Hey there my darlings! I'm back! Did you miss me?;) Well anyway here I am with a brand new story! Yay! I hope you guys like this! I will try to update as much as possible! Updates might be a bit rocky at first but winter break is coming up for me so I will update a ton then:) anyway! I really really hope that you guys like this story! Please review and if you like it then you get reminded when I update by fav and following this:))

Ally's P.O.V




The sound of my heels echoed down the empty hallway. I smiled at the nice sound of silence, sure it might not be for some teachers but still. I turned the corner and placed my hand on the cool doorknob before I turned it and opened the door to the teachers lounge to be hit with a mixed wave of heated up leftovers and coffee. "Hey Ally!" Trish said as I turned around and smiled at my friend who was sitting at one of the white tables in the back of the room. "Hey what are you doing here?" I asked as I walked over to her and gave her a hug before I sat down and pulled out my lunch. "I got bored at my job so I decided I could visit you during your lunch break!" Trish said while I smiled at her. "Aw thank you Trish that's so swe-" I began before someone with pink nail polish and a extreme tan slammed her hands on the table making both me and Trish jump. "Ally! Did you hear the great news?" Cassidy asked me as I raised an eyebrow at her, Cassidy is the twelfth grade AP english teacher."That you got a job in Germany and are moving there forever?" Trish said as Cassidy glared at her while I had to stiffen my laughter. Now Cassidy is well, um human? She is a nice person well sometimes I just don't like her that much. "What?" I asked trying to cover Trish's insult. "We got a new police man!" Cassidy said as Trish and I exchanged looks before looking back at Cassidy.

"So? Also Gary and Elliot are doing a great job!" I said while Trish and Cassidy now gave me a look. "Alright so maybe they aren't that great" I said "you mean Gary is slower than a snail" Trish said. "Elliot may be hot but he runs away from fights Ally" Cassidy said as I sighed and nodded but where very true. "My point is we actually got a good one! He's also young like us! I think his like twenty three or something" Cassidy said as I smiled "oh so he's my age!" I said while Trish laughed at me. Cassidy was a year younger than me and Trish was an age older. Why did I come back to a high school quickly even though I was here only six years ago? It was the first job I was offered.

"Yeah and oh my gosh all I can say about him is damn" Cassidy said dreamily as I nodded slowly as I bit into my sandwich while Cassidy gave me a dull stare. "What you're not excited at all? You'll probably see him the most! You're classes always get into fights" Cassidy said as I sipped my water before shaking my head "hey! So what if they're a bit well rough they always work it out" I said as Trish raised her eyebrow at me "A couple of weeks ago you came back to the apartment with a black eye cause you tried to break up one of the flights" Trish said while I sighed and walked over to the trash and threw away my bag before I went back over to the table. "Yeah but it's gone now!" I said while Trish laughed at me. "Well whatever it's just good that we have another police officer" Cassidy said before she walked away. "I really hate her and I don't even work here" Trish said getting up with me as we walked out of the teacher lounge. "Oh come on she isn't too-well alright she kinda is" I said as Trish smiled. "Victory!" Trish said as I smiled at her before I saw Dallas running over to us. "I'll see you tonight Ally" Trish said before she walked out and I looked at Dallas.

"Hey cutie" Dallas said as I smiled at him and kissed him quickly. "Hey! What are you doing here?" I asked as Dallas gasped "what I can't see my own girlfriend?" Dallas asked me as I rolled my eyes at him and smiled "you know what I meant" I said while Dallas wrapped his arm around me as we walked down the hall to my classroom. "I know it's your lunch brea-" Dallas said as I shook my head at him "it just ended" I said pouting while Dallas sighed. "I'm sorry! It's hard to get down here from downtown" Dallas said as I nodded. "Well guess what? We are got a new police officer!" I said as I pulled out my keychain and unlocked my door leading Dallas inside. "Oh thank goodness, I hate the fact that my own girlfriend gets in more fights than me" Dallas said as I laughed before looking at the clock. "Well you should head out. The first bell will ring in a minute" I said while Dallas nodded and pressed his lips to mine, I smiled before he started to deepen it and that's when I pulled away. "No making out at school" I said as Dallas groaned "but that's only a rule for you and the other staff members!" Dallas said as I laughed "I know but I still don't want to get caught now go! I'll see you later" I said as Dallas nodded before walking out. I sighed as I sat down on my old chair.

I sipped some of my tea as I watched my students come in, one by one, group by group and only one hello from a girl who I think just feels like she has to.


"Alright class! Let's get singing!" I said as I stood up and clapped my hands together while some gave me dull looks. There are about three types of people in my class, they either really like singing, they want to be in here with their friends, or they just need the credit. "Come on Ms. Dawson it's sixth period I'm still tired" a boy named Dan said "Well Dan first off you've had plenty of time to wake up and it's not my fault you can't get a good amount of sleep" I said as Dan rolled his eyes while some people 'ooed' and I smirked before I walked down the raisers and to my piano. "Now stand up everyone time to warm up!" I said before I pressed my fingers to the piano keys as they all stood up and we began to sing.

