Authors note:

Hey all, it's been quite a while, hasn't it? Well after all the feedback and pestering over on FIM Fiction - where this story has picked up a surprising amount of interest - I figured it was about high time I got round to actually updating. Which, given that I haven't taken a break from my main Ratchet and Clank story until recently, has proven to be exceptionally difficult. But now that I've got a little time before getting started on last act once more, I give you a… fairly decent-sized chapter to tide things over before getting cracking on Whole Again once more. Something that's proven to be a headache in order to type up, and took way longer than it should, but hopefully enough to convince you that this story isn't dead just yet. Hope you enjoy.


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, associated characters, organisations, and intellectual properties belong to Hasbro. All other real world organisations and products belong to their respective governments, companies, etc. Original characters, creatures, weapons, etc. belong to me.


Flashbacks and inflections on words


First Steps

"So, Midnight, what do you think of Ponyville so far?"

'What indeed,' Midnight wondered to herself while taking in the strange yet familiar sights around them as they continued to walk down the expansive, compacted dirt road. Pausing only to allow a small single pony cart do pass by before crossing the street and turning the corner towards their intended destination.

Having spent almost the entirety of her time either shrouded in the darkness of night, or the strange mage lights that seemed prevalent within the 'hospital' as Nurse Redheart had called it, Midnight was almost blinded by her first exposure to blessed sunlight in what felt years. The sheer brightness assaulting her senses and leaving black spots dancing in front of muddy amber eyes as she squinted in an effort to regain her vision; almost causing her to overbalance in the process, much to Twilight's alarm. But after the initial discomfort had passed and she was finally able to see clearly once again, Midnight couldn't help but feel a slight sense of wonder as she took in her first true glimpse at this new land which was to be her new home.

The sky was a beautifully vibrant shade of blue, and far cleaner than any she could ever recall having seen before in her entire life. Feather-winged ponies soaring above with the grace of hunting birds as they went about their daily lives, with some appearing to be lounging upon what few clouds as if it were a bed of hay, while others still physically moved them by touch as if were nothing. Below which lay a bustling town much like those she had occasionally passed through on marches during the campaign in Northern France; albeit one where the compacted dirt streets were thronged with a veritable rainbow of multicoloured equines, and all without a single human in sight.

Unlike those sullen, wood and thatch villages however, the buildings here were much more sturdier and cheerful looking. Each brightly coloured and decorated while appropriately scaled to the comparatively small residents, many of whom had begun to stop and stare at her in small groups for some unfathomable reason. Shops, homes, and various places of work essential to the town's continued existence spreading upwards and outwards among the surrounding low hills on a scale Midnight had never seen before, much like the petals of a flower. Yet ordered in such a way that there was more or less a straight road from one end of town to another, almost resembling the spokes of a cart's wheel were one to view it from above.

Not to mention the fact that everything just seemed so clean and vibrant, despite the town boasting such a significant population from what she had seen so far. Bright and cheerful floral displays neatly interspersed with greenery between homes, and sometimes cascading down from boxes placed beneath windows. While small, decorative trees were placed at regular intervals along what she believed to be the outer edges of town, neatly weaving between brightly coloured banners before giving way to a trio of stone humpback bridges that crossed over a gently flowing stream. Even the dirt road beneath her hooves was pleasantly clean somehow; soft to the touch yet unyielding in a way that Midnight could not truly grasp.

Perhaps most unusual and bewildering of all however was the distinct lack of humanity in a settlement that so heavily resembled those built by their hands. Since the day she was born, humans had simply been a fact of life; their numbers without measure and mastery over all they surveyed unchallenged. It was they that had tamed the lands they called home and ensured no predator could match them; eventually ruling over every creature great and small, and eventually giving purpose to her own kind. Extending their protection against the elements and those that would seek to prey upon the great herds in exchange for lending their aid in service, both as beasts of burden and instruments of war.

Or so the legends foretold; passed down as they were from mother to foal for countless generations, including her own. And given all that Midnight had already borne witness to during her first life, whether on the farm or the battlefield, she was inclined to believe them. For while it was true that Lord Death had previously informed her that this new world was mostly populated by equines like herself, it wasn't until now that Midnight could truly appreciate what that actually meant. No longer was there a master to protect and carry into the fires of war; nor squires and stablehands tending to her needs between battles, or even an obligation to work the land as she had done so since birth. Without humanity and a nation to serve... what then was her purpose in this new life?

