AN: Hello again! Thanks to everyone who supported Lover's Knot, I decided I'd continue the universe with this multi-chapter fic.

A huge shout out to the fellow writers of Lav/Solas - everyone has been so supportive so let's keep our community growing and positive!

Hope you enjoy!


The day that she left the rain was beating so fiercely upon the ground that only the most determined travelers dared go out. And though she had carefully crafted every other part of her trip, the rain had not been one of them. It's presence was a relief however, for the roughness of the weather suited her mood.

She needed to return home, to the forest, to her clan.

It had been years, nearly three, since she had seen them. And after so much dedicated service to the Inquisition she could ignore the call no longer. There was peace enough in Thedas that her trip would prove little issue, and if anything came up the advisors would be suitable stand-ins until she could be recalled.

It was a journey she had given much thought.

She had discussed it with those closest to her as the seasons had changed, the days of service all blending together into one seamless sense of duty. The time for duty was over for now though. And the removal of that mantle, however temporary, was a relief she dared not share with anyone.

There were some things better left unremarked, some secrets that even the closest friends need never know.

Gazing up from beneath her oiled cloak, Vallien spied the small figures of Cassandra and Josephine in the doorway of the hall as they discussed some Inquisition business, saw Cullen putting their soldiers through their paces despite the torrential downpour.

And though she could not see Leliana, she knew her spymaster was keeping an eye on it all, the keep's sentinel and secret keeper.

Not, Vallien knew, that Leliana knew every secret in the fortress. But it was difficult to keep things private with her agents everywhere.

These were the sort of things she knew she would miss; the familiarity of the Inquisition, the people who had come to take up residence in her heart as only close friends could. She could only hope they would forgive her when they found out the truth.

"You're certain about this?"

She looked down to see Dorian watching her, features schooled into such an expression of nonchalance that she could tell he knew something was wrong.

"You do not think I should return to my family?" She smiled as she teased him, pretending she did not see his suspicion, "I know you are not to keen on your parents, but last I heard you did not dislike them anymore."

"Yes well, they are much more acceptable when they are separated by mountain ranges and a bevy of forests and seas."

He flashed her his most charming grin as he drew closer, but the expression was lost a moment later when he eyed the too-small saddlebags and meager rations. The question in his eyes was followed by a verbal one a moment later.

"Traveling light?"

It was hard not to respond as she might have wanted to. Of all those she had met, Dorian had been the one she had felt an instant connection. An outsider, even amongst his fellow humans, she had taken one look at him and seen a kindred heart.

He had apparently seen the same.

That he was so unapologetically flamboyant had been a gift, a pleasure to balance against her more natural reserve. They had always complimented each other, and it did her no good to remember that they often could read each other's train of thought too.

She could not risk him finding out her true intentions today if she was to succeed. Her task had already taken too much strength, too much courage of the kind she was sorely lacking.

Waving away his concern, Vallien tapped the corner of her ear, "Dalish, remember? If I'm going to fit in by the time I get home I need to remember what it's like to have to hunt for food rather than have it delivered to the door."

"Ah..." Dorian's brows rose, "I hadn't thought of that."

She grinned, "You have your customs Tevinter, and I have mine. Now, let me get going before I lose the daylight."

"You aren't planning on doing anything stupid are you?"

His abrupt question made her pause, hesitate, as her heart twisted in her chest.

"No. I don't plan on doing anything like that." Trying to smile, she gestured to where the sky was beginning to darken, "Though if you keep delaying me I may have to begin my trip in the dead of night. Not exactly stupid but foolish all the same."

She sighed when he remained unconvinced, "I am trying to leave at a reasonable hour, Dorian."

"Promise me you'll get yourself back here when it's all over."

Vallien felt her throat tighten at the knowing look he leveled at her, nearly choked on a lie before she could find something closer to the truth.

"I' will do my very best. Take care, Dorian."

Then she was gone, turning her Red Hart out of the barn and into the driving rain, small form hunching under the deluge.

Traveling with her secrets.

Dorian knew she had chosen her words with care, had purposefully avoided promising something she had no intention of keeping. And as he watched her go, his best friend who even now had refused to tell him the truth, he wondered why her words had sounded hauntingly like a goodbye.