AN: Disney! Oh how I love Disney! I was actually the one (or one of many) to suggest Disney as a theme for Faberry Week. And such I'm so happy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing at all. I just love Disney and Faberry very, very much.

The sky was dark, save for the light that shown from the stars. Rachel wasn't the most outdoorsy person, or at least she didn't do much camping, but she was really glad that she let Quinn convince her to go on this trip. "It's so beautiful," she breathed out.

"You are," Quinn replied before kissing her on the cheek.

"I was talking about the stars," Rachel giggled.

"So was I," Quinn pointed out. "My own personal little star; you." She enunciated her point by kissing her girlfriend on the cheek. Rachel turned her head to the side to look at Quinn, her girlfriend. It was still hard to believe. She reached out to cup her face, gently stroking her girlfriend's cheek with her thumb. "I love it when you look at me like that, you know?"

"I do. Good thing I look at you like that all the time, huh?"

"I guess so." Quinn kissed Rachel lightly and then grabbed her and rolled them over so that her girlfriend was straddling her waist. She leaned up to kiss her again but then something caught her eye. "Oh wow! Look!" she yelled as she pointed up into the sky, quickly rolling Rachel off of her so she could see as well. "It's a shooting star!"

"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

"Just like you," Quinn added, causing Rachel to blush.

She shook her head shyly. "You need to stop saying things like that." She ducked her head to hide the redness of her cheeks even though it was obvious that Quinn had already seen it. "Why don't you make a wish?" she suggested while she continued to try to hide her embarrassment.

"I already have everything I want." With that said, Quinn took Rachel back into her arms. Likely, Rachel's face grew redder but neither of them could tell. "I don't need a wish; I have you."

"But you have to make a wish," Rachel argued.

"Why is that?"

"Because you have to," Rachel insisted with a huff. Quinn laughed at her unconvincing reasoning and took a moment to consider her point. "No teasing, just make a wish. I can't believe that someone who loves Disney as much as you can't be bothered to wish upon a star." Quinn laughed again.

"Okay, okay. Fine, I guess I can come up with one." She rolled them over so that they were both, once again, looking up at the night sky. The shooting star was still in view, if only barely. She couldn't really think of anything else that she could have wanted though. She closed her eyes and tried to think. Rachel was all she ever needed. But maybe…

"Have you made a wish yet?"

"Give me a second." Rachel made a gesture of zipping her mouth shut to assure Quinn that she'd give her the time she wanted. Quinn closed her eyes again and made her wish. "Okay, done."

"What did you wish for?"

"I wished-" Before she could finish Rachel covered her mouth up with her hand.

"Don't tell me! It won't come true otherwise."

Quinn rolled her eyes and then pulled Rachel's hands off of her mouth. "But you asked," she pointed out in a teasing manner.

"I did, but you weren't supposed to tell me." Again Quinn rolled her eyes. Her girlfriend could be unbelievable some times, and that's why she deserved a perfect happy ending. She leaned in and planted a kiss on her nose. Rachel shivered as Quinn pulled back. "How about we get into our tent? It's getting kind of cold."

"Good idea; we can warm each other up." Rachel narrowed her eyes at her. "What? I didn't mean it in that way. Really I didn't. I was just thinking that we could cuddle." She pouted cutely. Regardless of whether Rachel believed her or not, she couldn't have her girlfriend frowning like that. Her expression softened which made Quinn smile. They headed into the tent and got into the extra-large sleeping bag that Quinn had brought just for the purpose of cuddling.

They slipped in close to each other with only the slightest amount of fighting over whom would be the big spoon. In the end Quinn ended up winning. She hugged Rachel tightly and buried her face in her brunette locks. Mostly she tried to keep things over the clothes as she had all but promised that they would only cuddle but that didn't stop her hands from wandering a little. But Quinn did have enough self-control to not let her hand travel too far up, and Rachel didn't seem to mind very much.

With her free hand, Quinn brushed Rachel hair to the side. She trailed soft, barely-there kisses along her girlfriend's neck. Rachel relaxed into the tenderness of Quinn's lips upon her skin. "I love you," she whispered. Quinn nuzzled into her and repeated the words back quietly. Rachel closed her eyes as Quinn continued to kiss along her neck. Slowly, but surely, she drifted off to sleep.

Despite sleeping the ground, Rachel had an amazing night's sleep, which she was incredibly grateful for. Her beauty sleep was very important to her even though Quinn would always insist that she didn't need any. Anyway, Rachel had a great night's sleep. In fact, it was probably one of the… wait, something was wrong. Rachel reached behind her and found no trace of Quinn. She quickly leapt up and what she found surprised her.

