Disclaimer: I don't own The Vampire Diaries or The Originals.

Hey guys thanks for reading the last chapter! This chapter focuses on Bonnie and my OC who I have a feeling a lot of you are really going to hate! Next chapter will focus on Damon trying to recruit people to bring Bonnie back and Kai being his usual evil self. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter and please review! I love hearing all your thoughts and I want to know what you think of my OC and his intentions for our Bon Bon.

Chapter 2

It had been four long days since Bonnie had arrived at the Gilbert house and realized Damon and Elena were not there. She couldn't even bring herself to get out of bed.

What was wrong with her? The last time she felt this sorry for herself was when she saw her Grams be tortured by the spirits. Even then Bonnie had been alone, Stefan had came over and she had been stupid enough to think he had actually been concerned for her but he was just there for help. Just like always.

How was it fair that she gave everything, even her life for her friends but they couldn't do the same for her? She had sacrificed herself over and over again for them but they didn't even seem to care they just kept on using her like always. Why had it taken her so long to realize this?

There was so many questions running through Bonnie's mind right now which she had never even thought of because she had never really let herself think them. But now she was alone with no one but herself for company so she let her mind take the dark turn it had always threatened to go to.

The last four days have been hell for her to be honest. She couldn't stop thinking and it was driving her mad! She had even thought of killing herself but she didn't know if she could die so what would be the point?


What was that?! Bonnie thought suddenly going into a panic. The noise had come from downstairs. As far as she knew she was the only one here. Was Kai still here? Even though she was alone and missed company she was terrified at the thought of that psycho still being in this hell with her.

As she got up from Damon's bed which she had taken up residence because she had missed him and it still smelled of his cologne, she reached for the nearest object to use in her defence. Her hand came round a small key and even though it was not much she knew she could stab Kai in the eye, take his magic knife and ascendant and get the hell out of here.

As she walked slowly and quietly downstairs the only noise she could hear was her breathing which was rather loud as she was terrified and this house was really large and quiet even with people in it.


Bonnie stopped her movements shut her eyes and winced she had stepped on a loose floorboard. Kai would know exactly where she was now, after all he seemed to be able to find her even when she wasn't making any noise. She was a goner! No wait a minute there is no way she's going to let a sociopathic man child get the better of her again.

She ran downstairs not even caring about the noise now she was running on pure adrenaline alone. "I know you're here Kai" She shouted to the still house "Did my Bennett blood not work for you? If you've come back to kill me then do it already! I've had enough of your games!" She screamed!

"Who's Kai?" Bonnie felt breath on her neck and let out a small scream whirling around. Her hair whipped against leather in the process and she almost stumbled backwards in fright. Luckily the stranger grabbed a hold of her before she fell on her ass.

Looking up to see who the mystery man was with the incredibly husky voice she felt her mouth fall open! The man had dark hair that looked like it was made for her hands to run through, his eyes were the lightest green she had ever seen and they seemed to burn as he looked intently at her. His skin was pale but not in an unhealthy way and he had a dark stubble on his cheeks.

In terms of height Bonnie reached his chest and despite having always been the smallest one out of her friends Bonnie felt even smaller in front of this man. He was wearing a Black leather jacket, shirt and jeans with Black shoes to follow. The thought came to her suddenly he's dangerous!

As she looked at him she knew she was right. There was something very cold about him and even as he looked at her intently his gaze still seemed to very empty, chillingly so. At least Kai had his humour and seemed to display some sort of warmth. This man was empty! Bonnie had never been more scared in her life.

"I have big plans for you sweetheart and quite frankly I don't care if you don't want to go along with them." He smiled and it reminded Bonnie of a shark getting ready to strike. Suddenly his head came down and he bit down on her neck viciously. She screamed!