~This has been a fun, wild ride. You have no idea how much I loved writing this. Seriously, more readers should give the vampire/wolf pairing a chance. Hopefully, there's no others quite like this one. I try to be different. Thanks to everyone that read and special thanks for reviewing at any time. I'd also like to thank my fanfic soulmate, Urban Rose for convincing me I could write this when I had my doubts and for making me tons of awesome banners to go along with the storyline.

So yeah, a sequel was teased a couple of times, read author's words at the end. It's true, I listened to Ed Sheeran's "Thinking Out Loud" one too many times when I imagined their happy times, so take a listen. They dance to it at the end.

********Announcement: Animals has two noms in the Non Canon awards. Check out my profile if you are interested in voting. Thanks to whoever nominated me. This is awesome news!*************

Happy reading...Animals concludes

Chapter 18: The Mystery of our Love

Jacob slowly opened his eyes to the goddess that had slipped in between the 1000 count Egyptian cotton sheets that he swore they were buying as soon as they got home.

"Morning, Mr. Black."

"Morning, Mrs. Black."

"Did you sleep well?"

He peeked at the clock. "Yeah, for three hours, I slept amazing. We're buying these sheets, right?"

"Yes, consider them a wedding present. I'll have them as soon as we return. And four, you got four hours, not three. Breakfast is on the way up."

He rolled over on his side and moaned, "My dick hurts."

She got a kick out of that fact. Bells teased him, "Awe poor baby...you want me to rub it and make it better?"

He grabbed her hand, "No or else I'm never going to get rid of the ache."

"So three days, and the honeymoon's over?"

He pushed her back against the sheets and kissed her. "No, but we haven't left the room since we said our vows. I need a few hours, maybe fill my pants with snow...let's go skiing today. We said we wanted to try."

"Yeah, I figured we would."

Jacob headed to the shower since she'd already taken one. By the time, he walked out dressed and ready to go, room service had delivered him a large, hot breakfast. They had arrived super late the first night, but the next morning; they were the first appointment of the day at the chapel he'd booked. It wasn't one of those cheesy Vegas type ceremonies. Other than only having strangers for witnesses, it was very similar to a nice church wedding. Bella whispered that she hoped she wasn't committing a sacrilege. He commented they both were if that was the case since he was Native American and they got married by a Presbyterian minister. When all was said and done, the important thing was they were married. It was real and official and he loved her so much, it didn't seem real.

Jacob was about done with his fourth Belgium waffle when she made his stomach turn. "So I've been thinking."

"About what?" he said with half a mouthful.


He coughed, that last bite stalled in his throat. He could have easily lurched up the entire meal on the table. "Jeez, Bells...why the fuck would you do that on our honeymoon? I thought we were both free to never have to give him another thought."

She explained that wasn't what she meant. "It's just...he was an issue for almost a year, he tricked me and then acted so off that one day in the city. Boom...barely two weeks passed and he signed the papers."

"Maybe he cared about his adoptive parents enough, he didn't want the family's lives under a microscope."

"Yeah, he does care for them. I...I just...I don't know. At one time, I felt like I knew Edward better than I knew myself. He's so different and it worries me. Can you believe he actually mentioned Aro before you showed up? I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you about that."

"Really, why bring up that creepy fucker?"

"Exactly. He said 'don't forget about Aro.' I didn't like his tone, kinda like a veiled threat."

She told him she shot that all to hell because it was obvious she did all Aro asked of her. She was immortal, that was his command. It never had anything to do with marrying him. That had been Edward's condition. She abided by all the unofficial vampire laws.

"He was just pushing your buttons, sweetie. I wonder if the Edward you think you knew wasn't the real version. Maybe this more manipulative, sinister, trouble making vamp is exactly who he really is."

"You could be right, but that just further proves how dumb I was."

Jacob tried make her let it all go. He was hopeful that was the last of it. They both knew Edward had enjoyed toying with them those months. It probably had a little to do with him licking his wounds after realizing they'd cheated on him. "It's over Bells...you and I are together. He doesn't deserve one more second of your time."

