Chapter twenty one: Eprologue.

Sure enough Jason was given the death penalty by the electric chair.

He had framed innocents, lied to the courts, murdered and raped all before being caught.

Who wouldn't agree with the death penalty?

Tom is working on his way to become rehabilitated though he lost everything and is being kept a close eye on. He, as promised, has never lied like he did before.

If he keeps it up he might have his career back.

Brendon began to become closer to Hikaru as the two both lost someone they care for.

As expected Hikaru's mental state dropped.

He is now never seen without something of Kaoru's as his dead brothers scent is his drug also he has trouble with mirrors as every time he looks in one his eyes tear up only to end up sobbing for his brother.

It's only been a few days after the trail and Kyouya fears that the end for Hikaru is soon as he seems to be trying to make sure to tie up any loose ends that Kaoru would agree should be tied up.

Now on the third day after the trial Hikaru gets home from school where he only concentrated on making sure things are ok like Kaoru would have wanted.

He walks over to the closest and takes out his brothers uniform. His depression has taken over and he changes into it letting Kaoru's scent fill his senses. He lets the small spark of feeling close to his brother ride up in him… or so he thinks…. But….. It's no longer enough… The scent is not enough to keep him even the smallest spark happy. His eyes tear up and he breaks into heavy sobs. He can't take it anymore…

The world has crashed down onto him and he can't support it at all…

His life, his world and all are shattering around him.

Everything is leaving him….. Everything about him seems to be lifeless except that his heart is still beating and that he is breathing.

Hikaru is no more… What's left is an empty shell of what used to be Hikaru.

Nothing on Earth can save him now.

He turns and walks into the bathroom looking in the cabinets….. Only anything there that he could try to kill himself with is gone… He looks around for something….. Anything! He needs to see his brother again and the only way that his need for his brother will ever be satisfied is if he actually sees Kaoru in person or well in ghost technically.

After a bit of searching his room and the bathroom there is nothing.

He leaves his room and heads towards the kitchen. He peers in and sees no one inside. He goes in and grabs a sharp knife quickly bringing it to the bedroom since he knows that the chef will be there any minute. He closes the door behind himself then he rolls up the sleeves. He brings the knife to his rest resting the blade on his skin on his wrist hard enough to draw one small measly drop of blood that drips down his arm to the other side. "Kaoru…." He mutters in full depression. He cuts open his wrists then drops the knife letting it clatter to the floor staining the carpet in blood as well as the blood running down dripping from his wounds to down his arm then most of the drops fall to the carpet. He clenches his teeth as the burning pain of cutting so deeply hits him. He shuts his eyes tightly and bears with it as he lowers his head so his chin is against his chest. He will see his brother….. He will… He will. He will! HE will! HE WILL!

The room starts to feel like it's spinning for him and he keeps his eyes closed with the back of his wrists resting on his knees so his hands are almost resting on his knees and are close together.

Suddenly a slightly cold yet familiar touch clasps around his hands.

His eyes snap open and he quickly looks up. He sees nothing….. But he knows… His eyes start to tear up as they are now filled with happiness. "Kaoru…" He says almost under his breath as he can't help but smile a little.

Black begins to swarm at the edges of his vision but just before it goes to all black he gets a flash of seeing Kaoru kneeling there on his knees with his hands over Hikaru's own.

When his eyes open he is being led by a single joined hand up to the sky with the one he has longed for for so long.

He follows his brother through the gates earning his wings and halo.

Happiness, life and love has now filled Hikaru as he will now live with his brother up in heaven.

Sure those that care for him will be sad but they will know that he is happy with his brother finally reunited since Kaoru's death.

The End.


Yes there was ghost talking parts but really minor parts of the story.

I hope you enjoyed this story because this is the official end.

Reviews are awesome and thank you to all my kind readers as well as those that gave kind reviews, favorite and followed this story.

Flamers will be used to make fudge though!

I'll see you next time if you read any more of my stories.
