A/N: Well, since no one could find this last bit of the story "Cosmic Love" I had no other choice but to post it with the rest of the story and change the rating of the story. Sorry, for those of you who don't like to read M rated stuff. Anyway, hopefully this works instead. Enjoy!

Ok, here is the Epilogue to my short story, "Cosmic Love." I have written love scenes before, but nothing as smutty as this. I guess you could say that this is my first foray into the world of smut, so please be gentle with me. I hope you all enjoy! As always, please read and review!


Rated: R/NC-17

This Is It, This Is Where I Belong!

One month. Oliver and Felicity had been officially together – finally – for a month and everything had been going, well…perfectly. The team had been running smother than ever. Never had things been so relaxed and easy for all of them. As soon as Oliver and Felicity became official everything around them just seemed to click right into place. Digg honestly did not know why those two hadn't gotten together sooner. Oh, right. Oliver's stubborn head and Felicity's too forgiving personality. Anyway, everything was perfect…well, almost perfect.

Digg would really like to be around the two of them without having to avert his eyes, and he was certain Roy felt the same way. Honestly, the sexual tension had always been heavy and thick before, but now the air was so thick with it that it was almost hard to breath around them. Not to mention the fact that he was seriously thinking of coming up with a code word for them to use before he is forced to walk in on them both getting their freak on again. I mean really! Digg understood that they loved each other and that they were making up for a lot of lost time, but there were some things that he did not need to know about.

With that said, Digg made his way across the dance floor of the club and towards the basement door leading down to the Lair with Roy at his side and baby Sara in his arms (the nanny had called in sick that night and Lyla was off on a mission for the next three days which meant he'd been left with having to bring Sara into "work" with him that night). Just as Roy opened the door, Digg put a hand across the younger man's chest to prevent him from entering their little secret lair.

"Hey, what's up?" asked Roy as he turned to Digg in confusion, wondering why he'd stopped him.

"Listen…" said Digg. Roy listened.

"It's quiet," said Roy as he gave a Digg a look.

"Thank God," muttered Digg as he led the way down into the Foundry. Roy continued to look after him in confusion until he too finally caught on to what Digg was worried about. The Kid let out a low chuckle.

"Oh, yeah right," said Roy as it finally clicked that Digg was worried about walking in on Oliver and Felicity…again.

"I swear, those two have been acting like a pair of rabbits," complained Digg with an annoyed eye role, but he couldn't help the smile that graced his lips. He was really happy that those two had finally worked things out and living happily ever after…so far. However, it was just then that he noticed that the Foundry was empty. "Hey, weren't we supposed to meet Oliver and Felicity here?" asked Digg as he looked around in confusion. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Roy walked over to Felicity's desk of computers to pick up a little post-it-note that clearly had Oliver's handwriting on it.

"Looks like Oliver had to go to a board meeting will Walter," said Roy.

Ever since Oliver, with Felicity's new found evidence, had won back Queen Consolidated he had been doing a lot of board meetings and investors meeting with Walter. Walter, who was once again the CEO of QC, had been a godsend when Oliver had reclaimed his family's legacy. Oliver knew that he wasn't the man that could run his family's company and save the city every night. He'd tried that once and failed at both. So, Oliver was doing the smart thing. He was on the QC board, but he left the running of the family business to someone who could do the job right, so in came Walter Steel. So, while Oliver did not run the so called family business, he stilled had obligations and responsibilities to attend to involving the family business. Hence the reason why Digg and Roy were at present on their own in the Arrow Cave, as Felicity liked to call it.

"Oliver wants us to start running Felicity's usual searches while they're at work," said Roy as he finished reading Oliver's note. "Well, looks like other than that we get the night off." With that said, Roy and Digg got to work with starting Felicity's annual evening searches before they went upstairs for a quick drink while also giving Thea an hour or two to play with baby Sara. Thea had gotten really attached to the little tike ever since she had returned home.

Meanwhile, fifteen minutes away in the center of the city stood the reinstated Queen Consolidated business building, sat Oliver Queen – right next to Walter Steel – who was trying very hard to keep the bored expression off of his face. Yeah, there was a reason he didn't run a business. He just didn't have the right…temperament for it. He was more of the kind of guy that liked to go with the hands on approach. And in complete honesty he would rather be anywhere but here. Or, to be more specific, he'd rather be with Felicity than here. With that, thoughts of Felicity filled his mind, thoughts of them finally being together.

