Here it is chapter 7 of RWBY-Pleasant, so yeah Darquesse is back and she has plans for Valkyrie, how will this play out. Well let's find out shall we.


Chapter 7

Jason was sound asleep the only signs he was still alive was his steady breathing and his occasional movements, everything was peaceful… until a whistle blared in his ear courtesy of a certain crimsoness.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" screamed Jason as he bolted from his bed and clung to the ceiling using his shadows.

"UGHH, why the loud noises?" complained Valkyrie as she buried her head under her pillow. Laugher was heard in the pairs dorm room as team RWBY burst out laughing, being the pairs chaperones, the girls had been given the dorm room code for their scrolls so they could access the mages room whenever they needed too.

"Good morning Valkyrie and Jackass" said Yang eventually in her usual cheery tone.

"Bite me Yang" shot back Jason as he dropped from the ceiling.

"What do you people have against sleep?" begged Valkyrie, she was about to try to get comfortable again when icy water was splashed all over her.

"AHHHHH" she squealed, glaring at Weiss who held a bucket behind her back and was studiously ignoring her glare.

"I swear Weiss if you do something like that again I will murder you"

"I'm sorry what?"Weiss asked with fake confusion, Valkyrie glared at Weiss for one more second before getting up, grabbing her clothes and entered the bathroom leaving Jason with team RWBY.

"Sooo, I take it there is a reason red riding hood here blew her whistle in my ear"

"Oh just to wake you up" Ruby replied sweetly, Jason arched an eyebrow at Ruby

"Okaaay, why was that necessary exactly?"

"Oh no reason, just thought it would be funny" Yang said in near the same tone as Ruby, this sweet talking was really creeping Jason out.

"Yeah hardy har, it's was frigging hilarious."

"So yeah since it's our day off today, we're going into Vale today before our first lessons in magic and we were hoping Val would come with us" said Weiss in the same sweet tone. Okay now Jason was really nervous about what the hell was going on, why were they sweet talking him.

"Okay this is bugging me, what's with the sweet tone, you sound like a bunch of school girls begging their mother for a kitten."

"ha so funny, we're not using a sweet tone"

"Uh-huh" at that moment Valkyrie came into the room

"Hey Val want to come into town with us." Asked Ruby in her sweet tone yet again, Val looked arched an eyebrow and looked at Jason.

"What's with… oh"

"What, whats up-" *SPLAT*, in all his confussion Jason had forgotten about Blake who had snuck up behind the poor mage and slammed a pancake she had brought with her onto his head.

"GARGH what the HELL!" the 4 girls immediately burst out laughing, while Val giggled at her friends misfortune.

"Yes our plan succeeded" said Ruby in her normal tone

"Whoo high five sis" cried Yang as she high fived Ruby

"That went better than I expected." Commented Weiss who was smiling, Blake was having a silent giggle fit.

"I swear if I didn't find this somewhat amusing, I would kill you all… instead" Jason grew a small evil smile on his face confusing everyone in the room, but before the 4 girls of team RWBY could react a shadow reached behind each of them latched onto their pants and yanked on them, giving the girls a wedgie

"AHHH" the girls squealed, as Jason grabbed his clothes and shadow walked out of the room, releasing the girls as he left.

"GAAGHH the one time we get him back and he does that, god damnit" complained Yang as she tried to straighten out her clothing.

"Whhhyyy did he do thaaaat, that was uncalled for" whined Ruby her face as red as her cloak

"Ugghh this is the last time I allow him to get away with something like that" huffed Weiss as she, calmly rearranged her clothing but those who knew her could see the anger within. Blake was silently trying to rearrange her under garments, she was also silently contemplating the numerous ways an 'accident' could happen to Jason.

"But we were serious about heading to Vale, and since you only have what you brought with you, we figured you could do with a little shopping trip."

"I would but we don't have any money, and also I wouldn't like leaving Jason on his own, who knows what he'll get up too."

"Yeah I suppose" sighed Weiss.

"Don't worry if he starts to annoy you guys I'll kick his arse."

"You know what I think I might be starting to like you Valkyrie" said Yang with grin.

Jason came back to the room half expecting it to be empty, instead he re-appeared in the middle of the 5 girls, 4 of whom instantly glared at him.

"uhh…Hi-" Yang punched him in the jaw hard enough to send him flying into the wall.

"Okay… I feel a lot better now" proclaimed Yang proudly with a smug grin on her face.

"I think I just dented the wall" groaned Jason as he slid down the wall leaving a Jason shaped indent in his place.

"Well since you're here me and team RWBY are going to head into Vale today before starting magic lessons, do you want in." Jason looked up at Valkyrie from the position he was in she seemed to be up side down.

