Disclaimer: Everything belongs to their respected owners.

A/N: This chapter is a bit... short. I wanted to add some more but it's been a while since I last updated so I thought I give you this first. Beware of some swearing though, and there's a line in Spanish, but I used google translate but there might be a 60% chance it might be wrong (I'm very sorry if you're offended), so if any of you might think that needed to be corrected, let me know, yeah? Oh, expect tomadashi in here *cackles*

Gogo was filled with mixed emotions.

For one, she wanted to beat the shit out of him for making her chase him all over town for the past couple of days, hurting Wasabi, leaving them all confused and worried when he left them -her particularly- cheesy one-liners, and for hitting her hard enough that she was left out of breath when he tried to flee from all of them.

The other tempted urge she felt like doing was just grabbed his face and kiss him, because hell, suddenly he was alive from an explosion that could have killed him. She could finally see his face again, scarred and a bit different from before but nonetheless he was Tadashi fucking Hamada with his goddamn smile as he tried to probably butter her up.

For the love of god, that smile.

Fucking hell, she really missed him.

But, she wasn't exactly what you call, the touchy feely type when it comes to seeing your supposed-dead-friends, so she settled with the former decision.

She punched him in the gut.

Hard and firm.

Standing back, she was satisfied to hear him choking for breath, bending over slightly as he pressed a hand to where she had hit him, her fist still clenched tight.

Also, she wasn't going to forgive him anytime soon for breaking into her apartment.

"Hello to you too," He wheezed out, planting the other hand on the wall to steady himself. Rubbing the sore spot, he grimaced. "Though, I was expecting that from you, it still caught me off guard."

She pursed her lips, didn't answer him as she continued to glare at him. There was so many things she wanted to say at the moment, only she couldn't pin point which she wanted to throw at him first. She took a deep breath, rubbing her knuckles with a thumb.

He straightened himself up, staring at her with one good eye. "I know what you're going to say."

There was something in her snapped. "Do you?" She rasped, jaw clenched as she searched his face. "Because even I don't know what I'm going to say, what makes you think you do?"

Now that she had a good look of what he looked like, the skin to the right side of his face was burned off, leaving pieces of dead skin clinging to his face. His eye could barely open due to his scarred eyelid, his eyebrows and lashes were burnt with the rest of the fire on that day. The only place that wasn't so badly effected were his mouth and ear, exception for some small scars she could see.

He licked his dried lips. "I know that you're confused and mad," He started, his hands lifted in front of him in mock surrender. "And you want answers-"

"Hell yes I want answers," She stormed towards him, arching her arm to hit him again, eyes ablaze with emotions. "Do you know how broken all of us are?" She aimed for his chest, but he managed to catch her wrist and twirled her around so that he had her hand locked behind her. But she elbowed him roughly in the stomach with her other arm. "Do you know how depressed Hiro was the moment we buried that stupid empty casket six feet under? How he was literally a walking zombie for the past few weeks after the so called burial that he didn't actually eat?" He only dodged the punches she had for him, which infuriated her further. "But here you are, popped out among the dead like a Jack-in-a-goddamn-box."

She roundhouse him in the chest, and he gripped his hand on the wall to prevent himself falling from the force of her kick. Before she could stand on her two feet properly, he wrapped his fingers around her ankle and yanked her towards him, pushing her to the wall as he used his weight to lean onto her so that she wouldn't move so much, hands gripping her arms. "Leiko," He called out firmly when she continued to fidget in his grasp, her teeth gritted in frustration. "Leiko, please."

She headbutted him, to which he reared back in pain that he let go of her. "And now," She laughed bitterly, slumping on the wall. She eyed him as he pressed a hand to his temple, breathing heavily. She felt weary all of a sudden. "Now, you just break into our houses and steal the blueprints to our suits. For what? God knows," She shook her head in disbelief, running her fingers through her hair. "Un-fucking-believable."

Silence filled the space between them, and she closed her eyes, leaning her head on the surface behind. Despite being that she had heard him talking, she had seen him with her own two eyes, and he was just standing right there, she still couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that he was actually alive.

She tore her eyes open when he grunted, and saw him rubbing his head. He could probably feel her stare and met her gaze, straightening himself.

He sighed, rubbing the left side of his face. "Look," He began slowly, cautiously, like talking to a wounded animal. "I can't say anything here, we have to go somewhere where we won't be heard, there are," He seem to faltered a bit, but he quickly continued. "People, who might leak this and might try to tell everyone about this."

She folded her arms against her chest. "How would you know that I won't call our friends right now, right this instant, and tell them that I'm currently talking to the man who sacrificed himself for another he admired as one of the greatest men in his life, but actually was a selfish jerk who only thinks for himself?"

