrusts. Loki was reduced to quiet sobs and moans of pleasure, his body tense and twitching as he tried to comprehend all the pleasure going on. Tony gulped, his eyes closed as he relaxed and tried not to gag. The precum going down his throat was not really helping but he was enjoying it none the less. Loki's cock was cool but the cum was not and he would have to study him later on… He couldn't help it he was a scientist of course. Thor chuckled as he thrust a few more hard times. "Hmm, I wonder how you would like to taste his sweet cum. Loki, would you like to cum in Anthony's mouth?" Loki just moaned loudly in response and Thor laughed a barking laugh. "Alright then, cum Loki and show him how great you really taste. Cum for me, now." Thor demanded. Tony didn't catch it fast enough and he couldn't believe that Loki was able to cum completely on command. He had to stop moving and open as much as he could as the hot semen ran down his throat. Some did fall out of his mouth and into his goatee that he knew would need to be cleaned up. Loki finally stopped twitching and he pulled away, wiping away the drips that fell from his lips. "Wow, I have never seen that before…" Thor grinned when Tony had said that. "Oh, you haven't seen it all yet my dear man of iron." Thor said in a rather predatory tone. That made Tony gulp as he looked back at the gaping back side of a now spent, and tied up man. Thor had pushed Loki on his side and had unbound him but he didn't dare move without permission from his older brother.

"Strip for me Anthony. I heard many a great tell from women in New York of your beautiful body, I would like to see it for myself." Tony flushed and was about to deny him when his eyes caught Loki's green hues which told him saying no would mean quite the punishment that he would not be ready nor prepared for. Slowly, Tony stood and started to ever so slowly take off his shirt. Once that was removed, he went for his shoes which he took extra time before Thor growled. "I grow impatient!" At that, Tony had no idea what had happened but he was on his bed again stark naked.

Thor stood and seemed to drink in the site of the scientist that sat on his bed, cock hard and beading with his own precum at the head. "Loki, look how beautiful this man his. How perfectly shaped his human cock is. Would you like to suck it?" Thor asked curiously as Loki moaned and nodded. "Yes, please brother let me pleasure him as he did me." He pleaded. The pleading made Tony's cock twitch and Thor caught that. "I see the man of iron would enjoy it as well. Fine, suck Anthony off for me. I want a good show." He said, giving his brother's ass a nice loud smack. Loki yelped but quickly moved and dove down to suck off the precum in which made Tony moan.

"How were you able to fuck him without anything and without injuring him so badly? I mean come on he is one tight little ass and your cock is, well it's a monster." Tony asked up at Thor, who was idly stroking and tugging, just enough to keep him hard but not enough to get off from it. This made Thor break into another sadistic grin. "Well, I did tell you how his kind is an all-male race yes? Well, how in pray tell do you believe they reproduce? Males make their own lube. Yes I went in dry but his ass soon lubed itself up and he was able to take me just fine. Plus we have had months of practice." Thor explained. "Enough talk, enjoy your blow job." Thor snapped as he stood, stroking and watching Loki bob, suck, and lick as well as fondle Tony's balls.

Tony knew not to question either god anymore as his eyes closed and he drank in the sensations. It wasn't too long before he could feel himself drawing close. His balls were tightening and his cock feeling warmer in the cool mouth. He heard a muffled 'brofferrr.' From Loki to warn Thor he was getting close. "Not yet, Anthony. Loki." He commanded as Loki gripped the base right as Tony was on edge. He gripped hard enough it cut off the orgasm and Tony's body shuddered because of it. "F-fuck!" He shouted as he bucked. "Now, that is just mean, seriously." He groaned and Thor smirked. "I want you fully ready for when I take you. I want you to be so in need that you beg me to take, what I presume your virgin ass." Tony flushed but said nothing, which told Thor everything he needed to.

Loki kept up going and going and going. It seemed to go on forever and Tony was completely on edge the whole time. He could feel that Loki was still hard and precum was spreading across his leg and his sheets though he could care less at the moment. Thor finally bent over to Loki's ear and he said something that only Loki could hear. Soon enough, Loki had let go of Tony's cock and Thor said "now," before he heard a small, stifled shriek slash moan flow out of Loki's mouth around his cock. When that happened, Tony came with a loud cry as Loki too came against Tony's leg with no contact at all.

Tony was seeing stars, his cock slowly going limp as he fell back. Loki was still hard yet panting loudly as he laid back too. "What the fuck was that?" Tony asked roughly, sitting up to look at Loki. "He just came, again without so much as a touch!" Thor roared with laughter. "Months of imprisonment, he actually gave me the idea that he loved orgasm denial. I took it one step further and trained him. He can cum at any moment when I ask him. He can be completely unawares but if I say he must cum he will. Dinner parties are quite fun when I lean over and ask him to cum for me in his ear. He moans and gets cum all in his pants and must sit through the dinner without being able to clean up. No one is none the wiser but him and I." Thor said, smirking.