And for the first time in…since he could remember, he was happy. Yes, that was right. Oliver Queen was happy. That happiness continued to overflow him as he thought back to their first intimate night together…

Oliver had been together with Felicity for only three weeks, but in those three weeks everything had been complete and utter bliss. Now, Oliver had been with a many number of women since he was fifteen, and some of those had actually been real relationships – including Laurel – but in all of those…relationships he had never felt like he could just be himself. There was always some underlining goal, some sort of pedestal that they all expected him to reach. But now he was just being himself with the only woman he had ever truly loved. And it felt good.

So, there he was just finishing up with the salmon ladder and once he had reached the top he smoothly jumped back down to land on his feet with a surprising cat-like grace. Felicity had been working on her computers doing some research he knew not of, only that she had been very engrossed by it meanwhile her usual searches ran on the side. As Oliver made his way towards her, Felicity continued to hunch over her desk and gaze at her computer screens in deep concentration. He wondered what exactly had her complete and utter attention, because usually it was on him whenever he was doing some sort of strenuous workout – especially on the salmon ladder – so he continued to walk up from behind her. He was used to being able to surprise her. As soon as he was close enough to read the computer screen everything in him froze, and then a rare smile – one that only Felicity was capable of bringing to his face – spread across his sharp harsh mouth. Felicity was researching "Pregnancy Libido" and from what Oliver could make out from reading over her shoulder, a woman's body was extremely sensitive as well as often time overly sensualized and aroused during pregnancy.

While they had been together there had been extreme kissing – outright make-out sessions – and the occasional foundling, but right now all Oliver wanted to do was rip every piece of clothing off of himself and Felicity and ravish her until they were both blacked out in exhaustion. He wanted to make her scream so much and so loud with pleasure that her throat would be hoarse for at least a week. Felicity was it for him, there would be no other, and as Felicity was so fond of pointing out in the past, given the deadly and dangerous lives they lead, why wait.

Thank goodness Digg and Roy had gone home a little over an hour ago, leaving him and Felicity all to their lonesome in the Lair.

As soon as Oliver stood directly behind Felicity he let his hands fall upon her shoulders, expecting the slight jump accompanied by a light squeak that came from her do to his sneaking up to her "ninja style," before he bent his head and placed a light kiss to her right temple. Felicity's hands worked fast to remove the open windows of research she had displayed on her computers, but she wasn't fast enough. Oliver had already caught her red-handed…so to speak.

"Something you want to share with me, baby?" asked Oliver with an air of smugness in his deep almost-Arrow voice.

"Uh…nothing…I was just…doing research," replied Felicity as she stumbled over her words. Granted talking was hard enough for her when Oliver wasn't trailing his mouth, teeth, and tongue along her jaw and neck.

"I can see that," said Oliver as he continued to work his mouth over her neck, leaving love bites and suction marks on her from her jaw down to her right collarbone before he turned her chair around so she was facing him. Before Felicity could even try to defend herself from his sensual attentions, Oliver was kissing her mouth, his tongue flicking against her lips, seeking entrance. And who was she to deny him.

This kiss was much like many other they'd had, but underneath the usual hidden messages of love and passion was a promise of something so primal and deep that the kiss alone caused Felicity to shiver and tremble beneath him.

"So, if you are this responsive to a kiss, I wonder…" said Oliver slyly as he guided her up from her chair until she was standing before him, a trembling mess. His hands worked fast against the buttons of her pink blouse, only undoing half of them before his right hand delved beneath the fabric and unclasped the front catch of her bra.

"Oliver, wait maybe we should…" Felicity's words died then and there as they were quickly replaced by gasp and then shuttering breathy moan as Oliver cupped her bare left breast in his rough calloused hand. His left arm was band around her like flesh-covered steel case, holding her still and upright.

As Oliver continued to cup and message Felicity's breast, her breathy moans continued and her head fell back as her eyes slid closed. Oliver took advantage of the clear pale skin of her neck and bent to add to the already growing number of love marks he was leaving behind. Felicity's hands came up to drag her nails through his scalp, down his neck, and over his shoulders, making him growl in barely restrained lust.

In a blink of an eye Felicity found herself being swung from her feet and placed sitting on the edge of the metal medbay table that occupied the space right behind her desk of computers. Oliver didn't bother unbuttoning the few remaining buttons of her blouse, he simply ripped apart what was let of them before tossing her blouse and bra over his shoulder, not caring where it landed (which happened to be on one of the lower rungs of the salmon ladder) before he made quick work of the little multi-colored skirt she had worn that day an tossing that aside too, along with her heels.

