WARNING for explicit drugged noncon

This chapter comes with its own theme song, because why not! Check out "Paralyzed" by Mystery Skulls on youtube or the provider of your choice.

Predictably, the trial makes the news media circuit, and Eustass is decried as a killer who escaped justice. Law's name doesn't feature prominently; most of the public's ire falls to the police for mishandling evidence.

Even Smoker grumbles about it when Law mentions the case on Friday while they're out for drinks. Mostly just things like 'pathetic police work,' and 'the worthless cops in this city,' but it's a rare treat for him to have any comment on current events, let alone for something Law had personal involvement in, so Law digs into the topic with relish.

Of course, if he so much as hinted that he went behind the prosecution's back to shut down the trial, Smoker was so ethical he'd probably arrest him on the spot for interfering with due process.

He can still talk openly about the perfectly legal above-board work he did getting the evidence thrown out, and then act like he's frustrated that his efforts to pursue true justice by representing his client to the best of his ability ended up being what let Eustass walk free.

Smoker actually surprises him by asking why he went into criminal defense instead of prosecution, implying that he could be doing better work on the other side of the court, and Law rattles off a few lines about the lack of attention given to alleged criminals who wind up in prison due to inferior representation—the same speech he used to get this job in the first place—until Smoker seems sorry he asked.

In truth, he became a public defender because one day he was going to run for office, and he could already see the trend in the public's aversion for the state's abysmal justice system. He wanted to start his career on the right side of that mess from the very beginning. It was going to make a brilliant campaign platform for him in a few years: Trafalgar Law, defender of the people.


It's almost a month before he sees Eustass again. Normally he wouldn't have any cause to see a client after the trial, but that's how long it takes him to decide how he wanted to exact payment for the humiliation Eustass had forced on him weeks ago. When he visits Eustass' apartment he brings along a few things to make sure he'll get it on his terms this time.

Eustass lives in the inner city, his building is one of many dilapidated high rises in a neighborhood with crime rates so bad they scared taxpayers into more police funding every year. The elevator on the ground floor is covered with yellow caution tape, so Law heads to the eleventh floor via a stairwell that smells like piss the whole way up.

He knocks on the door matching the address he had memorized from Eustass' file, and is about to knock again after a minute when he hears the slide of a deadbolt lock before the door opens abruptly to reveal Eustass' scowling face.

Eustass looks like he had an angry reprimand on the tip of his tongue for whoever dared to disturb him, but when he recognizes Law he stops short.

Law gives him a gleaming smile. "Hello Eustass, sorry for dropping by unannounced."

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Eustass frowns, seeming equal parts confused and irritated by Law's sudden appearance at his doorstep. He glances into the hallway, probably checking for cops.

"Relax, this is an unofficial visit. I have a few follow up documents that need to be completed, and since I was in the area I thought it would be easier to drop by rather than having you come into the office. If you're not busy, that is. May I come in?"

Eustass glares at him for a few moments, and Law can just hear the gears clicking inside his head. He keeps his smile unassuming and motions expectantly with his briefcase, and eventually Eustass gets exasperated enough to make up his mind.

"Fine, this better not take long." He opens the door wider to allow Law through, though not by much, so that Law has to pass close by Eustass' solid frame in the narrow entryway, feeling the weight of Eustass' eyes on the back of his head.

Funny how Eustass is the one with three alleged murders and at least one rape under his belt, yet he seems as superstitious of Law as though he's inviting in some kind of devil. Admittedly, he wasn't too far off the mark tonight.

Law sets down his briefcase and looks around at Kid's place. Cluttered as it is with kicked off shoes and empty beer cans and liquor bottles, there's not much to see.

"I see you've adapted well to civilian life again," he comments.

Eustass just grunts, and drops down onto a threadbare couch, picking up one of the few upright cans from the floor and taking a swig.

"How much are you enjoying... all this?" Law gives the room a dismissive wave. "Honestly, prison was nicer. I could still tell them what you did, I'd be doing you a favor."

Kid looks sharply at him, "What the fuck...?"