Rachel was no longer in a tent. Instead she was in an extravagant bedroom. It was large and was painted primarily in a bright white. The bed she was in was equally as big, easily able to fit maybe four or more people. It was beautifully designed. The placed looked fit for a queen. But Rachel didn't have time to admire how gorgeous everything looked. She got out of the bed to search for her. As she ran for the door, Rachel noticed that her clothes were different too. She had an elegant, white night gown on.

She ran towards these large double doors and opened one of them, only to close it quickly after. Rachel was sure she had seen wrong. She slowly opened the door again and took a peek outside. Yep, there was a broom out there and it was dusting the hall… all by itself. Actually no, that last part was wrong. Further down there were more brooms and each of them was dusting the hall. They didn't seem to notice her presence, but of course they shouldn't be able to since they didn't have eyes or ears. Regardless, Rachel wasn't going to take any chances.

Once more she closed the door. Rachel then checked a smaller door closer to the bed. It led to a grand bathroom but not to an exit and so Rachel went back to the bedroom. Next she went to the window to see if there was any chance to get out through there, but she was far too high up. She was trapped. And just then the door swung open. "Princess Rachel, you're up. We have to get you out of here!"

"What?" Rachel was sure that had to be dreaming or crazy, because in front of her was Minnie Mouse followed by a legion of magical brooms. Minnie ran to her, grabbed her hand and started leading her out of the room. "Wait, what's going on? Where am I? What's happening?"

"I don't know how but somehow Pete found out that you're here," Minnie exclaimed frantically. "The guards are holding him off but with Mickey, Donald and Goofy out on their mission I'm not sure how long they can last. We have to get you out of here Rachel before Pete can find you." As Minnie continued to lead Rachel along the broom formed a protective circle around them.

"What about Quinn? Where's Quinn?"

Everyone stopped. Minnie turned to Rachel, a confused look upon her face. "I don't know who that is, dear. Is she a friend from home?"

"Yes! Yes, she is. I need to find her, please. I need to."

"I'm not sure I can help," Minnie admitted, "But perhaps Yen Sid can." Minnie didn't wait a moment longer to continue to move along. The fighting could be heard from somewhere close in the castle. Although Rachel wasn't sure if what was happening was real, the fear she felt was genuine. She was terrified, not only for herself but for Quinn as well. Oh, she hoped she was safe.

Minnie turned a corner and Rachel followed close behind. They ran down a long hallway with windows on either side. At the end there was a pair of large, mystical looking doors. Rachel guessed that Yen Sid would be behind them. They were nearly there when something smashed straight through the castle, causing parts of the ceiling to collapse only a few feet in front of them. The magic brooms made certain to push Rachel and Minnie out of harm's way. "What was that?"

"Oh no, it's Maleficent. We have to hurry." With the help of the brooms, Rachel and Minnie made their way over the rubble. They went through the door which led to the tower. Yen Sid was in fact inside and he looked to be casting some sort of spell. "Master Yen Sid, I've brought Princess Rachel. We have to get her out of here!"

"The portal should be open momentarily Queen Minnie," Yen Sid explained to her.

"Please hurry; Pete and Maleficent are closing in!" Moments later the tower shook as something, or someone, smashed into it. Rachel nearly fell over but the magic helped to keep her upright. She nervously looked around to see if there had been any damage done to the structure that they were all in. "Don't worry Rachel," Minnie assured. "We'll get you to safety, and we'll do everything we can to help you find your friend Quinn."

"It's done!" Yen Sid announced. "Now hurry, the two of you must go!" He and the brooms rushed Minnie and Rachel along, moving them towards the portal.

"Wait? Just the two of us? What about the rest of you?"

"We will stay behind and defend the castle."


"No arguments, just go!" Yen Sid interrupted.

Rachel looked over to Minnie, hoping that she'd be the voice of reason. "We have to go Rachel. With Yen Sid here, the castle has a fighting chance. If he leaves with us then Pete and Maleficent will destroy everything."

"Okay," Rachel sobbed out. "Just be careful, all of you."

"Thank you Master Yen Sid." Minnie turned back to Rachel and took a hold of her hand. Together they jumped through the portal.

AN (Please Read If You Like This Fic): So, obviously this is not done. As you could probably guess, I want Rachel and Quinn to traverse through different Disney worlds. I've yet to actually decide on where Quinn is, so suggestion on that would be appreciated.

Also, if you like this fic, please tell me where you'd like the girls to go. I will count up your suggestions, if there are a reasonable amount, and whichever is the most popular will be the next place they go to. Although I also still need to figure out how they will travel from world to world, so suggestions for that would be useful too.

Funnily enough, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 comes out tomorrow. So more Disney! And I also recently watched Maleficent. It was a good movie although I'm kind of not sure how to feel. The thing is that before Maleficent was the top Disney villain (in my opinion) because she was just plainly evil, unlike others (Jafar, Ursula, Scar) who were driven by things like greed or jealousy. Maleficent was just evil because she wanted to be. Also, she turned into a fricking dragon.