Tony had no words as he stared at the disheveled mess that was Loki. "T-that is quite, a-amazing." He finally stammered out. Thor nodded in slight agreement before he pointed to one side of the bed. Loki scrambled to it and laid down, ready to watch. "Now, it is my turn you see I have not gotten to cum, but both of you have. What will you do about that hmm?" Thor sneered at Tony. Tony felt himself spring back into attention and he gulped. "Well, Loki seems to be more prepared to take… your uh well you know than I am." Loki piped up quietly "Brother, he is a mere mortal you must prepare him and take your time or you could severely damage him in more than one way. Might I suggest you let me do the preparations and even maybe penetrate him? It will be easy to work him up from my cock to yours." Thor growled, "no, his ass and virginity is mine for the taking!" Tony had no words, his eyes wide. "Do you have lubrication?" Thor demanded from Tony.

Tony did enjoy the occasional anal play with other women and taking them from behind so he had a whole mess of it. "Y-yeah, nightstand." He mumbled, a bit scared. "Relax," Loki soothed "the more tense, the harder and more pain you will feel." Loki let a cooling, yet relaxing hand touch his side and Tony nodded. Thor soon enough came up with two tubes and ordered Tony on his back with knees to his chest. One hand was roughly tugging and playing with his cock, while the other had placed lube on his outer ring of muscles and was now slowly playing with it. For how rough he was, Thor was being very gentle with his fingers that were playing and pressing into him. He did tense but a soothing murmur from Loki settled him and he was able to take the calloused digit. Thor worked slowly with murmurs from Loki, cautions and be gentles. Thor was grunting, being rather impatient but Loki kept him calm enough to get Tony to take three whole fingers of the thunder god.

When he could barely feel the fingers, they were gone and he felt his body surge wanting the fullness. He moaned but was soon surprised with a slick, huge head pressing into him. This time, Thor was not being gentle. One hard press and he was fully seated within the now howling scientist. Loki sat up, alarmed but Tony waved him off as Thor sat completely still. He knew the waiting game. He was just happy to be inside of Tony at last. Thor's own breath was shallow and shaky as he tried to hold back. After what felt like decades to both the god and the iron man, Thor did a tiny, shallow thrust. When he was met with no resistance and Tony seemed to enjoy it with a low moan, Thor pulled almost all the way out and shoved back in. Tony winced but moaned at the pressure and nodded, urging Thor on. He could take it, and if he was too hurt there was Loki ready to heal, right? Tony at least hoped so. He also couldn't believe he was actually bottoming, but who wouldn't bottom to the giant of a man that was now riding his ass.

Thor's thrusts were never ending and Tony was blinded almost by the pleasure mixed pain he was receiving. He couldn't even comprehend enough to grab his own aching, bobbing cock to give himself some relief. All he could think about was how hot it was to have a god in his ass. After a few more hard thrusts, Thor slowed and looked to Loki, who was watching hungrily. "Do you wish to help finish him off?" Loki nodded excitedly and Thor nodded as Loki dived and took Tony fully into his mouth. This made Tony moan as he bucked, not sure if he should buck against the lips around his cock or the cock buried deep. Thor seemed to be getting closer, and Tony was following suit.

The thrusts were becoming uneven, and his breath was hitching as his eyes lolled shut. Loki worked harder and harder until Tony could no longer and he gave a loud cry, his cum once again filling the mouth of the trickster god he once hated so. Loki just seemed to moan and take all the cum into his mouth with ease. At that, Thor gave a few primal grunts and thrusts before he too let loose, shooting ropes of thick, hot cum into Tony.

When Thor was done, he pulled out and Loki had pulled off of Tony, his mouth still full of the scientist. First, Loki moved up and kissed his brother dearly, which elicited some lovely moans as Thor got a taste of the human. Once that was done, Loki crawled up and kissed Tony, who seemed to enjoy his own tangy taste against the sweet lips and tongue of the black haired god. He sighed contently as he laid down, his eyes falling shut.

Thor's demeanor had seemed to change and he slowly laid down next to Tony and pulled him into a bear hug mixed with naked spooning. Tony was too tired to protest but soon felt even more comfort when the naked Loki laid in front and put his arms and legs around them both, encasing the front of Tony in coolness and the back was on fire from Thor. He could get used to this, that was for sure.

Thor opened his eyes and looked to Tony. "I hope we pleased you Anthony. It has been our fantasy to have you in our bed for quite some time." Tony gave a tired chuckle as he nodded. "Not what I was expecting but it was very fun, big guy." Thor's face broke into his signature grins and his blue eyes filled with that same warmth that made Tony tingle. How could this gentle giant be so demanding in bed? He would have to question Loki later on, as well as get a sample of that strangely sweet cum. Tony fell into a slumber also wondering what Thor tasted like and if it was sweet too.
