Hello duckies, it's the author here with a little status update!

Unfortunately, due to some rather persistent real-life issues, I've been inordinately busy for the last several months, hence my lack of any updates to this fic. However, before you grow discouraged, let me just state that I am NOT dead, and neither is this story - in fact, far from it.

In spite of, or perhaps because of, my lack of updating for all this time, I realized that I wasn't very happy with the beginning of this story, as I only really stated to get into it in some of my more recent chapters.

Therefore, for both the story's sake and your reading pleasure, I'm planning on restarting this story from scratch with a completely different intro that will satisfy me.

For the most part things and characters will be the same, don't worry. However, I can't, in good conscious continue this story as it is while I'm feeling unsatisfied with its weak beginning.

And while I don't have any projected estimates as far as when this revised fic will necessarily begin, hopefully it will be soon.

And just in case, I will be leaving this old story up and online, at least until I'm a good way into the next story, just in case anything goes astray. So don't worry, to any of you who don't want to lose this, I'll be keeping it around for a while yet.

Anyways, I think I've babbled enough for this mini-update, and please stay tuned for this story's remake!