Magical Girl Lyrical Witch

Chapter 6


It was golden week, a long series of holidays that more or less got combined into a official holiday, adding 3 days to the total. On this holiday, the Takamachi, the Bunnings, the Tsukimura and the Kaname when to a nearby hot spring inn to relax while leaving their businesses in the hands of their employees. At the moment, Madoka is in the woman changing room with most the families.

'I never notice before how women centric my life is.' Madoka though to herself as she change out of her causal-wear. There was only three men, Nanoha's brother and father, Kayouya and Shiro Takamachi and her father, Tomohisa Kaname, who was more or less the wife of the Kaname's household compare to Junko's tomboy attitude.

As Madoka wrap the pink towel around her body, she noticed that Yuuno seem rather disturb by something, with his back to the group. Looking around, Madoka couldn't work out what-

"Breasts," Junko slur out past her drunkenness "show them around and most men will been putty in your hands."

"Mom, I don't think I'm remotely old enough for this." A 7 year old Madoka spoke as she half supported, half dragged her mother to bed.

"Ah, you don't like men," Junko chatted inanely"Well for women, all you got to do is get real close to their necks and nibble. Work on almost all of them, even the straight ones."

"I really don't need this..." Madoka mumble to herself.

Now in bed Junko sleep mumble "And if a white squirrel offer you a wish, start punching him in the mouth...ZZZ"

"Oh." Madoka said in realising "It something to do with that, isn't it." Madoka quickly forced any thoughts of that nature out of her mind, she was still far too young for that.


The four girls walk around the inn, clad in light pink yukata with purple butterflies pattening. The four were deciding on where to go first when a woman called out to them.

"Hi, little girls." the woman with long orange hair, a red gem in the middle of her forehead and wearing a white yukata with black five fingers leafs on it walked up to them. She fixed her eyes on Nanoha "Was it you? The one she was talking about?" The stranger asked.

Madoka moved into a stance that would allow her to fight at a moment notice while the others moved unconformable at the woman closeness.

"You don't look too smart or too strong..." the woman continued, Madoka suppressed her reaction to punch the woman for insulting Nanoha "You look like some normal little runt to me." That was getting hard to do.

Arisa moved in between the woman and Nanoha and look back to Nanoha "Nanoha, do you know this woman?"

Nanoha shook her head "N-no."

Arisa stare back at the rude woman "It seem that my friend doesn't know you. Who may you be?" she demanded.

A tense moment passed before the woman started...laughing. Everyone else just stared at the shaking woman. "Sorry sorry." The woman spoke "I think I have the wrong person. It because she look like someone I know." she explained.

"Oh so that it." Nanoha sighed.

The woman move forward again "That a cute ferret you have." She exclaim.

"Yeah." Nanoha agreed.

The woman started petting Yuuno, who was on Nanoha's shoulder.

Madoka noticed that after a few moments, Nanoha's expression changed from relived to shocked. Turning to the stranger, she saw that woman had a knowing look. After another few moments it change to a warning look before the woman move past the group.

'What was that about?' Madoka trained her senses on the disappearing woman. A small pinpoint of magic came from her 'Great, a third puella on my turf. I didn't think they got that old.' Turning away from the woman, Madoka followed her friends.


The woman, Alph, relaxed in the hot spring. The girl in white Fate fought didn't seem like much, but the pink haired girl next to her seemed dangerous for some reason. Alph saw her ready to fight and her sixth sense told her that the girl would be an equal fight.

However, the girl didn't repose to the telepathy probe she sent as she walk away so she wasn't a mage. Which raise the question, what sort of situation create a girl capable of making a wolf like her worried through physical strength?

Plus there was the girl in purple that Fate met on the way back. This whole mission was getting filled with factors that could be dangerous.

A ripple of water in the spring made Alph open her eyes and turn to the newcomer "Oh." She said in a small voice.

Glowing eyes gazed upon her "So you are one of the interlopers in my territory. What is your business here, pup?"


Alph breathed a sigh of relief when the overwhelming figure left. The sheer aura of threat that the being radiated was suffocating to the wolf in her.

"Alph? You okay?" A worried transmission came from Fate.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just had a word of warning from the alpha of this place." Alph replied.


"The usual. She'll permit us unless we cause too much trouble."


Later that night

Fate and Alph, now in their combat gear, stood upon a wooden bridge, watching a developing jewel seed.

"This thing sure is amazing. This is the power of a lost logia?" Alph asked.

Fate, impassive as usual, spoke "Though this one is unstable, so its power is incomplete."

"I wonder why your mother want them so badly?" The wolf-girl wondered

The blonde shrugged "Who know? I don't, but that doesn't matter. I must get them because my mother want them."

She held out her hand "Bardiche! Awaken!"

The gem on the back of her hand flashed [Yes sir]

With a thunder crack, Fate's black axe appear in her hand. [Sealing form, set up]

The water based beast appeared before the girl, who twirled her axe to face forward as four geometric wings of yellow light appeared below the head. Beams of pure white shot out of the weapon, twisting and turning as though it was made of some kind of fabric instead of magical energies.

"I'm going to seal it. Alph, support me." Fate told her familiar.

"Sure, sure." Alph almost lazily agreed.

In moments, the newly hatch jewel beast is sealed back into it's seed form. Catching it, Fate hears footsteps and turn toward them.

'I guess it did seem a little too easy.' she thought as she fix her graze on arriving white and blue magic girl 'Alph said her name was Nanoha, didn't she...'

