Summary: Natsu and Gray have been forced to complete a quick simple mission together. That is, until they are attacked, knocked unconscious and forced to be put on auction for slave owners and crazy scientists. Now they have to stick together for support and strength because if they dont, they may never see their Guild again.

A/N: I've been reading to much manga and playing to much Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. Along that note, did anyone else come up with a great idea (well I think so) - while listening to Human by Christina Perri - for a story that they just HAVE to post? Only me?

Warning: I am typing on Pages so there may be a lot of spelling and Grammar errors. Hopefully I will get Word Doc. soon, but I have like zilch money right now soooooo, it may be a while! Hopefully no OOC, but you never know..also cussing (this is why it's rated teen)

Disclaimer: It would be an awesome Christmas present! But no, I do not own them :'(


His stomach flipped as his hand slipped from his side, but he quickly fastened his grip over the gash that was dug into his side. Too much blood was pumping out of the opened wound, but he was to concerned about his situation to worry, much less care.

He jumped back again, dodging the sharp black claws that were aimed at his neck. With his free hand, he gripped his fingers together to form a fist - but no spark came to life. He forgot, again. Improvising, he swung forward and by some miracle he hit his mark and his opponent flew to the ground. However, his victory didn't last long. The figure stood, no marks noticeable on his blackened skin. Growling, the creature launched forward, sharpened nails once again aiming for his throat.

He launched to the side, but the creature had seen his plan and they tumbled to the ground together. Rolling along the ground, he kicked the creature along the hip. To his dismay, the creature did nothing but laugh at his attempts. Growling, he quickly placed his arms between the creatures, which were dug into his shoulders, and pushed outward. Without the support, the creature fell downwards and the two clashed heads. They both blinked, stunned.

But he quickly shook off the headache that was threatening to erupt, and pushed the creature off of him. He rolled onto his side and snarled angrily at the creature. "Bastard!" He kicked the rousing figure, "Snap out of it."

1 Month Before

"Why are people asking for you? I understand asking for me," Natsu placed his hands behind his head and leaned back against the limb of a tree, "but why you?"

Gray forced himself not to glare at the Fire Mage who sat above him, "What's so important about you?"

"Well for one, Fire Magic is so much cooler then your," Natsu wiggled his fingers towards his teammate, "cool magic."

"You wish, asshat." Leaning forward, Gray shot a quick eye-roll towards Natsu, "Your fire is probably as weak as Lucy's clothes."

Natsu peaked out from underneath his shut eyelids and sneered. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Gray closed his eyes and snorted, "Nothing," he replied bluntly.

The night air settled and, to replace the two males voice's, crickets began singing in the distance. Above them, the dark night was brightened by distant stars, but the moon hid behind the earths shadow. Gray lightly sighed and enjoyed the peace and quiet, despite having Natsu there. He honestly didn't mind having the Fire Mage there, but then again he did at the same time. Ever since he obtained his fathers powers, everything had changed. The darkness that he held onto disappeared and the world became brighter - less of a struggle to go through. It was almost as if he was able to sleep at night without any trouble. He felt…happy. But there was still the darkness that replaced the existing one. It was a darker feeling and much more sinister. He couldn't explain it, but he could feel the darkness and sadness each time he used his fathers magic.

The first time he had used his dads' magic, it felt incredible - stress lifting, because his father (who he thought long gone) had given him something before he left. Despite his father not really being there, he still seemed there. And after so many years of having the image of his dad dying in front of him, after so many years of pain and sadness - that was all Gray could as for.

But something happened when he and Natsu fought Mard Geer, right after he took the curse head on. It was like the world flashed before him and every part of his body screamed. His arm, the one that held tattoo, reminding him of his new found power, grew cold and he felt as if fingers shaped by dry ice was burrowing into his arm. He could feel something deep inside him crack. The air around him chilled, even for him, and his left side felt absent. Then his mind drew a blank, and he saw the past, present and future.

His world crumbled.

