Magical Mystery (Kingdom Hearts II)

"A lot of lights, fourteen darknesses...Master Xehanort has been busy." Yen Sid mused.

Sora was leaning on a wall, sleeping peacefully as everyone was looking at him. "Aw, Sora...don't tell me your heart is sleeping, too." Mickey sighed.

"No, Mickey. This affliction is not the same." Yen Sid told him.

Sabrina sighed. "Can we do anything for him?"

"In your Mark of Mastery exam, you were to unlock seven Sleeping Keyholes. By doing so, you would awaken those worlds from their prison of slumber, and also acquire the power to free a heart from its sleep." Yen Sid said. "Riku, Sabrina, you unlocked those Keyholes within Sora's dreams. Therefore, it stands to reason that you both have the power to awaken Sora's heart."

"You want them to dive back into Sora's sleep?" Mickey asked. "But Master, Sora's heart is down in the darkness abyss. If they're not careful, they might just get trapped down there with them. No...i'll go instead."

Yen Sid walked up to him. "And perhaps you may even succeed, Mickey. But there is no denying Riku and Sabrina stands the better chance, having dived into Sora's heart as long as they have."

Sabrina and Riku looked around and then they smiled. "Mickey, we really appreciate it...but we'll go wake Sora up." Riku told him.

"Riku..." Mickey looked at him.

Sabrina giggled quietly. "Look at his face...sleeping like nothing's there's nothing even to worry about."

Riku chuckled. "He's always been like that. The four of us would agree to work on the raft, and then this guy would go take a nap on the beach." He looked at Sabrina. "Then she would go get him, but every time, I see her sitting down next to Sora, not getting him to move."

"I don't know how he does it to make me not want to work on the raft." Sabrina shrugged.

Riku laughed and turned to the others. "You see, it's my job to keep him on my toes." He glanced at Sabrina. "And in some cases, her." He teased, earning a playful elbow to the chest. "Besides, what kind of Keyblade Master sleeps through his test? I'm doing it for me, too. Not only did Sabrina save me...Sora did too. He needs needs us."

Mickey nodded. "There's something real strong that binds us to each other. Even in the darkness, you both can reach him. All you gotta do is follow that connection!"

"Gee, we're all connected to Sora." Goofy said.

"You said it!" Donald exclaimed...and then Kyurem came out of his Pokeball and just nodded in agreement.

"Wait, I didn't call you out..." Latias looked at him.

"And if the darkness gets ya, I promise I'll bail you out." Lea told them. "'Dark Rescue' is my middle name."

"Guys...thanks." Sabrina nodded. "The three of us will be back soon." She told them as a gate appeared in front of the sleeping Sora, as they took out their Keyblades and aimed at the gate, then they disappeared.

Sabrina and Riku woke up in a dark abyss. "This abyss...are we in Sora's dream?" Riku wondered as they looked around, and then Sabrina noticed something coming up.

"Riku!" She exclaimed as Riku turned to see Ven's armor looking at them.

"What?" Riku looked at it in surprised.

The Eye of Darkness (Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance)

Sabrina summoned Radiant Smasher while Riku took out Way to the Dawn as they ran to Ven's Armor and slashed it, but it blocked and slashed them both really fast. "FIRE!" Sabrina yelled, using Firaga while Riku used Blizzaga Pursuit on the armor.

Ven's Armor slashed multiple times then slashed Sabrina away, but she Aerial Recovered then used Strike Raid, but it matrixed the Keyblade, however...when it came back up, Riku used Ars Arcanum before it could even get a chance to counter, then using Aerial Slam as Sabrina jumped up with Riku and slashed it down together.

Riku and Sabrina ran to the armor and slashed it, but it blocked and then slashed them away, then slashing Sabrina several times before kicking her away, then she used Curaga. "FREEZE!" They both yelled together as they used Triple Blizzaga on it.

The armor disappeared and then some blobs of some sort rained down at them, forcing them to run away from it, and when the blobs disappeared, the armor appeared right behind Riku and slashed him away, then Sabrina using Ars Arcanum before it could hit her while Riku used Curaga. "IT'S OVER!" He yelled, using Dark Firaga to blast it away.

