An: So it seems that I am alive. I am sorry fo to able to post sooner, the reason for not updating as I used to years ago, is still the same. Live can be a big obstacle in the process of writing. But here I am. On a good note, I started to write the next chapter, I say is about 1/4 written. After that I there is going to be from two to three more chapters, and I am thinking to post a chapter with lost details that I couldn't fit in the story if anyone is interested in it.

I want to thank for all the kinds review, faves., fallows.

This is not bated so please be patient with my English.

One o one with a Twist.

Something wet and slobbery dripping on his face was more than enough reason to wake up. The first thing he saw with half opened eyes, was a small pug sitting on his chest. Without any time to even ask himself what was going on, or from where this dog came from, the creature let out a loud bark that made Sasuke flinch in pain. He felt like his head exploded. He never had such painful headache in his life. To make things even worse, the animal barked once more, making Sasuke hold his head between his hands as he shut his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up!" he wanted to yell but it came out more like a loud whine.

"Well." a calm and lazy voice said, "You're laying on his favorite spot."

Not recognizing the voice at first, Sasuke jolted up, the pup jumped off him to the owner of the voice's arms. Fully awake and eyes wide open, the teen came to the realization that he wasn't at his house. He was at someone else's living room, and furthermore, it looked like he spent the night at the stranger's sofa, he had no memory of the previous night and panic ran up and down on his spine. 'What the hell happened last night? Where am I?'

"Drink that." He relaxed when saw Kakashi sitting in the armchair in front of him, petting the fleabag with one hand and the other holding a coffee mug, with a straw. And pointed a tall glass of water with his bare foot. Sasuke did as he was told, the older man's voice sounded calm, the kind of calm he would use to show disappointment and anger to his student, Sasuke learned that he used that tone to intimidate in a passive way. It worked on most of the time. On Sasuke's classmates, not on him of course.

The fourteen year old didn't understand why he would speak to him that way, or why he looked at him so harshly. "Why am I at your place?" he asked and Kakashi scoffed in disbelieve.

"So, you don't remember?" Sasuke could only shake his head, this time the volume of Kakashi's voice went a bit higher, making the small pet jumped out of his lap "You and your friends got drunk. Kushina-san and Minato-sensei couldn't get a hold of your parents or your brother. When Yamato went to pick up Sai (who was the only smart one not to drink), offered to take you home. Then, as soon they parked in your driveway, you decided to tell them that you lost your key privileges and that no one was home. They have a very small house, and they are remodeling it, so their space is limited. Not having space for you to stay or any idea to do with an intoxicated teen, they called me and told him to bring you here."

Sasuke didn't like the way he was being talked to. It was true that he might have inconvenient the guy but that didn't mean he could yell at him like that. And besides: "Well, I didn't ask to be brought here, so you don't need to yell at me." he barked back, and a sharp pain pierced through his head.

Of course, the kid wouldn't understand the seriousness of his action from last night, that the last thing Kakashi was mad about was the fact that the boy was crashing on his couch. However, Kakashi noticed the pained look on the teen's face, and with a sigh, he turned down his temper and went to the kitchen area and started to browse his medicine cabinet for painkillers. "Are you allergic to any medication?" He asked.

"No." Sasuke replied in a soft tone that almost sounded like a whisper. The idea of laying down and sleep more played on his mind, but the canine was now at his feet. Sasuke took the quietest way and got up, and made his way to the kitchen with a scowl.

"Bring your water, and might as well my coffee." With a roll of eyes, the teen turned back to collect the drinks. He also found the dog already occupying the spot he left not even a minute ago.

"I'm not fucking taking your damn place, stupid dog." Sasuke said to the dog when it growled at him. "If you bark, I gonna bite you." he felt satisfied when the pet let a small whine.

"Very mature."

"The fleabag started."

"Again, very mature."

"Whatever." the teen finally said annoyed as the older man was cooing to the pug as he was a baby. But he will not admit it, not even to himself, that it bothered him when Kakashi clarified that his baby had not fleas. Great, even the dog was treated more like a son than he was.

