The door slammed open and Anna bounded in, prepared for the worst.

Anna was a new RA and wanted to make a good impression on the floor. Kristoff had laughed saying, "Anna-banana, you are the only one who wants the responsibility of RAing, everyone else just wants the privileges!"

Anna had scoffed and shoved Kristoff out, his chortling audible through the door. Anna just needed people to need her and it was Kristoff's fault she became an RA in the first place.

So when Anna heard the scream from 221, she'd grabbed her keys and leapt into action. What she found inside was not what she'd been expecting (mainly a half-finished murder) and the gorgeous blond, wrapped only in a towel, standing on a chair chucking snowflake shaped candies at a tiny spider caught her completely off guard.

Anna laughed. Anna laughed so hard her legs gave out and she flumped onto the hardwood entryway and held her stomach in ridiculous guffaws (which she would later blame on the adrenaline rush).

Elsa, as Anna would later learn, coughed, her knuckles white and a deep scowl on her lightly freckled face, "I would appreciate some assistance, as you are already in my room."

Her icy tone cut through Anna's giggles and she wiped her eyes to see the blonde glaring down at her. So Anna stood up and walked to the kitchen, retrieved a cup from the counter, and scooped up the spider.

Elsa nodded and began to dismount from the char. Anna looked back from the window (the poor little spider scampered away a quickly as it could) to see Elsa dismounting the chair. Elsa had legs. Anna really liked Elsa's legs. Anna really wished the towel would show more of Elsa's legs.

Elsa crossed her arms, this girl was judging her wardrobe choice in a moment of crisis. "What?" The question was clipped and guarded and Anna felt frozen, "it's an instinctual reaction, our ancestors were killed by spiders; people are still killed by spiders."

Anna's brain was not keeping up with this conversation, like who could expect her to think straight when those beautiful legs were right there in front of her. But most of her drooling was under control and Anna was good at talking, maybe not cohesively but putting letters together was kind of her thing. So Anna talked.

"No-no, yeah I get it. Spider, millennia of living in the outdoors, yeah. I was just surprised. Cuz I sort of thought there'd been a murder, you know, because of the scream. And you know, you were on a table, in a towel, throwing candy at a spider. And yeah, just…. Surprised…." Anna trailed off because her brain was beginning to work again and realized that Elsa was looking at her.

Anna was good at people most of the time but she couldn't figure out what Elsa was thinking. Perhaps that was because her brain was repeating legs ,legs, legslegslegs but Anna would have to ponder that later because the blond was speaking.

"What's your name?"

"Oh uh, Anna," she stuttered out and added hastily, "Summers, Anna Summers."

Elsa shifted her weight and said, "Well, Ms. Summers, no matter how grateful I am for your help, I would still like to know how you got into my room."

Anna hadn't thought about that, (Kristoff would have made a comment here) bursting into people's rooms probably wasn't okay. She tousled her hair and cringed a little, "uh, I'm the RA for this floor."

Elsa's quizzical eyebrow climbed further up her forehead, not that Anna noticed. In her sheepishness, she'd looked down and seen legslegslegslegs again. "You're not a senior though, how did you become an RA?"

Anna started at the question, focused on not-legs, and replied, "well, actually, it's kind of a funny story-"

An extremely loud brunette smashed open the door and pulled in a giant slab of marble on a trolley cart.

"Elsa! Help me with this, will ya?" she shouted before turning to see the woman she was yelling for in a towel standing next to Anna. "What is up with you and nudeness? Put on some clothes!" and with an exasperated huff she pulled in the slab and let the door swing shut.

Elsa began to explain her nudeness, "first off, there was a spider, and secondly, I shouldn't even have to WEAR clothes in my-" but the marble heaver turned to Anna with a roll of her eyes.

"Whatever Elsa, but do you have to shove you nudist tendencies in our RA's face?" a smirk came over her because at the stressing of nudist Anna's actual face was reddening fast and showing quite a few not-so-mixed emotions when thinking of nudism being thrown at her.

Elsa huffed and turned to Anna as well, "I'm not a nudist, Meg just likes to keep the room at about 1000 degrees."

Anna nodded stoically and Meg laughed, "I like the room at 70 degrees Elsa, you like it at 60 or bellow."

"I grew up in a cold environment."

"Yes, and I grew up in a very loving family, I'm sorry we can't all-" Elsa threw her arms up in disgust and headed toward her room, Meg's laughter following her.

Anna decided this was a good time to leave, before she started envisioning Elsa's towel slipping.

"Hey, RA," Meg turned to see Anna inching toward the door, "what's your name?" Meg smiled with a lopsided grin. There was an innocence about Anna that she liked.

"Anna Summers"

"Well Anna, I'm Meg," she extended her hand and Anna gingerly shook it. "It's nice to meet you, I hope nudist tendencies won't get us into trouble."

Anna went pink and raised her hands, shaking her head, "no, no, I mean, as long as you're not out in the hall, but I mean-"

Meg laughed her out of the room.