"It is... certainly different from that which I had expected," Midnight hesitantly answered after long moments of contemplation. "Familiar in some ways, yet foreign in so many others. I am... unsure as to whether I might belong in such a place, Lady Sparkle."

"Believe me, I know how that feels," Twilight replied with a sympathetic look in her eyes. A faint smile tugging at her muzzle as she looked up at the towering mare walking beside her. "It was kind of the same for me when I first got here, being some stranger from out of town. But the ponies here went out of their way to make me feel welcome, and given a little time, I'm sure they'll warm up to you soon enough. Especially if Pinkie's got anything to say about it."

Midnight nodded gracefully in acceptance, although the contemplative expression upon her face said otherwise. "As you say, my La-"

"Midnight, please. It's... just Twilight, thanks." the purple unicorn interrupted with a fond, exasperated sigh. "I might be Princess Celestia's personal student, but I'm not all that different than anypony else."

"My apologies... Twilight," Midnight abruptly corrected herself with a faint huff and furrowed brow, "I shall endeavour to remember that. Though I know not why a noble of such high birth does not wish to be addressed by their title."

Somehow, Twilight got the distinct impression that this was one habit the imposing mare was going to have a hard time breaking any time soon. But given her own experiences in Ponyville over the past few weeks or so and the somewhat quirky nature of its residents, she had a feeling that Midnight was going to fit in just fine. It was just a case of easing her into everyday life here, and showing

Midnight just why the unicorn had come to embrace this quaint and idyllic little town as her own.

Possessing a certain unique and rustic charm, Ponyville was somewhat typical of countless other settler towns which began to spring up during the fifth great expansion period some eighty-nine years ago. With ponies from all walks of life embracing the same pioneer spirit which had driven their ancestors and seeking out new lands to settle for future generations at the crown's decree. But while great numbers opted to head further out west and tame the wild wastelands there, others opted to stick closer to more civilised areas, or otherwise carve out their own niche in more... unusual territory.

Foremost of which had been the then untouched soil bordering upon the near mythical forest which had grown up around Equestria's long abandoned former capital; the Everfree. Despite the risks involved and perpetual threat of attack from the multitude of predators which called it home, a small family of earth ponies - the Smiths - laid claim to a small strip of land and built a farming homestead there. Their discovery and eventually successful harvest of the incredibly rare 'zap apple' leading to a demand for the jam made from its essence. Which in turn led to a the introduction of a permanent store to market it by one Stinkin' Rich, and ultimately attracted enough commercial interest for ponies to found what would eventually become Ponyville.

To Twilight, it was a fascinating piece of local history, and a shining example of how ponies could not only overcome adversity, but ultimately flourish in spite of their hardships. A lesson that she had taken to heart in the days following the Nightmare Moon incident while settling down into her new role as town librarian; researching everything she could about Ponyville in the hopes of further integrating herself into the community. Local traditions, important ponies, and the facets of everyday small town life; Twilight wanted to learn it all. Partially because of her beloved mentor's royal decree on studying friendship, but also due to the fact that Twilight had honestly felt a little out of her depth upon realising just how different things actually were outside of Canterlot.

For a city mare who had spent much of the past decade in various libraries and surrounded by books, the sudden transition from crowded capital to strange country town had come as something of a culture shock upon her initial arrival. Especially when considering some of the more bizarre things its denizens seemed to get up to, let alone the particular brand of maniacal energy that was Pinkie Pie.

But while she had been able to bury any misgivings at the time in favour of fulfilling the task entrusted to her by Princess Celestia herself, and the subsequent race to stop Nightmare Moon, those feelings would slowly begin to re-emerge in the days that followed. The unicorn's own niggling doubts and inexperience with any lasting social interactions only serving to reinforce her perception of being an outsider looking in, rather than as part of a tight knit community where virtually everypony knew each other by name.

With time and the help of five special mares whom she had come to think of as her closest friends however, Twilight's perception of herself had gradually begun to change for the better. The other Element bearer's never ceasing in their efforts to make her feel welcome as a resident of Ponyville and part of the community, along with the rest of the town's oftentimes colourful residents as well. The following two weeks vastly improving her outlook on life, and ensuring that no matter how crazy things got with the statistically improbable events that seemed to be an everyday occurrence in Ponyville, she was never without a friendly face by her side or ear to confide in.