"My, oh my. My my my." Alph spoke mock disappointedly. Nanoha gave Alph an look of shock when she recognize her. "Didn't I tell you earlier that you should be a good kid?"

The ferret on Nanoha's shoulder angrily questioned them "That Jewel seed! What are you going to do with it?! It dangerous!"

Alph dismissively replied to him "Who knows? I don't see any reason to tell you. And I was being petty nice when we spoke before, wasn't I?" She stared at Nanoha "When I said that if you weren't a good kid, I'll swallow you whole!"

Suddenly, Alph began to change. Her fingers became longer and clawed, her hair spread across her body and her posture changed from two legged to four legged. Where once a young woman stood, a orange feral-looking wolf howled before Nanoha.

"A familiar!" The ferret spoke.

Nanoha look at him "What a familiar?"

Fate walked along side Alph as her rival got a improvise lesson. If Fate had less self-control, she would of rolled her eyes, how green could this mage possible be?

Moments later, the four began the fight.


In the room where Arisa, Suzuka and Madoka slept and Nanoha should of also have been, a being with glowing eyes, the 'Alpha', look upon Madoka from a chair.

The being, female sounding, spoke to the slumbering sane witch "Look at you, self-proclaimed protector of Uminari City and you haven't noticed that." The being look out the window, where merely human's eyes may be able to see small flashes of yellow and pink "But we were all once young and foolish. One day, like me, you see that the world hold more then puellas and us witches."

The other sane witch got to her feet and walk to the door, pausing at it. She looked back at Madoka, what little of her face shown worry, like a mother whose son was going to war "What ever you do, don't die, Kriemhild. I would be upset."

And with that, the door closed, the being disappearing into the rest of the building.


Now floating in the air, Fate regard her opponent warily 'What she lack in training, this Nanoha make up in sheer talent. Still, that won't be enough to beat me.' she primed a Thunder Smasher at her rival.

In repose, Nanoha shot what her device called a Divine Buster back. The two attacks collide, at equal strength.

Fate frowned when her rival's mana spiked. Moments later, her spell started to overpower Fate's.

The rapidity approaching pink wave heading toward her was too fast. Her best option would be to cut her flight and take a glancing blow. However, Bardiche for lack of a better word, glitch.

[ #*&] 'Well this is bad.' With her device unavailable to fine tune, her choices were A: Get hit full on or B: Cut all her mana off and take a glancing blow with no barrier jacket. Thankfully for her, something took a third option.

[/:-Control Rod] A different voice sounded out of Bardiche. It was female, young and seem familiar to Fate.

"Control rod?" Fate questioned before a very familiar iron arrow appear before it rocket off toward Nanoha.


Madoka shot up out of bed "What? That can't be possible?" Already heading for the door, her witch transformation taking shape as she stride, Madoka missed the fact that Nanoha's Futon was empty.


Nanoha only warning was her beam disappearing as the arrow absorbed any part of it that got near. Abandoning her attack, she threw herself to the side as the arrow carry on, hitting the ground far below.

Nanoha, being the less trained fighter, linger upon the arrow for a moment too long as Fate appear behind white magic girl, her scythe held across Nanoha's neck.

[Pull out] Raising heart spoke. A jewel seed floated out.

"Raising heart! What are you...?" Nanoha began.

"I'm sure it was worried about you and did it to protect you." Fate interrupt as she grab the seed.

She fell to the ground "Let go home Alph." Fate ordered.

Alph transformed back into her human form and followed leaving team Nanoha to lick their wounds.

After getting a safe distance away, Alph turn to her master "Fate, what was the arrow about?" Her tone worried.

Fate stopped and said "Put out, Juliet." The bone wings adorned object landed in her hand. She turn to toss it and pause in the middle.

"Here Puella, You need this more then I ever will." Kriemhild spoke as she toss it at Fate.

'Was that what she meant?' Fate wondered.

"Fate?" Alph called.

"Bardiche, did the takeover negatively affect your systems?" Fate asked her device.

[No, Sir] the black axe answered.

Fate nodded and put the trinket back into her device "Tell me if that changes." and then she carried on walking.

Alph followed, wondering what even happened.


Nanoha dragged herself back to bed, depressed about the defeat and what it meant for the future. How was she suppose to fight a spell that negate attacks?

The magic girl then notice that Madoka's bed was empty. She must of gone to the toilet. Had Madoka noticed that she had left?


"How!? How?!" Kriemhild yelled, staring at an oversized arrow that should not exist. "We killed her! How is Juliet alive!?" It couldn't be a familiar turned witch, they did feel like their 'mother', but like a fingerprint, they were never identical to her.

Somehow, Juliet was back. "Great, as though three puellas wasn't enough, the dead are coming back." she gumble. Looking around, Kriemhild couldn't sense Juliet nearby.

'Sleep. This may seem better after a good night rest.' Kriemhild started to shed her witchself, returning to human as she walk back.


Like I would take her out like that early in the game. I said I needed Juliet, her role is not over. As for 'Alpha', she for the 'book of darkness' arc. She shouldn't have to appear for the rest of jewel seed arc.

Review time! Xalverius: As I mentioned, time loops are in effect. This Madoka is that strong, it just that that strong is around Nanoha-strong and Feral Kriemhild is NachtWal-strong plus gimmick that make her much worse then Nachtwal.

The other two: Thank you and Fate is far from lucky.

Anyway, review, flame or lurk.