Chapter 1: A Special Surprise

*I only own the ideas for this story. I don't own Pokémon or it's characters. Pokémon belongs to Nintendo, Cartoon Network, KidsWB, ect. Pokémon All Rights Reserved.*

Ash woke up bright and early in the morning as he got ready for the day. However, today was a special day for Ash; Ash was turning seven years old! Ash had always had a fascination and passion for Pokémon, and as a special treat, Ash's mom said that she would take him to Professor Oak's lab to get a Pokémon of his own. Ash was so excited!

After greeting his mom and having Breakfast, Ash's mom wanted to talk with him.

"Now Ash, are you sure you want a Pokémon? Remember, a Pokémon is a lot of responsibility, and you have to be the one to talk care of it," Ash's mom said, trying to make Ash understand what he was getting into.

"I understand mom. I've been trying to learn as much as I can about how to take care of Pokémon. I promise I'll take care of it," Ash replied. Ash's mom nodded and after making sure they were ready, they drove to Professor Oak's lab. After greeting the Professor, Ash was allowed to look around while the grown ups talked.

"Professor, please tell me you have some Pokémon that are safe for Ash," Ash's mom said, concerned about her son's safety.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Ketchum. I'll make sure we find the right one," Professor Oak replied. A long time went by before Ash and his mom agreed on three Pokémon. They were A Squirtle, an Eevee, and a Bulbasuar. However, just as the professor was lining up the three Pokémon, another Pokémon caught Ash's attention.

"Hey, what about that one?" Ash asked going over to a cage with a different Pokémon in it. The Pokémon looked to be about the size of Ash's body, it was furry, yellow, had two red circles on it's cheeks, and it's tail was shaped like a lightening bolt.

"Pikachu," the Pokémon said. Professor Oak and Ash's mom went over to see the Pokémon Ash was looking at.

"Professor, what do you think about this one?" Ash's mom asked nervously. Something about the yellow Pokémon gave her an uneasy feeling.

"Hmmmm. This one isn't that comfortable around strangers, but then again, Pikachu can be shy. Let's try giving it some food," Professor Oak replied. The man then got out some food and feed the Pokémon,. After a few times, Professor Oak let both Ash and his mom feed the Pokémon.

"This Pokémon is Pikachu. They are an electric Pokémon, and are usually hard to find and train, but it can be done. All it takes is time and patience," Professor Oak explained. Pikachu gently took the food. Professor Oak then carefully let Pikachu out and let Pikachu sniff Ash and his mom.

"Pikachu," the Pokémon said sweetly as it smiled at them.

"It's cute, but isn't it dangerous? You said it was an electric type," Ash's mom commented, starting to feel nervous again.

"Yes, however, some Pikachu don't create a lot of electricity because they are either still learning how to control it. That is the case for this one. Luckily, it knows when to control it, and how much to release. He rarely shocks people, and this one is new. Surprisingly, he seems to be calm around new visitors" Professor Oak answered. Ash's mom nodded.

"Ash, how about we go outside and talk about which Pokemon you want?" Ash's mom suggested. Ash agreed and as they got up, the mother and son started walking of the lab.

"Pika?" Pikachu said, like it was confused and concerned as to why the boy and his mom were leaving.

"It's okay, Pikachu. They're just leaving-" Professor Oak said until he was interrupted.

"Pika! Pika, Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu cried out as it misunderstood the Professor's words. Pikachu didn't want this boy to leave, he liked him! Pikachu tried to get away, but Professor Oak knew this Pikachu had just met Ash and his mom. Who knows what it might do to them if it got out of hand!

"Pikachu, I'm sorry, but for now you'll just have to wait!" Professor Oak said as he tried to get the Pokémon back into it's cage. Eventually, as Pikachu kept struggling, it broke free of the Professor's grip and ran right for the boy and his mom.

"Ash! Delia! Look out!" Professor Oak called out to them. Ash and his mom turned around, and saw Pikachu running right for them!

"Ahhhhh!" Ash's mom cried out as the yellow, furry creature looked like it was going to run right at them. What happened next surprised everyone. Pikachu started to slow down, ran up to Ash, and hugged his leg. Pikachu looked back at the professor and shook it's head.

"Pikachu. Pika," the Pokémon said sadly with tears appearing in it's eyes. Everyone just stared at Pikachu.

"Well Delia, I don't know how to say this, but I think Pikachu wants to be Ash's Pokémon!" Professor Oak said dumfounded. Ash slowly knelled down and rubbed Pikachu on the head. Everyone could see how much Pikachu liked Ash, and how Ash responded back. It was clear that Pikachu wouldn't leave without Ash.

"I agree. Thank you Professor," Ash's mom said back. After doing the paperwork, Ash and his mom went home with Pikachu in the back seat.