They stayed in the bath until the water got cold, and Bellamy rubbed cocoa butter all over her body before he wrapped himself around her in their bed and they fell asleep. Clarke woke up around six am and groaned. Her body was wracked with contractions and it kept her from sleeping for more than a few minutes at a time. The bed around her felt different, warm, but cool at the same time. And, wet.

"Bell, did you spill something?" Clarke asked as she spread her hand out on the mattress.

He grunted into her hair and her hand passed over the mattress before sliding down to her legs, where the water seemed to have come from. Her eyes widened with realization and she elbowed Bellamy hard in the ribs, waking him up with a snort that was almost a shout.

"What? What? Oh god, Clarke, did you pee the bed?"

"My water broke, jackass, and…." Her voice faded as another round of contractions struck her. "Oh god. These ones aren't Braxton Hicks. Bellamy, the baby is coming!"

"What?" He rolled out of bed and stood with his hair sticking up at all angles and his eyes wild. "Oh God, no. He's not supposed to come for another two days, at least. We're supposed to be ready for this. We're supposed to…"

Clarke sighed and muttered, "Useless."

She rolled out of bed and waddled her way to the dresser. She threw Bellamy's shirt and jeans at him and pulled off her nightgown so she could pull an actual dress over her head. Bellamy was nearly hyperventilating and, even though she knew that Jasper would be hurt, she called Octavia first on Bellamy's phone.

"Whatcha need?" Octavia's voice was sleepy when she answered the phone and Clarke could hear Lincoln snoring on the other end.

"Calm your damn brother down. I'm going into labor and I need him to be able to drive. I'm going to call Jas and Charlotte."

"Oh my god!" Octavia's squeal was lost as the phone arced across the room to land on the bed next to where Bellamy was standing with his head lost in his shirt.

"Talk to your sister," Clarke ordered, even as she picked up her own phone and dialed Jasper.

"What's up, Mom? Everything alright?" Jasper was surprisingly awake.

"Everything alright, Jas? You're not usually up this early. Did you even go to sleep last night?"

"Got up early to study with Monty and Miller. Got organic chem final in an hour. It's the last one and then I'm homeward bound. Well, as soon as I pick up Octavia."

"You'll do great, kiddo." Clarke gritted her teeth against another wave of contractions. "Don't worry about this, but I'm going into labor. Don't rush through your exam or anything. Babies can take a really long time to be born, so I want you to be safe, alright?"

"Oh my god!" Monty and Miller's voices sounded in the background, asking what was going on.

"Don't freak out. Go to your exam. Do awesome, be awesome, and I'll see you when you can safely drive home. Tell Monty and Miller that I love them. I'm going to call your sister. The one that hasn't been born yet."

"I'll see you in ten hours, Mom! By the way, I'm only going to have one sister still because Augustus Jacob Blake is going to be born soon!"

"Stop siding with your dad! I love you."

"Love you too!"

Clarke hung up and called Charlotte, who started weeping immediately and had to be consoled before she could coherently agree to be the phone tree person and call all of the other previous ARC kids, Abby, and anybody else who wanted to be present for the birth. By the time she was finished, Bellamy was nodding frantically as he finished talking to Octavia. Clarke asked, "You good?"

"The hospital bag and the diaper bag are in the car. I'll call the hospital and let them know that we're on the way. Do you need anything? How are you feeling?"

"The contractions hurt, but I would kill for some Arbys right now," Clarke answered honestly. "Can we get that before we go to the hospital? I think it will take a while for Cleo or Augie or whatever this baby decides to be to make an appearance."

Bellamy walked around the bed silently until he was standing in front of her. He put his hands on her shoulders and drew her in for a hard, long kiss. When he pulled away, he informed her solemnly, "I love you so fucking much."

"I love you too," Clarke replied. "Seriously though, Bell. Can we get Arby's before we go to the hospital?"

"If you wanted moon cheese, we'd find a fucking way to get it. Let's go get in the car, and get roast beef sandwiches, and then let's go have our kid!" Bellamy kissed her again and they headed towards out of the room.


"Is the baby…."

"Shhh." Bellamy turned to press his finger to his lips and halted Charlotte, Octavia, and Jasper in the doorway. Clarke was sleeping, her stomach still swollen.

"There's no baby and it's been ten hours!?" Octavia hissed.

"Is everything alright? Shouldn't she be awake, screaming in pain or something?"

