
I wish there was something I could do. Something to get her to talk to me. Every time I tried she pushed me away. I took a sip of my coffee. Aunt Rose walked in with Amelia in her arms. Gracie walked in beside her.

"Good morning sweetheart", I bent down to pick up Gracie.

She had just turned two. Amelia was six months today.

"Hungry princess?", I asked.

Her dark brown wavy hair was tangled and she wiped her eyes while nodding.

"Has she gotten up at all today?", aunt Rose asked.

I shook my head no.

"I'll make Gracie her breakfast. Take Lia to her, she's hungry too", she said.

I nodded, I put Gracie in her seat and buckled her in. I took Amelia from Rose.

"Lets go see mommy princess", I said to her.

Going up the stairs and to my room. I opened it slowly. Lexi was laying in bed.

"Alex, baby, Amelia's hungry", I said.

She turned over and sat up. I laid Amelia in her arms.

"Are you going to talk to me today baby?", I asked.

She ignored me. Ever since the whole Penny situation, slowly she's been pulling away. Penny was a cloud of guilt that never left her alone.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me my love", I said.

I kissed her forehead and walked out.


After feeding Amelia, I laid her beside me. Watching her sleep. She had blonde hair like Dean, the ends of her hair curled like his did, same blue eyes.

"My sweet little girl", I whispered.

I kissed her chubby cheek.

"I'm sorry", I said.

Amelia had been born almost three months too early. Seeing that she had grown a little more and gained a little more weight, made me happy. I heard the door open.

"Your sisters are here", Dean said.

I couldn't look at him. Everytime I did it reminded me of Penny. I knew it wasn't his fault, but I still blamed him anyways. I knew I shouldn't feel this way, but apart of me did. Apart of me wished things were different, where she was still alive getting the help she needed. The other part was glad she was dead and that made me feel even worse.

"Can they come up or", he stopped.

I shrugged. I knew he was frustrated with me. Who wouldn't be, I was afraid to talk to him. Afraid that I might say something I'm going to regret saying. I still loved him, nothing would ever change that.

"Okay", he said softly.

I heard him walk out. A few seconds later the door opened again.

"Hi", Brie whispered.

"Hey", I said, not taking my eyes off Amelia.

Nikki laid down in the empty side. Brie at the ends of Amelia's toes.

"She looks so much like Dean", Nikki said.

"She does, no dimples though", I said.

"She is still a cutie without them", Brie said, kissing her toes.

I smiled.

"Yeah", I nodded.

I heard a tiny giggle and we looked up. Gracie had come into the room, trying to get on the bed. She held her hands up to Nikki.

"Up, up", she said.

The girls laughed. Nikki picked her up and placed her on the bed. She cuddled close to Nikki.

"How are you Lex?", Brie asked.

"Fine, I guess", I said.

"Anymore nightmares?", Nikki whispered.

I didn't say anything. I looked down at Amelia.

"Alex, maybe if you talked to someone, even Dean", Brie said.

"I'm not crazy", I said to Brie.

"I'm not saying you are. You went through a traumatic situation", I stopped her.

"I am fine. Did Dean tell you to talk to me? Is this because I won't talk to him? God", I said, trying not to raise my voice.

Brie sat up.

"He misses you", she said.

I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Can you please go", I said.

"Okay", Nikki said.

They got up and walked out. Knowing not to push it, every time it was the same thing. Gracie stayed with me. She crawled over to me.

"Up mama", she said.

I held her in my arms and she rested her head on my chest.


Nikki and Brie walked into the kitchen.

"She needs help and before you snap at me like she did, I mean she needs someone to talk to, to help her", Brie said.

"I know, I've tried", I said.

"When is she going back to work?", Nikki asked.

"In a couple of days", I said.

"Talk to Stephanie. Ask her to give Lex an ultimatum, she talk to someone before getting back in the ring", Nikki said.

"That's a good idea", I said.

"If you need anything Dean, Bryan and I are here. We can even watch the girls for you", Brie said.

I shook my head.

"Lexi won't like that, she hasn't left the girls sides at all. Rose brings them down to play every few hours", I said.

"I know you must be exhausted and frustrated. Are you thinking divorce?", Nikki asked.

I looked at her like she was crazy.

"She can hit me, she can yell all she wants, even cheat on me but I would never leave her. I'm gonna fight for my family", I said.

"Good", Brie said.

"We should go, Gracie's with Lex", Nikki said.

I nodded and walked them to the door. I went up to my room. All three were asleep. I was gonna pick up Amelia to take her to her crib. Lexi's arm shot out and grabbed my wrist tight.

"It's only me, Alex", I said.

She pulled her hand away like she got burned. She took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry", she mumbled.

"Its okay, you didn't hurt me. Can I lay down?", I said.

She shrugged and looked down at Gracie who was sleeping on her chest. I laid next to Amelia. Rubbing my thumb on her little chubby cheek. I smiled.

"I will never let anything happen to you my princess", I whispered.

"Don't lie to her", I heard Lexi say.

I knew she wasn't mad at me. She just lashed out from time to time, not just at me, but at everyone.

"I love you Lexi, even if you don't love me anymore", I said.