A/N: So, I'm still pretty upset about my coach, but I'm pushing through it. I actually feel better writing, so this is helping a ton. Some happy words of encouragement may help too.

I got into college. COUGHCOUGHfeelingprettyaccomplishedCOUGHCOUGh. Now I just have to wait for four other colleges to respond before I decide. The pressure is on guys. Gahh!

Hopefully, this'll be a short fic, and not a freaking novel. Just a sad/angsty/hopefully happy story about Jerza. Again.

This is set after Jellal's arrest and the Tenroujima arc, to clear things up for you.

Tell me whatcha think!

A/N (12-1-15): This is the newly edited into 3rd person pov version. I will continue editing the rest of the chapters

Chapter One: Broken

She was not one for crying. And yet, there she was, sitting alone in the corner of the room, her head between her knees, arms hugging her legs, silent tears running down her face.

She's been that way ever since she found out Jellal was killed in prison.

That was two years ago.

Everyday, in the morning before She went to the guild, she gave herself a couple hours to sob, grieving his untimely death. In the night, she would herself to sleep. In a way, it was still hard for her to believe he was dead.

She always knew that there was a chance he'd face execution in prison, but she always held on to that slight sliver of hope. It was a lifeline connecting her to him, the only thing that kept her going.

But he's gone now, and her heart is shattered.

Today, especially, was hard. It was the two year anniversary of his death. Two years since she was reunited with him after the Nirvana incident.

Two years ago, she didn't get to tell him that she loved him. Now, she never would.

She sighed, feeling her chest tighten. Get a grip, Erza, she scolded herself. You're stronger than this.

Was she?

In her entire life, the only thing that really kept her going was him. Granted, she had Fairy Tail and all of her friends supporting her, but it was his life, his love, his light that kept her going. Even though he never said he loved her, it showed in his actions.

She heard a light knock on my door, followed by an, "Erza?"


She raised her head, wiping the that spilled down her cheeks, but more kept coming.

"Y-Yes?" She stammered out shakily, cursing herself for her sign of weakness.

"You ok in there?" Lucy asked through the door.

She nodded, then remembered that Lucy couldn't see her. She straightened my shoulders and took a deep breath.

"Yeah, just feeling a bit off right now. I think I ate some bad cake last night."

"Oh," her voice echoed, sounding slightly concerned. "Want me to come in? Can I get you anything?"

"No," Erza replied, shaking her head. "I'll be fine. I think I'm just going to sleep it off. Tell Mira that I won't be in today, ok?"

Lucy hesitated, then quickly mumbled, "Sure thing, Erza. I'll stop by later on today to see how you're feeling. Should I bring you anything?"

Yeah, she thought bitterly. Bring Jellal back to me. Alive and healthy.

"No," She forced herself to say. "I'll be fine. I'll see you later, Lucy."


Her footsteps faded, and Erza allowed the tears and cries that she was holding back to come forth once more, drowning her in a wave of sorrow. She leaned up against the wall and rested her head against the smooth wood, her hair creating a scarlet curtain around her tear-stained face.

She could still remember his death announcement like it was yesterday.

"Breaking news," the cheerful news anchor said on the lacrima screen, her face immaculate, her hair neat and tidy, her makeup pristine. Erza almost wanted to point out to Lucy at how fake she looked, but she held my tongue.

"Jellal Fernandes, former Wizard Saint and member of the Magic Council, was put to death earlier this morning at six a.m. Gran Doma, leader of the Magic Council, says that the traitor deserved his sentencing and received his punishment justfully."

Erza froze. Jellal was... dead? A just death? Was she hearing this correctly?

All eyes turned to her, and a cold silence suddenly filled the hall. She saw Gray and Lucy reach out tentatively for her, while Natsu, for once, stood frozen, his mouth agape.

Makarov looked at Erza with concern in his dark eyes, his arms crossed seriously over his tiny chest. He opened his mouth as if to speak, then quickly closed it.

She turned and walked to the exit, my head roaring. She vaguely heard Lucy say her name and turn to follow, but Gray grabbed her arm and held her back. "Let her go" Erza heard him whisper. "Let's give her some space."

She reached the doors of the guild, and turned to look at her guildmates. They all stared back at her, eyes wide, mouths closed. It was this exact moment in time, when she realized that she'd never heard silence quite so loud.

She couldn't take it.

She turned and raced out the guild, a lamenting wail slipping past her lips. The first of many tears began to fall, and she didn't try to brush them away. There was no point.

Erza was not sure where she was running to; all she knew was that she had to get out of there, to get away from everything, everyone

Her mind was filled with memories of Jellal, the good ones. He, along with her during the Nirvana incident, holding her hand for the first time in years.

When he protected her from Midnight, despite his injuries

When he tried to sacrifice himself for her.

He's a good man, her mind screamed. He didn't mean to get possessed. Why him?