He pursed his lips, his eyes darted to his mask a few feet away. "I know," He replied quietly. She briefly noticed there was something shifted in his eyes, something she didn't recognize. But she didn't have a good look at it when it disappeared as quickly as it came. "How he-" He caught himself, looking at her. "Not here," He murmured, walking towards his mask and picked it up. "And as for your question," He continued as he wore the fox-like mask, tying it securely around his head. "I trust you."

She heaved out a sigh. "The problem about you is that you trust too much."

"And?" He enquired, facing her way. "That's a bad thing?"

"Yes," She snapped, pushing herself off the wall. "Look at what you got yourself into."

He hummed, walking deeper into the alley. "You don't mind me using your place to catch up with things that happened before this, do you?"

She clenched her jaw when she could have sworn he shot her a smirk when he glanced back. "And," He continued before she could say anything. "It'll be our little date for the moment, just the two of us," He turned around, walking backwards. "I'll see you in fifteen minutes."

Then, he faced to the front and ran, leaving her with a murderous feeling inside her.

"Since when did he become a complete ass?" She hissed under her breath, grabbing her backpack she dropped during the hassle between the two of them. She was about to leave when she remembered her bike, and groaned when she saw it was still stuck in the pink goo.

"I hope they find you," She mumbled as she passed by it, wheeling her way out of the alley. Then, she accelerated her speed, this time wearing her helmet, thankful that the comm. was switched off the whole time their conversation was being held out.

But, she couldn't help but feel the guilt eating her alive.

Gogo took out the disks before she got up.

The moment she opened the door, she saw him leaning on the window, brushing his fingers against the white lily she had put in a small vase, mask still on. The street light shone behind him, making the details of the scars on his arm more prominent than before. "You actually kept this." He muttered.

She closed the door behind her, leaning against it as she watched him plucked it off from the vase, untieing the the red ribbon from the stem. She stood like that in the semi darkness with him, the quiet humming of the fridge could be heard. "What is it with you and poems?"

He looked up, the said folded paper held between his fingers. He hold it up. "So, you guessed?"

She crossed her arms, refusing to move any nearer to him, willingly trying to unclenched her jaw from getting permanently stucketogether, lest her teeth will break. "Poe," She replied flatly, her fingers clutching her arms with tension. "The Raven."

He stayed like that for a while, paper held up as he stared at her. Sighing, he put the paper back down, taking off his mask as he did so. "I know you're mad."

She shook her head, a bitter smile stretched across her lips. "Mad? Of course I'm mad, what do you expect me to feel when I just found out that you're actually alive all this time? I still couldn't believe that you're actually here," She paused. "What were you doing all this time? And who took you out of that damned building?"

She saw the way he took an unsure step towards her, but then stopped himself, not confident enough to be near her yet. "I was healing," He replied softly, and Gogo saw the Tadashi she knew since as long as she could remember. He let his guard down, and she saw the way how tired he actually was, his shoulders slumping as the scars on his face suddenly looked raw, filled with pain. "I was in a short coma in a hospital out of the city, I didn't know who put me there, but next thing I knew that I woke up in a white room," He leaned on the window to make himself comfortable. "When I asked about it, the nurses said it was classified for me to know who my helper was, and I was told whoever this person was covered the hospital bills as well," He paused. "And he, or she, apparently, saved me."

"Of course I keep asking, and of course, they wouldn't say, they only said that I should be thankful that someone actually managed to send me to the hospital before I died," He gave a tiny smile in hopes to light her up, but it didn't work. "And I was scorched," He held his arm in front of him, tracing the scars with his fingers. "They couldn't do anything about this, only a matter of time for it to actually stop bleeding entirely, it couldn't heal properly, it's gonna be a scar for me for the rest of my life."

She only listened to what he said, she didn't know how to react. All she knew was that she felt something trying to burst in her chest, infuriation, anger, sorrow and everything she didn't want to feel. "Are you telling me," She said quietly, but nonetheless full of emotion as she walked towards him. "That someone just dragged you out of San Frasokyo, check you in a hospital, and paid the bills just like that? And then what happened, you became this?" She stopped in front of him, waving a hand towards him. "A criminal? Regardless of the fact that you're stealing from your friends?" She frowned. "Why?"

He dropped his arm, looking away. "I can't tell you."

"And why not?" She asked tightly.

"It's for your own good."

Staring at him, she clenched and unclenched her hands at her sides, trying to get rid of the anger seething in her veins. "My own good? You're our friend, what's so bad about it that you couldn't even tell me why you're suddenly prancing in the night and stealing stuff."

He met her eyes, so full of struggle. "The same reason why I became what I am now."

Searching his face, she shook her head in disbelief. "Unbelievable."

