
Do you want to kill an asshole

Come on Palmer's got to pay

Porcupine flatulence isn't working anymore

He's at my door

And hasn't gone away

I think he's stalking me

What should I do

Just give me some advice

Do you want to kill an asshole

He doesn't have to be on the list


I'll think about it Felicity.




Felicity wants to kill this asshole

But we've got a bigger one to kill.

I know its Malcolm Merlyn

He's on the loose

And has taken Thea too

Roy: (Shit)

Oliver: I know you must be lonely

Without her by your side

Come join my crusade.




Please, I know you're getting these.

I've been wondering how you've been

I know you're hurting, cause I lied to you

But I'm still here for you, just talk to me (let me in)

We only have each other

With the sister's there

Oliver has no clue

Do you want to kill an asshole?

Dial toneā€¦.


We have to do something

Everybody's lost their minds

The Lance's plans are moving fast

I don't know how long we'll last

And Oliver's completely blind

To all the trouble

that the city's in

What is our next move

We need to do something

It could really be anything


I'll call Barry.


That is good.


Do you want to come to Starling

World domination is a thing

I think some help is overdue

I think the walls have moved (Stress, crack prelude, Things are falling apart, she has less hope)

Because the budget's shit (Oliver has no money and the cave is falling apart)

Barry: Felicity what are you saying

You have to come quickly

Because all the rooms

Are slowly closing in




I know they're crazy

But they really need my help

We've got to be brave now, because they taught us how

To be a team

Right now we have each other

But we can help them too

Come on it won't be bad.


Spoken by Barry: let's kill an asshole.