She agreed and that was the end of it.

It was officially their third morning, so they finally headed to the slopes after renting all the proper equipment. He suggested they start out something intermediate not to draw attention to themselves, but she ignored him and headed straight for expert.

"Fucking showoff." She'd never even had a pair of skis on and he watched her go down the mountain like she was qualifying for the Olympic freestyle. He made it to the bottom way after her to find her chatting up some overly impressed resort employees.

Jacob joined in and pulled off his mask so she could see his disapproval. "Oh, hey...your wife is quite the skier, but a terrible liar." The pretty boy all dressed in blue thought he was being funny.

"Oh yeah, how's that?"

"She's trying to convince us that was beginner's luck. So seriously, how long's she been skiing?"

"Yeah, she's got a strange sense of humor. She's been very adept for a good seven years."

A pink tongue made its appearance between her lips letting him know he was spoiling her fun. He pulled her back towards the lift.

"Spoiled sport."

"You need to stop."

"But I was telling the truth."

"Yeah, but it was impossible, so I fixed it."

The majority of the day was spent watching her kick his ass in every challenge she created. On the last run, he hit a spot and accelerated a little more than he was ready for. He ended up off the path a short ways. The smell hit him instantly, he ripped off everything on his face and head to make sure. Bella joined him.

"You smell that, don't you?"

"Definitely, it's pretty fresh."

"Yeah, I smell two. How about you?"

"Same. I guess it's a favorable location. That's why you chose it with me in mind."

"There's a lot of people too. I doubt they're here only for the recreation. Well, they got another thing coming. I'm going to patrol tonight."

They went back to their room and got ready for dinner. Bella wanted him to enjoy a meal at the highly acclaimed hotel restaurant. She'd already booked them a reservation early in the morning when he was still sleeping.

She covertly fed him most of the things off her plate while he was enjoying his own meal. He watched her taking in the surroundings. She mentioned they should go out to dinner more often. He enjoyed it and no one ever noticed she wasn't actually eating. Bella was quick to point out, she always could make observations to add to the blog. If they only stayed home, she would soon run out of topics. After dinner, she also insisted they have a seat in one of the hotel bars.

"Even better blog material," she added.

Jacob had a few drinks, but he was anxious to do some exploring on his own in the woods. He was not about to let someone end up missing at a resort he was checked into. He realized there was no way to rid the world of bloodsucker activity, but it was his duty to stop it whenever the opportunity presented itself.

They went back to the room and he proved to Bella his manhood had fully recovered. He held her for awhile against his chest but interrupted the moment by announcing he was about to head out for closer look.

She sat up and left the bed to slip on some clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready."

"No, I'm going by myself."

"That's ridiculous."

"You stay, I can handle it."

"There's two," she reminded him, but if worse came to worse, he knew he could handle two.


"Well, me and you together makes more sense. I don't need protecting anymore. Why is that so hard for you to get?"

"It's not, but I don't want you involved."

"I don't want you alone with two, probably less than friendly vampires. I'm one of them. If anyone should go it alone, it should be me. One whiff of you and they'll go on the defensive."

"This isn't up for debate. I'm checking it out alone."

"You're a stubborn ass sometimes. Guess who will be the protector when you stop phasing?"

"And you married me a few days ago knowing that was the case, so what's your point? Fine, I'll accept your protection when I have no choice, but not today. If I don't come back in half an hour, you can come out."

"Thirty minutes...then I'm allowed? Hell no...fifteen...that's all you got. Don't be a hero, Jake."