Suddenly, the armor glowed and disappeared, using what looked like Riku's Dark Aura. "Two can play that game!" Riku exclaimed. "JUST TRY TO KEEP UP!" He yelled and used Dark Aura as well as Sabrina could only watch the two clashing.

"I wish I can do that." She sighed, watching them and then after tons of clashing, Riku slashed it down to the ground.

"Finish it!" He yelled as Sabrina nodded and ran right to the armor, using Zantetsuken.

Cracks appeared all over the armor, then it completely shattered, as Sora fell out of it. "Sora!" Sabrina exclaimed as she and Riku tried to catch him, but he was swallowed into the darkness as the platform returned back into Sora's Dive to the Heart.

The Dark Keyblade returned to the Kingdom Key as Riku picked it up and looked at Sabrina, nodding. "We'll find you, Sora." He said as a Keyhole appeared as they jumped up and fired a beam of light from their Keyblades to the Keyhole.

Distant From You... (Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance)

They then appeared on the dock of Destiny Islands as they looked at the sunset, but as they turned around, Roxas was in front of them. "Roxas?" Sabrina asked.

"What is it that you're so afraid of?" Roxas asked.

Riku and Sabrina thought about it and looked at him. "Losing something that's important." They both said, then Roxas disappeared.

"Huh...weird." Sabrina muttered as they walked along the beach, and then Ven appeared. "Roxas...?"

"No...I don't think it's Roxas." Riku told her. Looks like him though...

"What is the one thing you care about more than anything else?" Ven asked.

They thought about it. "Our close friends." They both replied and then Ven disappeared.

"What is going on?" Riku wondered and then they saw someone sitting on a tree on the small island as they walked up to see Xion sitting alone.

"Who are you?" He asked, then noticing a tear running down Sabrina's cheek. "Hmm? Something wrong?"

"Huh?" Sabrina noticed the tear and wiped it off. "Where did that come from?"

Xion looked at Sabrina. Xarina...i'm sorry. She thought and then looked at them both. "Riku...Sabrina...what do you wish?"

"More questions..." Riku muttered. "All right..." He leaned on the tree as Sabrina hopped on it and sat down next to Xion.

This feels so familiar... Sabrina thought while they were thinking about what they wished. "We recover something important that we lost." They both said and then the whole place glowed as they were back on the beach, looking at the water.

"Hmm?" Riku noticed a bottle floating down towards them. "What's this?" He wondered as he picked up as he and Sabrina looked at it.

"You were not the visitors I expected." A voice said as they turned to see Ansem the Wise walking up to them.

"DiZ!" Riku exclaimed. "I mean...Ansem the Wise."

"What are you doing here?" Sabrina asked.

"Perhaps I wanted to atone for events of the past, even if no apology can undo the harm I have wrought. I felt...that I ought to leave at least something behind. So I digitized myself and my research, and hid them within Sora." He explained.

"So this" Riku asked.

"Yes. A clue, I hope, to finding yourselves or your lost friends in your hour of need. The heart has always been quick to grow. Each exposure to light, to the natural world, to other people, shapes this most malleable part inside of us. Nobodies are not different from us in that manner."

He looked at Sabrina. "You and Sora were the only ones able to return to your human form without destroying your Nobodies. That is a statement to the love in your hearts for other people, and the bonds that tie them together. Perhaps, you both have the power to bring back the hearts and existences of those connected to the both of recreate people we thought were lost to us forever. Our most precious treasures...even an empty puppet...the trees of the forest, and the petals on the wind...there are hearts around us everywhere we look."

He looked back to the water. "And it does not take superhuman powers to see them. Surely we remember as children the way our hearts made everything seem so shiny, and perfect. You and Sora have a heart like that...uncorrupted, willing to see the good before the bad. When you both see the heart in something, it then becomes real. When a connection seems broken, you may have the power to mend it. You both have touched countless hearts, accepted them, and saved them."

Tears ran down Sabrina's cheeks while smiling, as Riku took notice of this. "And some of those hearts have never left you. Whether they fell into the darkness or were trapped there...whether they sleep in the darkness of your brother's heart, or were welcomed into its warmth, they can be saved. All you and Sora need to do is be yourselves and follow wherever it is that your hearts take you. It is the best and only way. The rest is in there."

