A/N: My darlings…I know I have promised this an eon ago but unfortunately due to moving house and other unforeseen circumstances, I have had zero internet for what feels like forever. This was ready ages ago but now I can FINALLY post it!

It may be much shorter than my usual chapters but it was perfect to me. Well, mostly. I think making it longer would have dragged it out and it would've lost the feeling.

So here it is, my dearest ladies and gentlemen. The FINAL chapter of Crash.

Warning: Mature content from start to finish.

Disclaimer: I do not own SnK, its characters or any other brands mentioned in this story.

The penetration was quick and concise yet tremendously torturous. Eren's lubricated digit effortlessly embedded itself into Levi's tight cavern, pushing in all the way to the knuckle in one smooth movement. The ring of muscles at the raven's entrance clenched around Eren's single finger, sucking it in and locking it in place inside him. A heat unlike any other enveloped Eren's digit and the teen balked for a long moment as he fully took in the blazing silkiness of his lover's intimate orifice.

And Levi was extremely glad for the pause.

While it was by no means the first time the man had been penetrated by something, it was the first time in months, perhaps even years, that someone had taken the liberty of inserting something into him. It was a shock to his system, and while it felt astoundingly amazing to have something inside him once more, his body could barely cope with the intensity of the new sensation. It burnt yet at the same time it made him feel as cold as an Arctic winter's night, it was pleasurable yet it sent waves of pain and discomfort coursing through his body, and while it was nothing short of absolutely sinful to have himself impaled on his lover's rigid digit, nothing could be more intimate as he straddled Eren in the dark, musky cabin of the Cessna 172.

Torrential rain beat down mercilessly on the aircraft as gale force winds enveloped it wholly, testing not only the tie downs but Eren's skill in knot-tying as the unsettled air tried furiously to tear the aircraft from its binds. The light aircraft's meager frame swayed violently in the wind, rocking the two males locked inside but perturbing neither as the love and lust drunk fools stayed focused on one another despite being worlds apart in the abyssal darkness. They may not have known it but they were staring right into each other's eyes, green and grey now nothing but blackened orbs, discolored by lust.

Eren gave his finger an experimental wiggle and the sharp curling of his digit brought its pad right against the older man's prostate, causing Levi to tense atop Eren just as a brilliant fork of lightning raced against the sky. It was blinding and it was brief, yet although it had hardly provided a second of light it was enough to give Eren a visual treat that would stay locked in the young man's mind forever.

With his back arched and chin tucked tightly against his neck, Levi's face was contorted into an expression that, to an outsider, would indicate excruciating pain. But Eren, who knew his lover despite the man's habitual mysterious ways, knew that the expression marring Levi's face was one of unadulterated ecstasy. His eyes were screwed shut so tightly it was as if he were trying to meld his eyelids together, his nose scrunched up as his lips were drawn back over his clenched teeth…no doubt hissing and cursing below his breath. And if the man's expression left any room for doubt, his tensed and trembling frame told Eren all the teen needed to know – continue.

The unspoken command had the obedient teen complying with the eagerness of a pup needing to please, and Eren was quick to begin thrusting his single digit in and out of his lover's hole as the deep roaring of thunder sent pleasurable vibrations through the tiny airframe. Levi's body quickly relaxed when his prostate was freed from the sensual torture but the trembling persisted as Eren's finger worked in and out of him in a steady rhythm that had the man's clenching tightness relax, allowing Eren's finger more freedom. The teen quickly noted the relaxation and was quick to add another digit, eager to have his lover ready for what would mark a milestone in the young male's life.

At the insertion of the second digit, Levi shuddered in delight. Despite having large hands, the teen was surprisingly gentle and the second digit glided in effortlessly to join the first, immediately falling into the rhythm Eren had set. Index and middle fingers side by side, Eren pumped his slicked digits into Levi's ass, coaxing the man to relax more and more with every slow, deliberate thrust. All the discomfort, pain and even the burn had all but vanished, and Levi felt nothing but pleasure and the desire, the ache, to have his cock touched.

