A/N : Another NozoEri FF, requested by lianacimwhatnumbersiforgotdamnmymemoryissoterrible

This story is inspired from Tokyou Ghoul, Wolf Among Us, and a few detective novels.

As always, I'll put up a chapter to introduce the story. See if people are interested to read it!

A night never been colder than tonight, the only way to warm one soul is to stay close to the hearth or wear multiple layers of the thickest clothing they possess. Even though over than a half city doing so to keep themselves warm, the cold never bother the Ayase family— not even a single bit.

"Arisa…!" called a young woman, blonde haired with irresistible features, ice blue eyes, white pale skin, tall and fair body— sitting on the simple elegant sofa with a single layer night dress as she watch the television.

"Yep, Onee-san?" replied a shorter girl with cuter features.

"Have you picks up the laundry?"

"Oh, I haven't. The last time I was there, they told me to leave them for a few hours since they haven't manages to iron everything…"

"That's rare… they usually have it on time…"

"There was a murder near their place so they got to return a few workers to home because they're under aged…"

"Hmm… I guess humans actually do such kind of thing to protect their kids… interesting…"

Arisa giggled,

"Onee-san, you just really like to watch over them, don't you?" she said.

"Huh? Well… they're indeed interesting, although somehow I feel like they're also stupid in the same time… I kind of wish they're a little smarter…" the older woman replied.

"I'm surprised Onee-san said so, I thought we supposed to take advantage to that?"

"Well Arisa, if you're asking me if I still like feeding savagely from their flesh, I'm not. I prefer their food, cooked ox meat aren't bad at all…"

"It is not bad, though sometime I wonder about Onee-san's favor on food…. Onee-san is like… eating everything with chocolate…"

"Chocolates are harasho!"

Arisa giggled again at her.

"Sheesh… I'll go pick up the laundry. Take care of the house, ok?"

"Ok, take care, Onee-san!"

The Wash and Clean Laundry Center, Night time;

"Evening…" without their eyes meeting, the clerk greeted her as she enters the door— already in turquoise sweater and jeans, brown shoes and black beanie.

"Evening, Ayase Eli here…" she replied.

"Oh, Ayase-san… sorry about before, we got a little trouble with a few young workers… but I told your sister about it since she looks calm and collected as she pass by in front of the body…" the clerk turn to her.

"Actually, I'm curious about it too, what happen?" Eli asked.

"Just another mysterious murder, I'm surprised this town is still filled with peoples…" he replied.

"The mystery made it feel more exciting to live on I suppose? I heard they're very curious about things like that…" Eli replied.

"Sadly true, I've been hearing talks about it for months… but at least they jump into conclusion where we shouldn't be in a law enforcement career if we want to be safe…" the clerk sighed heavily.

Eli giggled at him,

"Well I can't believe they can jump into that. I mean, seriously, the law enforcement here aren't serious about their job…" she said.

"Hah! said a Succubus who works as a model. You can't compare yourself with them. You have an ability to transform and look pretty in front of camera—born to be charming too, we humans don't do that you know… we can't choose how we're born." He said.

"Point, but I'm still wondering if you're being sarcastic or not… I mean… look at you…." Eli smiled teasingly.

"Yeah-yeah, my name is Clerk and I'm born as a clerk…. I'm sad…. Very sad…." He said.

Eli laughed,

"…. And what sadder is when I'm still single because my last name is Store! My parents must've hated me that much…." He continued.

"No way… be glad your name is not hobo… or homeless drifter…" Eli replied.

"Great point, Ayase-san…. Really… great point…." He replied sarcastically.

"Don't be thankful, now give me my laundry, I need to get some rest for tomorrow…" Eli replied.

"Sure…" he replied as he took a big bag and placed it on the table. Eli took it after she placed a few cash on the table.

"I'm surprised that you are still strong about getting an actual rest instead of charming a few man or woman and drain their energy… I heard the other succubus prefer doing that…" He said.

"…and you wonder how murders keep happening around here… you know that they will devour them as well… and I always prefer to attack and devour than charm sex and devour." Eli said sarcastically.

"I was just wondering!"

Eli sighed weakly,

"You see, I'm just not someone who can parade my tits around. I just feel wrong with that, watching my fellows randomly having such kind of thing in my home world already made me feel wrong. That's why I took my sister here… expecting for a decent living…" Eli said.

"Well your life is decent, if that's what you're saying… just not quite for the others. I wish the random murders aren't happening that much… but what worse is, the police never be able to locate the murder. It's like they're always letting go of things… I think you alone can do better than those baboons in uniform…" He replied.

"No thanks… I got paid enough… so… yeah, bye…." Eli said as she walks out of the place.

"Thanks for coming, please don't be tired of listening to my problem!"

"Later Clerk…"

"Oh wait!" Clerk quickly search for something, Eli stopped to wait for him.