Ha, hero was his middle name, but she didn't like it when he kissed her goodbye and said so. Jacob went into stealth mode as he escaped the boundaries of the resort. Once he was safely away from all civilization, he discarded his clothes in a pile and tucked them under a fallen tree. His wolf doubled back and he roamed around the vicinity they'd been in earlier. He tracked the two scents again, but didn't find anything too fresh. Maybe they were a day old. Hopefully, they were only passing through. He didn't want to go too far and get turned around since he was in uncharted territory. True Bella fashion, she hadn't listened for shit. She found him less than fifteen minutes into his search. He knew everything she said about protecting herself was true, but he couldn't help his desire to take care of her.

He phased back so he could get her input. "Hey, I think they're gone."

"Yeah, me too."

"You don't recognize them, do you?"

"No, not at all."

"Well, I plan on checking every night we're here."

"Me too."

"Of course, you are."

"Can't have you being the only stubborn one."

He motioned for her, but she stood still. "What, let's go."

"I'm out here already, I should hunt."

"Oh, okay, well I'll wait."

"No, I'm perfectly fine alone. Go get some rest. I might be waking you up before daylight."

"Bells, it's okay, you know."

"I know, but just give me this one privacy, please." He understood, so he gave her a parting kiss and let her do what she needed to do.

The rest of the honeymoon was peaceful and normal. They never caught the scents again. Bella was convinced if they happened to get the whiff of the wolf, that was all that was needed to convince them to be on their way. They both hated to leave but vowed to make it a regular destination perhaps for anniversary celebrations. At least, he'd scheduled one extra week after they returned home. They made all the important phone calls and were happy to hear congratulations all around. Bella was bouncing off the walls that Charlie spoke to her on the phone and that Sue was quick to tell her, they would be coming to the housewarming. Bella wanted to have it right away but Jacob got her to hold out a few months since they were having a pretty bad winter.

April rolled around and all the invites had been extended. Bella insisted on sending out formal ones. She had gone nuts with his credit card. She had covered all the bases. The house was in full bloom with a springtime feel. She had fresh flowers and candles in every available spot. One of the small spare rooms, had been transformed into a playroom of sorts. She had a list of all the children's names and ages, so she was certain she had a little something for everyone.

Jacob pulled out some long tables where they were setting up the buffet. She went over the menu. "I'm doing a fajita bar. I'll have everything...beef, chicken, shrimp and veggies. Then I'll have the sides: beans, rice, chips and various salsas and queso. How does that sound?"

"Damn, now I'm hungry."

She was second guessing if she bought enough but he looked at the pounds and pounds of food and assured her, he'd never seen so much food even at a bonfire. "It'll be fine, you're doing great Bells. This is better than they're use to, trust me."

"Oh, and since we have children attending, I'm dong a sundae bar with cookies and brownie and different ice cream to build their own sundaes."

"Children...really, the guys will be first in line with that." Jacob gabbed a hold of her and gave her a kiss. "Slow down, honey. You're making me dizzy. This is going to go on without a hitch. They'll see it's not so bad and we'll end up having guest more often than we probably want. You're going to be with your father again. How's that sitting with you? Are you nervous?" Bella and Charlie had not been in the same room since Ness's memorial. Charles Swan was that stubborn.

"A little, but we've made progress. Still no word from Jared or Sam?"

"No, they're not quite there yet but it's fine, everyone else is coming but Brady and Collin and the newbies."

"What are their names again? "Quil was pleased to know if he was losing two veteran wolves, at least he had three new replacements. Some new kids had shifted over the winter.

"Shane, Mark and Linx."

"Linx is odd, huh?"

"It's a nickname, I think his first name is Ralph or something, so I don't blame him."

"They could come too. I'm sure they're always starved being new."

"No way, I told Quil to let them know in no uncertain terms not to come around. New wolves don't have enough control, can't have them jumping on my wife."

"Oh yeah, I understand. Maybe I'll make up a to-go plate for them and send it with Seth. I'm sure he's the only one I can trust not to eat it for himself."

"Yeah, that's true. Seth will do anything for his big sister."

"Haha, yeah...so I kinda like having a brother of sorts." Seth wasn't a stranger, he stopped by often after Quil and Embry bragged about how nice it was out there. "Speaking of sisters, what about Leah?"