It was for this reason that Twilight had felt a kinship of sorts with the self proclaimed 'horse' known as Midnight; both being outsiders of sorts in their own ways and finding themselves living in a strange new place surrounded by unfamiliar ponies. But while Twilight could simply return to Canterlot via train at any time she wished, and could easily see her old home city from Ponyville on a clear day, Midnight had no such advantage going for her. The much larger mare finding herself in a strange and foreign land, so far removed from all she knew and loved that it just as well be another world altogether, and with no obvious way back seeing as Twilight couldn't even find her an 'England' on any map or atlas she could find in the library's achieves

In fact, Twilight still couldn't find so much as a single scrap of information about 'humans' or the nation Midnight called home; both in the local library and Canterlot achieves, along with numerous sources from elsewhere. Which only served to raise more questions as to the unusually large mare's origins, and just how she had ended up in the Everfree on that fateful night. Answers to which she hoped to obtain in the coming days once Midnight had a chance to recover from her terrible injuries, along with any latent emotional trauma.

For while Midnight hadn't expressed much in the way of concern after having woken up, other than her odd wariness of magic, or said anything to the contrary while on their way out of the hospital, Twilight wasn't about to assume anything just yet. After all, it had only taken one particularly stubborn episode with Applejack to show just how bad things can get when they are bottled up without release, and Twilight had a feeling that any such issues with Midnight would be a whole lot worse. Least of all because of her penchant towards violence against anything perceived as a threat, and an honestly disturbing willingness to lay down her own life with little to no hesitation in order to ensure victory.

It was small surprise then that once the princesses had requested Midnight be released into her care upon being discharged from Ponyville General, Twilight had jumped at the chance. To put into practice all she had learned so far about the magic of friendship so far, and ensuring that Midnight experienced the same welcoming atmosphere and hospitality that had defined her own time in Ponyville. Her friends all agreeing in their own ways to help her settle in, much like they had done so for Twilight herself, though in small doses so as to not overwhelm the poor mare with the likes of a surprise Pinkie party. Starting with a brief tour of the town while taking a steady stroll back towards the library that Twilight now called home, while hopefully getting to know her better along the way.

The overall idea being to give both Midnight and the residents of Ponyville a chance to become accustomed to one another, and perhaps encourage a few conversations here and there to help break the proverbial ice. Something that was proving to be a lot more difficult than expected when taking into account the way small town rumours spread so quickly, and the way they so easily influenced a pony's perception of events. A small frown working its way on to Twilight's face as one group of ponies after another elected to stay well clear of Midnight's path as they passed by; watching from afar with wide-eyed stares and hushed whispering that wasn't nearly as discreet as they thought.

Although she wasn't sure if that was better or worse than that one strange unicorn mare with the lime green coat who Twilight could swear was constantly following them everywhere. Lyra... something-or-other, wasn't it? Well, just so long as she kept her weird conspiracy theories on 'secret sea pony cabals that covertly ran the government' to herself, and maintained a sufficient distance so as not to provoke the recovering warhorse beside her, Twilight could tolerate their probable stalker for now. Especially since she suspected Midnight was already well aware of the other unicorn's presence, and was merely waiting for an excuse retaliate against any perceived attack if her constantly twitching ears were anything to go by.

Aside from that however, no amount of undue attention seemed to phase Midnight in the least if her otherwise stoic and somewhat regal appearance was anything to go by. Or at least if it did, she certainly wasn't showing it; the dark coated mare simply continuing to walk alongside her with a casual gait and head held high. Almost seeming to wear her horrific litany of deep scars and bandaged wounds with a sense of pride, much like some of the warrior griffon clans Twilight recalled reading about from ancient history tomes in the Royal achieves. The sheer amount and variety making her wonder not for the first time just what exactly the mysterious warrior mare had gone through before meeting their small herd on that fateful night.

Still, on the plus side, at least she could cross 'self conscious' off of the list of issues to deal with when it came to her new charge. Although on the opposite end of the spectrum, that also meant Midnight had few inhibitions when it came to satisfying her own curiosity. Case in point being the rather intensive stare she had been levelling at Roseluck's posterior while passing each other by on the opposite side of the street, which led to the mare in question speeding up out of flustered embarrassment, and much furious whispering from gossiping bystanders. Along with an awkward, abridged explanation as to the theorised origins and purposes of cutie marks on Twilight's part, which Midnight found to be as perplexing as it was fascinating.