"All right. Thanks." Riku nodded.

"Of course. Now why is it that you two are here?"

Sabrina wiped the tears from her eyes. "We needed to wake Sora up."

Ansem looked at them. "Don't tell me he's gone to sleep again...this time without his sister?"

"Yeah, what'll we do with him?" Riku chuckled, while Sabrina giggled.

"What, indeed?" He chuckled. "Never fear. Sora is safe."


"He's not here. You see, by defeating the Nightmare imprisoning Sora, you freed him."

Sabrina's and Riku's eyes widened. "You mean...the Sora wrapped in that black phantom?"

"Then, you came here, and you were questioned by three young people. That was the final key to awaken him." He looked at them with a smile. "Sora is awake. You can go home now."

"Really?" Riku asked. "Thank you." He said while summoning the Kingdom Key and Sabrina summoning Master Oathkeeper as they aimed at the Keyhole, firing beams of light at it as they floated upwards.

"Wait a moment. I do not believe you ever told me your names."

Sabrina and Riku looked at him before smiling. "It's Riku."

"And it's Sabrina." She said as they flew up together.

Back in the tower, Yen Sid, Mickey, Lea, Latias, Mew and Asuna were looking down at their bodies, and then Sabrina and Riku woke up. "Riku! Sabrina!" Mickey exclaimed.

"Sora!" They both jumped awake.

Sora (Kingdom Hearts II)

"Hey, Donald! Come on, you're hogging it all!"

"Aw, calm down, Sora and drink your tea!" Donald told him, while across the table, Kirito was laughing himself sick with Goofy.

"Gawrsh, it sure is yummy!" Goofy chuckled.

"Hey!" Riku caught their attention as Sora turned around wearing the most goofiest glasses ever, which caused Latias and Asuna to laugh hysterically.

Sora took off the party hat and glasses. "Riku...Sabrina..." He smiled and tackled them into a hug. "You're safe!"

"Uh, wait a second...haven't we gotten this backwards?" Sabrina asked.

"And why are you having a tea party?" Riku added.

"You're safe, you guys!" Sora exclaimed, hugging them again while ignoring their questions.

"Oh never mind." Riku muttered.

"You okay? Feeling all right?" Sabrina asked.

"Yeah, I've never been better. I was watching what was going on inside my dream and I could hear your voices the whole time. Thanks guys." He smiled, hugging them again and looked at everyone else. "Thanks, everybody!"

Mew circled around Sora and Sabrina in happiness, Latias and Asuna giggling, Mickey, Lea and Kirito chuckling and Yen Sid stroking his beard. "Oh yeah!" Sora looked at him. "Did we pass the test?"

Yen Sid nodded. "You performed truly admirably, the three of you."

Magical Mystery

The three of them smiled before they ran off to the front of Yen Sid's desk, the others standing behind Yen Sid, said master sitting in his chair and Lea leaning on a bookshelf. Yen Sid cleared his throat. "More than anything, I am grateful to have you back from Xehanort's deception unharmed. And I am grateful to Lea, whose spontaneous actions turned the tides." He said as Lea chuckled.

"I am also deeply sorry, for failing to perceive the danger and throwing you headlong into a perilous test." He apologized. "This experience has revealed many hidden truths, and we must gird ourselves for the great clash with darkness that lies before us. I believe we need a new Keyblade Master, one with a new kind of power."

He looked at the three of them. "Sora, Sabrina, Riku, you all deserve the honor. However, two of you braved the realm of sleep again to unlock the final Keyhole and save a friend. Riku and Sabrina, I name you both our new true Keyblade Masters."

Sabrina's eyes widened while Riku blinked in surprise. "Wh-what?!" Sabrina exclaimed.

Sora, on the other hand...was really excited. "Way to go, you two!" He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around them. "I knew you were going to pass with flying colors! This is just so awesome!"

"Gee, Sora, you're kinda acting like it's you that passed." Goofy said.

"I told ya Sora still needed practice." Donald said.

"Hey!" Sora exclaimed.

"Really...we're both...Keyblade Masters?" Riku asked as Sora nodded at the both of them.

