Disclaimer: I don't own DC or Arrow or Young Justice.


"Hey, kid!" I called out to the boy in the red hoodie and worn out jeans standing in front of the club. He looked to be about fifteen or sixteen, and seemed as if he once lived on the street. And he most likely did, but not for a while. He turned to look at me.

"Yeah?" He asked. He looked surprised. His body language said that he was mostly innocent. But his eyes were much different. They were wise and had seen horrifying things, but could still be cheerful.

"The club doesn't open until later, and you don't look old enough to be going to clubs."

"Whoever said that I was? I'm meeting a friend here, or I was supposed to. But apparently, he is a half hour late. So, I'll-" his phone buzzed. He groaned. "Thanks a lot Speedy. That's on the other side of town!" He exclaimed.

"You aren't meeting my sister are you?" I asked.

"No, just a guy that I'm a part of a League with. I'll you around!" He called walking away. The boy was strange, and clearly not from around here, not with how oblivious the kid acted walking around the Glades. Which, he shouldn't even be in. I turned around, knowing I should offer him a ride somewhere.

"Hey, kid! Do you need a ride?" My sentence stopped when I saw that the kid had completely vanished. "Huh. Maybe he did know his way around better than I thought." I never expected to see the boy again.

I saw the same kid that I had met outside the club later that day, surprisingly. He was in the Glades, again, but this time, he was surrounded by muggers. I was about to shoot all of them down, when he spoke up, in his cheery voice once again.

"Kid, we just want your money, nothing more, now give it to us!" one of the muggers spat out, holding a gun in his hand. It was shaking slightly, so the guy must not have been on the streets for very long. The kid laughed, not in an, I'm-going-to-kill-you voice, but in a hearty, lets-be-friends voice.

"Really? You think that I have any money on me? I'm fifteen, I don't have a job. And I don't come from money, so you think that I have anything? Uncle Dudley doesn't have enough money for me to have an allowance. Besides. I used to live on the streets. A long time ago," the kid said. "So if you excuse me."

"Kid, stop messing around. Give us whatever you have."

"If you'd listen to me, I don't have anything!" The first mugger got impatient by that point, and pulled the trigger on the gun. I thought for sure that the kid was a goner. He miraculously dodged the bullet, and ran forward, grabbing the muggers arm, twisting it and them delivering a solid punch to the face. The other three came at him, and the kid dodged and tried to run, but the men pinned him to the ground. I shot an arrow at one of them, to get their attention, but, I froze when the kid stopped moving.

I'd thought he was either dead or unconscious. Oh, how wrong I was.

"SHAZAM!" the kid screamed, calling lightening down from the sky as it hit the boy, the men screamed, as they were knocked off of the boy, who was no longer a kid, but a fully grown bulky man in a uniform that could have been any stereotypical gods clothing. "How would you like to battle me?" he said and knocked all of them out.

"Roy, I need backup," I said into the comms. unit. "Weird meta-human in a red white uniform."

"Did you say red and white uniform?" I jumped off the building, as the kid yelled SHAZAM again. Roy groaned. "Bring him back to the Foundry. I'll deal with him from there."

"Roy, come in. Are you serious?"

"Just do it!"

"Yeah, take that, no one tries to mug Captain Marvel," he said to the unconscious muggers.

"What about archers that have questions," I growled. He spun on his heal.

"Whoa, dude you almost had me there!" he exclaimed, before he looked scared. "How much of that did you see?"

"Enough that I would like to take you with me." He sighed.

"I was hoping that I only had to go through this twice. Where are we going?" I just put a bag over his head, and pulled him away.

I dragged the kid into the foundry. Roy was already there, looking really frustrated, and Felicity looked angry as well. I dropped him into the chair. And pulled the bag off of his head.

"Seriously, Mr. Arrow, was the bag necessary?" the kid asked. Staring right at me, and nowhere else.

"Yes," I ground out. The kid took a look around, and froze when he saw Felicity and Roy.

"I'm in trouble, aren't I?" he asked. They nodded. "Please don't tell Batman!" he pleaded.

"Are you three going to tell me what is going on?" I yelled. "And Roy why isn't your mask on!"

"I don't know. Billy, are you going to tell us what is going on?" Felicity asked.

"Um. I got mugged?" he said sheepishly.

"This is coming from the boy who once lived on the streets of Fawcett City?" Felicity asked.

"They ganged up on me! I was pinned to the ground! I don't train with the team as much as I should as Billy Batson, I should be more," he said. I was now more curious to how this kid knew Felicity and Roy.

"So you chose to use your powers?" Roy asked. "I'd thought you'd already had gone back to your Uncle's?" Roy said.

"I couldn't find the nearest Zeta. Didn't feel like flying," he shrugged. "Oh, by the way, it's nice to meet you Oliver. I'm Billy Batson!"

"Uh, okay. Are you goin to tell me how you know who I am?" he asked.

"Nope! Roy and tech girl can tell you," Billy said. "I'm Captain Marvel if you want to get into hero formalities."

"It's Felicity, Batson!" she said, acting really out of character of herself. "And your uncle is probably worried about you, so you better get going."

"And, B wants you for briefing on tonight's events before school tomorrow," Roy said. Billy groaned.

"Can't you just tell him that I am sick?"

"He won't buy it."

"Great. I better get going. Later!" And like that he was gone. You could hear the word SHAZAM as he left the building.

"Who was he!" I asked Roy and Felicity. They sighed, before looking at each other. I don't think that they knew what they were supposed the say.

"When we were younger we were a part of a team that was based around helping others. It was an extension of an international League. Felicity and I were on the co-ops team because we weren't allowed to be in a lot of danger," Roy began.

"And Billy Batson was a part of this team?" I asked. Now I was really lost, not understanding how this connected to Billy.

"No, he was actually a part of the League. Because of his powers, League didn't know that he was just a kid, they thought that he was twenty-five," Felicity said. "When they found out that he was ten, they didn't kick him out or move him to the team because the leader knew about Captain Marvel being ten."

"I thought he was fifteen."

"He is now, but he wasn't when it first started," Roy said.

"What was this league?" I asked, wonder if I could find out more.

"We can't tell you, Oliver. You just have to wait to see if you ever get in," Roy said. Neither of them said anything after that. Except that Billy was a good kid and that if I ever saw him again, to be kind to him.

"Oh, and Oliver," Roy said before he left for the night. "Billy told me to tell you he appreciated you offering him a ride earlier."

"He was meeting you?"

"Yeah. He had a run in with my sister in law, and was scared out of his wits at my niece. Honestly, I don't blame him. I'll see you later, Oliver."

Another chappie done. So what do you think? I recently re fell in love with Captain Marvel and need to write about Billy. If it's too out of character, I'm sorry. Hope you like it. –Delta