"Oliver, I'm extremely sensitive right now so maybe we shouldn't…" Felicity tried to warn Oliver exactly how insane her hormones and libido were acting at that moment – because contrary to popular belief she had spent the better part of her pregnancy thus far doing everything she could to restrain herself from jumping his bones – suffice it to say there was a beast raging inside of her that she wasn't at all certain she'd be able to control for much longer.

Oliver just looked at her through hooded eyes and thick blond lashes before he asked her one simple question that they both already knew the answer to. "Do you want me to stop?

They really should stop, at least that was what the rational side of Felicity's mind was telling her, but as Oliver continued to look at her with that look, all rational thought promptly went right out the fucking proverbial window right then and there. "No." was Felicity answer and with those words Oliver dragged her thin red lace undies over her hips and down her legs with his teeth. And boy was that a sight.

When Oliver was back at eye level with her, Felicity got work on his cargo pants, the ones he always worked out in, while he kicked off his shoes. All the while their mouths worked over each other necks and shoulders – and Felicity was able to leave many of her own love bites all along Oliver's jawline and neck, but she reserved her nail and rake marks for his shoulders and back.

As soon as they were both as naked as the day they were born Oliver pulled away from Felicity's mouth and looked directly into her eyes as he thrust two fingers into her. The way her eyes closed, how her neck arched back, and the sound that escaped her throat made his cock twitch in anticipation. He pulled her forward to place a sloppy deep kiss on her mouth, his hips bucking involuntarily when he dragged her nails down his forearms. He used two fingers to pump her towards the edge of orgasm before he moved his forearms under her thighs, opening her up more to him before he thrust three fingers back into her.

Felicity bucked with every thrust of his hand. Oliver used three fingers to thrust into her while he used his thumb to strum her cunt, curling his fingers inside of her which caused Felicity to let out a gut wrenching whimper that brought a growl to his own lips. He drove her to the edge once again before he pulled his fingers from her sheath and bringing them to his mouth in anticipation to taste her. Oliver moved away and back towards her desk, grabbing her chair and dragging it over towards the edge of the medbay table.

"Oliver," Felicity let out with a whimper of loss. "Why did you stop?" asked Felicity, mesmerized by the way that Oliver sucked her juices from his own fingers as he pulled her desk chair over to the edge of the metal medbay table. Oliver just sent her a sensual smirk before he sat down in her chair and pulled her hips towards him on the edge of the metal table before he bent his head towards her cunt and proceeded to do to her with his mouth what he had been doing with his fingers.

Felicity's back arched as he let out a keening whimper as Oliver began to work her over with his mouth, tongue and teeth. He alternated between deep thrusting licks, light nips of his sharp teeth, and downright sucking her bud into his mouth. Finally Oliver worked Felicity's body right over that edge she'd been longing for, but he didn't stop there; moving her legs over his shoulders he delved deeper into her cunt until her back was flat against table…but it wasn't long before her back was bowing again…and again…and…Felicity lost count how many times Oliver made her come alternating between his mouth and fingers repeatedly.

As Felicity cried out yet again from another orgasm washing over her body Oliver moved to stand between her thighs, one of which was still placed over his right shoulder while he moved her right leg to wrap around his waist, and positioned his hard throbbing cock at her entrance. Oliver dragged her hips further towards the table's edge until they were resting right past the edge, and she would've fallen if it weren't for the fact that he held her hips in his rough firm hands – and the fact that her legs were wrapped around him like a little Felicity-octopus – while her upper body was still lying flat against the table, her hands holding on with white knuckled grip as Oliver looked down at her with a look filled with pure love, lust, and happiness that it brought tears to her eyes. Those tears fell from her eyes when Oliver bent forward to put a sweet open mouthed kiss against the small barely noticeable baby bump on her abdomen. Felicity both heard and felt Oliver whisper lovingly the words that had become so normal between them for the last few weeks. "I love you."

Oliver repositioned himself to a stand, his hands firm on Felicity's hips as he slowly – oh, so slowly – guided himself into her tight swollen sheath. Felicity whimpered breathlessly as she felt Oliver entering her. He was a big man and for a moment she thought he wouldn't fit, but as soon as Oliver was in to the hilt he pulled out just as slowly, and again entered her…slowly. He was torturing her, his hips moving in a steady aching rhythm that left her head thrashing from side to side and sobbing whimpering moans being pulled from her throat. Oliver couldn't help the animal grunts and groans that was coming from him either. The feel of her around him was…intoxicating. He could happily spend the rest of eternity being joined to her.

