FINALLY, haha, it's done. I can finally slap "completed" on this fanfic. Thank you, thank you to all who have read this fic. And to those who encouraged me along the way. (I'm looking at you quirkyrevaluations.) I am truly grateful for letting me share this adventure with you. I will be back with new adventures and different stories, so please continue to read and support me. Until then goodbye. *kisses*

One year later...

Buzz walked off the transport platform to Area 51 nervously clutching his drowsy wife's hand. She had slept the entire trip due to her fear of traveling in space ships, and was now starting to fully wake up. He thanked the cosmos that this time they did not have to take a flying saucer like he had on his first trip to earth. If Jessie had ridden one of those, she would never be convinced to fly in a spaceship again.

Behind him came his teammate Space Ranger Nova. She was listening to tunes on her audio device because this trip contained no "danger" or "risk", so she was board out of her mind.

She had come with them because Jessie's body was still unpredictable and being a Tegaren who could control electricity, she could help Jessie in case there was an emergency.

Jessie on the other hand seemed a bit jittery. So much had happened over the year that the both of them came back to earth feeling a little bit like outsiders, which was an odd feeling for Jessie since she had grown up here. She had been looking forward to coming home for months and didn't understand why it was feeling so foreign to her. She was just a bundle of nerves and leaned against Buzz for comfort. Buzz leaned down and gave Jessie a deep reassuring kiss.

A small bluish gray alien with big black eyes greeted them at the end of the transport tunnel.

"Buzz! Jessie! How wonderful it is to see you guys! Your family and friends are already here! Oh and this is must be your escort Mirra Nova. Hello my dear, welcome to Earth!"

Nova pleasantly nodded and took out her headphones.

"This way, this way. Jessie your brother has been driving me mad asking repeatedly when you will arrive. And that friend of yours, the one called Slinky," Jr seemed exasperated. "He won't stop asking me questions, like do I lay eggs, or do I eat humans, or did I have anything to do with the Roswell case of 1947." Jr snorted. "As if! I was just a trainee then. Anyway he keeps touching things. Oh and Buzz, you never told me that couple adopted those LGMs. It was quite a shock when they showed up with three of them. LGMs are such a hand full, especially when they're kids! One of them almost made a weapon out of my office supplies! Lucky they listen to that woman, Mrs. Potato. She's got quite the volume on her. Yes I was about to go completely bonkers if you guys didn't arrive soon."

Buzz looked around and smiled a bit. "Jr I see that the third branch has been getting some funding." He remarked.

The crumbling walls and lighting fixtures with wires poking out had been fixed and there was new light blue furniture sets about.

"Oh yes! The budget suddenly went up and no one could tell me why. But I'm not one to argue." He laughed merrily. " I'm just happy they replaced my space craft. After Zurg had destroyed my other one, I thought I would never see replacement. Yet a few months ago, they sent me the latest model. Fire bolt red" he sighed dreamily.

They came to the end of a hall and walked out of the gate and suddenly they were surrounded for all sides. Woody, Bo, Mr. and Mrs. potato, Slinky and Three LGMs threw themselves at them in one big heap. There where hugs and kisses a few sharp remarks about appearances, before they all calmed down. Nova along with Jr had to straighten themselves having been suddenly caught up in the debacle with people they didn't know.

Jessie and Woody hugged the longest. "Welcome home partner." He whispered fiercely into ear.

Jessie felt tears prickle her eyes. "It's good to be home." The moment was interrupted by the cry of a baby. "Is that my new nephew I hear?" Jessie asked pulling away.

Bo smiled proudly as she handed Jessie the new baby. " Oh Bo, you're right he really is big. I thought you might have been exaggerating over video chat."

After her fight with Zurg it was determined that Jessie's body could not be separated from the Poz-324 energy and she was too unstable to go back to Earth. So Buzz with the help of Jr set up video communications so that she could talk to her family and assure them that she was all right. Now after a year she was finally home and seeing them in person.

Buzz watched happily as Jessie bounced the baby on her hip and talked Mr. and Mrs. Potato who had joined in with the LGMs and told her of what had been happening in their lives. Buzz looked over and saw that slinky had cornered Nova and was asking Her as many questions as possible about aliens. She didn't seem to mind however because she was asking just as many questions about humans and life on Earth.