He made his way back to the small kitchen just a few feet away. This time he noticed some details of the small department that his teacher lived in. The place didn't have so many pieces of furniture, and the walls were almost naked, the only thing that adorned them, was a painting located in the hallway that (he assumed) led to the bathroom and bedroom, a few pictures of him with Anko, Sai or Sai's father were on the breakfast bar. A simplistic man came to his mind as the carpeted floor ended and his feet felt the cold of the kitchen tiles. He then sat at the small round table, his back facing the breakfast bar that divided the kitchen and the living room where that he slept the night before. Kakashi followed suit and sat in front of him, grabbed his coffee from Sasuke hands and replaced it with two aspirins.

Thanking Kakashi for the medicine, Sasuke took the pills and swallowed them without thinking twice, he just hoped that his headache would stop soon. "Can I have some coffee instead?" the teen asked when Kakashi poured more water into his glass.

"No." the man replied, and wanted to say no more than that. He was too mad and he was afraid to say things that would make the small progress they made go down the drain. But an explanation of why was needed, "Alcohol dehydrates, that causes headaches. You need water, to hydrate you back. Coffee would do the opposite."

Sasuke knew that the man was right about the coffee, that was one of the reasons his mother didn't want him to drink coffee for that reason. However didn't understand why the man was so upset with him, yes he was being an inconvenience and probably ruined the man's plan, but he didn't ask to be here. "Oh, so you must have a lot of experience with it." he opted to joke instead to fight back.

It was no joke but a sad truth, he indeed did have experience. But that wasn't a subject he wanted to share with the kid, "It's common knowledge, but I guess a spoiled brat like you would be shielded from-"

"What the hell is your problem?" the asked, more frustrated than angry. Why would this guy change his attitude with him so much? The day before they were talking like civil people and now was yelling and insulting him. Those changes made Sasuke confuse. Sasuke didn't like being confused.

"You got drunk."

"I already told you that I didn't ask to be brought here. I can't even remember last night. I apologized for it already. What else do you want to say?"

"I want you to say that you won't do it again, that you won't drink alcohol ever again. Do you really think I'm mad because you are crashing at my place?" 'On the contrary' was left unsaid.

"What do you care what I do, anyway?"

"What do I care you ask?" the older of the two scoffed. "I said it once, I will say it twice: for being so smart you so stupid."

"Stop yelling at me. Stop insulting me! And for once, stop being so encrypted. How I am supposed to know when you change your attitude towards to me every day?"

Kakashi let out a grunt, no believing what he was about to do. No in a million years he tough he would be in the situation where he would have to explain this to his son, hence, he never thought he would be the kid's teacher. "I am a very private person," he started to say as he reached to the scarf covering his face with shaking hands, and hoped that Sasuke didn't notice.

Sasuke's eye went wide open to the hard realization that he never saw the man's whole face. That this will be the first time he would see how much they look alike aside from the blank stare that Fugaku hated so much. How much of the Hatake genes ran in his veins. The room went complete silence and tension rose. He swallowed hard as the scarf came off and revealed that he didn't only take after his mother but he also inherited his looks from Kakashi, and maybe those treats were why he didn't look feminine.

"My past is mine alone, only a few people knows this, even fewer people the detailed version." the older man continued as he turned his face to the right so Sasuke could see his left cheek, and pointing at it he said, "Do you see this?"

Sasuke nodded, how could he miss the big scar that ran from the mid part of the cheek to just a few inches from the mouth. If Sasuke had to guess, he would say that was a cut.

"My father was in the military. He was dishonored discharge after he disobeyed an order to left behind a fellow soldier that got hurt in a bombing, this caused the mission to fail. Everyone hated him for it. He fell into a depression and alcohol became his outlet. Things became even worse when my mother died of cancer a year later, to the point that he would drink until pass out completely.

The local bar owner would drop him off most of the time and would tell me what to get him when he'd wake up. He never drank in front of me, no until the day he got fired from his job at a factory for no showing to work. He decided to get cheap liquor and drink it at home. I was nine, I didn't understand a lot of that behavior, and had never seen my dad in that state. I was in my room when I heard him crying, in my innocence, I got out of my room to comfort him like he had done multiple time since my mom died.

