A/N- I missed yesterday's prompt for 12 Days of Bethyl so I write this one up quickly (so apologies if it's a little sloppy). I hope to also get a mistletoe prompt up a little later. This prompt is basically about my headcanons regarding how Beth has celebrated Christmas in the past (I imagine a lot of singing) and her trying to share those memories with Daryl.

We Need a Little Christmas

Daryl didn't actually know much about celebrating Christmas. He knew there was Santa, trees, food, and a lot of presents. But the few times he got brave enough to ask his parents about getting presents for Christmas as a child, she had responded that Christmas was just an excuse to give already spoiled children more gifts and it wasn't meant for people like them. Even after his mother passed away, Daryl had held onto this belief. That was, until he started hearing Beth's stories of her past Christmases.

"So, what was yer favorite part of Christmas as a kid?" Daryl asked, stroking Beth's hair as she rested her head on his chest. Their position reclining on the loveseat, Daryl's legs handing off the edge and Beth settled on top of him, didn't look comfortable, but neither party had any desire to move.

Beth propped herself up on her elbows, so Daryl could better see her face. "Well, when we were kids, my sisters and I used to sing Christmas carols from the moment we were cleanin up Thanksgivin dinner until Shawn would finally scream at us to stop, usually around new years." Daryl just watched her expressions as Beth continued her story; she always got the same look when she was describing memories from her childhood. She would look slightly to the left, as if watching the scene play itself out on the floor, only occasionally raising her eyes to acknowledge that Daryl was still listening.

"We used to think we were so talented," she admitted with a laugh, "Annette would have us harmonize, even when it didn't fit the song. It's only now that I actually feel bad for poor Daddy and Shawn, they always tried so hard to put up with it."

"So what'd ya sing?" Daryl asked partially to know the answer but mainly to keep Beth talking. He loved hearing her voice, especially when it was so content.

"Everythin. You ever see the musical Mame?"

Daryl just raised a skeptical eyebrow causing Beth to giggle and settle her head back onto his chest, absentmindedly running her hand up and down his side as his hand stroked her lower back.

"Well it's just a silly musical, but was one of my mom's favorites. There's a song in it, "We Need a Little Christmas." Technically it only has two parts, but we split it into three since no one was willing to sit out. It was our favorite thing to sing together. Daddy preferred when we sang "Silent Night" though. He always liked more traditional hymns for Christmas time."

Beth propped herself up on her elbows again, looking into Daryl's eyes curiously, "Do you have a favorite Christmas Carol?" She asked, tilting her head curiously.

"Nah." He responded with a shrug. Honestly, he wasn't sure he had ever heard any Christmas Carol all the way through but he hated reminding Beth his childhood hadn't been the same as hers, even if he was sure she never forgot.

Beth pursed her lips for a moment before moving to sit up on the loveseat, pulling Daryl with her so they were side by side. Though Daryl hated to have her move away from him, he knew he was about to get a song and gave her an encouraging smile.

"Well… I'm guessin you're not a hymn man, like Daddy was. And you're not gonna like the musicals like my mom or Annette. But Arnold always liked "Blue Christmas," the one by Elvis? I bet you'd like that one." She determined with a nod.

"Well then, you gonna sing it for me or not?"

Beth started singing softly, taking Daryl's hand in hers as she felt out the rhythm for a song she hadn't thought about in years. Her version was softer than the original, a higher pitch, but Daryl didn't seem to mind. After only a few lines he closed his eyes, leaning his head back to focus on her voice.

As she finished, Daryl turned to her, opening his eyes slowly. "I like it… but it's a little sad for a Christmas song don't cha think? Aren't those things 'posed to be happy or somethin?"

"Daryl Dixon, are you sayin you want a cheerful Christmas song? Just what have I done to you?" Beth teased, breaking into a smile so wide her eyes began to squint.

Daryl let the right side of his lips curl into a smile before pecking the side of Beth's head. "Damn it, I don't know Greene, what have you done to me?"

"You just needed a little Christmas, that's all."