"These... 'cutie marks' are a form of heraldry then? A way to profess one's strengths so that they might be seen by all, and their role in thy society?"

"Not... Exactly..." Twilight hesitantly replied while searching for an adequate means to describe the magical phenomenon in such a way that Midnight might understand. "It's more like a physical manifestation of a pony's innermost special talent; a representation of that which defines them as an individual and sets them apart from everypony else. But that doesn't necessarily mean a cutie mark has any direct influence on a pony's career choice, or should be interpreted literally in most cases. Take mine for example."

"They appear to be stars, but not those of any heavenly body which I have seen afore." Midnight mused with a furrowed brow. Having taken the opportunity to examine the imagery on Twilight's flanks once again with the same intensive focus she applied to the most crucial of battlefield actions. "Knowing that you art both a noble and scholar, Twilight Sparkle, such markings would suggest you to be an astronomer, or mayhaps a philosopher of sorts."

"Huh... You know, that's actually a pretty good guess," Twilight replied with an appraising look, "and not too far off the mark in a way, given some of the subjects from my studies under Princess Celestia. But in this case, my cutie mark actually represents my aptitude and ability to learn magic across a wide range of fields."

Which made perfect sense in Midnight's eyes, given the sheer amount of power the noble filly had unleashed at the climax of their battle with the demonic Nightmare Moon. For while she had been in no fit state to truly appreciate the awe inspiring, and dare she say terrifying display of sorcery at the time, the foul creature had been obliterated entirely if Twilight's account were to be believed. Leaving nary a trace of its evil presence behind, and providing a potent reminder of just how powerful these ponies could be despite being but a fraction of her size.

"Speaking of which, and I hope you don't mind me asking..." Twilight trailed off hesitantly. Not quite sure how to broach such a potentially delicate subject in a way that wouldn't hurt the mare's feelings. "But I couldn't help noticing that you... um, don't... have a cutie mark yourself. Don't horses get them, or..."

Given that she had been clad in armour at the time, which had covered a vast majority of the mare's hulking mass and obscured her hindquarters entirely, nopony had any reason to suspect otherwise. The idea of a grown, adult pony not possessing a cutie mark was virtually unheard of, and while Midnight had introduced herself as a different species, or perhaps sub-species altogether, it had come as something of a surprise to the surgery team who had battled to save Midnight's life. An awkward subject which had remained un-discussed until now

If the question embarrassed Midnight then she didn't show it, simply choosing to shake her head in response. "Nay, we do not, and nor do the ponies or other equines from my homeland. We... merely perform that which we are tasked with as part of our duties, and most certainly do not 'earn' a marking for doing so."

"I'm not sure if I could imagine that, honestly," Twilight replied softly. "To go through life without ever knowing what your special talent is... Well, it's pretty much unheard of in our culture. But then again, it is kind of an exclusive thing to ponies, and Zebras from what I remember, so I guess it shouldn't be too surprising, given that most of the other species that we know about don't have an equivalent to cutie marks at all. Sorry for bringing it up."

"Think nought of it, Twilight Sparkle," Midnight countered with a warm smile." You were merely curious, as would I be in thy stead. Speaking of which, might I ask as to where we are going?"

Stopping in her tracks with a hoof firmly planted against her face, Twilight couldn't help but groan in realisation "Ugh, sorry; I knew I was forgetting something. But with all that excitement back there in the hospital, I just... kind of lost track." Quickly regaining her composure with a vented sigh, the purple unicorn turned to face Midnight with an apologetic smile. "The Princesses requested me to help take care of you for the time being once you'd gotten out of the hospital, and since you don't have anywhere to stay right now, I thought it would be best to head over to my place for now. I'd love to hear more about your home, and maybe get to know each other a little better now that we don't have to worry about Nightmare Moon anymore."

"That would be most appreciated, Twilight Sparkle," she calmly replied with more than a hint of amusement at the noble filly's flustered response. "While healed in ways I do not understand, my body grows weary from our travels and an opportunity to rest would be most appreciated. Please, by all means, lead on."

