Chapter 1: Hi

Olivia sits on the side of her bed looking around her bedroom. She takes a deep breath before she stands up.

"I'm doing the right thing," she says out loud to herself.

She turns and mindlessly straightens out the wrinkles in the comforter. She knows Edison will be furious if the bed, hell if the entire house, isn't showroom perfect all the time. She crosses the room to the dresser and opens her jewelry case. She removes three items from it: her mother's wedding band, her grandmother's cameo and a pair of medium size gold hoop earrings. She removes her own wedding rings and the two carat diamond studs she always wears and places them in the case before closing it soundly. She quickly puts the hoops in her ears and puts the ring and cameo in her small satin bag that she puts in her purse.

She takes inventory of the items that are lined up on the dresser, her debit and credit cards, her house and car keys, cell phone and the household checkbook. Everything that ties her to Edison lays neatly on the dresser. Her heart is beating a mile a minute. She can't believe she is actually doing it. She is going to leave. She is going to leave Edison! A tiny part of her tells her that she has time to unpack and put everything back in place before he comes home from work, but there is another part of her that screams RUN!

Without a second thought, she leaves the bedroom and walks downstairs to the front door where her bags sit. She looks out the window just as the intercom beeps from the front gate. She presses the open button on the intercom and watches anxiously as the cab comes slowly up the hill and pulls around the circular driveway. Without a second glance back, she opens the front door and wheels her two suitcases out the door. She engages the alarm and turns the tab lock on the doorknob before pulling the door closed behind her. It sounds like the door of a tomb closing. In essence it has been her tomb for the last ten years. But now, she is resurrected and moving on from this life to another.

The cab driver comes up to help her with her bags and once she is settled in the back seat he asks, "Where to?"

At this point she realizes she had idea on where she wants to go, just that she had to leave. She thinks for a moment, just staring at the driver.

"Miss, where to?" he asks again.

"To the airport," she finally answers.

As the car drives away from the house, Olivia feels no sense of loss or regret. She feels sad and lonely, but she is used to those feelings. As they make their way out of the affluent neighborhood, Olivia closes her eyes and silently prays she can make it on her own. Anything is better than the life she has been living.


Olivia didn't realize she had fallen asleep until she hears the driver's voice calling to her.

"Miss, what airline?"

She doesn't have a ticket on any airline at this point. She just wants the first thing out of the city.

"Delta, please," she says figuring they would have the most flights given this was their hub city.

As they pull up to the curb, she digs in the purse and removes $100 bill from one of the bank envelopes in her purse. She hands it to the driver, telling him to keep the change. She wheels her bags into the airport and goes to the ticket counter.

"Good afternoon, checking in?" the counter agent asks.

"Actually, I need a seat on the next plane out of here."

The agent's eyes widen a bit and then she regains her composure. She looks down at her screen and begins clicking away at the keyboard.

"Well ma'am, given the time it takes to clear security and reach the departures gates, the earliest flight I can get you on is to Los Angeles at 4:00pm. Unfortunately, we only have first class seats left."

"That's fine. Please book it," she says.

"What return date would you like?"

"I just need a one-way ticket please."

The agent looks at her strangely and says, "That will be $1253.86."

Olivia retrieves $1300 in cash from her purse and hands it to the agent. The agent takes the money and prints off the ticket and luggage tag for her checked bag.

Handing Olivia her ticket folder and change the agent says, "Enjoy your flight ma'am." The agent gives Olivia's hand brief squeeze before releasing her.

"Thank you," she says before turning and walking away.

It takes forty-five minutes to clear security and make it to the departure gate. Since it is only 2:45, Olivia makes a trip to the gift shop to look for a book to read on the plane. After making a couple of selections and picking up a pack of mints she leaves the gift shop and finds herself sitting at one of the airport bars sipping on a vodka and cranberry juice watching the other travelers walk by.

She has just finished her second drink when the gate agent begins the call for boarding. She gathers her belongings and makes her way to the gate. Handing her ticket to the gate agent she walks down the jet way to the plane. Her seat is 2A, a window seat. She puts her carry on in the overhead bin and puts her purse and gift shop bag on the floor under the seat in front of her. Settling into her seat she puts on her seat belt and retrieves one of the books from the gift shop bag. She turns to the first page and begins reading as the rest of the passengers begin boarding the plane.

