I wake up, like any other day. My room is so dark, like always is. I get up and walk to the kitchen. I don't remember walking down the stairs.


I grab a cup and open the fridge to see the orange juice. I grab it and pour it in my cup.

Don't do it. You're pathetic.

I see that Donnie left my bottle on the table for me to take. It was half empty but still enough to last me the day.

Don't take it. It's poison. They're trying to kill you.

My hand twitches trying to grab the bottle. I can't. I'm too afraid.

Don't be stupid. You're a waste of space. Worthless.

I end up walking away to the living room. I see the T.V is already on. Who turned it on?

"In other news, there was a shooting on 14th street and central."

Don't listen to him. He's lying. He is trying to kill you.

"In news on weather, a snow storm is coming. And it's coming for you Mikey." It's talking to me, the man in the box.

Its coming! You have to run! Don't be dumb!

I heard the phone ring.

No don't answer it. You are so worthless. So pathetic. Don't!

But I do. I answer the phone and I hear static, lots of it.

"M..Mi-. I-...Apr-" I think it was April. But the static started to grow louder and louder. I heard something through the static.

"I'm coming." I couldn't seem to toss the phone fast enough. The second I did I heard a loud bang. So loud I cringed. I look and see the lair door shaking. Something was trying to get in.

Run away! Run away now! Don't just stand there you fool! They will catch you. They know who you are.

I run away. I find myself in the kitchen again. This time there was a pizza box on the table. I heard my stomach growl.

Don't open you fool. You pathetic waste of space. So worthless.

I opened it. It was a large cheese pizza. It looked so good. But it started to bubble. The steam started to emerge from the cheese. I heard its laughter.

So stupid. So pathetic.

The pounding grew louder. I heard a sudden scream so piercing I had to cover my ears. But it wasn't enough. It got louder. I started to scream. I couldn't hear myself. I slid down to the floor. I curled into a ball. I just wanted it to stop. They were yelling at me. The doors shaking. I can't trust them. None of them!

So stupid. So pathetic. You're worthless. Don't trust them. Don't trust any of them!

"Mikey!" I gasped, looking up I see Donnie, looking at me with worry.

"Mikey what happened? He asked me. I couldn't speak. I just kept staring. The sounds, the voices they stopped for now. I watched as Donnie looked at me, then looked up on the counter then back at me and smiled.

"You didn't take your medication today did you?" He asked. The voices told me no. How could I? It was a trap. They told me so. He padded my shoulder.

"It's okay little brother. You'll be fine."

I didn't understand much, but I understood that was a lie.

A/N: Another short drabble junkies I am doing because I am procrastinating on Perfect Student. I promise it's like half way done I'm just being super lazy about it XD This is a 4 part story about the brothers and their disorders. This was Michelangelo and his was Schizophrenia. I hope you enjoyed!