Of all the dwellings Twilight might have occupied in this peaceful and idyllic town however, Midnight had not expected it to be carved into a positively gigantic oak tree. One that was situated within the town's midst, large enough to dwarf a small fort in its own right, and adorned with tinted glass windows on numerous levels that blended in as if it were simply grown in such a way. While several thicker branches were repurposed as extensions of the interior itself, including an expansive balcony on the third floor, and capacious amounts of lichen acting as a form of thatch roofing over choice sections in a manner that was rather pleasing to the eye. Truly it appeared for all the world as if it were home to the fae folk of legend, and yet Twilight Sparkle claimed to live here herself?

"I give you the Golden Oak library," Twilight gestured grandly with a slight smirk at the much larger mare's awe struck expression. Never ceasing their steady pace as they casually approached the front door. "My home, research lab, and place of work here in Ponyville. And yours too, for as long as you need it."

"By Epona's grace..." Midnight breathed after shaking off her stunned stupor. "You live inside such a majestic tree... How can this be?"

"A lot of good planning and carefully crafted magical engrams, probably fuelled by natural thaumic energy pulled up from the roots, if I had to guess," Twilight replied sagely. Forgetting her audience momentarily in favour of puzzling out the question aloud. "Otherwise the tree would have died off a long time ago without a constant supply of magic to keep it healthy, and according to the town records, the current library had been standing here for a good thirty years at least. But if that's the case, then..."

She shook her head to dislodge that train of thought. Guest now, magical mystery later; especially since they were practically at her front door by now. "Maybe later. Come on, let's get inside. I'll have Spike message the other girls and see if they're available to come around. I know Rarity was practically dying to get your advice on some new fashion trend she's working on."

"Spike?" the larger mare queried with a frown. "Who is this... 'Spike' to which you refer?"

Twilight's eyes lit up in realisation before rolling good-naturedly. "Oh, right! He was still tired out and sleeping in Ponyville by the time we met you, so of course you wouldn't have met him." Clearing her throat, she began again while reaching out towards the door handle with a touch of telekinesis and giving it a twist. "Spike's a dragon and my number one assistant, along with being kind of like a little brother to me. You know, he's been bugging me to come and meet you for the last few weeks after hearing about what happened with Nightmare Moon, but I told him to...

The purple unicorn trailed off upon realising that not only was she alone upon the threshold to her home, but that she could also no longer hear the distinctive heavy hoof steps of her much larger companion. A brief glimpse over her withers revealing the exact reason as she blinked with bewilderment at Midnight's rigid, frozen form. Her limbs stiff and quaking; eyes wide and dilated in pure terror as her voice hissed out in a hoarse, horrified whisper. "A... dragon... Lady Sparkle, do you mean to say… that there is a dragon dwelling inside thy home?"

"Um, yes..." Twilight drew out with a bewildered look at normally stoic mare's sudden and complete reversal of character. "I did just kind of say that-"

"ART THOU MAD, CHILD?!" Midnight bellowed with outraged disbelief. The booming echo loud enough to rattle nearby window panes, along with drawing half the town's attention in the process. "WHY WOULD'ST THOU KEEP SUCH A DANGEROUS BEAST, LET ALONE ONE THAT WOULD TAKE NO GREATER JOY THAN TO BURN ALL WHO WOULD DARE TO STAND AGAINST IT TO CINDERS BEFORE FEASTING UPON THEIR REMAINS?!"

Despite feeling flustered at all the renewed attention they were inevitably drawing from everypony nearby, and the sheer volume of noise which left her ears pressed firmly back against her skull, Twilight quickly sought to placate her charge with as much authority as she could project. Knowing all too well Midnight's disposition towards violence when faced with a perceived threat, and hoping against hope that the same sense of respect and subservience towards 'nobility' that she had exhibited thus far would see her listen to reason. "Midnight, please, Spike isn't like that! He's one of the kindest, most caring and loyal beings you'll ever meet. I practically raised him myself since the day he hatched and he's been by my side ever since, no matter what. We're practically inseparable!"

"But Lady Sparkle-"

"Midnight, no," she interrupted with a raised hoof and firm, unyielding gaze. "I know you find it hard, but I need you to trust me when I say that Spike is perfectly safe and no more danger to anypony or anything than you are. Just give him a chance, please. That's all I'm asking."