Twenty minutes later, the flight attendants are making their last checks and helping everyone get settled. The lead flight attendant is just about to close the door when a man comes running down the jet way.

"Well you just made it," she says with a smile.

"Security was hell. Some idiot had a can of mace in his backpack. Held up the security line for 30 minutes," Fitz huffs as he enters the plane.

"Well you are here now," she says to the tall handsome blue-eyed man. "What seat number are you?"

"Um, 2B."

"Okay, that's right here," she points to the only open seat in first class.

"Thanks," he says as he puts his briefcase in the overhead compartment before sitting down.

As he adjusts his seatbelt, he glances over at the passenger sitting next to him. She has a book open across her lap, but her eyes are closed. He can't help but take in her beauty. From her thick, dark hair that frames her face, to her long dark eye lashes, to her pouty lips that glisten from just a touch of lipstick. Her petite frame is obvious, because she barely fills up the seat. His eyes rest briefly upon her ample chest. He quickly looks away before his thoughts can become too heated.

He grabs a magazine out the seat pocket and begins thumbing through it as the flight attendants go through the safety drill. His seat mate is still dozing as the plane backs away from the terminal and begins its way to the runway.

He looks out the window as the plane begins taxiing down the runaway. As they begin their ascent, the woman's eyes pop open and she lets out a small gasp. Sensing her disorientation, he gently holds her hand and says gently, "It's just the plane taking off. You are okay," he says with a smile.

She turns at the sound of his voice and is greeted by the most handsome man she has ever seen. He has thick curly dark brown hair with just a hint of gray at the temples, the most beautiful set of blue eyes that are full of warmth and life and a smile that could melt your heart. She smiles shyly and pulls her hand from his.

"Thank you" she says as her eyes drop to her lap and the book she had been reading.

They sit quietly for several minutes. Each unknowingly thinking about the other. Taking side glances as each other to imprint their image in their minds. Each wondering what the other's story is. Why were they on this plane? Who was going to meet them in LA?

Soon the flight attendant approaches them to take their drink orders and to offer them a complimentary snack. Fitz orders a scotch neat and Olivia orders a vodka and cranberry. They both select the fruit and cheese sampler as a snack.

Olivia lowers her tray and places her book on it. She finds her place in the book and begins to read again. She is trying her best to take her mind off of the handsome man next to her. For some reason she feels drawn to him. She feels a sense of calm and security just sitting next to him.

"Stop it," she chastises herself in her mind. "You just left your husband and you are already drooling over some man!"

The flight attendant soon returns with their drinks and snacks. After a few sips of his drink, Fitz decides to break the ice.

He turns slightly in his chair and says, "I read that book, it was so surprised that the gardener did it."

She looks at him incredulously, "I can't believe you just told me the ending of the book. I'm only on page 15."

He chuckles, "I'm just kidding. I have never read that book. I don't even know if there is a gardener in it. I just had to say something to get you to talk to me."

"Next time, just say hi," she replies with a small smile.

She closes her book and puts in in the seat pocket in front of her. Taking another sip of her drink, she turns in her seat to face him.

"So, now that you have my attention, what do you want to talk about?" She has never felt so brazen in her life. There is something about this man that makes her feel free to be the Olivia she used to be and not the one she has become.

He looks at her and smiles broadly, a little embarrassed by his juvenile tactics to get her attention, but now that he has it, he doesn't plan to let it go.

They spend the rest of the flight talking about movies, books and music. They find that they have a lot in common. Their conversation is light and easy.

Suddenly, the plane hits a turbulent patch, Fitz reaches over and grabs Olivia's hand. Their fingers interlock and he squeezes her hand gently. As she looks into his eyes, they have an unspoken conversation. Something special is happening and neither one can vocalize what it is. They continue to hold hands the remainder of the flight.

The plane lands smoothly and taxis to the arrival gate. Once it is safe to stand, Fitz releases Olivia's hand and grabs his briefcase and her bag from the overhead compartment. He steps back in the aisle to allow her to walk out ahead of him.

"I can take my bag," she says.

"It's okay, I have it."