"Alright now go altos! Louder! Softer sopranos, I need more of you tenors! Lay off basses" I said as I played the song while listening to every part. "Anddd off!" I said as I shut my hand that was flat out. "Guys it's only a half note I know you want to hold it longer but you can't" I said as they all nodded. I then looked at the clock, there was only three more minutes of class. "Alright well that's all for today you guys can talk for the rest of the class" I said as they all sat back down and began to pack up their folders. I got up from my piano bench and walked up the risers and into my office. I was pulling out a sheet for my next class which was a study hall when I heard someone yell, oh great.

I looked up and saw everyone crowding around a corner, alright here we go. I quickly pressed a button on my phone for the police as I ran over to the crowd of people. "Move!" I said as I pushed through the crowd and saw two of the football players on the ground throwing punches at one another. "Guys stop it!" I yelled as I grabbed one of the guys back and tried to pull him off the other guy yet I'm sure he weighed about twice as me, oh this should be fun. I then grabbed the guy's hand and then felt contact to my face as I flew back into some filing cabinets. "Stop it you two" a low voice said. "OW!" I yelled before I then looked up and saw the two boys were separated? "What?" I said as I looked up and saw the back of the two boys one of them was being dragged by Elliot and the other by a man with blonde hair.


"Um class dismissed" I said as everyone began to clear out which I tried to get a better image of this blonde police officer yet no such luck. I sighed as I walked into my office feeling my check as I pulled out my mirror and groaned, yep there was already a gorgeous purple bruise forming. I saw some students walking into the classroom and before I knew it the bell had rung.

"Alright students pull out your work please" I said as I walked over to them all to see them looking at me strangely. "Is your face alright Ms. Dawson?" Bridget asked me as I nodded "yeah I'm fine there was a-" I began before someone knocked at my door. "One moment" I said as I walked over to the door to reveal a man in a police uniform, if this was who Cassidy was talking about then she was right, damn.

Wait you have a boyfriend! So? His blonde hair was parted perfectly just falling on his face and he had deep brown eyes almost looked like a puppy's. I quickly looked him down he looked very built the uniform hugged his body almost perf-okay I need to stop now. "Hello are you Ms. Dawson?" The police officer asked me as I nodded "yes and you are?" I asked "I'm officer Moon but you can call me Austin" Austin said. Alright Austin. "Um do you need someone?" I asked as Austin shook his head "I'm um here to I guess introduce myself to your class, were you not told this?" Austin asked me as I blushed for some very odd reason while shaking my head. "No I'm sorry but come on in" I said as I opened the door wider as I let Austin in. "Class this is Officer Moon he is going to tell you guys a little bit about himself" I said as Austin walked to the front and I saw many girls eyes go wide while some sighs escaped their mouths.

"Hey I'm Officer Moon, I just started working here I was working in Los Angeles but things weren't um working out there so I came here. I am very excited to get to know all of you and I hope I don't have to see you when the odds aren't in your favor cause then I can't be Mr. Nice Guy" Austin said as he winked. "So do you have any questions for Officer Moon?" I asked as I walked over to Austin. A girl raised her hand "yes" Austin said pointing to the girl, "so are you like single?" She asked as Austin chuckled. "Yes I am anything else?" Austin asked as everyone else shook their heads. "Same response I got from every other class well it was very nice to meet with you guys" Austin said before everyone clapped for him. I then lead him back up, "may I have a word with you?" I asked as Austin nodded before I pulled him into my office.

"Weren't you just in here?" I asked Austin smirked "ah I know this is a face that no one can forget" Austin said as I rolled my eyes at him. "Well I was going to thank you but-" I said before Austin cut me off by touching my bruise making me flinch. "Damn they really got you didn't they? Sorry Gary isn't the fastest and I can't just leaving the old guy" Austin said as I laughed. "No it's fine I totally had it under control" I said as Austin raised an eyebrow before saying "sure you did Dawson" Austin said as I scrunched my nose at him. "Dawson?" I asked as Austin smiled and nodded "yup that's what I'm going to call you Dawson" Austin said as I rolled my eyes "thanks for the adorable nickname!" I said as Austin walked out of my closet and shot me a thumbs up "anytime Dawson!" Austin said before I heard the door shut. I then looked out at my students who were all looking at me "what? Get back to work!" I said before all of their eyes were back on their papers. I walked back into my desk and sighed as I thought about Austin, I'm undecided about him. He seems so tense yet not tense, like his being wearing that old worn out smile for too long.

The final class period carried on and before I knew it the bell had rung, "alright I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I said as I opened the door while everyone left my classroom within three seconds flat. I closed the door and walked back into my office and went to my mini fridge and pulled out some apples and caramel and set them down next to my laptop as I was about to do the ever so fun grading and checking of emails.