"My worker accidentally buy too much brush, I remember you asked me about where to buy wire brush, so maybe you want one?" He said as she took out a small wire brush.

"How much?" Eli asked.

"Nah, free. I owe you my life… beside… you never take cash back too…" he handed

"I'll pay on the next visit…"

"There, you're being stubborn… but thanks…"

"You're welcome…"

And Eli actually leaves the place.

Road to home near the abandoned restaurant, night time;

Eli walks calmly through the concrete path. This place is always quiet and not much people passing by since there's nothing to look around here. The neighborhood is also apathetic towards their surroundings.

Even though she is in her human form right now, her senses aren't losing its power. She could hear a faint sound of someone trying her best to scream then a sound of someone dragging a heavy object inside a leather sack.

Could it be a kidnaping?

She thought as she quickly tried to search for the source. Then she could hear a loud thump— sounded like someone is hitting someone hardly with an object. Then a broken glass bottle, a painful moan and a few laughter.

Eli could sense the source of the noise is just up inside the abandoned restaurant. She quickly put down her laundry bag near the abandoned restaurant then jumping up through the windows, peeking in to the dirty and messy room.

She could see a few polices holding a few item on their hands as they surround a big sack of something— or someone. Then they start to keep hitting it again and again, she could hear the moan coming from the sack— Eli couldn't stand it and without hesitation, she jumped in through the window.

"H-hey? Who are you?" said one of the police,

"A visitor… coming to crash the party." Eli said confidently,

"We can't let her live!" said the other police.

They started to change their focus to Eli. The first police attempted to hit her with his metal bat— Eli dodged it and giving him a counter punch right on his abdomen. Then as the second police tried to help out, Eli swiftly spin a direct kick to his knee— then an uppercut on his jaw. Next police is a woman, she attempted to take out her gun but before she could do a thing with it— Eli dashed to her and strikes her down with a chop on her neck.

The first police woke up and he quietly took out his gun— aiming for Eli's ankle. Luckily, she knows and she quickly jumped to him and whaled her fist right on his face, striking him down and throws away his gun off his hand.

The second Police hasn't gives up yet, he quickly took out his gun too and about to shoot— yet Eli once again sensed it and she step on his wrist very roughly, numbing up his hand then she kick the guns away from him too.

At the time when she thinks she is done— she didn't expect for the fourth police to come by. Luckily, he didn't attempt to attack her.

"That was an impressive show off, miss… I would like you to join the law enforcement with that skill…" he said as he walks in.

"I'm sorry, but I'm already paid enough. I don't need to do any dirty job like this…" Eli replied.

"It pays more than a prostitution, you know… since you don't lose any respect…" he said.

"I'm sorry… what?"

"You're beautiful, must be a whore…"

"Oh—! So since I'm born charming and suddenly I'm a whore? So much for logic..."

"Look, you can have so many things if you're joining the law enforcement career. Nobody is greater than us here— if we're to be a wolf pack, we're alphas… everyone obeys us…"

"I refuse…" Eli said as walk to approach the big sack. Then the fourth police quickly approach them and pointing his gun to the sack.

"You can't refuse…" he said.

"Put that gun away from the sack… I'm warning you…" Eli said.

He smirked,

"How important is this person to you…?" he asked mischievously.

"I don't need to know how important this person to me— I just know you're wrong and I will protect…"

Eli can see him about to trigger his gun.

Urgh…. This guy….

Eli said in her mind before her eyes began to glow, the police began to weaken as he got mesmerized by her until he started to lose himself. Eli smiled mischievously,

"Put down your gun…. And tell me, is this all of you….?" Eli asked with her charming voice.

"Yes…. this all of us…." He said like a soulless.

"What are you all up to….?" Eli asked again.

"Throwing away evidence and silencing witness…." He replied.

Eli smirked wryly— she is very disgusted by it…

"Never mind living, take your gun, kill all of your friends here and shoot yourself…" Eli said.

And without any delay, the police started to shoot all of his unconscious friends then shoot himself on his head.

Eli sighed weakly as her eye's glow dimmed. All the police are dead now…

"These polices are a lot dirtier than my uncle's yard…" she grumbled before she continued to open the sack.

She tried to pull off the sack and found a woman— her long violet hair messed up, turquoise eyes stare into nothing, her sweater torn and blood spotting all over her clothing, and her mouth slightly open. Eli thought that she was too late— but as she tried to get a little closer, she could sense her heartbeat and weak breathe which gradually become stronger.

Something is wrong with her….

She thought as she quickly made a distance.

"Blood…." The woman whispered before she slowly woke up. Her eyes still blank and turned to Eli.

Damn it….could she be….?

Eli prepared herself.

Within seconds, the woman started to transform into a big humanoid wolf with strong-armored hands, big fangs and sharp claws. Her clothes torn into pieces and she is left with nothing on but dark purple furs all over her body.