She walks off the plane with Fitz close behind her. Once they reach the terminal, he grabs her hand with his free one and they navigate their way through the airport to baggage claim. The only time Fitz releases her hand is when he retrieves his bags from the carousel. When Olivia's bag drops onto the conveyor belt, she quickly removes it and attaches her smaller bag to the much larger one.

After Fitz arranges his bags, he grabs Olivia's hand again and heads for the exit doors.

"There is a car waiting for me," is all he says as he leads her out the door.

A young man wearing a chauffer's uniform walks up to them.

"Good evening sir," he says to Fitz.

"Good evening Daniel. How was traffic?"

"It's LA sir, it's always bad. It should take us a little more than an hour to get home," he says as he grabs Olivia's luggage first and puts it into the trunk, followed by Fitz's luggage.

Fitz opens the back door of the car and ushers Olivia inside. He climbs in after her and shuts the door. Once again he grabs her hand and holds it gently in his own. Neither speak as Daniel pulls the car away from the curb and begins the trek home.

Olivia stares out her window watching the passing scenery. Inside her head she is asking a million questions: Am I really going home with this man? What am I thinking? Who is he? Why is he interested in me? Can this really be happening?

She turns to look at him and finds him looking directly at her. His eyes are warm and inviting and his smile eases her tension.

"Don't worry, I am not some crazed serial killer. I just want to spend more time with you. Is that okay?" he asks gently.

Astonishing even herself, Olivia nods her head yes. She is rewarded with another heart stopping smile and a gentle kiss on the back of her hand.

As Daniel predicted, it takes them just a little over an hour to reach Fitz's home. Olivia is amazed at the mansion they pull up to. Daniel pulls to a stop right by the front door. Fitz gets out and trots around the car to open Olivia's door. He leads her by the hand up to the front door. He fishes out his keys and opens the door, allowing Olivia to step in first. He walks over the security panel and puts in his alarm code.

"Daniel, just leave the bags here in the foyer. I will take them up later," Fitz says.

"Yes sir. Will you be needed me anymore this evening?"

"No, if we decide to go out, I will take one of the other cars. You can have the rest of the evening off."

"Thank you sir. You both have a pleasant evening." With a quick nod, Daniel is gone.

Olivia takes in the beauty of the two story foyer. The skylight at the top of the room allows the evening sun to bounce off the beautiful marble floors. Fitz leads her deeper into the house, down a hallway and around a corner. He takes a short staircase up to the second level. Here there is what appears to be a family room. It is outfitted with dark brown leather sofas, a gigantic flat screen television is on one wall. There is a well-stocked bar and a field stone fireplace in the room as well. One entire wall is floor to ceiling windows that overlook the infinity pool and Jacuzzi in the backyard.

Fitz continues down another hallway and up another short flight of stairs. At the end of this hallway is a set of mahogany double doors. Olivia's heart begins to race as she knows what lies behind those doors. His bedroom!

Wordlessly, he opens the doors to the master suite. The room is gigantic. The furniture, including the oversized sleigh bed, is made of dark cherry wood. The bed is made up with a sky blue comforter with a rich dark brown border, with accent pillows in both colors. Crystal lamps with champagne colored shades grace either side of the bed on matching night stands.

Though the curtains are pulled closed, Olivia knows that this room has the same floor to ceiling windows that were in the family room.

"The view from here at night must be spectacular," she comments.

"It is breathtaking," he replies as he leads her to the bench at the end of the bed.

He sits down and pulls her down onto his lap. He kisses her softly on the lips. She closes her eyes and accepts the kiss. She has never felt so comfortable and secure as she does right now. She knows in her heart of hearts that she is supposed to be here at this moment, with this man.

"How about a shower to wash off the flight?" he asks her.

"That sounds great," she replies.

"Alone or together?"

"I'm not sure," she responds honestly.

"There is no pressure. I will go in and get started. If you join me fine, if not that's okay as well."

He kisses her again before he stands up. He walks around the bed and heads to the bathroom. He leaves the door partly open in case she decides to join him.

Olivia stands in the middle of the bedroom, still in awe of her situation. The rationale part of her says: This is crazy. You can't be here with this strange man. You let him basically kidnap you off the plane. No one knows where you are. He could do anything to you! You don't even have your cell phone to call for help!