"Oh right, but you don't like prison ass," Law says, affecting innocence. "Having any luck without being able to corner them in a cell?"

Kid's lip is starting to curl back from his teeth and he interrupts Law by standing up and stalking over to him, "Is that why you're here, huh? Couldn't get enough? I knew you were a fucking slut."

Law lifts an eyebrow, "Really Eustass, did you think I would just forget about you after all the work I did getting your case dropped?"

"What, you want me to say thanks?" Kid leers at him, propping up a hand on the wall next to Law's head and looming in, "Or are you trying to blackmail me? 'Cause that'd be a pretty stupid thing to do."

Law tilts his head back to keep eye contact, "Blackmail... I wasn't considering it to be honest, but a thank you would still be nice to hear. I was the only one concerned with getting you out of prison, after all." He purposefully leaves the implication hanging: I can get you back in, too.

Eustass flares at the provocation and grabs Law's tie, baring his fangs, "No one fucking asked you to do that, so unless you need a reminder shoved up your ass of what happened the last time they put me in there, you can fuck off and leave me the hell alone."

Law just smiles. "And what if I only want to get to know you better, without all the guards and handcuffs...? I have to admit, you interest me."

Eustass' imminent threat seems to check itself in the face of Law's unruffled smile; not by much, but enough that Law's not afraid of getting beaten to death just yet.

Kid growls, "Yeah right. What do you really want?"

"I know you must be thinking that after our first.. meeting, I must be very angry at you. But there were a lot of circumstances leading to that, I'm sure you can be more considerate otherwise."

"Get to the point."

"The point is, Eustass, that I'm not opposed to doing it again."

Kid narrows his eyes with suspicion, "What the fuck? You have a prison rape fetish or something?"

Law smirks, "That's putting it crudely. I simply think it would be a shame to have you locked up for the rest of your life, and I thought you might be inclined to show some appreciation."

Eustass appears incredulous, his brows furrowing, "That's pretty fucked up."

"Maybe," Law shrugs. "However, I've found that pursuing unconventional opportunities leads to some of the most... satisfying rewards."

Kid's eyes have taken on a new light, something curious and enticed finally emerging from behind all the hostility.

Law looks up at Kid through his lowered lashes and gives the lure one more shake. "Well? Want to give it another try? No need to rush things this time."

Kid lets go of Law's tie after a moment and hooks a finger over the knot at his throat instead, tugging it loose. "I don't know if you're serious, but I won't let you back out if you get scared later."

"You can't scare me, Eustass."

Kid grins, "Oh yeah? Well don't blame me for trying." He grabs the collar of Law's shirt and twists it tight, and Law smiles as he reaches to start undoing his jeans.

Good luck with that.


Eustass barely notices the sting of a needle sinking into his vein, too busy enjoying the attention Law lavishes on his cock. By the time he realizes something's wrong he's having trouble keeping his eyes open, and Law pulls off to smirk at him as he slurs a curse. Within 40 seconds the tranquilizer has flooded his system, and he's dead to the world.

Law leaves him laid out on the couch to retrieve the rest of his things from his briefcase. When Eustass starts coming around again five minutes later he's already been blindfolded and gagged, his wrists tied behind his back with cord. He's still drowsy from the drug, and can only manage to lethargically roll his head towards the sound of Law's voice.

"This is pancuronium bromide, a paralytic," Law says mildly, flicking the needle and making a clear drop of fluid leak from the end. "You might be interested to know it's the same one used for lethal injections. But don't worry, I'm not planning on an extra-judicial execution tonight, as much as you deserve one. Though I did bring some potassium chloride, just in case I change my mind."

He lines the syringe up with the femoral vein in Kid's thigh, and delivers the drug with clinical efficiency. "It will keep you from moving, but it has no effect on the nerves so you should still be able to feel, hear, and see just fine. Oh, and try to let me know if you start suffocating."

The paralytic kicks in before the sedative wears off completely, leaving Eustass with no window of control whatsoever, exactly as planned.

He has a lot of fun playing with Eustass that night. He fits him with a cockring, and spends a long time riding that big thick cock at his leisure. He takes the blindfold off Kid eventually so he can see himself being used, and Kid watches him with hazy eyes. He can't really do much else, he has basically two options: eyes open or shut.