Buzz noticed Woody and Jr where also talking about something, which was good because he needed to talk to them together.

" Woody? Jr? If I might have a word with you?" He waved them further away from the group and they followed.

"What's up Buzz?" Woody asked curiously.

"Well I wanted to talk to you guys about the future and its implications. As you both know I have married Jessie and she can not fully return to Earth due to the fact that the Po-z324 cannot be extracted from her body." Buzz frowned deeply at the memory of Star Commands brightest not being able to fully transfer the engery to a power cell. Although it worked to some degree, they all soon discovered that her body would recharge almost Immediately. Her body had just been exposed to the energy for too long and now it was a part of her.

"Star Command has offered Jessie a job as a power core manager and Space Ranger, and although I wish she would refuse, she seems willing. She will be put to good use and charge all of the power cell plants that run the planet. And a few other off planets as well."

Woody blinked trying to take it all in. He was sad that Jessie could not fully return. He had hopes of her and her new husband coming back and living back on the farm, but that just wasn't in the cards for him.

"Jr, you were wondering why your department suddenly got so much money, well I can tell you that's my doing. I have decided to take a part time job here at Area 51. That way I can bring Jessie along to visit you guys a few times a year." He said looking at Woody, who's face spilt into a wide grin.

"That's great!" Woody cried, and Jr nodded happily in agreement.

" I wonder why Jessie never said anything over her video chats."

"She doesn't know yet. I was hoping to have a house built on the property as a surprise." Buzz said bashfully.

Jr slapped his arm in a welcoming gesture. "Well it sure would be nice to have another person here, well besides Gills that swaps out every month. It's boring work but it has a lot of down time. Perfect for newlyweds like yourselves." Jr winked suggestively and Buzz blushed.

"Anyway I would appreciate it if you didn't say anything until I can get everything together. That way I can surprise her next time we come." Buzz said under his breathing as the three of them rejoined the group.

"That won't be the only surprise." Woody muttered so quickly and quietly that Buzz almost didn't catch it.

Before he could ask him what he ment Buzz over heard Jessie's conversation.

"Well no, I have told him yet-"

"Told me what?" Buzz said abruptly.

Jessie turned around and smiled at her husband. Her eyes positively gleamed with mischievous. "That I'm pregnant." She said simply.

Buzz collapsed on the floor in a dead faint.

They all stared at him then each other. Woody stepped over him choking back laughter "God, Jessie you could have warned him."

She shrugged lifting an eyebrow and smiled. "He's fine."

Woody wiped away his tears holding his stomach, that had just been to funny. "Anyway I made dinner reservations in a nearby town called Barbie and Kens Grill." Woody glanced at the clock. "We had better hurry, it's the most popular and busiest place around. We don't want to lose are reservations."

Jesse smiled as she recognized the name. "Oh I don't think that will be a problem."

"Miss. Nova and Jr. Do you have your disguises ready?" Woody said turning to face them.

Nova clicked her space suit and it wavered a bit before changing her image into a normal looking woman although she retained her bright orange hair and blue eyes. This sent Slinky into a new frenzy of questions and Jr pulled out a fake mustache and wig.

"What about Buzz?" Bo asked worried looking at his limp form.

"I got it." Mr. Potato said. "Boys?"

The LGMs smiled in their human forms. "YyyyyyeeesssSSS Daaadddy." They said in unison and they lifted Buzz up and carried him out the door and to the car. Knocking his head along the way. Mr and Mrs Potato followed along with Nova and Jr. "un bebé..." Buzz mummbled as they went.

"Oh that reminds me." Bo said smiling. "Here's that CD you asked for."

Bo handed Jessie a CD with salsa music. "So Buzz still has no clue?"

"Nope. Although he mumbles Spanish in his sleep sometimes." Jessie smiled evilly. " This little baby is gonna be saved for a rainy day... Or maybe one of his office parties."

Woody came up from behind his two girls and hugged them both and then kissed his baby.

"There are gonna be no more rainy days. Buzz seemed to have everything planed out. Well right before you threw that wrench in."

Jessie shrugged as they came out of the building and Jr locked the door.

"He'll get over it. He's Buzz Lightyear."