"She's super busy at work. We had lunch last week. She told you to go for it, but she can't get away. She's trying to get her certification as a nurse midwife so she can deliver babies in her hospital."

"That sounds crazy, so unlike her, but I'm happy for her."

The day moved quickly and Bella kept him hopping with a honey do list a mile long, but just as 4 o'clock hit, they first car door slammed. It was Quil and Jenny. Bella and Jenny hit it off but they'd already met at the club that night. It didn't seem to phase Quil's girlfriend one bit after learning the whole truth about her. Paul drove up next with his father in the front seat. Rachel was siting in the back with Wyatt and new baby Whitney who was going on four months old. Embry, Seth, Shelby and Samantha rode together and Charlie and Sue were the last to arrive. He watched her as each person came through. She was a first-class hostess: meeting, greeting and showing them the basics like where the guest half bath was. Told them to feel free to grab anything out of the cooler or the snack table. They opened the french doors to the deck so everyone could spread out and Bella wanted to make sure the guys had plenty of fresh air. She didn't want any of them to become uncomfortable.

Jacob watched carefully as Bella embraced Sue. Charlie put his arm around her and complimented them on everything but it wasn't a full on hug quite yet.

His father wasn't shy about showing her some love. He was happy to see the two of them together again. Billy told her how happy he was for the two of them and Bella held tightly to his neck and said how much she loved him and thanked him for his acceptance.

The party was in full swing and everyone seemed to be having a blast. Wyatt had the toys to himself since Sam and Jared were still being a little standoffish and didn't show.

The guys weren't shy about digging in when Bella brought out all the meats. He couldn't imagine how many fajitas tacos were being made by the minute. Perhaps, she hadn't overbought after all.

They were in the living room having easy conversation. Bella had been admiring Whitney from afar when Rachel asked if she wanted to hold her.

"Can I really?"

"Sure, I pumped earlier, you can give her a bottle, as well."

Quil chimed in, "We're all family, you can give it straight from the source if you want."

Paul frowned, "No, I told her not to since last time, you wouldn't take your eyes off, weirdo. Ya'll are related, sicko."

Everyone laughed at Quil's perversion. Jenny smacked him and looked embarrassed.

"What I'm just curious? I wasn't trying to see anything. I think it's beautiful."

"Ewe's and awe's," filled the room to further tease him.

Jacob was pretty sure as soon as Jenny married him, they'd expect a little one right away.

Bella looked petrified and inspired all at once sitting with Whitney in her lap. Paul squeezed in beside her to make sure whatever he needed to be sure of.

Charlie asked a few questions about the house and property. He was making small talk. Jacob could tell he was still keeping Bella at arm's length, so he decided to encourage some talk between the father and daughter.

"Oh yeah, Charlie...Bells works now, from home. She's doing really well with freelance computer work."

"Is that so?" He seemed a little impressed and surprised. A couple of the others asked for more details.

"Yeah, and not only that, she runs a blog...gets loads of hits per day. What are you up to now, babe...like in the 10's of thousands of views?"

"Jake...that's supposed to be anonymous."

"Yeah for strangers, but this is family. I thought you'd want them all to know. Everyone should check it out," he further bragged.

"Oh, that sounds interesting. I love a good blog," Samantha spoke up for once, she was quite and shy a lot like Em.

"Yeah Bella, what's it called since you said it's anonymous," Rachel inquired.

She gritted her teeth and gave him the look like I can't believe you just did that.

"Sure Bells, we'd all like to know. Sue will take a look at it later," Charlie was a little more relaxed each time he spoke.

Bella looked to Whitney like she was going to give her some encouragement, but the baby had drifted off to sleep swaddled in a blanket in Bella's lap.

"It...it's called The human blog," she whispered it but all the supernatural hearing caught it and a raucous round of laughter filled the room. They all got the irony.