She ended up in the Kardia Cathedral.

She slipped in through the massive twin doors and collapsed in the nearest pews, tears soaking the fabric of her skirt. She looked at her hands, trying to remember the feel of his hands in her own.

"No," She whispered. "No! He can't be gone! He can't."

Her tears dripped down her face. She sighed, and stood, going into her little bathroom. Gray and the others had found her in the cathedral after dark, passed out from exhaustion. She had cried herself to sleep.

Which is what Erza have done every single night since she heard the news.

She reached for the sink and turned on the hot water, cupping it in her hands and splashing her face. She closed her eyes, relishing the feel of something else other than tears hitting her cheeks.

She turned off the water and dried her face. She looked into the mirror, just as tears began to fall. She stared glumly at her reflection as the tears ran down her cheeks. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and her nose looked like Rudolph's from blowing it too much.

"Hell, Erza, you look like hell," She whispered, running a hand through her messy red locks. She was still in my pajamas- a sports bra and boy shorts, and from the look of it, she had lost weight.

Erza looked at her hands. Not too long ago, these hands could summon powerful swords and wreak havoc on their enemies. She looked at her body, which had not too long ago had been powerful enough to tear through enemies and summon the mightiest of armors.

What had she become? An empty shell, grieving over someone who had died two years ago.

How could she love someone who is no longer here?

I ask this question to myself everyday, and everyday, I have no answer. When it comes to love, I have no clue.

All Erza know is, the man she loved was gone, and she never had the chance to tell him. She didn't know what to regret more, not telling him how she felt, or not even trying to save him.

I am a coward.

People told her that there was nothing she could do. He wasn't allowed any visitors, and his trials were private. There was no trying to change Gran Doma's mind.

"Damnit!" she hissed, pounding her fist into my mirror. She should've just busted into the Magic Council's headquarters and demanded Jellal be released. I'm Erza Scarlet, Titania of Fairy Tail. Surely that must count for something.

She looked at her hands. One of her many tears leaked out and fell onto her right hand, glistening in the light, looking like a diamond. As she watched, it slid off her skin and fell onto the counter, bursting into a million tiny droplets.

Broken, she mused. Broken like my heart.

Broken like her.

His eyes were closed, but that didn't block out the pain in his heart.

The pain of losing the love of his life.

How he had cried when he was told that she was killed in the Tenroujima accident. How he had cried when they didn't find her body. How he had cried.

The physical torture he went through was nothing compared to the pain of his broken heart. He could endure the many beatings, food and water deprivations, interrogations, and torture techniques the Magic Council put him through.

But living with the guilt of never being able to tell Erza he loved her, that he couldn't survive.

He should've been there for her.

Maybe if he had just broken out of prison, he could've made it in time. At least, if he couldn't save her, he could die with her in his arms, one final time.

He'd do anything to see her smile one more time. To see her warm brown eyes sparkling with excitement, her red hair shining in the sun. How he loved her hair.

He sagged against his chains. They were the only thing keeping him upright, suspending his arms above his head. If not for them, he would've sagged in a pile over a year ago, when he first found out she died.

"Erza Scarlet is dead," Gran Doma said coldly. "So if you were holding back any information for her sake, you can tell me now, because she's gone. So spill it."

She's dead? Jellal thought blankly, his body going numb. My Erza is dead?

He almost couldn't believe it, denied it even. How could she, the one and only Titania, the most powerful female mage in Fiore, be dead?

But as Gran Doma spoke, the more the news sunk in. The attack of Tenroujima by Grimoire Heart, The fall of the Tenrou tree, the appearance of Acnologia, the disappearances of Fairy Tail after the dragon's devastating attack. It all hit home.

The tears dripped down his cheeks, and he shook his head, messing up his long blue locks that were dirty with grime, sweat and blood. He could feel the split in his lip, as well as the large lump on his forehead.

He wanted to die. If it meant seeing her again, then by all means, why not? If he got to see her again, it would ease the pain eating away at his broken heart.

He'd be able to tell her he loved her.

A/N: Just a heads up, in this case, Erza and the others never actually were "killed" in the incident at Tenrou. My imagination took control and went wild. You'll see why. I'll clear up any confusion for you in the upcoming chapters.

I'm thinking about updating A Twist of Fate tomorrow, and The Demon War on Wednesday or Thursday. Either way, I will update!

That new manga chapter. Can some please tell me how to respond to that? Like, should I cry in happiness, cheer for everyone, yell in anger from the cliffhanger, or what? I am so torn right now, I just- gahh! Honestly, I really don't know how to react. There were just waaaay too many feels for this poor fangirl to handle. Let me just melt into a puddle on the floor.

Ok, that's it for my little ramble. I think I've said enough.

See ya soon!


AN (12-1-15): Updates will not be frequent due to my busy schedule. Just advising you that changes will be slow in coming