She roared to her and started to swing her claws toward Eli— which she dodged swiftly.

Sheesh… I thought everything going to go smoothly…

Eli thought as she dodged the second attack.

But what is this evidence and what she witness, I wonder?

Eli thought again as she dodged the third attack, a one hand scratch— she attempted to counter her with a fist, though she was too hard to hit with her human form. Before she could make a distance, the werewolf grabs her neck and threw her to the wall along with a fierce roar.

Gah… I really don't like this…

Eli thought before she began to transform to her true form— her skin getting paler, her eyes glow bright, she grow a pair of big curved horn on her head, her sharp and big dark wings slit open her sweater, her nail grown into a dark claws.

Before the werewolf could do her attack, Eli quickly charged to her— bumping the werewolf to the other wall. As Eli about to give out a scratch on her face— she noticed something…

There's something in the werewolf eyes that she is tormented— not because of what happened to her before, but… it's like she really hates to be what she is right now and trying her best to shake it off.

Instead of scratching her, Eli pin her down on the ground, grabs her head and focuses her eyes to her eyes. The werewolf grabs her back on her neck and trying to strangle her— yet Eli ignored it and keep focusing her eyes— attempted to use her charm on her.

The werewolf struggled but she eventually calmed down as Eli's charm working on her. She gradually turned back to her human form— unconscious and naked.

Eli sighed weakly.

What a troublesome….

She thought. She left her to check on her clothes— it's totally ripped off. She doesn't think it can be fixed. She remember she have her laundry nearby.

I guess I'll just borrow her some clothes….

She flew down to pick up her laundry then returned to her again. She picks up a few clothing and paused for a moment as she tried to look into the girl closely.

Have I met her before…?

She thought.

No… must be just a coincidence… she can't be the only one….

Ayase's family home, early morning;

Eli resting on her hammock that hanging on the ceiling in her room, she is been watching over the woman that she found last night. She wears her white night dress— just the same with what she currently wears.

"Uhn…." The woman woke up slowly.

"Morning…." Eli greeted with a mischievous smile.

"Morning…Ericchi..." The woman replied as she is still half asleep.

Eli surprised to hear it— but she remained quiet to wait if she actually hears what she just heard. The woman slowly regain herself, then as she fully gain her focus— to see the blonde haired beauty with a pair of horn and huge sharp devil wings…

"A-Ah! Sorry! I mistake your voice with my high-school crush…" she said.

Eli still quiet…

"I mean… best friend…" she continued.

Eli didn't make a respond…

"Yeah… that's what we are…." she said sadly.

Eli chuckled,

"Then if I didn't take it wrong... your best friend is your crush…?" Eli asked.

The woman sighed weakly…

"Yes… I… was really in love with her….but she never notice my feeling until we graduate. She is such a daft…." She said.

"What if she notices but afraid that she is wrong?" Eli asked.

"That's… possible… but… it doesn't matter anymore… she was already moving out from her apartment five years ago, back to her homeland. She already told me she will never return back to Japan… so… I suppose it's already over since that day…" she replied.

"So you don't love her anymore…?" Eli asked again.

"I… still love her and wishing that I could somehow meet her again to tell my feeling… but I guess it's just impossible… miracle don't happen all the time… but either way, I've sworn to myself that I shall never be committed with anyone else but her until I died! I'm going to wait for my miracle forever!"

Eli giggled,

"Alright-alright, so tell me about how are you a werewolf now…" Eli said.

"Oh… uhm… I just…. got a few things happening here and there… and… forced to take an oath to it… I still want to live because… there's still a matter that I need to do… other than to wait for the miracle to happen…" she said.

"I see…." Eli replied,

"By the way, you really sound like her… and you're somewhat really looks like her…. are you quarter Russian too?" she asked.

"Yup…." Eli replied.

The woman giggled,

"Want to get a long? Maybe you can help me to thin up the torture of missing her…" she said.

"Sure…" Eli replied with a mischievous smile.

"I'm Toujou Nozomi…" she said.

Then suddenly someone opened the door,

"Onee-san, breakfast—oh, you are already awake…" Arisa said.

"E-Eh…? Arisa….?" Nozomi flustered.

Eli giggled. Nozomi turned to her again,

"I'm Ayase Eli, nice to meet you…again, Nozomi…." Eli said.

And Nozomi quickly jump off her bed then trying reaches the hanging hammock.

"ERICCHI! COME DOWN HERE YOU ASSHOLE! YOU MADE ME SAID ALL THAT!" she yelled as she keeps jumping to reach it. Eli only laughed at her. Nozomi's face is all red.


Eli still laughing at her anyway.

"E-Ehhh?! What happen?!" Arisa flustered.

"Nope, nothing happen…" Eli said teasingly.


Nozomi keep jumping around the room trying to reach her with her face all red and almost crying.

A/N : There... so interesting enough?