"I..." Midnight began, only to trail off at the determined look on Twilight's face. Several long moments passing along with a flurry of emotions, finally responding with her head bowed in submission and a dejected sigh. "I... apologise for my behaviour... Twilight. You have already proven thyself to be most formidable in the art of sorcery during our battle against the night demon, and more than worthy of my trust. Far be it for me to doubt thine abilities or state of mind, when I so foolishly allow such fears to overcome mine own."

It was honestly a bitter pill to swallow, and a part of her mind raged at the foolishness of this naive filly; sharing her living quarters with such a monstrous creature of death and destruction that could so easily slaughter the entirety of Ponyville with nary a thought. But the rest of Midnight couldn't help but feel a sense of strength in young Twilight's conviction, and perhaps more than a little awe at what the mage had achieved if her words rang true. To not only subdue and tame a ferocious beast of legend, but ensure its lifelong loyalty and servitude? That one so small could hold such untold power... Truly Lady Sparkle must be one of the greatest practitioners of magic in this strange new land, for who else could accomplish such a feat?

"Hey, it's okay Midnight, we all make mistakes sometimes," the much smaller mare reassured with a hoof placed gently upon her lower right foreleg. Which happened to be about as far as Twilight could physically reach given Midnight's overwhelming size. "I know you're just trying to protect me, and I appreciate that, but it's really not necessary. Like I said before, Spike's perfectly safe, and he's really been looking forward to meeting you. Just give him a chance, and who knows? Maybe you'll make a new friend."

It took a moment for Midnight to compose herself, but once she had it was a mask of fiery determination that adorned her face. Her response perhaps unknowingly echoing that which she had first given upon exiting the hospital, much to Twilight's amusement "Very well then, Twilight Sparkle. Please, lead on."

And so Midnight followed the purple unicorn mage into her fantastical home, carved as it was from the bowels of a great oak, and deep into the dragon's lair. Apprehensive but curious to see what mighty beast Twilight Sparkle had claimed for her own service, and to see if it truly lived up to the legend.

If only she knew…

Still not really all that happy with this chapter; it feels like there's something missing that I can't quite put my finger on, and the flow isn't coming naturally to me after a solid year or so away. I'll probably end up having to go back through and rewrite it at some point, and make a proper story plan for where to proceed from here. But if anyone can give suggestions for either issue in the meantime then I'd truly appreciate it. Thanks again, and hopefully I'll be back sooner than not once Whole Again is finally finished for good. See you then!

Review Replies:

lovemangaofallkinds13 - Quite possibly, or at least to a degree. Midnight now has at least some inclination that the Mane Six and other ponies of similar stature aren't children despite being so much smaller than herself, it still doesn't stop her from thinking of them as such. The irony being that she's actually a damn sight younger than them, which should raise some interesting questions down the line…

kirstyhough - Oddly enough, there just don't seem to be that many for some reason… Still, guess that means I've got something to aim towards, and of course another reason to keep this story going once I've got a chance to do so again.

Pokemon Rumble Tumble - You're welcome! As for your question; hell yes. Believe me, I've got something suitably action packed in store for when the wedding arc finally comes around which I'm sure won't disappoint.

Ultimate Warrior of Zera - Thanks! He's mostly based off a mixture of Death's Discworld and Medevil Resurrection incarnations; along with a healthy dose of my own weird brand of humour and numerous random bits in-between. Unfortunately I've never actually read the comics, so I wouldn't know. But given what I've heard about them, perhaps I should start tracking some down at some point.

Koal - Thank you, for both your compliments and understanding. Hopefully, once my main story is finally finished, I can get back to this one and give it the attention that it deserves.

randomguestkitty - You know, when you suggested that I repost this story on FIM Fiction, not for one minute did I think that Warhorse would make the kind of impact that it did. The sheer amount of interest and clamouring for new chapters is just unreal, and while harsh at times, the community has been overwhelmingly positive and extremely helpful in pointing out ways to improve the story significantly. So thank you kitty, for what turned out to be a damn good piece of advice, and for continuing to support this story in spite of the long periods between updates. Here's hoping I'll be able to start posting regularly again sooner than not, and that the content will continue to live up to your expectations.

Avro 683 Lancaster - And so I shall; although not for long I'm afraid, given that I need to finish off my main Ratchet and Clank story first. Not to worry though, I'll be back to cranking out chapters before you know it.

Until next time, please review and check out my other stories once they're posted and/or updated.

Thanks for reading

- RevenantReaper337