There was an odd jingling sound close to Jack's head and normally he would have been curious and listen. Today though, wasn't a good day for him. Growling he swatted at the source, eyes still shut and sighed when he heard one loud ring and clang as the thing hit the wall of the cave. He wondered briefly if the stupid thing was dead until he heard soft jingles again and growled low. He heard the thing stop and could picture the small creature freezing, before the rush of jingling sounds told him it was probably running away.

Jack curled in a little more, trying to go back to sleep but something was bugging him... oh. Oh pineneedles. That thing could have been a stray mini elf. If it had been the bigger sort it would have tried attacking him immediately. No it was a mini elf. So it was either a group of the noisy things were nearby... or they had a guardian with them. The teen scrambled up, bringing snow up as he ran for the cave's entrance and flew off. Great. What a perfect way to start the morning. He really liked that cave, one of the best he'd holed up in. He just had to attack what had the chance of being a much older and stronger male's little minion. He hated everything.

The teen froze in midair, hearing something very large roar, the sound echoing throughout the mountain range. He swore and dove from the ground, using small movements in case anything looking for him from above wouldn't find him so easily. He walked into the denser parts of the forest and started relaxing. Hearing some leaves rustle, he stopped, letting his senses reach out. He could practically see the heat radiating off the nearby animals. He shrugged, flying and landing on a tree's branches and waiting for an elk to pass by underneath him before he struck it with a surge of ice, freezing its heart and killing it. Climbing down it didn't take long before he was tearing into it.

Jack had taken a good chunk of it when he heard something, a low growl. Oh, pine needles. He leapt back and the elk he'd been feasting on exploded into smithereens. Turning he saw the giant standing a few metres away, panting like a mad bull. The older roared and Jack made a small squeak before darting into the air, realizing his mistake way too late.

Another strike of lightning flashed past him. He should have stayed in the trees! He dived and spun, trying to dodge the shots. He was doing fine and got below the treeline but was shot at the last second, making him spin out of control. Landing heavily he heaved himself up, shaking his head to face the gigantic growling beast. He stayed low before darting around his opponent but didn't foresee something coming straight at him. It was so heavy it knocked him clear off his feet. Trying to get up, he failed and plopped back down, panting. He could see the blade-like protrusions on the tail and silently thanked the gods he hadn't been hit by those. He gave a last squeal as the beast clamped down on his neck and wing with a paw each and he roared, blasting ice and wiggling about. The paw shifted, making his weakened ice blast hit the trees nearby. He heard a grunt before was knocked out cold, tail lashing weakly at his opponent.

A/N: Hello all, yes, some idea I got... I turned everyone into a kind of mystical being. It's kinda easy to figure out I suppose. I realize this is pretty short so... yea.

So this is what I decided to do. Imma scatter these arcs so there'll most likely be this and the Five nights going at the same time, whatever I can write first I suppose. Should I just post a chap every week or somethin? Im not good with keeping up with a schedule but I have this arc's chapters prepared.

Yipdee do, yipdee dee time to write my minecraft fi~

I think I'm drunk.

Shaman :Of course you were mentioned. Reviews power this thing!

Rubix and rabbits signing out!