But her heart tells her to take a leap. In all her life, no one, outside of her parents, ever made her feel this cared for and safe. This stranger doesn't feel like a stranger. He feels like the part of her that has been missing for far too long. Something about his touch and the way he looks at her tells her that he is feeling the same way as well.

Without a second thought, she follows his path to the bathroom. The room is already filled with steam and the scent of his body wash. She toes off her shoes and quickly takes off her clothes. She can already feel her hair start to curl up from the moisture in the air, but she will worry about that later.

As she opens the glass shower door and steps into the oversized shower, she can't help but take in the glorious man standing before her. His back is to her, and although he is covered in soap, she greatly admires the well-defined muscles that line his back. The sight of his firm tight ass is one of pure perfection.

Sensing he is no longer alone, Fitz turns around and meets her gaze. If he didn't think she was perfect before he knows it for sure now. From her now curly locks that grace her head, to her warm open eyes that hide just a hint of sadness, to her firm perky breasts that beg to be suckled and teased.

He extends his hand to her and she steps closer to him. He pulls her into his body and leans down to kiss her. Her breath hitches not only from the sensually languid kiss they share, but the feeling of his arousal for her is unmistaken.

He breaks their kiss and takes a step back from her. Retrieving a wash cloth from the towel bar, he wets it and applies body wash to it. He slowly begins to wash her body. His touch is gentle, yet firm. He takes his time attending to her tired body, showing extra attention to her neck and shoulders. Olivia has never felt so sexy in her life. No one, not even her husband, has paid her body this much attention.

"You are so beautiful," he whispers as he maneuvers her body under the oversized shower head to rinse away the soap from her body.

He runs his hands up and down her body, removing all traces of soap. He skins feels like the finest satin money can buy. He takes a moment to run his fingers through her now wet curly hair. It feels like silk in his hands.

"Can I wash your hair?" he asks quietly. Almost reverently.

"Yes," her reply comes as a soft moan at the feel of his hands caressing her scalp.

He quickly squeezes some of his shampoo into the palm of his hand and after lathering it up in his hands, he applies it to her hair. His touch is once again gentle, yet firm. Olivia can't help but moan at the feel of his strong hands attending to her like she were a goddess.

Although she knows she will have to tend to her tresses later with her own hair care products, in this moment, she allows all of her cares and concerns to float away like the shampoo down the drain. In this shower, with this man she is feeling something that she dare not put a label to.

After a second wash and rinse of her hair, Fitz turns off the shower and opens the door. He steps out and gets three towels from the warmer next to the shower stall. He quickly towel dries his hair and wraps the towel around his waist. He takes the second towel and wraps it around her body and leads her out of the shower. He takes the third towel and dries her hair, leaving her curls as wild untamed cloud around her head.

The overwhelming desire to be connected to this man takes over. Olivia leads him by the hand out of the bathroom back into the bedroom. Feeling empowered and sexually charged, she begins removing the accent pillows and putting them on the bench at the end of the bed. She pulls back the covers and dropping her towel to the floor she slides into the cool silky sheets. She moves to the middle of the bed and pats the empty space for him to join her.

Dropping his towel to the floor, he slides into the open spot next to her. He wraps his arms around her tiny frame and looks her directly in the eyes.

"We don't have to do anything. I would be fine just holding you. There is no pressure," he assures her.

"I know and that only makes me want you even more," she replies before placing tender kisses up and down his neck.

The sexual tension between them is overpowering. There will be other times for gentle caresses and whispered promises of things to come, but now a connection is all they both want and need.

Fitz straddles her and she willing opens her legs to receive him. He reaches down with one hand and strokes himself gently before place the tip of his now harden penis at her warm wet entrance. With one last look at her for permission, which she gives with a slight nod and a warm smile, he slowly enters her.

A breathy "Ah" leaves her mouth as he begins to deliciously stretch her warm, tight walls out to encompass his well-endowed manhood. Her sounds send shivers down his spine.

He pushes deeper and deeper into her until he is finally completely inside her. He stills for a moment, his eyes closed, to keep from exploding into her tight channel. He opens his eyes when he feels her hands caressing his face. Staring down into her warm brown eyes, he sees her really for the first time. He sees her capacity to love fiercely, her kindness and gentleness. He also see her sadness and loss. Two things that he hopes he can remove from her world completely, if given a chance. He sees so much of himself in her that he knows this is the reason he is with her in this moment. Their souls are connected.