He removes the gag too when he decides he wants to try Eustass' mouth, and finds there's something uniquely enjoyable about fucking a nice, slack, drooling wet hole that can't move, jaw lax and tongue loose around his cock. He takes care not to choke Kid too much, kindly finishing on his face instead of letting him asphyxiate on cum.

While he comes several times, he doesn't let Kid come even once, leaving him still hard and with another dose of paralytic that will wear off after he's long gone.

With that taken care of, he puts a finger under Eustass' chin and lifts his heavy head to look right in those dark eyes. "That was good, Eustass. It's really much better when we can take our time. See you around."


The risk of walking into the den of a murderer isn't enough to prevent him from wanting more. He can't get that night off his mind. Still, he gives Eustass a few weeks to cool off before attempting to see him again, just in case.

When Kid opens his door to find him there for a second time, Law doesn't bother waiting for an invitation and just pushes his way into the apartment.

"You've really got a deathwish coming back here," Kid mutters, following him further into the room.

"I hope you weren't thinking I'd just forgive you for forcing yourself on me, Eustass," Law shoots back over his shoulder. "Considering that I had to suck you off so you wouldn't fuck me bloody, I let you off rather lightly, so let's just call it even."

Kid glares at him, menace dripping from every inch of his rigid posture and clenched fists. "What you did was fucking sick."

"You say that as if you didn't come yourself senseless as soon as you could move again." Law throws his jacket over the back of the couch, and toes out of his shoes. "I didn't bring any drugs this time, but you can search me if it will make you feel better. Do you have lube?"

"...Are you nuts? Maybe I'll twist off your fucked up head instead, how'd you like that?"

Law just continues unbuttoning his shirt, "It's water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned. If I didn't want to see you again, I would have left you dead." Soon he's standing naked in the middle of the room, and he puts his hands on his hips. "So, lube? Or do I need to take you up on your offer of a rimming?"

Thankfully, Eustass does have lube. As much as Law enjoyed getting a tongue in his ass, spit just wasn't going to cut it for everything that follows.

Eustass doesn't spare him any kindness beyond that, however. He fucks Law brutally hard, on his knees, with a hand on the back of his head keeping his face shoved against the floor. Kid has his other hand squeezed tight around the base of Law's cock to stop him from spilling again after the first time he comes untouched, snarling in his ear that he's a sick fucking slut who's not supposed to enjoy getting his ass used.

Law has to disagree. Not only was enjoying it the entire point of this after all, but that reason is exactly why he was a slut in the first place. It's a little contradictory to tell him otherwise.

Eventually Eustass has to let go of his dick when he wants his mouth. Even though he keeps Law's wrists held in an iron grip so he can't touch himself, with another hand fisted in his hair to control his motions, he comes again when Kid forces him to take it deep and makes him choke on the thick cock fucking his throat. His gag reflex had been fucked out of him a long time ago, but the right sized dick could still accomplish the same thing just with sheer size, and Eustass is certainly big enough for that.

Law leaves an hour after he had arrived, feeling like he needs to sit in a tub full of ice until everything stops hurting, with a sprained wrist, banged up knees, maybe a cracked rib or two, and a deep, aching satisfaction.


Law goes back two weeks later, and then again after that. Over the course of more visits, Eustass calms down a bit. Not too much, the sex is still plenty rough, it's just not as punishing. Which is a little disappointing, sure, though overall Law is grateful since otherwise he'd simply be too wrecked after a night with Eustass to get fucked for a few days, and that really didn't agree with his libido.

He quickly learns that while it's amusing and harmless to irritate Eustass, it's more difficult to trigger the sort of dark, furious violence that galvanizes his lust like a brush with a snapped powerline. Kid's real anger is a fault running right down to his core, something vast and fundamental that's always simmering somewhere beneath the surface, but it only responds when the right nerve is hit.