Levi's hand swiftly found his cock despite the darkness, wrapping his hand around not only his but his young lover's throbbing member as well. Eren jolted as his heated flesh was pressed against Levi's, the formidable grip of the man's powerful hand locking the teen against himself as he gave their cocks one firm jerk downwards.

The brunette threw his head back and cried out at the overwhelming sensation of his lover's experienced hand around him, his most intimate part against his lover's. A blinding series of lightning lit up the sky in brilliant white flashes, giving Levi an eyeful of the young pilot drenched in sweat, mouth agape and veins underneath his bronzed skin protruding from the cry the winds so selfishly swallowed up. It did nothing but spur the man on, and as soon as they were once again immersed in darkness and being shaken to the core by the deafening cracking of continuous thunder, his hand began pumping up and down vigorously, both his and Eren's precum smearing against his fingers as he thumbed the tips of their cocks in alternation.

But it wasn't only for his lover's benefit that Levi's attentions were so focused.

With each pump of his hand and each carefully placed flick of his thumb, Eren's entire body jerked…including his fingers. Embedded deep within Levi, these muscular spasms repeatedly curled Eren's fingers right onto the man's prostate, sending searing jolts of pleasure shooting through his veins. Selfishly, Levi wanted more – more heat, more electricity, more trembling, more pleasure…all he wanted was to get off and right here right now in the darkness of the cabin, he would use his lover to attain just that.

And he wasn't the only one thinking that way.

While Eren was nearly paralyzed by Levi's expert ministrations to his cock, the teen's instincts urged him on to seek more. That image of Levi's face contorted so uncharacteristically was burnt into the brunette's mind, and all the horny pilot wanted now was to see more of it. He wanted to see Levi's body writhing in pleasure and pain, he wanted to see the man's hair matted to his forehead in sweat, he wanted to see Levi's mouth agape and flapping open and closed as if the man can't decide if he wanted to scream and cry or bite his lip and bleed.

Eren wanted to make an absolute mess of Levi.

He wanted to see the millionaire come undone.

A flash of lightning so bright and brief that its origin was undecipherable lit up the sky in tandem with a sharp crack of thunder so high pitched that it was deafening. Adrenalin flooded both men's veins in an instant yet it wasn't out of fear…it was out of the instinctive fight or flight reaction that was telling them they were in danger. The storm was right upon them and in the tiny fuselage of the Cessna they were hardly secure.

But neither man cared.

That single split second of light had two pairs of lustful eyes lock onto one another as if each man were a predator. There was no love, no adoration, or no intimate desire in either man's eyes…only the desire, the need, to fuck. Simply pure lust.

Eren surprised both himself and Levi with his sudden herculean strength, pulling his digits out from inside his lover and lifting the smaller, heavier man up to place that lubed up entrance right over his aching arousal in one sinuous movement. With his one arm around Levi's waist and his other on the seat for support, the selfish teen didn't even think to apply lube to his long, girthy cock before unceremoniously penetrating the millionaire out of pure lustful need.

The teen could feel Levi tense up – from the curling of his toes to the pinching of his eyes, Levi's entire frame went rigid as he fell against his young lover. His forehead fell to the crook of Eren's neck as his fingers clawed at the teen's clothed shoulder. Pain and pleasure so intense that it damn near paralyzed the older man had the light burn from earlier exploding into a furious inferno, his body ablaze and being assaulted by searing pins and needles as Eren's heated flesh settled within him.

Settled in his lover…that was the only place Eren wanted to be. The teen paused not out of consideration for the millionaire but rather because he was so astounded, absolutely gob smacked by how amazing it felt. Sex had been amazing before but this…this was something entirely different. This was what he was made to do, what a man was created for – to experience and assert his sexuality by fucking. By being inside someone else and taking them, claiming them, owning them.

This was perfect.