I then heard the door open as I walked out of my office to see Austin standing there with a bag of ice "hey I thought you might need this" Austin said handing me the bag of ice as I smiled taking the ice from him. "Thank you do you want some caramel and apples?" I asked as Austin grinned "yes! I've barely been able to eat today! This school seriously needs to fix itself" Austin said as we walked into my office and he pulled up a chair. "Hey we are working on it!" I said while Austin chuckled at me "sure. They send the little choir teacher to fix fights between two football players yeah that makes sense!" Austin said while I shook my head "alright there are just a few problems but I mean no one thinks I can do take care of fights! I can though!" I said while Austin loudly laughed while I rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah alright tell that to you're poor beat up face" Austin said pointing to my face as I smirked "it's called battle wounds" I said while Austin scoffed before he rolled up his sleeves to reveal a huge scare.

"This Dawson is called a battle wound" Austin said as he point to the scare it ran up his arm and I might of stared for like a second at him biceps but just a second. "Dang it! Now you're making my bruise feel bad and where did that come from?" I asked as Austin shrugged. "oh um nothing" Austin said while I raised my eyebrow at him "come on what?" I asked him as Austin shook his head at me as he took an apple slice. "I will find out sooner or later" I said as Austin laughed "sure whatever floats your boat" Austin said as I hit his arm. "Oh hush" I said before I looked at my emails before Austin stood up "well thanks for the apples and I mean I know this would be fun me watching you email random parents but I've gotta go fill out an report for those two kids of yours. So I'll see you tomorrow Dawson" Austin said as I nodded at him since I had some apple in my mouth I watched him leave my office to soon have a door shut behind him. I sighed as I looked back at my emails, and now this people is when the real fun begins.

It was now five and I had written out at least twenty emails and I've graded half of my study hall students papers. "Alright now I can go home!" I said happily as I quickly looked at myself in my mirror and smiled, my bruise had gone down quite a bit since Austin gave me the ice by tomorrow it should be small enough to cover with some powder. I grabbed my bags and placed my laptop in my bag before I put on my jacket and turned off my office lights. I then walked to the door and turned off those lights then walking out and locking the door. Then I walked down the hallway towards the door.




I ran into a wall, or was it a body? I looked up and saw Austin smirking looking down at me. "Could you not see my from down there Dawson?" Austin asked me as I fake laughed "no. It's not my fault you're a brick wall" I said as Austin chuckled "yeah a a very build wall" Austin said winking at me as I tried to hide my blush with a roll of my eyes, although it didn't work. He noticed. "Well anyway I'll see you tomorrow Austin" I said as Austin smiled at me "I'll be counting down the hours!" Austin said as I began to walk away from him smiling "and I then minutes!" I called back before looking back at him to see he was smiling at me.

I walked across the now almost abandoned parking lot and found my small yellow beetle. I drove back to my apartment and sighed as I rode the ever so slow elevator up to my floor. Once I arrived I walked down the hall and pulled out my key chain and unlocked my door. I opened it to see Trish standing in the kitchen making well something.

"Hey how was wor-did you get hit again?" Trish asked me as she walked over to me as I set my things down. "Yeah but I had it! Although Austin did show up in tim-" I began as I walked down the hall to the bathroom with Trish behind me who cut me off. "Wait who's Austin?" Trish asked me as I began to take off my makeup "his the new police officer" I said while Trish nodded as I cleaned my face. "So is he cute?" Trish asked me while I stared at her after I dried off my face. "Trish!" I said as we walked into my room and I shut my door as I got changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"What? Just because you have a boyfriend doesn't mean you can't find other guys cute" Trish said from the other side of the door as I opened it and walked down the hall while I put my hair into a bun. "I mean his-uh-well" I stuttered as I sat down on the coach and Trish smirked at me. "So you think he isn't just cute but hot" Trish said as I blushed "no! What? Me! Boyfriend!" I said quickly as Trish laughed "sure keep telling yourself that" Trish said while I rolled my eyes at her. "Anyway is he nice?" Trish asked me as she dished up some of the food onto plates. "Yeah he is. We kinda tease each other since he seems nice just not to me, always. He seems to be a bit well I don't know beaten up? Like his had a case go too far or something?" I said as Trish handed me a plate and sat down next to me on the couch and turned on the tv and flipped through the channels. "Why do you say that?" Trish asked me as I sighed playing with my food " I was telling him my bruise was a battle scar and he showed me an actual scar on his arm and Trish it was huge!" I said as Trish nodded "his arm or the scar?" Trish asked me as she laughed while I shook my head at her. "Well both but I don't know I just get that vibe from him" I said as Trish nodded, "well just don't think too hard about it Ally" Trish said as I nodded. Little did I know that thought was going to be stuck in my brain for a very long rest of the night watching Scandal and eating leftover cake from the weekend. It was finally time to go to bed "good night Trish!" I yelled from my room before I shut the door and sighed as I got into bed and smiled as I was filled with warmth. As I began to drift to sleep I found myself actually wanting to get to know Austin Moon the police officer and any other side of him.

So yay! First chapter done! I really hope you guys like it! I will try to update either tomorrow or Wednesday!:) also! If you are new to my stories this is my sixth story! So I have five others and four one-shots back at my I guess bio-page thingie...I don't even know what to call it ;) but anyway I hope you guys had a great monday! Or Tuesday depending on when you read this!:) Please review that would me so much to me and an update is coming soon! Have a great day and please review!:))