"Congratulations, you two!" Mickey smiled while Asuna and Latias hugged Sabrina.

"Mew mew!" Mew exclaimed, hovering above Sabrina.

"Thanks..." Sabrina smiled. "I owe it..." Riku cleared his throat at her. "Oh, sorry...WE owe it our friends."

"That's better." Riku chuckled, winking at her.

"Ah, I'll catch up with ya in no time flat." Lea told them.

"What? You wanna be a Keyblade Master?" Sora asked.

"Yeah. I mean, I came here to learn how to wield one."

"YOU?!" Sora, Sabrina and Riku looked at him in shock.

"Hey, thanks for the vote of confidence. You know, I was gonna come swooping in, Keyblade in hand! But I just couldn't get mine to materialize..." He extended his hand. "Must be in the snap of the wrist or something..." He muttered and then his Keyblade appeared. "Oh..."

"WHOA!" They all yelled, even Yen Sid was amazed.


"Do ya have to go?" Goofy asked.

"Well...I did doze off...I just have some stuff to take care of." Sora replied.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Donald asked.

"Yeah. I won't be long."

"Be careful." Mickey told him.

"Very careful." Sabrina said.

"Right. See you soon." Sora smiled as the Keyhole appeared as he summoned his Keyblade and fired a beam of light, disappearing.

Sora woke up and saw that he was in Traverse Town. "Good. I was hoping this world was still here...but where are they?" He wondered and then he heard the familiar cute whining as he turned to see Meow Wow running up to him. "There!" He exclaimed as it jumped up and tackled him, causing him to move back and bump into a Kooma Panda while Meow Wow was licking him, then a Necho Cat showed up, followed by a Komory Bat...and then he was joined by every Spirit. "Thanks! You're the best!"


Ventus (Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)

At Castle Oblivion, in the Chamber of Waking, Ven was still sleeping...but then, he smiled a little.

The darkness awakens

Xehanort was looking out in the water. "This world is just too small."

The light in the darkness

Aqua was looking out at the water in the realm of darkness.

Leads to the last key

Magical Mystery

"Sora's late. Do ya think he's okay?" Goofy asked as Donald sighed. "Gawrsh, Lea sure hurried back to Radiant Garden, and now Master Yen Sid's sending Riku away, too, on some mystery errand." Donald sighed again. "Ya think we'll ever get to do something important?"

Donald noticed something as he hopped up as Goofy looked up. "Oh! Welcome back, Riku!" Goofy sat back up. "Hey, wait..." He looked and their eyes widened.

Sabrina was leaning on a wall as Mew was playfully flying around the room while Latias, Asuna and Kirito were sitting down on the floor, just chatting things up. "The Keyblade Wars of yore plunged the true Kingdom Hearts into darkness, and the X-Blade was shattered. But the light still shining in the hearts of children rebuilt the world that we know today. And the light from the broken X-Blade was then divided into seven, to protect the number of pure hearts into the world."

"Pure lights..." Mickey folded his arms. "They're...the princesses of heart."

"Indeed. Those seven pure hearts form the very source of all light in the world. If they are lost, the world will again give way to shadow. Thus, even if we deliberately avoid finding our seven lights to avert another Keyblade War, Xehanort will still target the seven princesses in order to forge the X-Blade."

Sabrina looked at Yen Sid. "So...there's gonna be a clash between seven lights and fourteen darknesses...and there's nothing we can do to avoid triggering the Keyblade War?"

"To protect the seven pure hearts, we will need a lot of lights strong enough to stand against the fourteen darknesses."

"So...we're missing one guardian of light." Mickey muttered.

"There's something I need to tell you guys." Sabrina said, as Mickey and Yen Sid looked at her. "You know this girl...Aria?"

"Yeah, one of my friends...why?" Mickey asked.

"Well you see...her heart is inside of me." She explained.

"What?!" Mickey exclaimed.

"Hmm..." Yen Sid stroked his beard. "I was wondering why I was feeling another presence in the room besides your Nobody the first time we met." He mused.

"Is any chance to bring her back? It all makes sense that long ago when I was just a little girl. I'm not saying I want to get rid of her, I just...want to see her again."

Yen Sid folded his arms. "Unfortunately, I do not."