Regardless of what I'm going to tell you now, I want to make it clear that he was a good father to me. I was supposed to be asleep, so when I went to hug him, I startled him." He let out a long sigh as he tried to find the words. "In his drunkenness, he didn't recognize me, his military reflexes came out, grabbed the knife that was on the table where he was sitting and stricken me."

Sasuke's headache was long gone. However, he felt his chest compressing, and his heart ached as he could feel Kakashi's pain. And if he thought that the older man was done with his story, he was wrong.

"I ran back to my room and locked myself, hide in the closet to be more precise. He begged me to open up, to forgive him, but I was to scare. After a few moments, after the door pounding ended, I thought my father fell asleep, I got out to find something to stop the bleeding. But when I got to the bathroom I found my father on the floor. Next to him my late mother's empty medicine container, the cheap tequila and a note saying how sorry he was, how horrible father he was. That I deserve better and how ending his life would make mine much easier." He scoffed that last part. "The next thing I remember is waking up at the hospital. Where I got the news that my father committed suicide. I cover my face to avoid people asking how I get the scar. It's easier when they ask why I wear a mask, I had fun coming up with stupid reasons. And the family that adopted had a toddler that was scared of the scar, so my they made cover my face when the boy was around." He finished putting his scarf back on. "Obito also was a victim of a drunk driver. Do I have to make even more clear why I care, why I need you to promise me not to drink again?"

It was too much for the kid to take in, Kakashi knew that much, but what else he could have said to make the kid understand how bad was drinking. He couldn't think of anything else and let him in his most personal part of his past. Sasuke was shocked and confused, but he didn't betray his calmness. He was the same way when a painful and emotional feeling came up showing them was not an option.

Sasuke got up from the chair and made his way to his teacher, his biological father, with determination. Kakashi didn't move from his seat, just raised his face to look the boy in the dark eyes. It felt weird to be looked down by a kid with such had hard glare. So determined, with a hint of anger and concern. Almost intimidating. But the man was glad it wasn't full of pity like when he told Anko.

He almost flinched when Sasuke reached out for his scarf and yanked off, with force and kindness at the same time. "I cannot promise to ever drink again, but I can promise you I will try not to. But in exchange, promise me not to hide your face anymore."Sasuke said; he was discussed by the people who told him to cover his face. "You can come up with fuck up stories how you got your scar. And as you said, I'm stupid, it will also help me remember my promise. It's part of you." Both of them felt like hugging, but neither of them took the initiative and awkwardness started to build up until Sasuke spoke again. "Do you know that the students are betting on why you wear a mask, and what do you hide under it?"

That was a surprise for Kakashi, but he laughed. "What do they think I hide?" He asked, but his mind was still processing how gentle and caring his son was towards him. He was happy.

Sasuke then took the seat next to Kakashi and started listing the things his classmates had came up with, he made a remark that no one guessed that the teacher was hiding was a mole. Referring to the birthmark on the left side of Kakashi's chin, just under the corner of the lips. They laughed again.

Soon enough the good atmosphere changed dramatically when Yamato called Kakashi. Sasuke's father had called him about his son whereabouts, Kushina-san had given his phone number. And after a few tries, the man convinced the older Uchiha to allow him to take Sasuke home. Within five minutes, Sasuke was inside Yamato's car back seat, and in fifteen the car parked in front of his house. Sasuke swallowed hard when saw that Fugaku was outside waiting for him with a stern frown and he knew that he would be dead within the next minutes. Letting out a sigh, he stepped out the car, Yamato and Sai followed suit.

"Sorry for taking so long," Yamato apologized with a bow after they introduced each other. "I had to make a quick stop and pick up something on the way." when he lifted his head, he saw Sasuke flinching as the older Uchiha grabbed the boy by the back of his neck and forced him to bow down.

"Please, on the contrary." Fugaku bowed as well "My apologies for the trouble my son caused you. Thank you for looking after him." The older man returned to his previous posture but never letting go of the teen of his. "Sasuke."

