A/N: Like I promised, more Densi goodness coming your way! This story takes place during and after "Neighborhood Watch." I mean, the Densi goodness was just to good not to write SOMETHING about that episode! Enjoy!

"Mr. Deeks, Miss Blye, you will be going undercover as a married couple."

Kensi snorted. "I'm sorry. Deeks and I are doing what now?"

"You heard the woman," Deeks' glee was evident in the smile on his face. "Playing Ward and June. Ricky and Lucy. Mr. and Mrs. Smith,"

Kensi glared at him. "Is there a problem Miss Blye?" Hetty asked.

"Of course not," Kensi replied quickly, adopting her best professional-and-detached face.

"Well then," Hetty held up two rings. "Miss Blye, Mr. Deeks, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Deeks wiggled his eyebrows. "Do I get to kiss the bride?"

That conversation had taken place a week ago and ended with Kensi punching her partner in the solar plexus. Hard.

The plan had been put into action in less than 24 hours. They'd "moved in" to their new, modest mansion in the quiet, serene, gated community where they suspected a Russian sleeper agent lived.

Which was why when Kensi woke on what should have been a normal Thursday morning it was anything but. Because on this Thursday morning she woke up with her partner's arm wrapped around her waist.

Kensi lay still feeling Deeks breathe against her trying to get a handle on the strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. This was Deeks, she reminded herself. Crazy, childish Deeks.

He shifted and pulled her closer, sighing in contentment and for one moment all of Kensi's resolve went out the window. The way his body curved around her, the warmth of his breath on her neck; it felt so safe, so right to be next to him this way. Kensi swallowed hard and shook herself mentally. He was her partner. Lying next to him in a bed didn't change that one bit no matter how good he smelled or how perfectly she fit into his arms.

The clock said 6:30 and there was work to be done. Reluctantly Kensi pulled away from Deeks' hold, leaving him peacefully in "their" bed. She watched him sleep for only a moment longer before stepping into the bathroom to put on her running clothes. On her way out the door she stopped in the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. As an after-thought she put on a pot of coffee. She wouldn't drink it before her run, but Deeks would probably like it when he woke up. And that's what wives did right?

Her run around the neighborhood was as much to clear her head as it was for reconnaissance. She stopped and chatted with several of their neighbors including Brett and Paulina who reminded her about their dinner date that evening. The invitation had been extended almost the second they'd met the couple the day before. They seemed friendly enough but Kensi was getting a weird vibe from them. She didn't like the way Brett seemed to keep his eyes on her even when she wasn't looking at him. Something was off about this neighborhood. And it was more than the assassin living in their midst.

By the time she arrived back at the house she felt better, more centered, the thoughts she'd had upon waking shoved neatly back down in their place. They were just playing house. It was all a game. And she planned on winning.

Deeks met her on the front porch, a twinkle in his eye. He was loving every second of this assignment and if that wasn't enough to drive away the last vestiges of their early morning in bed she didn't know what was. He was in the mood to play so she decided to jump right in with him, giving him a peck on the cheek as he greeted her. She did not expect him to swat her butt with a towel and as soon as they were inside she put him in a headlock. "Ow! Ow! Uncle!" he cried.

"Only if you really make me pancakes!" Kensi told him.

"Okay! Ow! Let me go!"

"With chocolate chips!"

"Yes, yes!'

She pushed him away and smiled. "Thank you Baby," her voice dripped with sarcasm. "I'm going to take a shower."

"You want some company?" Deeks asked with a sly smiled. "Kidding, kidding!" he cried as her eyes flashed menacingly.

"Too bad," Kensi backed away, smiling coyly as she went up the stairs. "If you'd said please I might have said yes."

Deeks scratched his head and bit his lip. "You're a cruel woman!" he yelled after her.

"Paulina and Brett reminded me about dinner tonight," Kensi said half an hour later as she sat at the kitchen table. "God, these pancakes are good Deeks."

"It's all in the secret ingredient," he said as he joined her. "Pass the newspaper?"

She handed it to him. "There's something weird about those two."

"Yeah Idina Menzel and The Light in the Piazza do NOT mix," he said as he took a sip of coffee.

"No," Kensi sighed. "Brett and Paulina. Do you ever listen?"

"I do listen! You changed the subject and didn't tell me!" he cried.

"No YOU changed the subject!"

Deeks took a deep breath. "Look, let's not fight before we even finish our breakfast. Okay?"

Kensi held up her hands. "Okay," she agreed.

"Good. Did you get the rest of the cameras up?"

"I even put one in the wreath on the Felton's front door," Kensi smiled smugly.

"Impressive," Deeks nodded appreciatively before pushing back from the table. "I'm going to get dressed. Be ready in fifteen."

He rose and walked out of the kitchen. Kensi sat finishing her pancakes and reading the newspaper Deeks had left behind.

"What theā€¦MELISSA!"

Deeks came back in holding a purple-gray colored t-shirt. "Sugarbear," it was clear he was trying to keep calm, "did you put your darks in with my whites yesterday?"

"Yeah, I needed my blue blouse for tonight."

Deeks blinked several times. "Okay, Snookums, well, when you do that your loving husband goes from owning crisp, white t-shirts to t-shirts the color of, of, I don't even know what color this is!"

Kensi sat back and crossed her arms. "I thought you didn't want to fight."

"I'm not fighting!" Deeks said slowly between his gritted teeth. "I'm simply informing you that darks and whites do not go together in the washer."

"Well maybe if you did your own laundry this wouldn't happen."

Deeks made a strangled, grunting sound and then turned and walked from the room without another word.

"I love you Boopsy!" Kensi called after with a smile as she returned to her breakfast.

A/N: I would love any and all comments! Thanks for reading!