"Epidural," Bellamy replied. "It knocked her out. She's stuck at nine centimeters. She's only at the eleven hour mark."

"Only?" Charlotte repeated.

"They're going to give her a C section if she doesn't dilate soon. They say he's alright, but they can't push the labor any further," Bellamy said in hushed tones. "Come on in."

They filtered into the room and took their seats. They created a chain of chairs and all held hands. Octavia tried to soothe Bellamy, but he sat solemnly and stared at Clarke until she groaned and opened her eyes. As soon as her eyes were open, Bellamy broke the chain, leapt up, and grabbed her hand.

"Hey, any pain? How are you feeling? You look great. You're beautiful," Bellamy cooed.

"You're such a suck up," she chuckled. "The epidural was good. It was a good decision. Do we have a baby yet?"

"No baby yet," Bellamy replied, soothing a hand over her cheek.

"He is taking forever to get here," she groaned.

"So you do think it's an Augie," Bellamy teased.

"I think he or she or they or it needs to appear," Clarke groaned. "Are the rest of our kids here? I want to see Jasper and Octavia and Charlie and I want to hold their hands."

"They're right here." Bellamy nodded and the kids joined him around the bed. "I'm going to go get the nurse. I'll be right back."

He leaned forward and kissed her. Jasper took his place and Charlotte moved around to the other side of the bed so they could both hold one of her hands. Octavia sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at her. Clarke grinned up at them and said loopily, "You know, this hurts. This hurts so much, but I would have done it for you two. I would have gone through this if it meant I got to have you guys myself."

"We know, Mom," Jasper assured her.

"And, Octavia," Clarke said suddenly, "I would have given the world to make yours better!"

"I know, Clarke. We all know. You're the best person ever. Bellamy's getting the nurse now, and she's going to come in here, and I bet that you're ready to get Augie out."

"Everybody is on Bellamy's side," Clarke sighed.

"Sorry, Clarke," Charlotte spoke up. She was trying to keep quiet to keep tears bitten back.

"It's okay. I think he's Augie as well. But I can't tell Bellamy that, because he'll never let it go. I love that idiot."

"We know. And he loves you."

"And he brought the nurse," Bellamy announced from the doorway.

Everybody looked away while the nurse checked on Clarke and then announced, "She's ten centimeters! It's time to start pushing!"

The kids were pushed out of the room and Bellamy took his place by Clarke's side. Thirty minutes later, Charlotte asked, "Should she be screaming like that with epidural?"

"You still feel something called the Ring of Fire." Jasper was scrolling through the google on his phone. "Oh, god. It sounds awful. It's terrible. Why didn't Clarke and Bell just adopt for the rest of their lives? There are enough underprivileged teenagers out there."

"Augie was a surprise, remember?" Octavia replied. She had bitten her nails down to stubs. The three of them were posted in the hallway, where they weren't supposed to be but every nurse was wise enough not to send them away from. It was their duty to text the people in the lobby updates every ten minutes. The people in the lobby consisted of Miller, Monty, Raven, Abby, Kane, Wick (Bellamy's friend from work), Monroe, Dax, and Harper on Skype, Miller and Monroe's parents, Monty's Mom, Nyko, Anya (the counselor Clarke hired), and Echo, Glass, Luke, Gus, and Skyler(the new ARC students).

Two hours later, Augustus Jacob Blake was pushed into the world. The nurse rested him on Clarke's chest and she reached out blindly for Bellamy's hand, unable to take her eyes off the beautiful dark skinned baby boy resting on her breast. Bellamy took her hand and let her pull him onto the hospital bed. She said softly, her voice reverent, "Look at him. My eyes, and your skin, and, oh, he has your freckles. God, he has your freckles. He's perfect."

"Yeah, he is." Bellamy choked on his tears. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. We'll introduce him to the rest of his family once he gets some Mommy and Daddy time."

Bellamy wrapped his arm around her shoulders and hugged her tight to him. With his other hand, he reached out and pressed his finger into Augie's palm. Augustus Blake's tiny fingers wrapped around Bellamy's index finger and his other hand tightened against his Mom. Clarke informed him, "He recognizes his daddy's voice."

With that, Bellamy lost it and buried his face in her hair so he could cry. Life wasn't perfect. Clarke and Bellamy saw the worst of it when they brought in a teenager who stole to survive, or couldn't communicate enough to tell the school that their panic attacks were caused by sexual trauma, or when Octavia still called Bellamy in the middle of the night, her breath caught in her lungs. But, they made it work together.