Louis never expected his life to change that day; his life had always been a blur of depression, people, and places.

Why should that change?

It was one of those people that would change his life; that person was Oliver.

Oliver was a bright person that was constantly happy.

It had been refreshing for him to be around a person that seemed so happy.

Oliver didn't seem to mind that Louis had practically clung to him or may be he hadn't noticed.

Louis was happy for once, and Oliver seemed to fight his battles over depression for him.

It became natural for them to have this kind of relationship until one day that relationship had ended.

When Oliver didn't respond to the letters, E-mails, and texts that Louis had sent, Louis braved the rain to pay a visit to Oliver to make sure that he wasn't hurt.

What he saw there was a beautiful and cheerful girl with Oliver, and it was pretty obvious that they weren't related; it was made all the more obvious, when she kissed him in a way that was not at all sisterly.

Right when they kissed Louis knocked on the door loudly enough to get their attention.

"What was that?" She had a very obvious British accent.

"Shh... Poppet." Oliver murmured before he walked over to the door to answer it.

"What is it that you want?" Oliver seemed surprised and possibly annoyed by Louis's presence.

"Nothing." Louis answered before he fled from the doorway.

Louis had known that no one could possibly love him especially someone as perfect as Oliver; Oliver deserved someone like that redhead as she was beautiful and cheerful.

He reached in to his medicine cabinet to grab the pills that he was supposed to take to make him less depressed that he had stopped taking when he had met Oliver.

Louis had nearly a whole bottle of them left.

He tipped his head back, and dumped all of the capsules in to his mouth; was it really worth living when you had no one that truly loved you?

Louis felt like it took far too long fot the medication to take effect; as he started to lose consciousness, he felt a strange thrill pass through his body.

He was relieved to not have to live as his soul left his body that was suddenly too weak to hold it in.

It was later that day when they found his body, and it was reported that a local man had taken his own life,

That news had managed to shatter Oliver's heart as he realized that he had technically killed a man.

Oliver never moved on from that, and he stopped breaking hearts to never cause a person to kill themselves from it.