Paul shushed them back down since they baby startled for a second and then settled back into dreamland.

A few people whipped out their phones in search of The human blog.

Bella made one request. "Um yeah, okay I guess it's okay if you all take a look but don't click on the Big Chief section, please."

Charlie asked the question, "Why's that?"

Oh, if Bella's cheeks could still burn bright, he knew she'd be a ripe tomato for sure, "It's kinda embarrassing, it's my advice column about relationships. You know, just don't look at that, especially you Dad, but yeah everything else...go ahead, it's fine."

Her drawing attention to it, made the guys all the more curious. Quil whispered to Embry, "You know what that means...she's got sex in that part."

Paul snatched Rachel's phone from her hands and did exactly what Bella didn't want. He went straight to the Big Chief section. Jacob knew she wasn't writing pornos there. He'd read everything before, but she did have some saucy tidbits about pleasing your man and stuff to make your man hot. What she didn't realize, she made him hot no matter what, but he could see how her tips were good for maybe some worn out housewife that had let the spice go out of her marriage.

"Holy shit, guys look at this." Bella couldn't take it anymore, sitting next to them as they read her private stuff. She handed the baby off to her mother. Paul nudged Rachel, "When we get the kids to sleep tonight, you're trying this."

She slapped him. "Hush, my dad's right there."

"Yeah well...we have kids, I think he knows I've defiled you by now." Rachel looked equally embarrassed to Bella and Billy sat off to the side shaking his head.

Jake hugged her and apologized, "Sorry, but I wanted to brag."

"Yeah, it's fine." She looked around and the two of them noticed Charlie had disappeared. Maybe the sexy talk drove him away.

Bella pointed to the office. Jacob told her, she should go. He couldn't help staying nearby. She went inside and he could hear a little sniffling. Damn, Charlie was crying, he wondered why. Things had seemed to be going smoothly.

"Daddy, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He heard her ask.

And then it happened, Charlie stood up from where he was slumped over her desk and he grabbed his daughter and he held on for dear life and he sobbed. Jacob was pretty sure they all heard, because much of the rowdiness from the living room ceased. He felt like he was intruding, so he slowly stepped back.

"It's going to be okay, I'm so sorry for everything but I'm still your daughter if you want me to be."

And Jacob made it down the hallway as Charlie expressed his own apologies but he heard him say, "Of course I want that Bells."

Bella stayed back in the office with Charlie for a good thirty minutes. He'd leave it up to her to tell him what she wanted to share, but at least a lot of her wishes came true that afternoon. They were all a family no matter their differences.

Several months passed and Bella and Jake got visitors here and there. She tried once again to host a large outdoor party since the lake was plenty warm for swimming. Finally, Sam let down his guard. He showed up with three kids in tow, his son and two daughters. Bella and Emily always got along, so it was nice to see the two have their reunion. Leah brought her husband, Lane. Jared surprised them, as well by coming with Kim and their two kids. She really considered it a success when Collin and Brady came traipsing out of the woods in the sunlight. They weren't her biggest fans because they got in when all the upheaval happened and they never knew human Bells like everyone else.

Wyatt insisted she go down to the water with him, she'd kept to the shade most of the day, because of the sun.

Bella donned the largest hat she could find, but she wore a sundress. She covered herself with a light wrap. She slipped on her sunglasses and went to have a walk around the water's edge hand in hand with Wyatt, who never even commented how chilly she was. He was just happy to be with his Aunt Bells.

Jacob watched carefully from the deck, Paul was two steps behind them as usual. She turned around, "One day, I'm going to issue you a leash while you follow me." Lahote let the slightest growl come out, but he could tell the two actually enjoyed giving each other a hard time.

Wyatt looked down at their feet as the water washed over them. He observed, "You're shiny, Aunt Bells."

"Um yeah, I guess so."

Her feet were shimmering in the sunlight.

"I like it, you're real pretty," and that was that. He didn't bring it up again or ask any further questions.