However, if he ever gets the urge to stumble out the door with a dislocated shoulder and enough bruises to make the urgent care nurse give him a pamphlet on domestic violence, he does know a sure-fire trick for riling Kid's temper. All he has to do is mention how good Kid looked when he came on his face that one time, and before he can blink he's being forced onto the nearest flat surface and fucked so hard he can't breathe.

Pursuing Eustass is arguably the most absurdly stupid thing Law's ever done, but he finds himself addicted to coming on the edge of uncertainty that this time Eustass won't stop until he's dead.

Of course, he's positive that if Eustass were really going to kill him he would have done it by now. Eustass might not be able to control his temper, but he doesn't fly into a mindless rage either, his actions are deliberate. When he's angry, he wants to hurt people, so he does—and that fits Law's objectives just fine. If Kid killed anyone, it would likewise be a conscious decision.

Law doesn't ask if Eustass really committed those murders, lack of a conviction notwithstanding, but he has no doubt the answer would be yes.

Nevertheless, Law keeps going back, and Kid keeps letting him walk out alive. They gradually settle into a balanced routine of callous sex and mutual disrespect; having already seen the absolute worst the other had to offer left no need for any pretenses between them.

Law likes it.

With Smoker he couldn't reveal any of his creative work practices without being arrested, and with Doflamingo, who was about as corrupt as an official could get, there's still the politics to worry about. He couldn't afford to disrespect the man without incurring consequences that would follow him for the rest of his career.

But there's none of that with Eustass. He can brag about his underhanded victories all day, and Eustass will only tell him to shut up and stop boring him to death. He can deride every aspect of Eustass' character and lifestyle, and Eustass will just say he's too fucked in the head to be talking shit about anyone else.

There's really nothing he could say or do to Eustass that would have repercussions beyond a particularly vicious round of sex. And fucking Eustass is just fantastic either way, always harsh and aggressive and visceral, with a complete lack of regard for each other's well-being. It's great.

He finds himself spending more time than necessary in Eustass' shitty apartment, simply because he likes the tactless company. He starts winding up at Kid's place whenever he's bored and has a few hours to spare, so he can sit on Kid's shitty couch, watch his shitty TV, complain about his shitty beer (to which Kid will always say, "If you don't fucking like it then stop drinking it! Christ!"), and generally act like a pest until Kid reaches a boiling point and shuts him up one way or another.

Eustass doesn't seem to do much, so he's conveniently available whenever Law stops by. He had a hard time finding a new job after his name and face were plastered all over the news as an unconvicted killer, but as far as Law can tell he has a couple of part-time gigs doing off the books work in garages and warehouses, just enough to scrape up rent and pay for food and alcohol. He still has a few friends left, though he won't talk about them apart from the occasional offhand remark, and he never has visitors. Mostly when he's not working he stays home and drinks alone, and if Law comes over they drink together, and he'll tell Law to stop running his mouth for two goddamn seconds, and then they fuck.

After that Law leaves, and they repeat the process again another day. Law doesn't stay the night, that was only something people did when they were absolutely certain their bedmate wouldn't try to kill them in their sleep.

Not that he thinks Eustass would try, he trusts him enough for that at least, but sleeping is so... comfortable. It's too incongruous with the whole fuck-enemies thing they have going on to seem anything other than ridiculous, even if Law feels more himself with Eustass than with anyone else.

Fun Fact:

Propofol, pancuronium bromide, and potassium chloride are three drugs commonly used for state-sanctioned lethal injections and euthanasia. Although all of them can be fatal on their own, they are administered in sequence to provide a calm and efficient execution.

Propofol is a rapid-acting sedative that induces unconsciousness in less than a minute, though it wears off quickly. Pancuronium bromide is a paralytic that interrupts muscle activity, lasting for several hours. It will also paralyze the respiratory muscles, leading to death by suffocation much sooner than that, but for the purposes of this fiction let's pretend Kid can still breathe. Potassium chloride is simply potassium salt, however at a high enough concentration the potassium electrolyte reduces the electrical potential of cells in the body, which inhibits the heart muscles from contracting, causing almost immediate death.

How did Law get his hands on this highly controlled set of drugs? He fucked an anesthetist, of course.