The boy didn't need to be told what was expected of him and compiled. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience that I put you and Sai through, and thank you for last night." After this the boy was allowed straight up, the firm hand was still hard on his neck.

"Oh no, please. It was no trouble. I am glad I could help." the younger man replied with a blush. "Well we have to get going, I need to run some errands." he excused himself before the atmosphere became even tenser and awkward than already was.

From their car, Yamato and Sai saw how Sasuke was dragged inside the house, "I wonder if he is aware how lucky he is to have two fathers that care for him this much." Sai mused.

"Are you implying that I'm not enough?" The only father in the car tease as he pressed the gas and drove away.

"Of course you are more than enough. However, if you want to give me a second dad I'd not oppose. I can care less about that. If you are happy, so I am." Sai teased with a smile back but also letting him know that he would support him no matter what.

"That's very kind of you," the brunette smiled back, "But if you ever get a second parent will be a mom."

"In that case, I think Shizune-sensei is singleā€¦"

Yamato let out a sigh as he drove down the road.

Sasuke survived his parents' wrath, he got be lectured for a second time that day, (his brother gave him a third one during the afternoon). And for a second time, he heard how tragically Obito died. During the whole lecture, the boy could not hold his head up, didn't interrupted even once. Obito's death was a very sensitive subject in the family, so for his parents to bring that up it meant things were serious.

"What were you thinking?" an upset Mikoto questioned him.

"I wasn't." the youngest replied honestly; wondering if Kakashi didn't tell him about his past, he would have reacted similarly as he did to Kakashi. "There is no excuse for what I did yesterday. I just took the wrong decision led by peer pressure. I am really sorry for it. I promise it won't happens again."

Fugaku and Mikoto shared a look, both of them wondering since when Sasuke had taken scolding this well. At first, Fugaku thought it was a tactic to minimize his punishment, however when he and his wife started to leash out punishments the teen didn't whine or acted up. Maybe the kid was finally maturing and growing off the rebellious stage. He didn't put his hopes high tho. "Go eat, and then you can start doing your chores." Fugaku said with a sigh after Sasuke's stomach growled. A headache was forming, his younger son was going to be the death of him.

Monday rolled in once more, and the school was filled with students once more. The pupils in classroom 1-E were chatting happily as they waited for their homeroom teacher to arrive. Except for Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, and Gaara, whose conversation consisted of how bad they got punished for drinking. Sai just sat there and smile in amusement, being the only one who didn't drink.

When Kakashi arrived at his class fifteen minutes late, the whole class turned around as the door opened, "You're late-", Iruka cut himself off, not being able to find his voice or even remember what was about to say. He faked a sigh and gave one of his lame excuses, this time a cat stuck in a tree, as he ignored the shocked faces of his student and assistance, then he proceeded to start his lesson. The teacher never thought he could get enjoyment out of this.

On the last seat of the last row, Sasuke smirked as all the girls screamed in delight once the white-haired man flashed a smile. "You beat me on this one." Sai whispered, as Sasuke's confusion he added, "I haven't seen him without his mask until now. You got to see his face before me."

Sasuke was the only one to not be affected by the fact that Kakashi walked into the room with his face uncovered, that's how Sai guessed. "And," he added "You also beat Anko. She had tried to convince him to stop covering his face in public for years." he would be on Anko's side any other day, but he was grateful to his friend to be able to help Kakashi to overcome such trauma. Even though he hadn't seen him without his mask, Sai was aware of some of the detail of the reason.

A proud smirk played on Sasuke's face until Kakashi drank his coffee out of a straw. He guessed that the reason for that weird action was part of the covering his face. He was wrong, his fath-... Yes, he decided, his father was just a weird person.


AN: So the title of this chapter is for episode 101 of Naruto, where team 7 tried to figure out what was under the mask.

I'm not sure if I'm 100% happy with this chapter, the part where Sasuke yanks off the scarf sounded a little cheesier than it did in my head, but by reading his book I can see him being a little bit cheesy so I think I can live with it.

See ya! (I hope soon)