The last of them stayed and helped clean up. Seth, Quil and Embry had all made it official back to back to back so there were few bachelors left. The pack was sound and Quil was officially in charge. Sam had totally quit and Jared was cutting way back. Brady was also engaged and he was very polite to Bells when he left telling her next time he'd bring his fiance, Charlotte. Before it got too late, they all headed out, leaving them alone.

Jacob came out on the deck to find her staring off at the moon's reflection over the water. He bagged up the last bit of trash. She was so happy, "They all finally trust me."

"Yeah, I knew they just needed some time."

"I know that I deserved to be miserable and alone for what I did. I tried to make it so...I was horrible to you with that in the back of mind at all times."

"Well we're light-years past that. Everyone makes mistakes. I made my fair share."

"I don't deserve this life."

"Who says?"

"I do."

"Well, I think you deserve all the happiness I can give. I love seeing you smile."

"All those children...they're beautiful. You deserved to have some of your own."

"Honey, not that again. I thought we moved past that."

"No, I'll never move past it. It's the only thing that still haunts me. You've proven all the rest of our life together can be perfect. I wish more than anything..." he touched her lips with his finger.

"I love you."

"I love you more." He wasn't sure how that was possible.

The music from the house was still playing through the outdoor speakers. He held up his hand, "Hold on, right there, don't move." He ran back in and started the song over and turned it up.

She'd taken off her wrap and wore only the light, flowing sundress. He extended his hand, "May I have this last dance, Mrs. Black?"

"Sure, sure..." she giggled and took his hand. The two of them danced on across their deck under the stars to a tune crooning about finding love right we are. Truth was in those lyrics, because somehow the mere love of a teenage boy had seized hold of a heart that wasn't there any longer and blossomed into a epic love tale between two supposed sworn enemies. He swore even if Bella no longer had a beating heart within her chest, he housed it inside his own heart. When she kissed him like she'd done countless times, his feelings of love and devotion confirmed it. Nothing could ever come between them.

~~~***The End***~~~

~Thanks so much for reading.




~A/N It is my wish that if you are all warm and fuzzy about how this version of Jacob and Bella ended then feel free to stop right there, but if you are so inclined to go on another wild ride. A sequel to this story is underway. Title is still top secret. It crossed my mind originally for this to be one long story, but what happens after this will have a different vibe, so I felt it necessary to separate the two stories. It won't be Animals:Part 2, I'm going to do something else. I hope you agree to read on, but if you don't, I appreciate everyone that reads, so HUGS :)




One teaser exists below in case, you're curious what might transpire in the next one. It's a little outtake from the one and only Edward Cullen.

I disconnected with the call I'd been waiting for. Patience was a virtue. I'd done exactly as I'd been asked. I let Bella go, she didn't want me anymore. They all said it. I had to accept it. I told her long ago, I'd let her go if that's what she wanted. I didn't mean it, but I did all I needed to be sheer perfection in her eyes, a naive teenage girl's eyes. None of them understood, she was my singer...then my mate. I admit my failings having a hard time accepting the change that brought, but I never ceased to love her. Bella belonged with me. She most definitely didn't belong to a mongrel. I did my best to stay occupied. Carlisle says he'd never been more proud. Even Rose complimented me today. It's been two long years. Time never meant anything until now. This is what I always knew, Bella needed to be needed. She thrived on it. It's one of the reasons, I was able to cancel out her fears so quickly. She needed me, like the air she breathed. As much as I loved our daughter, her existence changed everything. I have to wonder what life would be like if she hadn't been conceived. Her short, tragic life proved to me she really should have never been. Bless her tiny soul. I'm a monster of sorts for uttering the thought, but I feel as if her earthly departure cut the final thread that held Bella to me. I'm finally ready, she will also be ready, because Bella can't exist alone. If she was to lose Jacob, she wouldn't do well alone. There's only one place she'd retreat. So like I said, patience is a virtue but I've been patient long enough.