Their chests moved up and down against one another as their breathing grew rugged, both out of excitement, need and want. The ferocious pounding on the fuselage now came with intermittent banging, banging that grew in frequency until it came down like the rain. The hailstones may have been small but at the speed that they struck the airframe it would be impossible to hear one another even if they were to yell right into each other's ears. So loud, in fact, that as the sharp bolts of lightning danced across the black sky, the thunder could only shake the frame of the parked plane as the pounding hail dominated the men's auditory senses.

Unable to see or hear one another, they could only feel each other as each man sought his own pleasure…sought his own pleasure but in doing so became one and thus gave the other the ultimate bliss.

Eren's arms both wrapped around the raven's small but muscular frame, holding the man in place as he began bucking his hips up. Despite the teen's lack of sexual experience his rhythm was consistent, his thrusts strong and precise and his entire body still and controlled. He held his lover close to him as he used him; used him for his own satisfaction as Levi used Eren for his.

One lost to the continuous assault on his prostate and the other intoxicated by the heat enveloping him entirely, the selfishness of each man was lost to the other as Levi bounced down to meet every single one of Eren's upward thrusts. Bodies flush against one another, heartbeats synchronized and their lungs both burning as they drowned in their musk, the men held each other close as they rutted against one another as if the only great thing in this world was the orgasms they were chasing.

Another flash of lightning tore through the sky, yet this time neither had their eyes open to see the other even though the night was lit for an immeasurable moment. They were too lost in their tryst, too taken by one another to care. And when the airframe shook with the deep vibrations of the unheard growling skies, they did nothing but clutch at one another and hold each other impossibly closer as their moment of sheer lustful fucking turned into something so much more.

In that moment, as Levi raced towards orgasm, his prostate assaulted, cock neglected and sweaty body rubbing against his young lover's, every frustration the man ever felt with Eren came pouring out. The nights of touching himself, fantasizing about a boy he would never have. The times that he could've taken the teen but instead left himself unsatisfied, the kisses between the two that could've been so much more. Every single moment from the first time he thought about Eren in that way to the very second he first slipped into the teen's virgin ass took over him, making him bounce on Eren's cock with frightening desperation.

It only served to make the teen fuck harder, fuck faster. He wanted to outdo Levi, to ruin him, but the older man met his thrusts bounce for bounce. A powerful, primal instinct took over Eren but even that was not enough to win, frustrating the teen and consequently pushing him to go even harder than before.

Between the men and the storm, the Cessna was sure to see its last day parked on this apron.

The vigorous fucking was quickly bringing Eren to the edge but the teen held on. If he couldn't ruin his lover now he would at least see the man come undone before himself. Biting onto Levi's chest as if it would chase away the nearing orgasm, Eren relented in his vigorous pace and gave his very soul to the millionaire. He wanted only to dominate, to consume, but before he could satisfy that need he had to know what it felt like to satisfy Levi by fucking him for a change.

And that bite pushed Levi over the edge.

The searing pain shooting through his body as Eren's teeth locked down on him ignited the fuse that would see the end. It took only a couple of seconds before that explosion came, hitting the man hard and fast and with a strength that stunned him into oblivion.

Levi's back shot ramrod straight and every single muscle in his body coiled so tightly they would've snapped his bones if he were a weaker man. His eyes shot wide open right before pinching shut once more, his mouth agape as he cried out so loudly that it may have been audible above the deafening assault on the airframe. And at the exact moment that his cock lurched and the inferno engulfing his body reached the crescendo as thick ropes of his cum shot right onto Eren's shirt, a dazzling formation of fork lightning inched across the sky.

It was in that moment that time stood still.

The very sound of the rain existed no more as Eren's eyes locked on the breath-taking display of his lover lost in orgasmic bliss. All the teen could hear was his own breath washing from between his parted lips and his own frantic heart beating like the drums at a tribal sacrificial ceremony. When he laid eyes on Levi's form, the world stopped spinning and he as Eren ceased to exist as a single entity. The very existence of the universe was suddenly thrown into question.