"Oliver…please…" Felicity cried out, unable to hold back her begging whimpers, as Oliver continued his achingly slow pace. Yup, he was torturing her…with sex no less.

When Felicity started beg, Oliver was a goner, gone were the slow smooth thrusts of his hips and were replaced with harsh thrusts, like a jackhammer, that had Felicity clawing at his chest and chanting his name like a prayer. Oliver's grip on Felicity's hips tightened as his thrusts became harsher and deeper.

"Felicity, baby…come…come for me now," growled Oliver.

"Oliver…I love you," said Felicity before she cut off with broken keening scream as an orgasm so powerful she saw stars behind her eyes and was pretty sure she almost blacked out.

That was it for Oliver, when he heard Felicity say the three little life changing words, his thrusts became more animalistic…once, twice, three times he trust into her before he too was going right over the edge, a broken shout-growl drown from his chest along with Felicity's name as he came inside of her. Now, Oliver had had a lot of sex in his life – great sex even – but never had sex been so…mind blowing. It was as if nothing but he and Felicity existed. He had never before felt that kind of connection with any other woman. Never…until now.

Oliver gathered Felicity in his arms as he lowered himself into the desk chair that stood directly behind him, Felicity limp in his arms. He had one arm wrapped securely around her while he used his other hand to gently caress the little baby bump that sat safely between them.

"I love you, too." said Oliver with smile as he looked down at the woman he loved above anything and anyone else.

The next day when Oliver prepared to work out with Roy and Digg he pulled his shirt over his head, forgetting about the marks that Felicity ha left on him the night before, and walked over towards the training mats where Roy and Digg waited for him. Now, the night before, Oliver had been worried he'd hurt Felicity while he was in his animalistic lustful haze, but Felicity's only reply was to giggle and say, "Oliver, babe, you give a whole new meaning to the phrase "you should see the other guy.""

But, with the way that Digg and Roy were looking at him, their mouths slack-jawed as they gawked at his bare chest and back.

"Dude, what the hell happened to you?" asked Roy.

"What are you…" Oliver's words were interrupted by a small feminine gasp followed but a slight giggle from a few feet behind him. He turned to see Felicity sitting at her desk of computers looking as smug as he had ever seen her before her turned back to Digg and Roy with a look of utter confusion written all over his face.

"Well, someone's a wildcat in the sack," snickered Roy.

"Oh, Lord. I did not need to know that about Felicity…or Oliver for that matter," sighed Digg as he turned his head back to look at the ceiling despairingly.

For the first time Oliver looked down at his chest and then gave a look at his back. Well, now he understood what Felicity meant. Sure, he'd left plenty of his own marks all over her – love bites all over her neck and chest, whisker burns covered her inner thighs, and finger marks marked her hips and breasts – but it appeared that Felicity had left an equal number of marks, mostly suction marks and rake marks, all…over…him.

Yup, Oliver definitely gave a whole new meaning to that saying.

Oliver was brought out of his memories by a sharp kick from Walter as he came to to see one of the other board members signal the end of the meaning. As soon as it was prudent for him to do so, Oliver ran out of Queen Consolidated and towards his car. He raced across the city towards the nice family friendly pent house he'd bought for him and Felicity as soon as he'd won bat QC and gotten his money back. Felicity was there waiting for him; she'd already left QC a couple of hours ago. He was halfway home when he'd gotten the text from her saying, "I need you. ;)" the smiley face with a wink hinted at to what she needed him exactly for.

Oh, yeah. Oliver was really enjoying Felicity's pregnancy hormones (well, when she was being angry, because she was just downright terrifying when she was mad…and using her loud voice).

When he arrived home – a place that was really made home by the fact that he shared it with Felicity – he made his way directly to the bedroom, where he knew Felicity was waiting for him.

Everything was just so perfect and wonderful and utter bliss. Felicity was the one; they were having a baby, a family…together. Something that he never thought he'd be able to have while being the Arrow. But this was it. This was where he belonged, and he wouldn't change a thing.


A/N: All right. Let me know what you all think. I hope it was everything you'd all hoped for. Once again, this was pretty much my first foray into the world of smut, so please let me know how I did. Thank you to all my wonderful readers/reviewers/followers.