It had started out with small things, like seeing someone watching her house. Then it escalated, the constant feeling of being watched. It even went as far as someone breaking into her house. But when someone turned up at Alice's school Valkyrie knew she had to do something.

When everything had begun, Valkyrie had initially thought that whoever this was, was after her; but then they got a tip from an informant saying that the target was actually her little sister Alice. And Valkyrie would do anything to protect her sister.

Currently, Valkyrie was in the Sanctuary with Skulduggery standing in front of the Council of Elders. They had been called in on an urgent call, saying that the case couldn't wait.

"High ranking Sanctuary officials from all over the world have been dropping left and right," Grand Mage Erskine Ravel said. "We need to stop this stream of killings before it gets too serious."

Skulduggery, who was standing beside Valkyrie, nodded. "I understand. We will head out immediately."

Ghastly Bespoke nodded. "Great. The latest killing was in France so you will need to head out to the French Sanctuary."

Skulduggery worked out the last bit of details and both he and Valkyrie began to make their way out of the Sanctuary, moving through the bleak, dull halls. They passed a few other sorcerers but were mostly alone. Valkyrie frowned as they walked, thinking through the new case.

"Wait," she said.

"What?" Skulduggery looked at her. His suit was crisp and clean, and his hat was cocked at its usual angle on his head.

"I can't leave. Alice needs me here to protect her."

"But Valkyrie, this case is huge."

"I know, but what do I do about my sister?"

The two stepped out of the Sanctuary into the bright, afternoon sunlight. Roarhaven was quiet as normal, with not even birdsong to break the silence. The murky lake was even calm, the surface completely still.

Skulduggery didn't speak for a few minutes, not saying anything as they reached the gleaming Bentley and slid in. Skulduggery started the engine and pulled out onto the road.

Finally he spoke. "You can hire someone to protect her until the case is over."

"Okay, but who would that be?"

"Well, what kind people do you know of that would do anything for money?"

"Mercenaries or maybe an assassin if the pay was good enough."

"And who do you know of that fits that?"

Valkyrie frown deepened. "Sanguine or Dusk. Wait, you don't actually expect me to leave my sister with them do you?"

"Like I said. People will do anything for money, and protecting someone is actually quite common for criminals to be hired for."

"Huh," Valkyrie thought for a bit.

Skulduggery turned onto the highway and headed towards Haggard where Alice was with the rest of Valkyrie's family. No one would try to hurt Alice with them around. Or at least that's what Valkyrie counted on.

"Besides," the Skeleton Detective added. "What's a better way to send someone running for cover then a terrifying vampire or psychotic hit-man?"

"True," Valkyrie admitted. "But I still don't feel comfortable leaving Alice with either of them. They might just snap and kill her."

"Then who are you going to pick?"

Valkyrie was silent for a long time as she mulled over her choices. Then she sighed. "I think I know who."


After Skulduggery dropped her off at the pier, Valkyrie hurried to her bedroom window. After climbing in and shutting it and sealing her reflection back into the mirror, Valkyrie took out her phone and dialed the number.

It was picked up almost instantly.

"Who are you and how did you get this number," the female voice was cold and emotionless but the words were as paranoid as ever.

Valkyrie swallowed hard; still having a hard time believing that she was actually doing this.

"Vendetta, its Valkyrie Cain," Valkyrie said. "I never thought that I would ever say this, but I need you to protect my six year old sister."

There was dead silence on the other end then Vendetta spoke again. "Excuse me?"

"I need you to protect my little sister for a little while. She's being threatened and I'm going out on a case where I won't be around and I need someone powerful enough to protect her. I'll pay whatever you need me to pay."

Once again there was silence for a moment. "How long exactly would this be?"

"I can't say for sure, but at least a week. And I think Ray-Roy should come along too."

Vendetta swore loudly then the female vampire, seemingly reluctant, said "Fine, but I better get paid. I'll let him know what's going on."

Valkyrie felt herself relax, and she breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I'll drop her off tomorrow morning at the park in Haggard."

"Whatever. Just don't be late. If you aren't there when I arrive I will turn around and walk away. I don't have time to mess around."

Valkyrie nodded. "No problem, see you then."

After hanging up with Vendetta, Valkyrie ran downstairs and walked into the living room to find Alice sitting on the floor playing with some toys. Valkyrie smiled brightly and came over to sit in front of her little sister.

"Hey Alice," she said.

Alice looked up, and then broke out in a grin of her own. "Steph'nie!" she squealed and crawled into her lap for a hug.

Valkyrie laughed and hugged her back, glad that she was okay.

"How was school?" Valkyrie asked.

"It was fun! I got a cookie 'cause I answered all of my questions right."

"That's great. What was it on?"

"I don't know, I just copied the answers from the kid next to me and said done."

Valkyrie laughed again. "Looks like you take after me."

Alice beamed and they played together for the rest of the evening until their parents came home.

"Big news guys!" Valkyrie's father said proudly. "I'm heading up to a big conference tomorrow and your mother is coming with me. We'll be gone for at least a week, so Steph that means you're in charge."

Valkyrie gave him a thumbs-up, too busy cramming a snack down her throat. After all she had barely eaten all day since she was out with Skulduggery punching people in the face.

That night, after everyone went to bed, Valkyrie called Skulduggery.

"I hired someone to protect Alice while we're gone," she said when he picked up.

"Ah good. Who is it?"


"Dusk's psycho daughter? Valkyrie, are you sure that's smart?"

"Hey, you were the one who said that picking a criminal would be good."

"Yes, but a slightly stable one. You've seen how Vendetta is. She can't control herself when she starts to kill."

"Look, Ray-Roy's going to be there too and if anyone can control her it's him."

"Okay. Well anyway, we'll be heading to France tomorrow after you drop off Alice."

"That sounds fine. My parents are going to be gone anyway so I don't even have to worry about them."


Thanks to those who reviewed! And I also forgot to mention last chapter, that my story 'A Vampire Love Story' is still ongoing, I just have been a bit slow updating it. But don't worry, I expect to be done with the next chapter by tomorrow.

Anyway, REVIEW!