"Hey droopy-eyes," Natsu spoke up. He appeared beside Gray and was looking at him with abnormal concern.

"Hmm?" Gray blinked away the memories and sneered up at the Fire Mage. "What do you want, asshole?"

Natsu, pointed in the direction of the road they had been camping next to. Far ahead was a horse drawn carriage heading towards them. Gray frowned, the carriage was larger then what they had been told. "Isn't that what we're supposed to stop?"

"What time is it?"

"Around midnight," Natsu answered. "Isn't that the time the carriage is supposed to come by? I dont smell anyone in it…"

"Wait," Gray stood and placed his hands in his pockets. "Aren't we supposed to rescue kidnapped girls?"


"And…they're supposed to be in that," Gray pointed towards the carriage.

"Thats what the guy said, ya."

"Then somethings up."

"Obviously," Natsu snorted and crossed his arms. "What took you so long, grandpa?"

"Fuck you," Gray spat and shook his head. "Should we stop it?"

"Probably," Natsu shrugged and stepped out in the middle of the road.

The man driving pulled on the straps to steady his horse, making the carriage to a . Looking shocked and a little uneasy, the man swallowed thickly. "Who the hell are you two?"

"Thats not really nice," Natsu replied with a grin.

"We're from Fairy Tail," Gray pushed Natsu and stepped forward. "I'm Gray Fullbuster and this stupid idiot is Natsu Dragneel. The town, a few miles away from here, asked us to check out this carriage. So if you would let us check it out and-"

"No," the man said flatly.

"What?" Natsu snapped, "Look we aren't asking."

"I have no clue who your talking about, alright."

"Sir," Gray tried but Natsu flashed a heated glare and his fists sparked to life.

Holding up his flaming fist, Natsu stepped forward, "We're going to check, alright?"

The man swallowed again, "Fine…"

Natsu, happy with his accomplishment, lead Gray around the carriage and the two stood side by side. "You want to do the honors," Gray looked toward Natsu. The other grinned happily and grabbed the handles to open the back of carriage.

A click sounded behind them, "Hands off."

Natsu turned and found a gun placed against Gray's temple. The Ice Mage looked more pissed off then scared. "Look-" Natsu started but was cut off by the man.

"I dont want any excuses. Step away from the carriage or your friend here gets shot."

"Oh c'mon," Gray moaned and attempted to turn.

"No," the man tightened his grip on the trigger, "you stay still. But you, pink head, step away."

Natsu scoffed and crossed his arms, "Do you really think I care for this bastard?"

"Why would you be on this 'mission' with him?"

"Because we were forced to," Gray replied and turned. Before the man could react Gray took hold of the gun and watched as the object froze over and quickly solidified the man's fingers.

Staggering backwards the man cupped his hands together and placed them against his chest. "Shit!" He looked down scared, "who the hell are you?"

Natsu smirked and swung his arm over Gray's shoulder. Chuckling, he nudged his friend, "This bastard here is a Ice Devil Slayer."

"And flame brain here is a Dragon Slayer." The two shared a smirked and bumped fist.

Detaching from their conversation, Natsu opened the doors and expected to see girls tied down and pleading for their knight in shinning armer to show. Instead he stopped short when a low growl admitted from within the carriage, along with an overwhelming stench that made his eyes water. Taking a step back and covering his nose, Natsu watched as a large snout, scrunched and drooling, made its way out of the heavily shadowed carriage. Large clumps of saliva dropped from the muzzle as the animal placed its first paw out onto the ground and the carriage creaked from the lessened weight. As the animal came out of the carriage, it's coat shined like a mirror and its eyes gleamed an eerie vibrant red. Natsu, still backing up, bumped into Gray who had remained still and on edge.

"What the fuck is that," Natsu asked and despite him holding his nose he could still taste the stink lingering on the animal.

"Abby!" The man called, ignoring Natsu's question.

