Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who read Secrets! This is a continuation into the Young Justice Universe. This is an alternate universe of what happened in the episode Failsafe. Just a few notes on the way things are written. This is them speaking telepathically. This means I am telling the location they are in. This is part of my Fem! Robin (Diane Grayson) universe, there is most definitely some Birdflash, though there is also some Spitfire. Cause I do ship both. But there's more Birdflash… Cause it's so friggin cute! Anyway this note is getting far too long. I own nothing.

1. No Win Situation

Robin knew they weren't all getting out of this alive. Hell they had already lost Superboy, Aqualad and most of the Justice League. It was just her, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, and Martian Manhunter left. Miss M, KF, and Manhunter could get out but there wasn't much time left. Less than five minutes until the charges went off. Robin glanced down at her holo- computer and swore, colorfully. Had Batman still been alive he'd have grounded her for a month for using such language.

'J'honn, get them out of here! Do not let them stay behind. Wally, I'm sorry.' Robin called out telepathically to Martian Manhunter and whirled around running back the way they had come. Wally spun around and was about to follow, green eyes wide as he tried to comprehend what Robin was doing. J'honn levitated him off the ground and dragged him with Miss M toward the only exit. M'ggan was distraught. What could Robin be doing?

'It's ok M'ggan. The detonator is fried I just have to fix it. I'll meet you guys outside.' M'ggan nodded and flew faster. The trio barely made it through the doors and out of the ship before it locked down. Wally frantically looked around.

'Rob, we're outside. Where are you?' Robin laughed, sounding tired and hurt even in their minds.

'I'm still inside the ship. I'm gonna have to take a rain check on meeting you guys. The detonator is beyond fried. There is no way to remotely detonate the bomb. Somebody had to stay behind.' Wally stood stunned. He shook his head, his mind going blank as Robin continued almost tearfully. She was clearly terrified.

'I know what you're gonna say Wally. You could have outrun the explosion. But you couldn't have. Everything's locked down there would have been nowhere for you to go. I'm the team leader, it was my decision and I don't regret it. There was no other way.' Wally screamed as the ship blew and their connection to Robin was cut off, painfully and abruptly.

Mount Justice

Batman whirled as another of the team briefly flat lined. It was Robin. But something was wrong. The others had all slipped peacefully into comas after dying in the simulation. But Robin was having what looked like a seizure. Green Arrow raced to her side and checked her vitals.

"He's going into shock." Batman's heart dropped as the monitor flat lined again and did not start beeping after a few seconds. Green Arrow started to administer CPR and chest compressions, it was lucky he already knew that Robin was a girl or he would have had some awkward questions. Three minutes later the heart monitor beeped back to life and Robin went limp. Checking over the monitors again Green Arrow swore.

"Comatose. Just like the rest of them. What is taking J'honn so long?" Batman wondered the same thing as he walked over to his partner, his daughter's side. She looked pale, far too pale. Truth be told she looked like death, laying there still save for the slight rise and fall of her chest. Batman wanted nothing more than to be able to shake her awake but it would never work. Their only hope now was that the Martian Manhunter could shock them all awake.

Back in the false reality

Kid Flash fell to his knees, tears streaming from his face. His best friend was dead. Not missing or hurt, but gone. Like everyone else he'd cared about. The human race was crumbling around him and all he could do was run over her last words in his mind, too numb to even contemplate thinking.

There was no other way. There was always another way. Robin had helped to teach him that. But there had been no other choice. His mind reeled away from that irreversible truth as he heard something that made his heart drop out of his throat and into his stomach. He whirled around to see another, larger ship landing not two miles away and suddenly Robin's death, her sacrifice, was made meaningless as more of the smaller invasion fleet ships swarmed out of the mother ship. Wally couldn't think he couldn't comprehend what was going on. Robin, Aqualad, Superboy, Artemis, all but one member of the Justice League… They had all died for nothing. His mind went completely blank. He had no idea what hit him when J'honn punched his way through his chest and solidified inside it.

M'ggan screamed as Wally fell dead to the ground. She was about to turn and run but she wasn't nearly fast enough. Her own uncle drove his hand through her torso and tears fell down her face as she felt herself die.

Mount Justice

Batman didn't turn from Diane's side as he heard Miss Martian gasp herself awake. This was wrong, Diane wasn't waking up. J'honn stood at the head of the table on which she lay. His fingers barely made contact with her forehead as he searched her mind for the reason she had yet to wake up. Green Arrow explained the situation, a training session gone horribly wrong, to the team as Wally stared at his best friend who had yet to move. Everyone else was at least awake but Robin's eyes remained closed behind the dark sunglasses she wore constantly around the team. Miss Martian had noticed this as well and her eyes widened.

"Wait, why isn't Robin waking up?" Batman turned to the team, there was no point in lying to them.

"We don't know."