Suddenly, something flashed in front of them, gathering everyone's attention as a lone girl appeared before them, Sabrina's and Yen Sid's eyes widening. "Mavis?!" They exclaimed.

"Hello." She greeted.

"Master Mavis, what brings you here from the dead?" Yen Sid asked.

"I came here to aid you in this upcoming Keyblade War." She replied.

"But how?" Sabrina asked.

Mavis looked at her. "I was the one that brought Aria to Magnolia in the first place." She explained. "I wanted to tell her something so I had to transport her to Tenrou Island after she rescued the kids and Lucy. After that, during her battle with one of the Unversed, Igneel and I came down to the Keyblade Graveyard and she used our battle to defeat the Unversed."

"What's an Unversed?" Latias asked, getting up.

"Creatures that don't exist anymore, they used to belong to someone who tried to merge with Aria's brother to become the X-Blade, but he failed. After I went inside Aria, I thought we could get him out of him but...unfortunately...he killed her right in front of Master Aqua."

Sabrina's eyes widened. "Now it all makes sense...why her heart is inside of me."

"There is a way to reawaken her." Mavis said.

"Really? What is it?"

"It's just have to-" A door closing interrupted her. "Hmm?" She turned to see Riku.

" I interrupting something?"

"Oh no, it's fine." Mavis dismissed it. "I'll wait."

"Okay." Riku said, looking at Yen Side. "I brought you the 'guest' you asked for never said why." He side stepped as Sabrina's and Mickey's eyes widened.

"I have come to learn that you, too, can wield a Keyblade. I am glad you are here...Kairi."

Next time...on Kingdom Hearts.

Hikari – Orchestra (Kingdom Hearts)

"I know it's considered meddling." Yen Sid muttered. "But what choice do we have at the moment? We need to bring them here."

"Natsu?" Happy asked, seeing him pick up Aria's Fairy Love Keyblade. "What's going on?"

"Happy...there's something I need to tell you."

"You think you can just get away with this?" Mavis glared.

"Why yes, I think I can." Xehanort smirked.


"Roxas? Why am I seeing two of you?" Xarina asked.

"Oh! I know that kid! His name's...uh..." Lea blinked. "Damnit..."

"Your Keyblade is truly fascinating." Even said, looking at Lea's Keyblade.

"I swore I would kill whoever destroyed Aria..." Natsu muttered, looking at the Keyblade in his hand.

"Lucario! Aura Sphere!" Rosa exclaimed.


"Moon tiara...action!"

"For the love of Fairy Tail, Peach...would you just stop being such a blonde and just ACT like a normal Princess of Heart?!" Mavis exclaimed.

"You think you're all that now that you're a Keyblade Master? As if."

"Terra!" Aqua exclaimed.

"You have such pretty eyes."

"Stop flirting with me, Xehanort." Aria glared. "Just because you're young doesn't mean I'm into you. I love Terra, not you."

"GIVE ME STRENGTH!" Sabrina yelled.

Latias sighed. "This is getting worse..."

"MEW!" Xarina screamed.

" me crazy but I'm about to do something incredible."

"Okay, you're crazy."

"Not literally!"

"Am I looking into a real-life mirror?" Ven asked, looking right at Roxas.

Hayner turned around. "Who in the heck are you?"


"I suppose we can help you in your Keyblade training..." Ienzo muttered.

"Seven of light...fourteen of darkness...together, we can forge the X-Blade!"

"I'm not into some weird fancy blade." Peach said.

"Oh my god, do you EVEN listen to yourself?" Reimu asked.


"Mind if I have a smoooooch from the Goddess of Light?" Taurus asked

"Lucy, you have the weirdest celestial spirits."

"Tell me about it..." Lucy muttered.

"I knew one day you'd drop by for a visit...Xehanort." Yen Sid muttered.

"LIGHT!" Sora yelled.

Sabrina and Aria closed their eyes. "Gather! O river of light that's guided by the fairies! Shine! In order to perish the fangs of evil! FAIRY GLITTER!"

Kingdom Hearts III

If you were wondering...those were scenes from KH 3 - Sabrina's Story. Why wait for KH III to come out when you just do it yourself?