Behind the large animal, a woman dressed down to shorts and a tight fitting tank top stepped out from the carriage and smirked at the two. "This here," the woman - Abby - patted the animals back, but her hands were covered in thick gloves. "Is a beautiful creature, but you can call him Bunny."

"Bunny," Gray sneered.

"Aye," she nodded and stepped forward, scratching behind Bunny's ear. "He's a gentle baby, really. He's so sweet and kind, he loves every single person he comes in contact with." Grabbing Bunny's cheeks, Abby made baby sounds towards the animal. Gray and Natsu shared questioning glances at each other. "But," Abby pouted towards the two Fairy Tail mages and clicked her young, "my baby hates when his mommy gets hurt."

"They're from Fairy Tail," the man behind them called out. "Strong ones too, I think they're one of the top one's in their guild."

"Really?" Abby raised an eyebrow. "Good looking males…they could sell well."

Gray frowned and nudged Natsu, they were in trouble.

"Mr. S was looking for good subjects," Abby continued as she looked them up and down.

"Or they could go for really great slaves," the man pointed out. The two shared a glance and Natsu growled.

Taking a step forward, Natsu grabbed hold of Abby's shirt. "Lady," Natsu's grip tightened and his eyes lit ablaze, "no one - and I mean no one - threatens us."

"Cool your man tits," Abby patted Bunny and smirked. "Remember when I said he doesn't like it when mama gets hurt?" She gestured towards the hold Natsu had on her, "Well someone's hurting mama."

The creatures eye's flashed as those words left her mouth and he sprung forward. Natsu jumped backwards and missed the sharp claws that had grown out from the creatures paws.

"Look out," Abby called, "his fur isn't as soft as it looks. Cool fact," she added with a smirk, "if you touch them, you'll be paralyzed for a while!"

"Shit," Gray watched as Natsu once again dodged the animals claws. Rushing forward he placed his hands together and quickly forced his hands against the ground. The gravel froze instantly, and before the animal could attack again a large pillar came up from the ground and slammed under his chin. The force behind the blow made Bunny tumble backwards and yelp in pain. Natsu shared a grin with Gray. "Okay," Gray said as he ran up towards the Fire Mage, "I think I have a plan."

"Plan?" Natsu asked as he watched the animal shake it's head before focusing its sight on them. "Since when do you have a plan?"

"Hey," Gray poked Natsu roughly, "someone has to think up something. And you dont really have the qualifications for coming up with good plans."

"What?" Natsu looked over at Gray and sneered, "You sayin' I'm not good at game plans?"

"Yes, thats exactly what I'm saying, flame head."

Natsu growled and grabbed the Ice Mage's shirt, "You wanna go, ice block?"

Gray returned the growl and formed a fist, "I'm going to pummel your ass!"

Beside them, the creature growled as Natsu and Gray exchanged heated glares. "Uh, boys?" Abby called out from beside the carriage. The two mages looked towards Abby, quickly forgetting their growing fight. "I dont think your supposed to fight each other?" She pointed a finger towards Bunny and watched as the animal snarled in their faces, sprinkling them in saliva.

Natsu let go of Gray and let flames spark to life. "You said you had a plan…right?"

Gray wiped the thick drops of drool off of his cheek and looked discussed at the monster. "Uh, ya. Don't touch it's fur and try backing it into the woods."

The monster leapt forward, his paws extended and mouth preparing to bite. Both mages jumped in opposite direction. Placing his hands together, Gray steadied his footing and flung his hands forward. "Ice Make: Freeze Lance!" Much larger lances shot out and some of the sharp edges pushed against the animals fur, but other than a grunt from the animal, it seemed as if the attack didn't work and the lances shattered upon impact.

Natsu was next to follow through with an attack, his legs ignited and he sprung forward. "Fire Dragon's Claw!" He shot forward, preparing to land a harsh kick against the animals side. However a wall of ice popped up from the ground and Natsu slammed into it. Punching the wall, Natsu growled and looked towards his teammate. "What the fuck! I was about to hit this bastard!"