He sighed exasperatedly through his nose. "What's so unbelievable about that? Gogo look, I'm trying okay? I will leave this," He gestured the same way she did just now, a swipe of agitation. "Once I'm finished with the business I'm going through now, and then-"

"You'll stay dead?" She cut him off. "No, you are not leaving again, they need to see that you're okay."

"Gogo, I can't do that, I-"

"And why not?" She demanded. "Give me one reason why the people that you had spent the rest of your life with doesn't deserve to see you alive and not reduced to ashes, and it better be one hell of a reason."

She realised she was breathing heavily as she continued glaring at him, lips pursed with suppressed fury as she waited for him to answer, waiting for him to say the words she deserved to hear.

"Because I don't want to see you hurt again."

Surprise flood inside her. "You're just as hurt as they are," He continued, tucking the strand of purple hair behing her ear, and watched it fall on her forehead again. "I can see it on you, and I imagine they have it too. I can't do that, Gogo, I can't see all of you hurt again because of me."

She froze in her place, before forcing herself to relax. "Could you at least tell me why you're doing this?" She asked wearily. "Why you're taking the blueprints to our suits?"

He clenched his jaw. "No."

She rubbed her face. "Oh fine, fine, but if you hurt any of us or even tumble down a building," She warned, pointing a finger to him. "I will kick your ass down, whether or not I knew you," She swiveled around, stomping her way to the switches beside the entrance door and turned the lights on.

"You'll thank me later," He commented, sitting on the desk chair.

"I'm sure I would," She replied dryly.

She stiffen when a phone rang, and when she looked at him, he jabbed a thumb towards the bag she tossed on the floor just now, and scrambled to get it as she took out her phone, tapping on the answer button. "Hello?"

"Leiko Tanaka," Honey said firmly, and Gogo winced when her full name was said, which sounded like her mother when she was going out racing illegally. "Where are you? Do you know how worried we were?"

"Yeah man!" Fred voiced out from the background. "Why did you ditch us like that? Did we do something wrong?"

Gogo sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "No, no, someone just stole my bike and I went to catch them," She shot the culprit a pointed glare, to which he rose a cocky eyebrow as he leaned back on the chair, arms behind his head. "But I'm fine, don't worry. Anyway, can you guys, uh, help me get rid of the pink goo from the tyre? Cause I was busy catching the jackass to get rid of it."

Tadashi rolled his eyes. "That was the only transportation I have when I was chased by an enraged lady," He muttered. "And it was your fault it was stuck in that thing."

He ducked the one pair of flip flop that was aimed to his head, a small chuckle escaped his lips. She waved the other pair threateningly at him. "Por el amor de Dios," Honey murmured. "Are you sure you're alright? Nothing bad happened?"

"Did he get away?" Hiro asked, and Gogo realised that they turned on the speaker. She glanced up towards Tadashi, and saw him staring at her curiously, probably wondering who was speaking.

Turning her back on him, she cleared her throat. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine and at the moment, I'm still demanding answers why he did to what he did," Which wasn't entirely a lie, she was doing that. "Anyway, I'll talk to you guys later okay? Bye." Without waiting so much of a reply, she hung up.

When she turned around, she came face to face with his chest, widening her eyes in surprise as she whipped her head up to look at his eyes, where he was waiting for her. He gave a small smile. "They sound worried, why did you hang up on them like that?"

She blinked, giving him a scoff when she recollected herself. "Well, I have you to handle, what am I supposed to do when my supposed deceased friend is currently in my apartment," She shook her head. "It's a miracle."

"They're more important," He replied softly. "They're alive."

Both of her eyebrows shot up. "Well, you're alive too, you know."

He smiled. "To you, because you've seen me, but to them," He shrugged. "I'm as dead as I was on that day." She eyed him when he pursed his lips, and was surprised when he suddenly wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to his chest. "You have no idea how I missed you all," He murmured to the side of her face, and she could feel his warm breath on her cheek. "No idea at all how I was actually tempted to just go inside the front door cafè and greet Aunt Cass," He sighed. "And see Hiro again to tell him how proud I am to be his brother."

At first, she was hesitant to return the hug, but eventually, she snaked her arms around his middle, latching onto him with her eyes closed, listening to the soft tone of his voice. She was content, after a long time, she felt at ease, just being in his arms and actually touching him again, hearing him breathe.

She sighed as she fluttered her eyes open, perching her chin on his shoulder. "You know," She began. "He really did miss you," She paused, moistening her lips nervously. "We all did."

He chuckled. "Even you, I hope?"

Rolling her eyes, she withdrew back, smirking when he raised an eyebrow. "I said all of us, didn't I?" She pursed her lips. "I'm glad you're here."

Twice in that short amount of time he surprised her, he kissed her forehead. "I'm glad I'm here too."