Levi's muscles were tensed and visible beneath his shirt, so drenched in sweat that it clung to his body like a second skin. That sweat matted his usually meticulous hair to his head in complete disarray, creating an abstractly artful fan of raven wisps across deathly pale skin. His eyes were screwed shut but his mouth was wide open, his lips unnaturally pink as they parted in a desperate cry of beautiful release. The veins on his neck and forehead were throbbing as pleasure tore through him with frightening potency, rendering the man an absolute, sinfully beautiful mess.

Just what Eren wanted.

It was more than enough for Eren. Just as the last thick rope of Levi's essence spurted from the man's cock Eren threw his head against the man's chest and tensed as his own climax consumed him, bringing back the deafening pounding of the rain and the remnants of the rumbling thunder as it died down around them. His body jerked and convulsed in pure pleasure, his own cries of ecstasy forever lost to the stormy night.

Riding out their orgasms, the men found themselves in each other's clutches once more, breathing hard and labored as Levi's forehead found the crook of Eren's neck while Eren kept his head against the older man's chest. Remnants of euphoria shot through their bodies, each man's skin tingling lightly as post-orgasmic bliss ran through every drop of blood in their veins.

It felt like seconds but it could've been hours, but eventually the rain had quieted down to a gentle patter on the airframe complimented by the lazy and distant rumbling of thunder dozens of miles away. The low moaning of the sky barely rocked the cabin but the minute vibrations were as clear as they were in the beginning to the hypersensitive men. They could even feel one another's hearts beating, synchronized, as they sat together, Eren's member softening inside Levi and none too soon lewdly slipping out.

But Levi didn't care for the mess.

He didn't care that Eren's cum was dribbling out of his ass and onto the Cessna's floor and he didn't even care that his own cum was smeared between his and Eren's bodies, soiling their creased and sweaty shirts. All he cared for in that moment was Eren.

On a night where they couldn't have been further apart, detached in reality, the men became one…their souls truly united.

"I love you, Eren Jaeger," Levi whispered, his voice barely audible despite the dying storm.


Eren paused then, and as his eyes lifted to meet the millionaire's a distant flash of lightning momentarily restored their vision once again. As Levi's eyes locked with Eren's, the teen's darkened orbs so filled with emotion and honesty that it looked like the teen wanted to cry, he knew that he was Eren's everything. In that single moment, as the cabin once again was lost to darkness, Levi knew that there was nothing on this planet that his lover wanted or needed any more than him. Levi knew…

"I love you," Eren whispered, eyes still locked with Levi's despite being unable to see them.

Those were the words Levi had been dying to hear. The moment couldn't have been more opportune, Eren's love and adoration peaking as honesty flooded the young man's being, drawing forth the three words that Levi had been dreaming of hearing since he'd first said them what felt like a lifetime ago.

Those were the words that changed their lives.

"I really, really love you!" Eren said again, a huffed laugh of what sounded like relief coming from him. Resting his head against his lover's muscular chest, the teen once again confessed, "I love you, Levi."

And that's a wrap, my dearest darlings! Crash is finished! I can't believe it's been so long but yeah, months have gone by and the story has finally come to an end.

First and foremost a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who read this story, the users and the guests, and a BIG UP to those who added myself as an author or this story to their favorite lists. But the BIGGEST THANK YOU of them all goes out to each and every person who has left a review.

Each review was read with a gleaming smile, encouraged me and made this story so much more worthwhile. To those who reviewed regularly (you beautiful beasts know who you are) I cannot thank you enough. I love you guys and I love that you loves my story!

Thanks for sticking around, my dear peeps! You are the best.

I am thinking of writing a short epilogue to the story, not more than two or three chapters, so if you're keen to see than, tell me in a review or a PM. Follow me for the update on when it'll come back and oh…

If anyone leaves name suggestions for the epilogue, I will take them into considerations.

Love you all! Thanks once again!

*Curtseys as the curtain closes*