"Don't touch it's fur," Gray growled and sliced his hands through the air. From the ground large cannons grew and faced Bunny. The creature looked towards Natsu that stood on the other side of the wall, he then glanced back towards the Ice Mage. Growling, the creature flung it's self towards Gray, forgetting about the Fire Mage he left behind. Cutting his hand downward, Gray forced the cannons to fire and flung chunks of rubble at the animal. The ice wall fell, allowing Natsu to jump into action.

As the creature was being assaulted by rubble, Natsu cupped his hands around his mouth and breathed in. His chest expanded unnaturally and he tipped his head back. "Fire Dragon's Roar!" A gust of flames flew towards the animal and Gray. Before the flames could reach him however, Gray jumped and rolled to the side, watching as the animal stood on its hind legs, screaming.

The creature, struggling on its feet ran and staggered along the floor.

"Alright," Gray sighed lightly. "So it seems like it hates fire…well noted."

"I told you fire was better," Natsu smirked and wiggled his fingers, "much better then your snow magic."

Gray crossed his arms and watched the creature continue to struggle. "Let it go Natsu or I'm going to pummel your ass."

"Boy," Abby called out again and smiled as she met their eyes.

Behind them a sickening wail sprung into the air and they averted their eyes from the woman and watched as the animal, now fireless, looked enraged at the two mages. His fur waved as the animal shifted it's footing. Suddenly his fur shot upwards making the sound of a thousand swords clashing. Before the two mages could react, the animal howled. His fur shot into the air and flew towards the mages.

Gray screwed his eyes shut and crossed his arms willing a large ice wall to shoot up from the ground. He could feel the fur shrapnel penetrate the wall, but he felt no contact after that. Peaking out from his arms, Gray looked around and found the creature oddly grinning. Bunny hadn't landed a blow on him so if he wasn't hurt then…Natsu. Gray looked around frantically and searched for the idiot. Gray found Natsu pulling a shockingly, and almost sickeningly, large chunk of the animals fur from his shoulder.

Blood had already began to seep out from the wound and when Natsu managed to rip the object from his shoulder, the open wound began gushing blood. Natsu cringed and threw the object along the ground. He looked towards Gray and gave an uneasy look as the world tumbled beneath his feet. "I dont," Natsu grabbed his head and blinked rapidly. "…I dont feel very good." Without another word, his knees buckled and he fell against the ground with a sickening thud.

"Shit!" Gray looked towards his friend and thought a flurry of curses.

"Ugh," Abby moaned from behind. "Now this bastard is going to be for less." She walked past Gray and grabbed hold of the creature sharp fur. "Bad Bunny!" Shaking its head, Abby smashed her fist against it's nose, "Bad, bad, bad Bunny!" The creature whimpered from her touch and attempted to pull away. "No," she screamed and pulled at its fur, "you go get that bad man and make it up to mommy!" She pointed towards Gray and pulled at it's fur again, "Go!"

The animal's eyes met Grays and it's defenseless posture melted away as it bared it's teeth. It sprung forward, fur up and ready to attack. Taking a step back, Gray frowned and placed his hands together. He had to get Natsu out and to a hospital. Preparing for an attack, his tattoo glowed slightly and Gray grinned. "Ice Devil's Rage!" With a quick inhale, Gray opened his mouth and a blizzard of cold air, ice and snow shot out. The blizzard hit the animal head on, and pushed it backward. Behind the animal, the trees shook and snapped as they tipped away from the harsh seething icy wind.

However when Gray seceded his attack, he wasn't expecting to see the animal rooting its claws into the ground, looking slightly baffled and covered in ice and snow. The animal grinned and detached its claws from the ground. Before Gray could mutter out another spell, the animal sprung forward.

A/N: So next chapter will hopefully be as long as this one, but as for the story, it will start a few hours after this chapter ends. SO! What do you think? Do you want another chapter next weekend?