The feel of her hips moving beneath him brings him back to the present. He begins moving slowly in and out of her core. Their lips meet in a hungry kiss and all sense of gentleness is lost. They become a pair of insatiable beings. The moans and groans that fill the room are an outward display of their need for each other and their need for a release.

She grasps his ass tightly, pushing him closer to her. Her back arches off the bed when he uses his thumb to stroke her highly sensitive clit. She tries to push his hand away, the sensation of his thumb stroking her is too much for her body to take. He chuckles wickedly and continues his assault on her love button.

Watching her climax build is a boost to his ego. This beautiful creature beneath him is at his mercy and at his whim. It is a powerful feeling knowing that her bliss is all because of him. If he died tomorrow, it would be as a happy man knowing that he satisfied this unbelievable woman.

He watches her face, he can tell from her furrowed brows that she is trying to hold off on her climax. He will not allow it. He leans forward and whispers in her ear,

"Let go for me. Come on sweet baby, let me feel you cum on my dick."

His warm breath and naughty words on her ear are her undoing. Her walls flutter and she can feel the warmth of her climax beginning. Her hips begin to pump feverously, she can't have enough of him inside her. She needs to feel him in her and around her.

"Hold me," she moans.

Fitz, still inside her, rises to his knees. Olivia yelps in a mixture of pleasure and pain as Fitz is now incredibly deep inside of her. She crosses her legs behind his back and begins moving up and down on his dick. His arms encircle and pulls her body flush against his.

"So deep . . . sweet Jesus you are so deep," she whispers.

She begins to move faster and faster along his pole. Fitz feels his climax approaching and he wants to take her with him. He begins pounding her pussy has hard as he can. When she lets out a guttural groan he knows she is close. He doesn't relent, he grabs her waist and drives into her with all his might.

"Cum with me baby, I know your close," he pants.

Her head falls forward into the crook of his neck. She fingers find purchase in the curls at the nape of his neck and she holds onto him as she feels waves of her passion explode through her body. Her whole body trembles in his arms.

"Hold me, please hold me," she begs as her body continues to shake.

He wraps his arms tighter around her and pulls her even closer. When her hot, slick pulsating walls clamp down hard on his dick and he finds himself exploding deep inside her with a satisfied groan.

As their hip gyrations and breathing slow down, Fitz lays Olivia back down on the bed, sliding out of her in the process. He lays down on his side to face her. Her eyes are closed and her sweat covered chest is still heaving. He rolls out of bed and goes to the bathroom. He quickly cleans himself up and returns to the bedroom with a warm wash cloth to find Olivia in the same position as when he left. He gently spreads her legs and cleans up the sticky mess of their making. He tosses the wash cloth in the direction of the bathroom and climbs back into bed. Immediately, they snuggle together. Their arms draped around one another, their lower limbs entwined as she rests her head on his chest. They lay quietly, basking in the glow of their lovemaking.

After several minutes, she lifts her head to look at him. He returns her gaze and gives her a puzzled look.

"What?" he asks.

"I'm Olivia Davis," she says introducing herself.

He smiles, "I'm Fitz Grant."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Fitz."

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine Olivia," he says huskily.

He kisses her forehead before she returns her head to his chest. She snuggles closer to him and closes her eyes letting the sound of his heart beat lull her to sleep. Far more content and happy than she has been in over a decade.

A/N: Okay, stop screaming at me. I can hear you guys now "I know that B*itch is not starting another story when she has three that have left me hanging."

I promise I am working on the others, but the muses are bent on this story right now. And we all know that what the muses want the muses get. They have a mind of their own, but no hands to type! That's what I am here for.

So, what do you think? I could leave this as a one shot or I could continue. I don't see this story being more than 5-8 chapters. Nothing too heavy, just lots of Olitz fluff that I am sure we all need to get us through until January 29! And even once the show returns, then it will probably take 4 weeks before Olitz will be together on the show! Until then, let's flood the FF site with happy, horny Olitz stories to carry us through!

As always, rant/rave/comment. I love it all. And oh, I don't own Scandal or its characters. I also don't own Delta or its airplanes. I just use them both in my story from my amusement.