"Sure why not, but we don't have any money."

"Ozpin said he would provide you guys with some" replied Blake

"Wait how do you know"

"It was his idea to take you guys into vale today."

"Ooooh now this whole thing makes so much sense" said Jason as he maneuvered himself to his feet.

"So what are we waiting for, I don't know about you guys but I don't want to be wearing this for the rest of my life" said Jason gesturing towards his current attire.

"Ditto" chipped in Valkyrie.

Jason and Val sat across from each other as team RWBY sat across from each other on the other end of the airship, Jason and Val were sat in a comfortable silence, team RWBY however…

"OOH OOH OOH I know we can go to the bakery first they have-"

"Ruby if anything about cookies comes out of your mouth I will freeze your mouth shut" cut in Weiss exasperated, Ruby pouted but remained quiet.

"So what's the plan" asked Blake her face proverbially buried in a paperback book.

"Well we need to get Val and Jackass some new clothes other than that I don't know" replied Yang.

"Oh I know we could go to that new weapons shop" pitched in Ruby

"Why?" asked Weiss

"Simple, Jason is the only one with weapons and they aren't exactly Remnant standard"

"Yeah but he managed to beat the 4 of us with those swords, and as much as I hate to admit it, that is impressive" replied Yang

"Yeah but-"

"I think that's a wonderful idea Ruby" said a grinning Jason appearing beside Ruby and Yang, Ruby leapt into Yang's arms Scooby doo style with a loud 'EEP'.

"Sorry didn't mean to-nope can't say it with a straight face" said a chuckling Jason, he got a slap on the head as Valkyrie joined them.

"OW sorry Jesus, can't I have a little fun."


"Sorry sir buzz killington" grumbled Jason bitterly as he turned to look at team RWBY only to get a slap of Ruby shocking the other girls slightly.

"That's for scaring me"

"What is this slap Jason day?"


"Don't you dare Yang" he then got slapped by Weiss


"You told Yang not to do it, I am not Yang." Replied Weiss with a smug smirk, Jason growled slightly.

"Screw this I'll be at the back of the airship where I won't get hurt." He disappeared in a swirl of shadows, and then a loud thud was heard at the end of the ship.

"GOD DAMNIT" came Jasons voice. The 5 girls giggled at the poor boys expense.

Vale was busy by the time the group of students got to the city, the usual hustle and bustle of the city present everywhere you looked, stepping off the airship Jason was massaging his face that had been smacked thrice, and been slammed into a wall he had shadow walked next to only to turn directly into it.

"Well the nearest clothes shop is Violets boutique it's just around the corner." Said Weiss knowingly "I've got a discount there and it does some pretty decent stuff."

"Alright let's go" Val chipped in

"BANZAI" exclaimed RBY

"Woo?" added Jason unsure of what was going on. He looked away from the group of females he would undoubtedly be dragged after no matter what and looked towards the rooftops, he saw a figure it seemed to be looking at him. He tried to look closer but it seemed to disappear as if aware of his gaze upon them.

What the? Thought Jason who could that have been?

"Hey Weiss I have to ask how did you get a discount at this store?" Ruby asked curiously.

"Oh I gave them an endorsement"

"A what?" Jason was utterly confused until they entered the store and heard Weiss' voice over the tannoy.

"I'm Weiss Schnee and this is my favorite store in Vale" Jason kept a straight face for a second as he processed this before bursting out laughing.


"Nothing it's an in joke"

*in another reality*


"Are you okay Shepard" asked Garrus

"Don't know felt like someone was talking about me just now." Garrus gave her a confused look.

"Okay if you say so" Weiss rolled her eyes. They spent half an hour in there before they had brought a 'sufficient' amount of clothes, by Weiss' judgment, now leaving the store Jason found himself carrying all the bags.

"Why am I the pack mule?"

"Because your a boy and you pissed me off, also you kind of look like one." Smugly replied Weiss

"A: that's sexist, B: that's your problem, C: if I look like a pack mule, you look like ones arse." Weiss whirled on him and punched him in the gut.

"Ow, what does the world have against me today?"

"That is why it is unwise to piss me off Mr."

"Sheesh what's gotten into you today, and if you name someone I would like to say that I thought you were a Virgin." This time Valkyire punched him.

"Ow sorry, I'll shut up now."

"Good" said Weiss through grit teeth, RBY looked like they were trying their best not to burst into laughter.



Yang and Ruby immediately hid behind Blake.

"Oh how cute" came a familiar voice from in front of them. Everyone looked in front of them and Val and Jason gasped sharply.


Well… that was a thing. I hope you guys liked it I will try to add a bit of humor here and there but do tell me if you guys just find it annoying so I can stop. Any way review, F&F and I will see you guys next time.