Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice, Arrow or DC comics.

There were certain times in life that some people wished it was easier. For Felicity Smoak, that was when Oliver Queen first walked into her office at Queen Consolidated with a laptop filled with bullet holes. Because on that day, she was thrown back into the hero life full time, but this time it was more or less on the sidelines, not in the action.

She was happy with her almost normal life at that point. She only had to babysit her niece a few times a year; her husband was a cop (read hacker) and had a very active night job. Her mother was working as a college professor in Gotham, and her father and sister were still wanted criminals on every continent on the planet. But that was as Artemis Lian Crock Grayson. In Starling, she was Felicity Smoak, 26 year old IT girl whose mother worked as a barmaid in Vegas. She owned an apartment in starling though she lived in Bludhaven. Up until this point she kept a fairly decent triple life without going insane, or blowing her cover.

Wait? Triple? Oh yeah. She was also the Archer known as Artemis, a part of the JLA and former member of the Young Justice. Partner to Nightwing and the first Kid Flash.

Yeah, so fairly normal life. By the time three months had passed when the Hood showed up in Starling, she was working in the basement of an old warehouse night from around ten to three in the morning. She got off work at from QC at four and got to work at eight. Every day she would take the roof top zeta on top of her "apartment" to Bludhaven and back, sometimes the watchtower or other cities, though not very often. No one ever noticed anything abnormal. Artemis was trained to blend in, even when there was a crowd of one. No one ever suspected a thing, everything ran smoothly up until a certain point.

Roy had thought he'd left the superhero life for good when he left the Justice League for the Outlaws. He lived in the Glades in Starling when he was absolutely sick of Kori going on about whatever fashion she was into these days. He was on again off again with her, and it was about time to start over. Not because he was sick of the life, but because he needed a break from being Arsenal.

He knew that Artemis was doing almost the same thing, but that was different. With her family's past on the internet, it was almost impossible to get a job. Even if she was married to Richard Grayson. So she had a second identity as "Felicity Smoak" an IT girl that worked for queen Consolidated. Included with a fake apartment that would serve as a safe house for any league or former league member, as she could zeta to the watchtower/Bludhaven/Gotham at any time.

But he needed to just be Roy Harper. Not Speedy. Not Arsenal. Not the original to his clone/brother. But he couldn't get away from it all. Some people from the JLA he could stand and were a make shift family for him. And he did end up having to watch Lian when Artemis and his niece's grandmother were busy. He was just glad that he finally got cloaking technology on his robotic arm. No one would ever know that he was an amputee unless he deliberately told them.

He planned on having a normal life, until he fell for Thea Queen, and got dragged back into the hero life. He was seriously beginning to wonder if the world hated him. But, then again. He willingly lived for Jason and Kori for a few years, and no sane person would ever do that.

It helped that Dinah was still in Starling. Black Canary was a League missions only member anymore, and psychiatrist for the Team. She was a lawyer and acted as if she knew nothing about the league as most people in Starling did. She was a metahuman with the power of a banshee. You learn rather quickly to never mess a female hero or vigilante.

But he became obsessed with the new archer in town and he wanted to know who the new archer was, because it wasn't him or Artemis. Whoever was taking his place, he wanted in. He wanted to know if this hood was as good as him. He wanted back in the hero life.

And the pair did. They were partners for years, siblings even. Oliver Queen let them in full time life that they missed from years ago. Maybe it wasn't so bad.

To Oliver and John, the pair were nothing short of an enigma.

Hi! I'm alive! A few things.

This is a series of one shots in no specific order. There is no chronological order, it's when I have an idea I update, and there is no telling when I will update, but there should be something within the next week.

I am still writing Amusing to my readers. So don't panic. There will be an update on that in the next three weeks at the most.

Prompts and constructive criticism are accepted. I only have about three ideas so far, so I would greatly accept them.

This is an Arrow/YJ/DC Universe crossover. Though most will be with YJ.

And that's about it. Reviews are appreciated.
